And Till This Day,Leftist Keep Rounding Off The Hillary Win To 3 Or 4 Million Votes.Enough Already!

What's an "embarrassment" is going on the internet and actually putting one's name next to the belief that 65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636.

There's just no way to walk that back.

Not to mention being completely oblivious to how plurals are formed in English...
You actually got that one WRONG?? :disbelief:

Once again:

Clinton 65,844,610 (48.2%)
Rump 62,979,636 (46.1%)

Things a wacknut butthurt thread like this can do about that fact: 0
You actually got that one WRONG?? :disbelief:

Once again:

Clinton 65,844,610 (48.2%)
Rump 62,979,636 (46.1%)

Things a wacknut butthurt thread like this can do about that fact: 0
If you think illegal votes are valid, then I'm right.

And what "illegal votes" would these be then?

Once AGAIN ----
Number of votes cast ---------------------------------- 136,628,459
Number of votes vetted-------------------------------- 136,628,459
Numbe of votes for "Wiggle" Party ----------------------------- 0

You lose
You people will never learn.

"You people"?

You mean the OP? The one who posted

Trump actually won by 4/5 Million votes

--- and

and hey, my prediction was very close, I had Trump close to 48% and Shrillary around 43/44.....Pretty Spot On !!!!

--- and then continued...

TRUMP Got More "Legal Votes"!! maybe by 4 Million! and I was right in my prediction a week before the election.

That "people"?

Or do you mean the head-in-the-sand partisan hack who then posted ------ AFTER all these had been put out:

No one is saying Bill's wife didn't get more votes....

Once again ---- numbers are not negotiable. Except the ones that measure the delusional butthurt that fueled this entirely bogus thread. Then again there may not exist numbers sufficient to measure that.
Despite what Obama has said, Americans understand the laws we have.
You and Hillary lost. Obama is now acting like a petulant child because he wasn't taught better.

"Obama" didn't start this thread. Nor did he claim that 62,979,636 is "more" than 65,844,610.

There just ain't no way around that.

The OP is who "lost". Him and every whizzbang that came in yammering the same bullshit.
What's an "embarrassment" is going on the internet and actually putting one's name next to the belief that 65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636.

There's just no way to walk that back.
You aren't going to look even semi smart by continuously posting the same old BS. It's why you idiots lost the election. Just saying. :)
Once again for you kids who came on the short bus (or even stayed virgins)

Clinton 65,844,610 (48.2%)

Rump 62,979,636 (46.1%)

Which number is bigger DUMBASS??

Those counts are all certified. And sourced. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

Unfuckingreal. :banghead:
Too bad it means LOST

*I* wasn't in a 'contest'. I corrected a bogus number put out in this thread *HE* lost.

Again the numbers are the numbers and there ain't a damn thing in the world you can do about that so like it or lump it Homer.

"Again the numbers are the numbers..."

...and they include over 3 million illegal alien votes.

and who lives in LA and Manhattan? lots and lots of illegal aliens! maybe even millions,,,and no need to show ID so long as u vote for Hillary!

Actually Clownbreath ---- Rump lives in Manhattan.
What's an "embarrassment" is going on the internet and actually putting one's name next to the belief that 65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636.

There's just no way to walk that back.
You aren't going to look even semi smart by continuously posting the same old BS. It's why you idiots lost the election. Just saying. :)

I didn't run in an "election". But I know when one number is bigger than another one don't I?

There is one issue in this thread and one issue alone. ONE issue which literally could not possibly be any simpler. And that:

"Of the numbers 65,844,610 and 62,979,636 --- which is the larger?"

That's it. Full stop.
Go look what the OP claimed and then go look at my sourced numbers.

This thread is an exercise in self-delusion, as is the entire fake-news mentality that dictates, "if it advances my own partisan hack agenda, then it trumps reality".

Still not the case on this planet, Hunior. You'll take reality from my cold, dead hands. Not a nanosecond sooner.
Last edited:
If you think illegal votes are valid, then I'm right.

And what "illegal votes" would these be then?

Once AGAIN ----
Number of votes cast ---------------------------------- 136,628,459
Number of votes vetted-------------------------------- 136,628,459
Numbe of votes for "Wiggle" Party ----------------------------- 0

You lose
You people will never learn.

"You people"?

You mean the OP? The one who posted

Trump actually won by 4/5 Million votes

--- and

and hey, my prediction was very close, I had Trump close to 48% and Shrillary around 43/44.....Pretty Spot On !!!!

