Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

The same democrats who spit on Vietnam Vets now want to create a fake issue about Afghanistan Vets who were all but abandoned by the Biden administration. How freaking ironic.
The same democrats who spit on Vietnam Vets now want to create a fake issue about Afghanistan Vets who were all but abandoned by the Biden administration. How freaking ironic.

I don't give a shit which party did what. I don't give a shit if they wrote the bill just to piss off the republicans, or the democrats.

These veterans need medical care now. Breathing is kind of important.
Compensation for fires in Afghanistan? WTF? The truth is that democrats who created this lame bill were old enough to spit on Vietnam Veterans.
I don't give a shit which party did what. I don't give a shit if they wrote the bill just to piss off the republicans, or the democrats.

These veterans need medical care now. Breathing is kind of important.
So pay for it! Start a charity .. put your money where your mouth is
The sad thing is, they probably care as much about Vets as any of us do. But they care more about blocking anything that might.look like an accomplishment for democrats.
They actually don't. They talk a good game but push comes to shove...nope
Well . . . it is good to see such expressions of patriotism and love of our military veterans expressed by Democrats, eager though they are to return to the era of the Clinton/Bush/Obama/Cheney pushing of endless foreign wars to prop up the MIC.

This kind of passionate denunciation of injustice by Democrats is normally reserved for people who misgender a trannie, want to put America First.

I have wonder . . . could there be any legitimate reason for the GOP to oppose this particular bill? Must it by definition be motivated by the oft-expressed Republican hatred for our veterans?

It turns out, there is a reason. Who here knows it? Anyone? Anyone?

You don't know, but it requires a bit of research to find out. A little more than just listening to a Jon Steward rant, noted expert on budgetary issues that he is. Took me almost five minutes to find it among all the vitriol.

Republican senators are largely in favor of the bill as it passed the upper chamber last month in an overwhelmingly bipartisan 84-14 vote. The House then approved the legislation by a 342-88 vote, but the Senate took up the bill again on Wednesday after the House version had some tweaks to it.

(Just tweaks, Comrades!)

You cannot truthfully accuse GOP senators of failing to pass the PACT act. They already passed it.

Yet unlike the approval last time around, Republicans on Wednesday raised concerns with a section of the bill that deals with spending.

GOP Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who voted against the bill, said it includes a "budget gimmick that would allow $400 billion of current law spending to be moved from the discretionary to the mandatory spending category."

Sounds like a "poison pill" to me. Well, it seems to have worked. Give the GOP a bill they cannot in good conscience sign, with your expressions of outrage already written.

"By failing to remove this gimmick, Congress would effectively be using an important veterans care bill to hide a massive, unrelated spending binge," he said in a statement.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday called on Schumer to consider Toomey's amendment to the bill.

"As written, the legislation would not just help America's veterans as designed. It could also allow Democrats to effectively spend the same money twice and enable hundreds of billions in new, unrelated spending on the discretionary side of the federal budget," McConnell, who voted against the measure, said.

The Democratic-led Senate anticipated the bill would advance Wednesday's procedural vote, bringing it toward its final passage and then to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature before Congress leaves for its August recess. Yet now the legislation remains in limbo.

There you go. Blame whatever Democrat tried to sneak in all that pork, for the fact that veterans exposed to toxicity in the endless wars of the MIC - my son included - are not able to get more help.

What are the Democrats going to spend that 400 billion on that takes priority over our veterans?

Why am I asking? I doubt any of them read this far.
By failing to remove this gimmick, Congress would effectively be using an important veterans care bill to hide a massive, unrelated spending binge," he said in a statement.
And he's a shameless liar who butters his bread with ignorant, gullible people.

The idea in the bill was to move the funding ONLY FOR THE PROGRAMS IN THE BILL to mandatory spending instead of discretionary, precisely to keep Republican assholes from slashing the program later.

This guy merely found a dubious talking point that he knew would fool his audience (you) to shield his true motive:

Blocking anything that could look like an accomplishment for demicrats.

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