And so it begins...

I'm sure your cats think you're brilliant and noble and smart.. It's a hard sell to normal thinking folks in the real world -- that you can't articulate much about SPECIFIC enviro issues.

Good luck with a making a dent in the pending list of enviro crises with that plan...

It's BECAUSE Random and Dottie think this way that the GWarming game plan was DESIGNED to be vague and appeal to emotion. Instead of reason and facts...

You can confirm this with Amelia, cats don't think anyone is brilliant and noble and smart. Other woodland, and of other biospheres, happen to think me quite charming. If you don't trust the scientists trust the animals. The planet is dying and it is dying quickly. Global warming is only a symptom of a much bigger problem. That is one reason global warming can appear to be untrue. Some say, oh look, global warming did not cause that. And they are right. But what did cause it is no less alarming.

One should know what one is fighting against before a solution can be defined. What is it that is alarming and unknown? And if you don't know what it is, how do you know it's alarming. That's all.

I would be interested to know what the alarmists believe to be the perfect temperature for life on earth and upon what they base that belief.
I wasn't after the wrong side. The closest I was to being after a "side" was being frustrated with people who are alarmed about climate change because they're the ones who declare most passionately that action is needed, while insulting the people they need to work with.

But I was trying to not sound like I was after any "side". So if you thought I was after your side, then I guess I succeeded in making my message somewhat balanced.
I guess, what I was thinking if you wanted to see it move during the posts yesterday, then a mere point to suggest to the other side provide the link to the experiment and we could all move on. Instead you stayed focus on the request. I don't know if you want something to move help it move.

One side seems unwilling to move forward on projects of mutual interest if they don't get what they deem "evidence".

Another side seems unwilling to move forward on projects of mutual interest if they don't get a concession that there is reason for alarm.

My position is that projects of mutual interest could be identified and progress could be made without anything resembling agreement on the subject of global warming.

Then after some progress is made folks can reevaluate and decide where to go from there.

... if they're willing to take positive steps without hearing "You were right, we were wrong."

Hey Amelia.. I'm waitin by the phone for enviros to sign up for fixing things.. But this GW circus is sucking the life out of working on the problems. Nobody even HEARS about othe enviro issues because the GREENIES are so fixated on CO2 that endangered species cant get abreak. I'm ready to roll anytime they quit describing "the environment" as a single simplistic emotional concept. THEY need to learn some science and engineering and meet us with the shovels and the hefty bags....
I only talk to cats. ;) This is a reply to both Amelia and flacaltenn as the reply would be the same. There must be a declaration, "We are going to save the planet!" and the rest are the details. We have not made that first statement yet. Until we do we are living on a dying planet. Yes one has to perform triage but until the patient get into the ER one is talking hypothetically.

I'm sure your cats think you're brilliant and noble and smart.. It's a hard sell to normal thinking folks in the real world -- that you can't articulate much about SPECIFIC enviro issues.

Good luck with a making a dent in the pending list of enviro crises with that plan...

It's BECAUSE Random and Dottie think this way that the GWarming game plan was DESIGNED to be vague and appeal to emotion. Instead of reason and facts...

You can confirm this with Amelia, cats don't think anyone is brilliant and noble and smart. Other woodland, and of other biospheres, happen to think me quite charming. If you don't trust the scientists trust the animals. The planet is dying and it is dying quickly. Global warming is only a symptom of a much bigger problem. That is one reason global warming can appear to be untrue. Some say, oh look, global warming did not cause that. And they are right. But what did cause it is no less alarming.

Your best option is to pray to GAIA, sacrifice a few virrgins to a volcano, and paint your face with buffalo dung. Because your understanding of the complexities of environmental stewardship is more primitive than tribes living in the jungles of Borneo. Iwouldnt say your are the most useless environut ive ever encountered, but youre in the running. Hopeless for you to initiate change.
I'm sure your cats think you're brilliant and noble and smart.. It's a hard sell to normal thinking folks in the real world -- that you can't articulate much about SPECIFIC enviro issues.

Good luck with a making a dent in the pending list of enviro crises with that plan...

It's BECAUSE Random and Dottie think this way that the GWarming game plan was DESIGNED to be vague and appeal to emotion. Instead of reason and facts...

You can confirm this with Amelia, cats don't think anyone is brilliant and noble and smart. Other woodland, and of other biospheres, happen to think me quite charming. If you don't trust the scientists trust the animals. The planet is dying and it is dying quickly. Global warming is only a symptom of a much bigger problem. That is one reason global warming can appear to be untrue. Some say, oh look, global warming did not cause that. And they are right. But what did cause it is no less alarming.

Your best option is to pray to GAIA, sacrifice a few virrgins to a volcano, and paint your face with buffalo dung. Because your understanding of the complexities of environmental stewardship is more primitive than tribes living in the jungles of Borneo. Iwouldnt say your are the most useless environut ive ever encountered, but youre in the running. Hopeless for you to initiate change.

You could learn a lot from a "primitive" living in the jungles of Borneo.
You can confirm this with Amelia, cats don't think anyone is brilliant and noble and smart. Other woodland, and of other biospheres, happen to think me quite charming. If you don't trust the scientists trust the animals. The planet is dying and it is dying quickly. Global warming is only a symptom of a much bigger problem. That is one reason global warming can appear to be untrue. Some say, oh look, global warming did not cause that. And they are right. But what did cause it is no less alarming.

