Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

Well I know my facts matter. Here you are begging me to educate you about when Blacks ruled the civilized world. :laugh:
Quotes..? If it isn't too much trouble... LOl!
Youre white. Of course its too much trouble. :laugh:

Its like a 1rst grader asking me to teach them quantum physics. You need to take some classes before you come to me to be fully educated. When you come humbly as a student the teacher will appear.
If I ever find myself in need of tips on how to twig grubs out of a stump, for a bite to eat... You'll be the first person I contact...
Too late. You already asked me to educate you on history. Sorry you dont measure up as a worthy student. Dont be mad.
Quote. Or it never happened...
No how it works saltine. The refusal to give your dumb ass a quote doesn't change what occurs in human history.
Well I know my facts matter. Here you are begging me to educate you about when Blacks ruled the civilized world. :laugh:
You have to preface that with when blacks were civilized.

A very tenuous prospect from the get-go. :)
Since he said blacks ruled the civilized world, you need to take your ignorant white ass to a Sylvan learning center.
Quotes..? If it isn't too much trouble... LOl!
Youre white. Of course its too much trouble. :laugh:

Its like a 1rst grader asking me to teach them quantum physics. You need to take some classes before you come to me to be fully educated. When you come humbly as a student the teacher will appear.
If I ever find myself in need of tips on how to twig grubs out of a stump, for a bite to eat... You'll be the first person I contact...
Too late. You already asked me to educate you on history. Sorry you dont measure up as a worthy student. Dont be mad.
Quote. Or it never happened...
No how it works saltine. The refusal to give your dumb ass a quote doesn't change what occurs in human history.
Yeah... Backing up ones claims is so over-rated... If you’re a spear chucking, stump grubber. Lol!!!
world literacy--picture worth a thousand words
Another common white ignorance display. Now literacy is the ability to read and write.
Fuckin' shocking. Huh..?/QUOTE]
Not really. Considering that whites were killed that attempted to study advanced math back in europe I would say white ignorance is something to be expected.
But who cares what a mean 75 IQ negro has to say? Few if any... All one can reliably go by is what one does. And for that, the best we can do is statistics. Or in "holy water" negro terms "per capita"...
White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

That is the reason predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

Why go to all that trouble if blk ppl are dumb? Were gonna just fk up anyway ? No ?

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way
....we've been over this before---the blacks were far behind the whites in education/technology/etc long before the whites came --long before ''under funded'' [ hahaha ] etc you can't prove slavery or underfunded [ hahaha ] schools/etc are the problem...the problem IS black parenting/lack of parenting/kids having kids before they are financially and mentally ready

....the bulk of school funding where I am comes from the LOCAL taxes--NOT state or federal--- =your post is a bunch of lies/crap've been brainwashed into believing the idiocy you just posted
Youre white. Of course its too much trouble. :laugh:

Its like a 1rst grader asking me to teach them quantum physics. You need to take some classes before you come to me to be fully educated. When you come humbly as a student the teacher will appear.
If I ever find myself in need of tips on how to twig grubs out of a stump, for a bite to eat... You'll be the first person I contact...
Too late. You already asked me to educate you on history. Sorry you dont measure up as a worthy student. Dont be mad.
Quote. Or it never happened...
If you say so. :laugh:
That's not a quote... Dont be shy. Post the quote that backs your claim. Lol!!!
No need. You know what you asked. I dont have to prove to you that you asked me. :laugh:
  • Thanks
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Well I know my facts matter. Here you are begging me to educate you about when Blacks ruled the civilized world. :laugh:
You have to preface that with when blacks were civilized.

