Another Reason not to vote Democrat

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

Chris Cuomo!

Okay, in context he has a point but that was not a smart thing to say in retrospect.

"Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice," Cuomo told his viewers. "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time."

He later added, "Police are the ones required to be peaceful, to deescalate, to remain calm."

1st amendment says protests have to be peaceful. He was OK with burning, looting, killing and defacing. Sadly.

C'mon my friend, that isn't what he said.

As mentioned, Chris screwed up putting it like he did, but he was talking about enthusiasm.

Are sporting events always polite, peaceful and tranquil? NO. But nobody is burning, looting, killing or defacing.

They are making as John Lewis said - Good trouble.

This business of labeling all protesters as looters, burners and killers must end.

Might you join me in a cease fire on the labeling? My side of the aisle (myself included) are occasionally guilty also.

Burning and looting and killing.... that’s not enthusiastic it’s criminal. Sorry.

Why would I disagree - Why would anyone disagree that burning, looting and killing are criminal.
Please put away the broad brush. It ain't right.

Because that is what I see in these “protests” and what are they protesting? Everyone agrees that what Chauvin did was criminal. I would never let my kids disrespect our police force in that way.

Protests are to call attention to something deeply wrong in the eyes of the protester. Peaceful protests are as Americana as Mom, baseball & apple pie. And I would say the same of the Tea Party silliness. At least the majority not carrying racist signs.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

The Democrats own this. Their endorsement of Black Lives Matter and using their Media to push the anti-Police, anti-White narrative has created mobs of anarchists who have no respect for anyone or anything.

Oh GAWD - Here ^ we go again with the hyperbole. :rolleyes:

If my kids marched in these “protests” they would be severely punished. We respect the law. We don’t break the law.

REALLY - Your kids join a peaceful protest for a righteous cause and they'd be "punished" even if there were a few in the crowd who were less than peaceful?

I'm glad you weren't my Dad. When I was a sophomore in high school toward the end of the Vietnam war, I joined a protest and it started going south. So I headed toward my car and a cop told me that I "couldn't go that way". I said "that's my VW Bug right there sir". It was 10-15 feet away.

I was arrested and tossed in the back of a paddy wagon. Dad had to bail me out and initially he was pissed as hell until he let me explain what happened. Then he was pissed at the cops.

The charges were dropped. I'd be proud of my daughter if she protested for a just cause. There is NOTHING more quintessentially American than the right to peacefully protest.

How is it peaceful when they burn and loot? Please explain. Even the news called it “mostly” peaceful. The Leftist news.

The actions of the few cannot be broad brushed atop the actions of the many.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

The Democrats own this. Their endorsement of Black Lives Matter and using their Media to push the anti-Police, anti-White narrative has created mobs of anarchists who have no respect for anyone or anything.

Oh GAWD - Here ^ we go again with the hyperbole. :rolleyes:

It's hyperbole when it doesn't affect you. The families of police officers and innocent people attacked by BLM protesters don't think it's hyperbole.

BLM protesters ain't attacking cops loon. You must be thinking of the extreme RW anti-government Boogaloo Boys.

Of course they are. In NYC some crazies blew up a police car.

Prolly a Boogie Boy :)

Nope. Are we going to be honest or goof around?


How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

Chris Cuomo!

Okay, in context he has a point but that was not a smart thing to say in retrospect.

"Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice," Cuomo told his viewers. "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time."

He later added, "Police are the ones required to be peaceful, to deescalate, to remain calm."

1st amendment says protests have to be peaceful. He was OK with burning, looting, killing and defacing. Sadly.

C'mon my friend, that isn't what he said.

As mentioned, Chris screwed up putting it like he did, but he was talking about enthusiasm.

Are sporting events always polite, peaceful and tranquil? NO. But nobody is burning, looting, killing or defacing.

They are making as John Lewis said - Good trouble.

This business of labeling all protesters as looters, burners and killers must end.

Might you join me in a cease fire on the labeling? My side of the aisle (myself included) are occasionally guilty also.

Burning and looting and killing.... that’s not enthusiastic it’s criminal. Sorry.

Why would I disagree - Why would anyone disagree that burning, looting and killing are criminal.
Please put away the broad brush. It ain't right.