Your best option is to pray to GAIA, sacrifice a few virrgins to a volcano, and paint your face with buffalo dung. Because your understanding of the complexities of environmental stewardship is more primitive than tribes living in the jungles of Borneo. Iwouldnt say your are the most useless environut ive ever encountered, but youre in the running. Hopeless for you to initiate change.

You could learn a lot from a "primitive" living in the jungles of Borneo.

Like what? How to die from a simple scratch at the ripe old age of 10? To die of a disease we shrug off like an old sweater with the help of drugs we buy at walmart? To spend the greater part of our day just accumulating enough calories to survive...leaving no time to even consider technological advancement. To battle with parasites every day of your life for those very calories that you spend most of your time accumulating? To be old and on your way out by 25 to 35 if you beat the odds and manage to survive that long?

You should try a subsistence lifestyle for a week and see how wonderful it is.....if you could manage to live for a week. You folks seem to be in love with death...because that is what subsistence living is all about....fighting death tooth and nail every minute of every day just to make it to the next day. There is nothing glamorous about it.... That sort of life is painful....brutal....savage....and short and you environmentalist wackos condemn people to live that sort of brutish life and die early in the name of your twisted notion of what, and who is most important.
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It's all fun and games til you die at age 23 from something an aspirin could have fixed..
Amazing.. Talk about regressive strategies.. Talk about rejection of science and commerce and technology.It's all there under the "SUSTAINABLE" label..
There is no climate change.... and west Virginia water is fine... perfectly fine. In reality, I don't know if GW is the blame but is the climate where I live changing? I believe it is. I also believe the company that polluted the water in WV should really take it on the chin...BIG TIME.
There is no climate change.... and west Virginia water is fine... perfectly fine. In reality, I don't know if GW is the blame but is the climate where I live changing? I believe it is. I also believe the company that polluted the water in WV should really take it on the chin...BIG TIME.
I'm curious, what is your definition of climate and what changed in your climate?
Summers have been hotter and winters have been longer. I've been living in the same area all 75 years of my life. Are things changing? Where I live? Yes. Is it GW to blame? I don't know. I'm not one to jump to conclusions. Its my belief and not one thing any person could say would sway me to believe their side because frankly they would be totally 100 percent wrong and I would stake everything I own on that fact.
oh my def of climate is the long term trend. Weather is today. short term. Still remember that from my high school science teacher. SO based on that where I live the climate has been changing.
Obama couldn't pass Cap and Tax when he had a Veto-proof majority, but he thinks that it will be popular now because his ObamaCare roll out was such an inspiration
Summers have been hotter and winters have been longer. I've been living in the same area all 75 years of my life. Are things changing? Where I live? Yes. Is it GW to blame? I don't know. I'm not one to jump to conclusions. Its my belief and not one thing any person could say would sway me to believe their side because frankly they would be totally 100 percent wrong and I would stake everything I own on that fact.

Well if you are concerned, you can go and look at the records for your area and see if there is a change or pattern. See, here in Chicago, in 1985 there were records for coldest days in December. ~30 years later and this year the same thing, however, not as cold as 1985. It also went back to 1880 for length of the winter went to June. 1880. So climate is cyclical and no one, no one knows or can predict how it will be. Oh I know they try, but mother nature is well mother nature for a reason. Just remember that. I don't wish to push my idea of anything down on anyone, but merely point out the facts and let you decide.

For me climate changing in Chicago is normal. But that's me.

But if it's normal here, according to the definition of climate change, climate change is global, so if it isn't changing here, then it isn't a global issue.
The Insiders: Five reasons voters don't believe the White House about global warming


5. This administration lacks credibility. For a long time, we have said in America, “If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we do X, Y or Z?” Well, in the Obama era, that adage has morphed into, “If he couldn’t get a Web site right, how are we supposed to believe he knows how to control the climate?” Who really believes that a massive government tax and reordering of the economy in the name of stopping global warming or climate change or whatever will go as planned and the world’s thermostat will adjust to something the Democrats find more acceptable? Answer: Almost nobody. Voters don’t believe what the White House says on this issue in part because it has not been credible on so many other important issues. We’ve heard everything from “you can keep your health-care plan” to there is a “red line” in Syria. Why should anyone believe the White House now?

"But if it's normal here, according to the definition of climate change, climate change is global, so if it isn't changing here, then it isn't a global issue."

That remains to be seen in my mind. I am not a believer, nor am I a denier. Time will tell. Call it an experiment. I also believe that being environmentally friendly isn't that business intrusive. But I am speaking to more water issues. Those companies that pollute water should be penalized very very severely. What happened in WV? Criminal. Intently criminal.
"But if it's normal here, according to the definition of climate change, climate change is global, so if it isn't changing here, then it isn't a global issue."

That remains to be seen in my mind. I am not a believer, nor am I a denier. Time will tell. Call it an experiment. I also believe that being environmentally friendly isn't that business intrusive. But I am speaking to more water issues. Those companies that pollute water should be penalized very very severely. What happened in WV? Criminal. Intently criminal.

Well the weather changes everyday and everyday it can only be weather and not climate. So if you take everyday and map it out over time, which is done, you get records and those records come with dates, so unless records are being broken everyday, I'm not sure how that is climate change. again only me.
Summers have been hotter and winters have been longer. I've been living in the same area all 75 years of my life. Are things changing? Where I live? Yes. Is it GW to blame? I don't know. I'm not one to jump to conclusions. Its my belief and not one thing any person could say would sway me to believe their side because frankly they would be totally 100 percent wrong and I would stake everything I own on that fact.

And if you asked your grandparents, and great grandparents to describe the climate of their time, it would have been different than your experience. That is the nature of climate on planet earth...variability.

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