A very tenuous prospect from the get-go. :)
Since he said blacks ruled the civilized world, you need to take your ignorant white ass to a Sylvan learning center.
You cant give facts to an under educated white person and expect them to actually believe them. There is a reason that europeans were last to be civilized. Their genetic inferiority complex gets in the way of everything. :laugh:
If I ever find myself in need of tips on how to twig grubs out of a stump, for a bite to eat... You'll be the first person I contact...
Too late. You already asked me to educate you on history. Sorry you dont measure up as a worthy student. Dont be mad.
Quote. Or it never happened...
If you say so. :laugh:
That's not a quote... Dont be shy. Post the quote that backs your claim. Lol!!!
No need. You know what you asked. I dont have to prove to you that you asked me. :laugh:
Quote. Or shut the fuck up. Anyone following the thread thus far, knows you're as full of shit as you do. So bring something real. I'm not one for crowd appeal.
Too late. You already asked me to educate you on history. Sorry you dont measure up as a worthy student. Dont be mad.
Quote. Or it never happened...
If you say so. :laugh:
That's not a quote... Dont be shy. Post the quote that backs your claim. Lol!!!
No need. You know what you asked. I dont have to prove to you that you asked me. :laugh:
Quote. Or shut the fuck up. Anyone following the thread thus far, knows you're as full of shit as you do. So bring something real. I'm not one for crowd appeal.
Didnt I ask you not to get yourself all worked up? :laugh:
Quote. Or it never happened...
If you say so. :laugh:
That's not a quote... Dont be shy. Post the quote that backs your claim. Lol!!!
No need. You know what you asked. I dont have to prove to you that you asked me. :laugh:
Quote. Or shut the fuck up. Anyone following the thread thus far, knows you're as full of shit as you do. So bring something real. I'm not one for crowd appeal.
Didnt I ask you not to get yourself all worked up? :laugh:
I dont take requests...
If you say so. :laugh:
That's not a quote... Dont be shy. Post the quote that backs your claim. Lol!!!
No need. You know what you asked. I dont have to prove to you that you asked me. :laugh:
Quote. Or shut the fuck up. Anyone following the thread thus far, knows you're as full of shit as you do. So bring something real. I'm not one for crowd appeal.
Didnt I ask you not to get yourself all worked up? :laugh:
I dont take requests...
Thats not my problem recessive one. :laugh:
Let us review.

Mansa Musa: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived



Below the Sahara.

Mali Empire - Wikipedia

Mali Empire: The King who started from the Bottom!

Mansa Sakura
  • Emperor of mali.
  • The Slave Who Became Emperor.
  • Conquest and Trade. Mansa Sakura was a powerful leader known for exploring lands...
That's how slavery worked in Africa. Slaves could become kings.

So much for the saltine tale trying to equate African and European slavery.

Mansa Sakura |


Youre white. Of course its too much trouble. :laugh:

Its like a 1rst grader asking me to teach them quantum physics. You need to take some classes before you come to me to be fully educated. When you come humbly as a student the teacher will appear.
If I ever find myself in need of tips on how to twig grubs out of a stump, for a bite to eat... You'll be the first person I contact...
Too late. You already asked me to educate you on history. Sorry you dont measure up as a worthy student. Dont be mad.
Quote. Or it never happened...
No how it works saltine. The refusal to give your dumb ass a quote doesn't change what occurs in human history.
Yeah... Backing up ones claims is so over-rated... If you’re a spear chucking, stump grubber. Lol!!!
You got told a fact everybody knows. You not wanting to accept it makes it your problem.
They who? We arent 98% chimpanzee. We share 98% of our genes with chimpanzees which is an important distinction. Thats like the fruit loops that claim we descended from monkeys. No we descended from a common ancestor.

No, we descended from monkeys. Neanderthal, homo sapiens, we all came from monkeys.
How do you know? That is merely a theory.

New evidence is coming to light every year that supports the idea that there are at least two distinct cradles of mankind.

However, even if what you claim is true, does that make blacks inherently superior to whites?
Well as I said b4 Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically.

I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity.

So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

Whiteness is genetically recessive and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race.

Therefore, they established a global system of “White Supremacy” linked together by the common goal of dominating blk people of color in order to ensure white genetic survival.

White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it.

They shamelessly attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
hahahahahhahahahaha--have you been smoking dope??
..if the blacks were first, then they created violence/war--not whitey--according to YOU!!
Your white brother Joseph Stalin killed around 10 million of his white brothers. More than every war in Africa since.