--- and then continued...

TRUMP Got More "Legal Votes"!! maybe by 4 Million! and I was right in my prediction a week before the election.

That "people"?

Or do you mean the head-in-the-sand partisan hack who then posted ------ AFTER all these had been put out:

No one is saying Bill's wife didn't get more votes....

Once again ---- numbers are not negotiable. Except the ones that measure the delusional butthurt that fueled this entirely bogus thread. Then again there may not exist numbers sufficient to measure that.
Despite what Obama has said, Americans understand the laws we have.
You and Hillary lost. Obama is now acting like a petulant child because he wasn't taught better.

"Obama" didn't start this thread. Nor did he claim that 62,979,636 is "more" than 65,844,610.

There just ain't no way around that.

The OP is who "lost". Him and every whizzbang that came in yammering the same bullshit.
Obama was the idiot behind the purpose of this thread. The OP was spot on with highlighting some of his ignorance.
And what "illegal votes" would these be then?

Once AGAIN ----
Number of votes cast ---------------------------------- 136,628,459
Number of votes vetted-------------------------------- 136,628,459
Numbe of votes for "Wiggle" Party ----------------------------- 0

You lose
You people will never learn.

"You people"?

You mean the OP? The one who posted

Trump actually won by 4/5 Million votes

--- and

and hey, my prediction was very close, I had Trump close to 48% and Shrillary around 43/44.....Pretty Spot On !!!!

--- and then continued...

TRUMP Got More "Legal Votes"!! maybe by 4 Million! and I was right in my prediction a week before the election.

That "people"?

Or do you mean the head-in-the-sand partisan hack who then posted ------ AFTER all these had been put out:

No one is saying Bill's wife didn't get more votes....

Once again ---- numbers are not negotiable. Except the ones that measure the delusional butthurt that fueled this entirely bogus thread. Then again there may not exist numbers sufficient to measure that.
Despite what Obama has said, Americans understand the laws we have.
You and Hillary lost. Obama is now acting like a petulant child because he wasn't taught better.

"Obama" didn't start this thread. Nor did he claim that 62,979,636 is "more" than 65,844,610.

There just ain't no way around that.

The OP is who "lost". Him and every whizzbang that came in yammering the same bullshit.
Obama was the idiot behind the purpose of this thread. The OP was spot on with highlighting some of his ignorance.

There is no "Obama" in the numbers. No "Obama" was running.

Again for the intentionally blindfolded, the one and only issue here is dishonestly stating that 62,979,636 is several million "more" than 65,844,610.

It isn't. And it never will be. And there ain't a damn thing in the world any of you can do about that.


And btw the OP never even MENTIONS an "Obama", so again your "highlighting" is something emanating out of your lower intestine.
You people will never learn.

"You people"?

You mean the OP? The one who posted

Trump actually won by 4/5 Million votes

--- and

and hey, my prediction was very close, I had Trump close to 48% and Shrillary around 43/44.....Pretty Spot On !!!!

--- and then continued...

TRUMP Got More "Legal Votes"!! maybe by 4 Million! and I was right in my prediction a week before the election.

That "people"?

Or do you mean the head-in-the-sand partisan hack who then posted ------ AFTER all these had been put out:

No one is saying Bill's wife didn't get more votes....

Once again ---- numbers are not negotiable. Except the ones that measure the delusional butthurt that fueled this entirely bogus thread. Then again there may not exist numbers sufficient to measure that.
Despite what Obama has said, Americans understand the laws we have.
You and Hillary lost. Obama is now acting like a petulant child because he wasn't taught better.

"Obama" didn't start this thread. Nor did he claim that 62,979,636 is "more" than 65,844,610.

There just ain't no way around that.

The OP is who "lost". Him and every whizzbang that came in yammering the same bullshit.
Obama was the idiot behind the purpose of this thread. The OP was spot on with highlighting some of his ignorance.

There is no "Obama" in the numbers. No "Obama" was running.

Again for the intentionally blindfolded, the one and only issue here is dishonestly stating that 62,979,636 is several million "more" than 65,844,610.

It isn't. And it never will be. And there ain't a damn thing in the world any of you can do about that.

Please forgive me for thinking I should be getting paid to continue this conversation.
What's an "embarrassment" is going on the internet and actually putting one's name next to the belief that 65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636.

