Another Reason not to vote Democrat

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!

Just pushing back against the nonsense narrative that taking down a statue is rewriting history.

That's pretty silly, wouldn't you agree?
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

Well, in addition to your Boogaloos, it's mostly opportunistic thugs who could give two shits about politics and Anarchist anti-government sorts who are neither left nor right. They just like showing up and F-ing stuff up. I'd wager that most of them don't even vote.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!

Just pushing back against the nonsense narrative that taking down a statue is rewriting history.

That's pretty silly, wouldn't you agree?

You're moving the goal posts. Why is it OK to remove statues without proper consent from the city? It is not rewriting history. When did I ever say that? But defacing statues is disrespectful and is called vandalism.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

Well, in addition to your Boogaloos, it's mostly opportunistic thugs and Anarchist anti-government sorts who are neither left nor right. They just like showing up and F-ing stuff up. I'd wager that most of them don't even vote.
I would bet it was leftists. Do you defend CHAZ too?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!

Just pushing back against the nonsense narrative that taking down a statue is rewriting history.

That's pretty silly, wouldn't you agree?

You're moving the goal posts. Why is it OK to remove statues without proper consent from the city? It is not rewriting history. When did I ever say that? But defacing statues is disrespectful and is called vandalism.

I never said it was okay to remove status without proper consent from the city.

Defacing statues is vandalism.

Saying that's a reason to not vote Democratic is illogical.
Democrat Celebrities are prepared.
Most have 2nd homes in other countries in case they need to bail

You don't have that option(s)

Tom Hanks is now a Greek citizen

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!

Just pushing back against the nonsense narrative that taking down a statue is rewriting history.

That's pretty silly, wouldn't you agree?

You're moving the goal posts. Why is it OK to remove statues without proper consent from the city? It is not rewriting history. When did I ever say that? But defacing statues is disrespectful and is called vandalism.

I never said it was okay to remove status without proper consent from the city.

Defacing statues is vandalism.

Saying that's a reason to not vote Democratic is illogical.

Why? They loot, burn, pillage, have no regard for the law. I said just another. You admitted they are breaking the law and what is the punishment? Nothing. The powers in NY stand down.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

Well, in addition to your Boogaloos, it's mostly opportunistic thugs and Anarchist anti-government sorts who are neither left nor right. They just like showing up and F-ing stuff up. I'd wager that most of them don't even vote.
I would bet it was leftists. Do you defend CHAZ too?

Support CHAZ? No, and neither does the mayor or the governor who came in and cleaned things up when Donald threatened to send in his lawless, untrained thugs.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

Well, in addition to your Boogaloos, it's mostly opportunistic thugs and Anarchist anti-government sorts who are neither left nor right. They just like showing up and F-ing stuff up. I'd wager that most of them don't even vote.
I would bet it was leftists. Do you defend CHAZ too?

Support CHAZ? No, and neither does the mayor or the governor who came in and cleaned things up when Donald threatened to send in his lawless, untrained thugs.
They supported it for 6 weeks+...."summer of love"....really "summer of rape and murder" and the first thing CHAZ did was set up borders and check point entries. LOL. But they vilify Trump for wanting to do the same.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!

Just pushing back against the nonsense narrative that taking down a statue is rewriting history.

That's pretty silly, wouldn't you agree?

You're moving the goal posts. Why is it OK to remove statues without proper consent from the city? It is not rewriting history. When did I ever say that? But defacing statues is disrespectful and is called vandalism.

I never said it was okay to remove status without proper consent from the city.

Defacing statues is vandalism.

Saying that's a reason to not vote Democratic is illogical.

Why? They loot, burn, pillage, have no regard for the law. I said just another. You admitted they are breaking the law and what is the punishment? Nothing. The powers in NY stand down.

I don't live in New York and voting for Biden (for example) doesn't have anything to do with this.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

Well, in addition to your Boogaloos, it's mostly opportunistic thugs and Anarchist anti-government sorts who are neither left nor right. They just like showing up and F-ing stuff up. I'd wager that most of them don't even vote.
I would bet it was leftists. Do you defend CHAZ too?

Support CHAZ? No, and neither does the mayor or the governor who came in and cleaned things up when Donald threatened to send in his lawless, untrained thugs.
They supported it for 6 weeks+...."summer of love"....really "summer of rape and murder" and the first thing CHAZ did was set up borders and check point entries. LOL. But they vilify Trump for wanting to do the same.

Okay, I will grant you that AntiFa is extreme left. But they, like the Anarchists that pervade large cities on the Pacific NW coast on down to Oakland are less political as they are violent opportunists who enjoy f-ing stuff up.

Again, I'd bet my left nut that very few of these minorities (including the Boogaloos) actually vote.

Dude, this business of attempting to paint vandalism as a left/right thing depending on political leadership in the area is pretty much a fail.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!

Just pushing back against the nonsense narrative that taking down a statue is rewriting history.

That's pretty silly, wouldn't you agree?

You're moving the goal posts. Why is it OK to remove statues without proper consent from the city? It is not rewriting history. When did I ever say that? But defacing statues is disrespectful and is called vandalism.

I never said it was okay to remove status without proper consent from the city.

Defacing statues is vandalism.

Saying that's a reason to not vote Democratic is illogical.

Why? They loot, burn, pillage, have no regard for the law. I said just another. You admitted they are breaking the law and what is the punishment? Nothing. The powers in NY stand down.

I don't live in New York and voting for Biden (for example) doesn't have anything to do with this.

Powers everywhere are standing down and allowing those on the Left(you) to teach kids that America was built on racism and is an evil country. Biden is senile and is controlled by the Leftists of the party.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

Well, in addition to your Boogaloos, it's mostly opportunistic thugs and Anarchist anti-government sorts who are neither left nor right. They just like showing up and F-ing stuff up. I'd wager that most of them don't even vote.
I would bet it was leftists. Do you defend CHAZ too?

Support CHAZ? No, and neither does the mayor or the governor who came in and cleaned things up when Donald threatened to send in his lawless, untrained thugs.
They supported it for 6 weeks+...."summer of love"....really "summer of rape and murder" and the first thing CHAZ did was set up borders and check point entries. LOL. But they vilify Trump for wanting to do the same.

Okay, I will grant you that AntiFa is extreme left. But they, like the Anarchists that pervade large cities on the Pacific NW coast on down to Oakland are less political as they are violent opportunists who enjoy f-ing stuff up.

Again, I'd bet my left nut that very few of these minorities (including the Boogaloos) actually vote.

Dude, this business of attempting to paint vandalism as a left/right thing depending on political leadership in the area is pretty much a fail.
Are you against or pro Antifa?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

Chris Cuomo!


How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

CNN's Cuomo, not his brother.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

CNN's Cuomo, not his brother.

Yep. Who do you think has more influence? A National CNN anchor or some stiff in NY?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

Chris Cuomo!

Okay, in context he has a point but that was not a smart thing to say in retrospect.

"Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice," Cuomo told his viewers. "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time."

He later added, "Police are the ones required to be peaceful, to deescalate, to remain calm."

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