Another one bites the dust: Trump announces he is not running for President

What's your answer then?
How would you re-set the rules?

All we need is an iron clad law, preferably a constitutional amendment, making it impossible for Congress or the White House to vote, authorize, or dispense any form of benevolence, special favors, waiver, or charity to any person, group, entity, or state.

Problem solved.

So that would be a whole new field for constitutional lawyers, arguing exactly what qualifies or not as benevolence, special favors, waiver, or charity.

Nope. All it requires is restricting any Congressional action to Constitutional Mandates and defining the General Welfare as the Founders intended: equally available to all, as they are, without regard for socioeconomic or political class. In other words the Federal government would not concern itself with 'rich', 'poor', 'disadvantaged', or any other such criteria but every citizen would be treated exactly as any other citizen. If one taxpayer gets a 10% reduction in taxes, all taxpayers get a 10% reduction in taxes. If one person is exempted from mandatory health insurance, all are exempted from mandatory health insurance. Etc.

Charity and 'social remedy' would go back to the states, local communities, and individuals where it was always intended to be.

It would remove the ability of our federal elected leaders to use the people's money to increase their own power, influence, prestige, and personal fortunes, and it would be a powerful incentive for them to use the people's money as sparingly and competently and appropriately as possible.
Nope. All it requires is restricting any congressional action to Constitutional Mandates and defining the General Welfare as the Founders intended…
In your opinion – or did you just forget to cite the source in support of the above.
…equally available to all, as they are, without regard for socioeconomic or political class. In other words the Federal government would not concern itself with 'rich', 'poor', 'disadvantaged', or any other such criteria but every citizen would be treated exactly as any other citizen. If one taxpayer gets a 10% reduction in taxes, all taxpayers get a 10% reduction in taxes. If one person is exempted from mandatory health insurance, all are exempted from mandatory health insurance. Etc.

This is legislative, not judicial.
Charity and 'social remedy' would go back to the states, local communities, and individuals where it was always intended to be.

Again, source?
It would remove the ability of our federal elected leaders to use the people's money to increase their own power, influence, prestige, and personal fortunes, and it would be a powerful incentive for them to use the people's money as sparingly and competently and appropriately as possible.

Whoa - timeout - sorry, you can’t do all this with only an amendment – you’re addressing significant components of the Constitution proper as well as the Bill of Rights, the 14th Amendment, over two centuries of Constitutional case law you’re proposing throwing out (not to mention centuries of common law before that dating back to 1215…), and I don’t know how many Federal statutes.

This can only be accomplished by a Constitutional Convention. And that would be a disastrous idea.

No, folks, we have met the enemy and he is us.

You can’t force a solution from the top down. Only the people can make the needed changes at the voting booth, the only question is do we have the willpower.
They are? They absolutely had the power to do that from January 21, 2009 through January 20, 2011. They didn't though, did they.

Explain that.

There's a world of difference between saying a lot of stuff before microphones to pull in and win the support of the gullible, and actually doing what they say they want to do.
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

I would think that the secession of the South would top them.
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

Or maybe the invasion of Vietnam.
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

The isolation of Cuba?
News Flash: Trump never intended to run for President.

Anyone who believed otherwise or chose, or chooses, to make political hay from his little publicity grab is a complete fool.
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

Maybe the Watergate break-in?
News Flash: Trump never intended to run for President.

Anyone who believed otherwise or chose, or chooses, to make political hay from his little publicity grab is a complete fool.

Is there any possibility that he mis-calculated and damaged his brand do you think?
News Flash: Trump never intended to run for President.

Anyone who believed otherwise or chose, or chooses, to make political hay from his little publicity grab is a complete fool.

Yeah, but it was fun watching him mess with the birfers, getting their hopes all up then crushing them.
News Flash: Trump never intended to run for President.

Anyone who believed otherwise or chose, or chooses, to make political hay from his little publicity grab is a complete fool.

Yeah, but it was fun watching him mess with the birfers, getting their hopes all up then crushing them.

I know I'm a long way away but have all the conspiracy theorists gone a bit quiet in the last couple of weeks since the birth certificate revelation and the 'shellacking' of The Don?
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

What about Prohibition?
The first two years of the Obama administration where the first time I'd ever seen a super majority squandered. Obama was like a lame duck first term president when it came to his own promises.