Whites are in no position to accuse blk ppl of violence.

More like 60 million. And just because he was white doesn't make him my brother.
He's your white brother. He's white. White people have NO PROBLEM treating Africans as all the same (even though there r 50 countries n many languages) n try to pin any problems in Africa on blk ppl. Well you dont like it when I do the same with you n your white brother Joseph Stalin.

No, he's not. No more than any black mass murderer is your black brother. To claim otherwise is sheer ignorance. A person's color doesn't make them related.
After the place was absolutely ruined by white slave traders and colonialists, dingbat.
View attachment 288977
I hate to point out an obvious fail to a superior being but you do know that cameras didnt come into use for at least 30 years after your original pic. I suspect that it is a fake picture and that you have been lied to.
hahahhahahahahh--you just proved yourself a dumbass!!!!!!
maybe it's a replica or one built after 1800 in the same tradition/etc !!!!!!!!!!!
Thatched houses in a Buboque Island village in the Bijagos Islands. Although cities display colonial architecture, villages feature these more traditional dwellings.

Read more: Culture of Guinea-Bissau - history, people, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social, marriage
Culture of Guinea-Bissau - history, people, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social, marriage
That is a huge disappointment. I thought you were using your superior powers.
the Africans had this:

while the whites had this:
I guess they were making all the money out of the slave trade scamming the Africans.....
Your white brother Joseph Stalin killed around 10 million of his white brothers. More than every war in Africa since.

Whites are in no position to accuse blk ppl of violence. can't measure evil--that's ridiculous is a perfect example:
the black Hutus murdered more faster than the white Germans in WW2
..more blacks had to participate in the Rwandan genocide because more were killed faster and they used medieval weapons --a lot less efficient than gas:

Rwanda; over 500,000 murder in 3 months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=
over 150,000 per month--with medieval weapons !!
the blacks are/were much more horrific

WW2 gneocide 6 million in 4 years --100,000 per month
Do you really want to go there? Do you really want to go there? Do you really want me to point out the violence whites have inflicted for the past 300 years ?

Do you really want to go there ?
500,000 in 3 months!!!
the whites had the advanced technology--
please stop now--you CAN'T prove whites are worse --very ridiculous
Are you saying blk ppl have been more violent than whites have been over the past 300 years?
in the US--yes-per capita --undeniable
...blacks were/are just as violent in the world --stop the stupid shit and wasting our time
the discriminated against young blacks in the inner city are just killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to the suburban and rural whites....after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screw everybody else we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever by far and in the modern world by far. Only propaganda and racism makes this garbage possible.
No, we descended from monkeys. Neanderthal, homo sapiens, we all came from monkeys.
Well as I said b4 Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically.

I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity.

So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

Whiteness is genetically recessive and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race.

Therefore, they established a global system of “White Supremacy” linked together by the common goal of dominating blk people of color in order to ensure white genetic survival.

White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it.

They shamelessly attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
hahahahahhahahahaha--have you been smoking dope??
..if the blacks were first, then they created violence/war--not whitey--according to YOU!!
Your white brother Joseph Stalin killed around 10 million of his white brothers. More than every war in Africa since.

Whites are in no position to accuse blk ppl of violence.

More like 60 million. And just because he was white doesn't make him my brother.
He's your white brother. He's white. White people have NO PROBLEM treating Africans as all the same (even though there r 50 countries n many languages) n try to pin any problems in Africa on blk ppl. Well you dont like it when I do the same with you n your white brother Joseph Stalin.

No, he's not. No more than any black mass murderer is your black brother. To claim otherwise is sheer ignorance. A person's color doesn't make them related.
But a persons race does make them related. This is shown in human biology. There is a preference for people that look like you do.
No, we descended from monkeys. Neanderthal, homo sapiens, we all came from monkeys.
Well as I said b4 Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically.

I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity.

So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

Whiteness is genetically recessive and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race.