Because that is what I see in these “protests” and what are they protesting? Everyone agrees that what Chauvin did was criminal. I would never let my kids disrespect our police force in that way.

Protests are to call attention to something deeply wrong in the eyes of the protester. Peaceful protests are as Americana as Mom, baseball & apple pie. And I would say the same of the Tea Party silliness. At least the majority not carrying racist signs.

I agree. These "protests" aren't peaceful. Majority. That is a cute word.

Either they are peaceful or not. There is no such thing as mostly peaceful.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

The Democrats own this. Their endorsement of Black Lives Matter and using their Media to push the anti-Police, anti-White narrative has created mobs of anarchists who have no respect for anyone or anything.

Oh GAWD - Here ^ we go again with the hyperbole. :rolleyes:

If my kids marched in these “protests” they would be severely punished. We respect the law. We don’t break the law.

REALLY - Your kids join a peaceful protest for a righteous cause and they'd be "punished" even if there were a few in the crowd who were less than peaceful?

I'm glad you weren't my Dad. When I was a sophomore in high school toward the end of the Vietnam war, I joined a protest and it started going south. So I headed toward my car and a cop told me that I "couldn't go that way". I said "that's my VW Bug right there sir". It was 10-15 feet away.

I was arrested and tossed in the back of a paddy wagon. Dad had to bail me out and initially he was pissed as hell until he let me explain what happened. Then he was pissed at the cops.

The charges were dropped. I'd be proud of my daughter if she protested for a just cause. There is NOTHING more quintessentially American than the right to peacefully protest.

How is it peaceful when they burn and loot? Please explain. Even the news called it “mostly” peaceful. The Leftist news.

The actions of the few cannot be broad brushed atop the actions of the many.

Really? On the night OJ killed Nicole he was mostly peaceful. For 22 hours of that day he was quite peaceful...those other two pesky ones not so much. So we should just forgive OJ?

No. Either the protest is indeed peaceful or it is not and I am still not sure what they are protesting? Everyone agrees that Chauvin was a loose cannon and should spend the rest of his life in prison. What are they protesting against? Certainly not violence in Chicago or NYC.

I am all for protests but there needs to be a reason with a resolution. Protest just to protest has an opposite effect. Now the country is turning against the movement. Which was easily seen. You burn, maim and loot enough and the public will turn on you.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

Chris Cuomo!

Okay, in context he has a point but that was not a smart thing to say in retrospect.

"Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice," Cuomo told his viewers. "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time."

He later added, "Police are the ones required to be peaceful, to deescalate, to remain calm."

1st amendment says protests have to be peaceful. He was OK with burning, looting, killing and defacing. Sadly.

C'mon my friend, that isn't what he said.

As mentioned, Chris screwed up putting it like he did, but he was talking about enthusiasm.

Are sporting events always polite, peaceful and tranquil? NO. But nobody is burning, looting, killing or defacing.

They are making as John Lewis said - Good trouble.

This business of labeling all protesters as looters, burners and killers must end.

Might you join me in a cease fire on the labeling? My side of the aisle (myself included) are occasionally guilty also.

Burning and looting and killing.... that’s not enthusiastic it’s criminal. Sorry.

Why would I disagree - Why would anyone disagree that burning, looting and killing are criminal.
Please put away the broad brush. It ain't right.

Because that is what I see in these “protests” and what are they protesting? Everyone agrees that what Chauvin did was criminal. I would never let my kids disrespect our police force in that way.

Protests are to call attention to something deeply wrong in the eyes of the protester. Peaceful protests are as Americana as Mom, baseball & apple pie. And I would say the same of the Tea Party silliness. At least the majority not carrying racist signs.

I agree. These "protests" aren't peaceful. Majority. That is a cute word.

Either they are peaceful or not. There is no such thing as mostly peaceful.

Of course there is. What you're telling me now is that 2-3 dozen violent Boogaloo Boys, Anarchists, AntiFa, White Nationalists and opportunistic thugs can make a crowd of thousands look bad. Of course, that is what Donald wants.

This is a campaign tactic that he used last time around. But this time he holds mighty power. This is all political, scare people in the suburbs and create some cool videos about lawlessness.

