Anoter liberal retard

Just a thought...

If you're going to call someone a "retard," it would probably be best if you didn't misspell "Another..."
Just a thought...

If you're going to call someone a "retard," it would probably be best if you didn't misspell "Another..."

ah, it's called a typo, I type a lot from a pad, sorry to offend you, I'll correct it
that democrat is a pos

this is classic race baiting at it's finest

they make me anyone can belong to such a hateful party
Democrat Says Republicans Would Support Abortion 'If Their Daughter Got Pregnant By A Black Man'

Just because they feel that way (projection), doesn't mean we do. These people are sickos. And bonus leftist points for injecting race into the abortion debate, only from a democrat

Dupe thread, dumbfuck.

Hypothetical question. What if it was your kid? What would you do? Embrace the father and child or demand your daughter get an abortion?

The bio-father of my grandson was half-black, half-Mexican. It's not a hypothetical question to ME, Sparkles. Would you like to know what I actually DID, or would you like to continue trying to project your vile, racist hypocrisy onto others?
Democrat Says Republicans Would Support Abortion 'If Their Daughter Got Pregnant By A Black Man'

Just because they feel that way (projection), doesn't mean we do. These people are sickos. And bonus leftist points for injecting race into the abortion debate, only from a democrat

Dupe thread, dumbfuck.

Hypothetical question. What if it was your kid? What would you do? Embrace the father and child or demand your daughter get an abortion?

The bio-father of my grandson was half-black, half-Mexican. It's not a hypothetical question to ME, Sparkles. Would you like to know what I actually DID, or would you like to continue trying to project your vile, racist hypocrisy onto others?

nobody cares what you did.
Dupe thread, dumbfuck.

Hypothetical question. What if it was your kid? What would you do? Embrace the father and child or demand your daughter get an abortion?

The bio-father of my grandson was half-black, half-Mexican. It's not a hypothetical question to ME, Sparkles. Would you like to know what I actually DID, or would you like to continue trying to project your vile, racist hypocrisy onto others?

nobody cares what you did.

No, what you care about is what hypothetical action you can attribute to an entire group of people to excoriate and demonize them. Having to actually deal with the real people and the real attitudes is a bit too honest for the likes of you.

Too bad for you, fuckwad. You want to talk about "What would Republicans do"? Then you have to talk about what Republicans actually DID. Otherwise, you've just silenced yourself on this topic for good.
Dupe thread, dumbfuck.

Hypothetical question. What if it was your kid? What would you do? Embrace the father and child or demand your daughter get an abortion?

The bio-father of my grandson was half-black, half-Mexican. It's not a hypothetical question to ME, Sparkles. Would you like to know what I actually DID, or would you like to continue trying to project your vile, racist hypocrisy onto others?

nobody cares what you did.

I do.
Anoter retard? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Seriously? A simple typo sends you into uncontrolled laughter?

Whatever. I take it you have no comment on the topic and just dropped by to point out mistakes, then laugh at them. To show appreciation for your diligence when it comes to pointing out minor mistakes of others, I promise to point it out should you make even the slightest mistake. And I will laugh.

Back to the topic. There are more mixed race families on the right than on the left. The stupid comment was out of line and totally false. I am glad people on the right stand up for themselves when idiots lie about them. Any comment?

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