There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

Well..........considering that almost every Republican president since Nixon has been pushing for healthcare, I'd say this...........

I guess it takes a Democrat to get stuff done. Remember getting Bin Laden? Jr. never could in 7 years, and Obama does it in 2.

Republican presidents never passed a health care bill, even though they campaigned on it.

Obama did it in 1.
There were only six months of super majority. They did manage to pass the Stimulus and Obamacare.....not bad for six months

two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

Well..........considering that almost every Republican president since Nixon has been pushing for healthcare, I'd say this...........

I guess it takes a Democrat to get stuff done. Remember getting Bin Laden? Jr. never could in 7 years, and Obama does it in 2.

Republican presidents never passed a health care bill, even though they campaigned on it.

Obama did it in 1.

And it was so deeply unpopular that it cost him not only his super majority in the Senate and House--he would not have passed it without that--but it cost him control of the House. When you think of all the truly great things he could have accomplished for this country with that super majority, it is unfortunate that he squandered it on an ineffective, inefficient, and unsustainable 'health care reform'. They have already had to issue hundreds of waivers exempting friends and supporters from the law including the State of Nevada (Harry Reid) and lately the huge lion's share of waivers have been going to Nancy Pelosi's district in California.

How gullible can the Obama supporters continue to be when you look at the big picture here?
two of the biggest epic failures in political history. i hope you're not bragging about them

Well..........considering that almost every Republican president since Nixon has been pushing for healthcare, I'd say this...........

I guess it takes a Democrat to get stuff done. Remember getting Bin Laden? Jr. never could in 7 years, and Obama does it in 2.

Republican presidents never passed a health care bill, even though they campaigned on it.

Obama did it in 1.

And it was so deeply unpopular that it cost him not only his super majority in the Senate and House--he would not have passed it without that--but it cost him control of the House. When you think of all the truly great things he could have accomplished for this country with that super majority, it is unfortunate that he squandered it on an ineffective, inefficient, and unsustainable 'health care reform'. They have already had to issue hundreds of waivers exempting friends and supporters from the law including the State of Nevada (Harry Reid) and lately the huge lion's share of waivers have been going to Nancy Pelosi's district in California.

How gullible can the Obama supporters continue to be when you look at the big picture here?

Healthcare is one of the biggest legislative accomplishments of our generation. Far from perfect, it represents the tradeoffs required to get our legislative process to work. As usual, Republicans did nothing to assist Americans in need and did everything in their power to spread misinformation and delay the process.

Healthcare has not failed. In fact, it is just getting started. Millions of Americans will be provided the oportunity to purchase affordable healthcare once it is fully implemented.
Well..........considering that almost every Republican president since Nixon has been pushing for healthcare, I'd say this...........

I guess it takes a Democrat to get stuff done. Remember getting Bin Laden? Jr. never could in 7 years, and Obama does it in 2.

Republican presidents never passed a health care bill, even though they campaigned on it.

Obama did it in 1.

And it was so deeply unpopular that it cost him not only his super majority in the Senate and House--he would not have passed it without that--but it cost him control of the House. When you think of all the truly great things he could have accomplished for this country with that super majority, it is unfortunate that he squandered it on an ineffective, inefficient, and unsustainable 'health care reform'. They have already had to issue hundreds of waivers exempting friends and supporters from the law including the State of Nevada (Harry Reid) and lately the huge lion's share of waivers have been going to Nancy Pelosi's district in California.

How gullible can the Obama supporters continue to be when you look at the big picture here?

Healthcare is one of the biggest legislative accomplishments of our generation. Far from perfect, it represents the tradeoffs required to get our legislative process to work. As usual, Republicans did nothing to assist Americans in need and did everything in their power to spread misinformation and delay the process.

Healthcare has not failed. In fact, it is just getting started. Millions of Americans will be provided the oportunity to purchase affordable healthcare once it is fully implemented.

Agreed. Republicorp is now doing everything in their power to obstruct the implementation of the exchanges (pools, in the for-profit' insurance industry parlance ;-) that would lower costs. Wonder if McConnell (R) & Boehner (R) opted-out of participating in the Congress' socialist HC program :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle: :lol:
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