It is also a trial run for martial law when he doesn't like the election results. Expect bomb threats at minority precincts with the assistance of his sidekick Billy, possible shutdown of post offices with the claim that foreigners are printing and mailing ballots, and the stationing of his little green men at polling places for intimidation purposes.

You should know by now that nothing is below Donald Trump - NOTHING ... And this should concern you.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

Do you think the Democrat Party is sanctioning unrest? Do you think the violence was directed by Democrats? Do you think Trump's secret police have done a good job de escalating violence?

#1) Yes....unrest they can blame of Donald Trump. "summer of love"....about Chaz; DeBlasio said BLM marches were OK but other gatherings were not; Defund the police.....all Dem policies and statements.

#2) Yes, 100% directed by Democrats. Cuomo said protests don't have to be peaceful. 1st Amendment disagrees.

#3) Secret? It is not secret. And its punishing the perpetrators. I love it. Repercussions now if you riot and loot.

Where did Cuomo say that protests don't have to be peaceful? I anxiously await ;)

Chris Cuomo!

Okay, in context he has a point but that was not a smart thing to say in retrospect.

"Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice," Cuomo told his viewers. "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time."

He later added, "Police are the ones required to be peaceful, to deescalate, to remain calm."

1st amendment says protests have to be peaceful. He was OK with burning, looting, killing and defacing. Sadly.

C'mon my friend, that isn't what he said.

As mentioned, Chris screwed up putting it like he did, but he was talking about enthusiasm.

Are sporting events always polite, peaceful and tranquil? NO. But nobody is burning, looting, killing or defacing.

They are making as John Lewis said - Good trouble.

This business of labeling all protesters as looters, burners and killers must end.

Might you join me in a cease fire on the labeling? My side of the aisle (myself included) are occasionally guilty also.

Burning and looting and killing.... that’s not enthusiastic it’s criminal. Sorry.

Why would I disagree - Why would anyone disagree that burning, looting and killing are criminal.
Please put away the broad brush. It ain't right.

Because that is what I see in these “protests” and what are they protesting? Everyone agrees that what Chauvin did was criminal. I would never let my kids disrespect our police force in that way.

Protests are to call attention to something deeply wrong in the eyes of the protester. Peaceful protests are as Americana as Mom, baseball & apple pie. And I would say the same of the Tea Party silliness. At least the majority not carrying racist signs.

I agree. These "protests" aren't peaceful. Majority. That is a cute word.

Either they are peaceful or not. There is no such thing as mostly peaceful.

Of course there is. What you're telling me now is that 2-3 dozen violent Boogaloo Boys, Anarchists, AntiFa, White Nationalists and opportunistic thugs can make a crowd of thousands look bad. Of course, that is what Donald wants.

This is a campaign tactic that he used last time around. But this time he holds mighty power. This is all political, scare people in the suburbs and create some cool videos about lawlessness.

It is also a trial run for martial law when he doesn't like the election results. Expect bomb threats at minority precincts with the assistance of his sidekick Billy, possible shutdown of post offices with the claim that foreigners are printing and mailing ballots, and the stationing of his little green men at polling places for intimidation purposes.

You should know by now that nothing is below Donald Trump - NOTHING ... And this should concern you.

If you cannot see what is in front of you then there is no point in discussing it. These riots have brought on more death and destruction than one death of George Floyd. Funny how you blame Trump for this when Chauvin worked for a Democrat mayor and Amy Klobuchar turned a blind eye to his prior actions. But it is all Trump's fault? You cannot see the forest through the trees.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

The Democrats own this. Their endorsement of Black Lives Matter and using their Media to push the anti-Police, anti-White narrative has created mobs of anarchists who have no respect for anyone or anything.

Oh GAWD - Here ^ we go again with the hyperbole. :rolleyes:

It's hyperbole when it doesn't affect you. The families of police officers and innocent people attacked by BLM protesters don't think it's hyperbole.

BLM protesters ain't attacking cops loon. You must be thinking of the extreme RW anti-government Boogaloo Boys.

You are a joke. There are dozens of pics and videos of BLM asshats attacking cops.

Show me some of the "Boogaloo boys" doing it.

Unless you're a deviant, dumb and/or brainwashed there are no reasons to vote Democrat no matter the character of those running. The Democrat party must end, hopefully replaced by a somewhat rational people as opposed AOC etc.

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