And now Biden is conducting airstrikes which are killing innocent civilians

He left only 2500 military there on Dec 20, 2020 and had not had a single group gotten out of Americans and green card holders, with only 5 months left before his May exit plan....?

And he had 10 to 11 months from when he signed the exit plan with the Taliban in Feb 2020, and had NOT gotten out any of these groups of American citizens and Afghani???
he had no intent of withdrawing in may since the Taliban had failed to follow the plan. As for 2500 troops that was all that was needed. the airpower and artillery support that we provided to the afghan forces was all that was required and had worked for the last several years.

Biden not only pulled out our military he pulled all our support of the Afghan air force.
he had no intent of withdrawing in may since the Taliban had failed to follow the plan. As for 2500 troops that was all that was needed. the airpower and artillery support that we provided to the afghan forces was all that was required and had worked for the last several years.

Biden not only pulled out our military he pulled all our support of the Afghan air force.
Huh? Please explain your last line.

And show where trump ever even implied he wasn't leaving completely in May. 2021....And his plans to get the American civilians out?
Godboy he's the CiC......he fkd up the withdrawal
He certainly did. He is the worst president weve ever had due to sheer incompetence. Im just saying that presidents should never get blame or credit for every single military operation, particularly when it comes to a drone strike.
Care4all Bidumb fked it all up---it is a mess--undeniable except to you cultists/racists
It was a complete mess, no doubt, but his military turned it around and has done a good job getting a hundred thousand plus evacuated in a very limited amount of time.
No, that isnt Bidens fault. He didnt draw up the military plans or conduct the bombing himself. Shit happens in war. A car packed with explosives is bound to hurt people when it goes off. There would have been many more dead people, had they not bombed it when they did.
He put that fucking moron Lloyd Austin in CHARGE..........Biden owns this and the mess that this has created. Woke lib generals are always fuck ups that get troops and others killed.
Huh? Please explain your last line.

And show where trump ever even implied he wasn't leaving completely in May. 2021....And his plans to get the American civilians out?
Question is not if but how. We should be out but how we did it was idiotic.
No, that isnt Bidens fault. He didnt draw up the military plans or conduct the bombing himself. Shit happens in war. A car packed with explosives is bound to hurt people when it goes off. There would have been many more dead people, had they not bombed it when they did.
A real leader---if the plans were flawed as you claim, would have drawn up his own plans. Biden didn't do this. I don't know how you can try to pretend that Biden did any thing but fuck this up which will lead probably to hundreds of thousands a minimum raped and murdered.
So it seems that the idiot is killing civilians now...

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3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
29 Aug, 2021 20:54
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
People gather at the site of a drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 29, 2021 © Global Look Press / Xinhua / Saifurahman Safi
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A US drone strike targeting would-be suicide bombers in Kabul also killed at least three children, an Afghan official told the Associated Press. The strike hit a residential area of the Afghan capital, near the city’s airport.
Three children were killed in the Sunday evening strike, the official told AP, and while overall casualty figures are still unclear, unconfirmed reports suggest that as many as nine people, most of whom were apparently from the same family, perished in total.

The strike obliterated a vehicle and sent smoke rising from a residential area of Kabul, a short drive from the city’s airport. Initial reports suggested that the strike took place shortly after a rocket attack on a residential building, but these incidents turned out to be the same.

So, he was an idiot for letting them blow people up. Now he's an idiot for stopping them blowing people up?

See the pattern?
A real leader---if the plans were flawed as you claim, would have drawn up his own plans. Biden didn't do this. I don't know how you can try to pretend that Biden did any thing but fuck this up which will lead probably to hundreds of thousands a minimum raped and murdered.

Presidents don't draw up plans. They have people do it for them.
August 23, 2021
Trump's deal with the Taliban was flawed from the start, which is why Trump's own officials are now scrambling to distance themselves from it. "To have our Generals say that they are depending on diplomacy with the Taliban is an unbelievable scenario. Negotiating with the Taliban is like dealing with the devil," tweeted Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, who certainly voiced no such objections while working for Trump.
She was not alone. "Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban," Trump's former national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, told journalist Bari Weiss. "This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn't defeat us. We defeated ourselves.

Even Mike Pompeo, Trump's Secretary of State and the man who negotiated the deal with the Taliban in the first place, is now denouncing it. He had the audacity to tell Fox News that the "debacle" in Afghanistan "will certainly harm America's credibility with its friends and allies." He certainly didn't seem to think so while he was laying the groundwork for the debacle in the first place.
And then they promptly ignore them and take advice from a crackhead, right???

The problem here is that the Generals will want to stay because a bigger army is better for them. An army with things to do abroad is better for them.

Perhaps Biden was listening to other people who looked at it from a different perspective. Perhaps throughout the Obama administration Biden thought "this is freaking stupid" and his decision was made up 12 years ago.
As we all know, Trump is a dullard. He likely does the exact same thing old senile Joe did.

Yet another example of how similar the two fools are, but partisans of the two criminal gangs can’t see it.
Actually you are incorrect. 1 of them evacuated more than 120,000 people in the biggest airlift in U.S. history. The other one was trump.

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