Another Question.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
If we agree to subsidize birth control will you let us off the hook for the welfare should an unwanted child be born? Fair? or not?

Birth control is not a guarantee of no pregnancy and choice means some people can get an abortion and others who do not want to do that are not forced to.

If you take away funding for those who are choosing to have the child you are taking away there choice.
If we agree to subsidize birth control will you let us off the hook for the welfare should an unwanted child be born? Fair? or not?

I don't know. It seems to me that there needs to be some form of system that helps people, who through no fault of their own have encountered some major financial emergency.

However, I don't think welfare as it is currently structured is a good system, though, and I think it's incredibly stupid to give women who aren't responsible enough to ensure they don't have children they can't afford to provide for with a check that they should then be responsible enough to use to care for the child.

Birth control is not a guarantee of no pregnancy and choice means some people can get an abortion and others who do not want to do that are not forced to.

If you take away funding for those who are choosing to have the child you are taking away there choice.

But you have no XXXXXXX problem taking away MY choice on whether or not I have to pay for your XXXXXXX choices right?
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If we agree to subsidize birth control will you let us off the hook for the welfare should an unwanted child be born? Fair? or not?

No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.
If we agree to subsidize birth control will you let us off the hook for the welfare should an unwanted child be born? Fair? or not?

No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.

so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay XXXXXXX? got it.
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If we agree to subsidize birth control will you let us off the hook for the welfare should an unwanted child be born? Fair? or not?

No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.

so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay? got it.

Wouldn't the taxpayer prefer to pay for birth control than to pay for abortions? (not that they do)
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If we agree to subsidize birth control will you let us off the hook for the welfare should an unwanted child be born? Fair? or not?

No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.

so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay? got it.

Joe the Taxpayer paid for the stupidity of Iraq and Afghanistan, and he continues to do so; Joe needs to understand that in a Constitutional Republic he doesn’t get to pick and choose what his tax dollars will or will not pay for.

Otherwise, if there’s going to be a ‘No Welfare’ box to check on Form 1040, there also needs to be a ‘No Military’ box to check as well.
No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.

so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay? got it.

Joe the Taxpayer paid for the stupidity of Iraq and Afghanistan, and he continues to do so; Joe needs to understand that in a Constitutional Republic he doesn’t get to pick and choose what his tax dollars will or will not pay for.

Otherwise, if there’s going to be a ‘No Welfare’ box to check on Form 1040, there also needs to be a ‘No Military’ box to check as well.

The option to check the 'no death penalty' box should also be there.

Birth control is not a guarantee of no pregnancy and choice means some people can get an abortion and others who do not want to do that are not forced to.

If you take away funding for those who are choosing to have the child you are taking away there choice.

But you have no problem taking away MY choice on whether or not I have to pay for your choices right?

I have no problem with my taxes being used to help other people with food clothing and shelter.

I have no problem with my taxes being used to help others use birth control.

I have no problem with you protesting it. :cool:
No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.

so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay for all of your stupidity? got it.

Wouldn't the taxpayer prefer to pay for birth control than to pay for abortions? (not that they do)

We offered to pay for birth control but obviously that isn't enough XXXXXXX.
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It is not my responsibility to pay for birth control of others, nor to pay for the progeny that may result from lack of use or failure of said product.
so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay? got it.

Wouldn't the taxpayer prefer to pay for birth control than to pay for abortions? (not that they do)

We offered to pay for birth control but obviously that isn't enough for you.

Are you incapable of having a debate without obliquely accusing another poster of being on welfare or some such?

You know, TRUE debate is being able to objectively take a subject and discuss the merits of BOTH sides as well as the negatives of BOTH sides of an issue.

There is some merit to providing welfare, that is beyond question. And CatsMeow has emphatically stated in several threads that she does NOT like the current system and that she herself is not on welfare. She is arguing for helping a third party, so why do you insist with the "your whoring around" type comments? Not only are they misplaced statements, they have no place in this forum to begin with.
No. Not even birth control is foolproof. Many women use more than one form of birth control and still get pregnant.

so you expect joe the taxpayer to pay? got it.

Joe the Taxpayer paid for the stupidity of Iraq and Afghanistan, and he continues to do so; Joe needs to understand that in a Constitutional Republic he doesn’t get to pick and choose what his tax dollars will or will not pay for.

Otherwise, if there’s going to be a ‘No Welfare’ box to check on Form 1040, there also needs to be a ‘No Military’ box to check as well.

Absolutely correct. If you want to enjoy the privileges of being an American than you also have to accept that our government is what it is. A representative democracy, meaning no you do NOT get a direct say in every little issue, including funding issues.
There is nothing in the Constitution that requires Joe Taxpayer to subsidize the poor judgement of individuals.
There is a requirement that Joe Taxpayer fund a standing army.
There is nothing in the Constitution that requires Joe Taxpayer to subsidize the poor judgement of individuals.
There is a requirement that Joe Taxpayer fund a standing army.

please show me where standing army is authorized in the COTUS.
There is nothing in the Constitution that requires Joe Taxpayer to subsidize the poor judgement of individuals.
There is a requirement that Joe Taxpayer fund a standing army.

please show me where standing army is authorized in the COTUS.

Technically it is just a Navy.
"To provide and maintain a Navy"

I still don't see anywhere in the COTUS that authorizes me or anybody else subsidizing poor judgement.
There is nothing in the Constitution that requires Joe Taxpayer to subsidize the poor judgement of individuals.
There is a requirement that Joe Taxpayer fund a standing army.

please show me where standing army is authorized in the COTUS.

Technically it is just a Navy.
"To provide and maintain a Navy"

I still don't see anywhere in the COTUS that authorizes me or anybody else subsidizing poor judgement.

well, i have a sneaking suspicion my efforts to get rid of the Army would be as successful as your efforts to do away with welfare would be lol

meaning of course, no chance on either one.

Could you live with work fare as I have described it? We're talking minimum wage pay, but tax free income, at least help them that way; but no free rides, you work or you get nothing.

Oh, and the life coach would include teaching to make better decisions AND such things as drug tests etc etc.

I truly believe such a system could work and would be a benefit to both parties.
It is not my responsibility to pay for birth control of others, nor to pay for the progeny that may result from lack of use or failure of said product.

No one has implied that this is your responsibility, but you will pay for the costs of irresponsible parenting, regardless, whether you buy condoms or prison cells.

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