Therefore, they established a global system of “White Supremacy” linked together by the common goal of dominating blk people of color in order to ensure white genetic survival.

White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it.

They shamelessly attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
hahahahahhahahahaha--have you been smoking dope??
..if the blacks were first, then they created violence/war--not whitey--according to YOU!!
Your white brother Joseph Stalin killed around 10 million of his white brothers. More than every war in Africa since.

Whites are in no position to accuse blk ppl of violence.

More like 60 million. And just because he was white doesn't make him my brother.
He's your white brother. He's white. White people have NO PROBLEM treating Africans as all the same (even though there r 50 countries n many languages) n try to pin any problems in Africa on blk ppl. Well you dont like it when I do the same with you n your white brother Joseph Stalin.

No, he's not. No more than any black mass murderer is your black brother. To claim otherwise is sheer ignorance. A person's color doesn't make them related.

Sorry but you guys don't use that rule with blacks.
hahahahahhahahahaha--have you been smoking dope??
..if the blacks were first, then they created violence/war--not whitey--according to YOU!!
Your white brother Joseph Stalin killed around 10 million of his white brothers. More than every war in Africa since.

Whites are in no position to accuse blk ppl of violence.

More like 60 million. And just because he was white doesn't make him my brother.
He's your white brother. He's white. White people have NO PROBLEM treating Africans as all the same (even though there r 50 countries n many languages) n try to pin any problems in Africa on blk ppl. Well you dont like it when I do the same with you n your white brother Joseph Stalin.

No, he's not. No more than any black mass murderer is your black brother. To claim otherwise is sheer ignorance. A person's color doesn't make them related.
But a persons race does make them related. This is shown in human biology. There is a preference for people that look like you do.
That's what whites here keep telling us. And since they are all more intelligent than we are, they just have to be right.
Let us review.

Mansa Musa: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived

View attachment 289019


Below the Sahara.

Mali Empire - Wikipedia

Mali Empire: The King who started from the Bottom!

Mansa Sakura
  • Emperor of mali.
  • The Slave Who Became Emperor.
  • Conquest and Trade. Mansa Sakura was a powerful leader known for exploring lands...
That's how slavery worked in Africa. Slaves could become kings.

So much for the saltine tale trying to equate African and European slavery.

Mansa Sakura |



Mansa Musa: slave owner, conqueror. Earned wealth and prestige by exploiting abundant natural resources of africa. Are you sure he wasn't a white guy?
hahahahahhahahahaha--have you been smoking dope??
..if the blacks were first, then they created violence/war--not whitey--according to YOU!!
Your white brother Joseph Stalin killed around 10 million of his white brothers. More than every war in Africa since.

Whites are in no position to accuse blk ppl of violence.

More like 60 million. And just because he was white doesn't make him my brother.
He's your white brother. He's white. White people have NO PROBLEM treating Africans as all the same (even though there r 50 countries n many languages) n try to pin any problems in Africa on blk ppl. Well you dont like it when I do the same with you n your white brother Joseph Stalin.

No, he's not. No more than any black mass murderer is your black brother. To claim otherwise is sheer ignorance. A person's color doesn't make them related.
But a persons race does make them related. This is shown in human biology. There is a preference for people that look like you do.

No, it doesn't . No more than I am related to monkeys.
Let us review.

Mansa Musa: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived

View attachment 289019


Below the Sahara.

Mali Empire - Wikipedia

Mali Empire: The King who started from the Bottom!

Mansa Sakura
  • Emperor of mali.
  • The Slave Who Became Emperor.
  • Conquest and Trade. Mansa Sakura was a powerful leader known for exploring lands...
That's how slavery worked in Africa. Slaves could become kings.

So much for the saltine tale trying to equate African and European slavery.

Mansa Sakura |



Mansa Musa: slave owner, conqueror. Earned wealth and prestige by exploiting abundant natural resources of africa. Are you sure he wasn't a white guy?

We can tell he wasnt white because he exploited his own resources. He didnt steal it from anyone else.

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