There's just no way to walk that back.

Not to mention being completely oblivious to how plurals are formed in English...

'What's an "embarrassment" is blah blah blah...."

Speaking of which.... must be terribly embarrassing for you to be confronted with the evidence that it is only by counting illegal alien votes is it possible to claim a popular vote win for Bill's wife.

Over and over...and the best you can do is pretend to ignore the avalanche.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving individual....

Let me dedicate some Thomas Hardy to you:

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I'm enjoying every moment of your tribulations.
"You people"?

You mean the OP? The one who posted

--- and

--- and then continued...

That "people"?

Or do you mean the head-in-the-sand partisan hack who then posted ------ AFTER all these had been put out:

Once again ---- numbers are not negotiable. Except the ones that measure the delusional butthurt that fueled this entirely bogus thread. Then again there may not exist numbers sufficient to measure that.
Despite what Obama has said, Americans understand the laws we have.
You and Hillary lost. Obama is now acting like a petulant child because he wasn't taught better.

"Obama" didn't start this thread. Nor did he claim that 62,979,636 is "more" than 65,844,610.

There just ain't no way around that.

The OP is who "lost". Him and every whizzbang that came in yammering the same bullshit.
Obama was the idiot behind the purpose of this thread. The OP was spot on with highlighting some of his ignorance.

There is no "Obama" in the numbers. No "Obama" was running.

Again for the intentionally blindfolded, the one and only issue here is dishonestly stating that 62,979,636 is several million "more" than 65,844,610.

It isn't. And it never will be. And there ain't a damn thing in the world any of you can do about that.


And btw the OP never even MENTIONS an "Obama", so again your "highlighting" is something emanating out of your lower intestine.
Please forgive me for thinking I should be getting paid to continue this conversation.

Good point. You gotta be mondo embarrassed by now, time to run away.

The thing to do would have been to know what you were talking about before inserting foot into mouth.

"65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636". Cute. Oughta be a bumper sticker.
What's an "embarrassment" is going on the internet and actually putting one's name next to the belief that 65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636.

There's just no way to walk that back.

Not to mention being completely oblivious to how plurals are formed in English...

'What's an "embarrassment" is blah blah blah...."

Speaking of which.... must be terribly embarrassing for you to be confronted with the evidence that it is only by counting illegal alien votes is it possible to claim a popular vote win for Bill's wife.

Over and over...and the best you can do is pretend to ignore the avalanche.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving individual....

Let me dedicate some Thomas Hardy to you:

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I'm enjoying every moment of your tribulations.

So I may quote you as holding that "65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,63" may I?

Mind you I have a long backlog of worthy siglines, but I never turn down a really good one.
What's an "embarrassment" is going on the internet and actually putting one's name next to the belief that 65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,636.

There's just no way to walk that back.

Not to mention being completely oblivious to how plurals are formed in English...

'What's an "embarrassment" is blah blah blah...."

Speaking of which.... must be terribly embarrassing for you to be confronted with the evidence that it is only by counting illegal alien votes is it possible to claim a popular vote win for Bill's wife.

Over and over...and the best you can do is pretend to ignore the avalanche.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving individual....

Let me dedicate some Thomas Hardy to you:

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

I'm enjoying every moment of your tribulations.

So I may quote you as holding that "65,844,610 is "less" than 62,979,63" may I?

Mind you I have a long backlog of worthy siglines, but I never turn down a really good one.

Not unless you'll admit to what I've been saying...that you're a lying low life.

When will you admit that Trump won if only legal votes are counted?
BREAKING: 65,844,610 Still More than 62,979,636, Expert Mathematicians Say

Who knew, right?
:argue::2up: God, will these leftist commentators ever stop bringing up the lie that Hillary won the popular vote by 2.8/2.9/3.0 Million votes! How long has it been? Six weeks?, and still when you watch any cable news show, they still have to bring it up!
It's either, "Yes, But Hillary won the popular Vote" ,,or,,"Well, despite the electoral vote, Hillary still won by 3 million votes",,,and "Well,,being Hillary won by over three million votes,technically speaking, she should be the "President Elect". :cow:
Just get ready, all of 2017, we may have to listen to this cow manure that Hillary beat Donald by millions and millions of votes, yet, about 40 states will all be yelling back at them, that about 5 or 6 Million illegal aliens also voted for Hillary !!!! :cranky:

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