Another Reason not to vote Democrat

How low can one go.
Ask JackOfNoTrades. He's about as low as they go. These scum-sucking peehole needledick fascists are loving every single thing wrecked in this country. America is under siege, and lets be real, the officials are not doing their jobs.

The only thing under siege is my eyesight and hearing..on the account of having to listen to the daily braying of you fucking idiots coming up with every excuse in the book why you can't be bothered to take simple steps and show a little bit of caring and compassion for your fellow countryman so we can get back to living. Even after the health professionals have led you right to it.
Then eat shit and die. Leave. If you're too fucking dense to get it that not everyone can meet a brainless arbitrary thoughtless useless kneejerk feelgoods mandate just because its ordered, and have to deal with fuckknobs like you everywhere they go to explain and fight with people over legitimate medical limitations, if not simple freedom of choice matters, then its time people like you start getting what you deserve. People have HAD IT with your fucking fascism.

Next time you see someone without a mask, Jack, USE YOUR FREEDOM and walk the other way if you don't like it, don't get too close, and you'll be safe. But don't tell them how they should choose to live at whatever expense to them because you think your peace of mind is more important.

I don't care one way or the other. Do what makes you happy. But I'm not going to stand up for you if the store refuses to let you in without a mask (saw that twice the other day), I'm not going to support you if you get cited or fined (pay it like the patriot you claim to be), and I'm not going to feel sorry for you if your state has to shut down again. Your belief in liberty and freedom can be your solace. Saving that, take the advice that a lot of your fellow covidiots were handing out around here in April and May. Stay at home and hide uder your bed...or in your case, in your garage. :) The trunk of that POS car you own will probably make a good safe space. The rest of us will wear masks and get on with our lives.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

About as low as the depth of mass graves......which is where all of this ends up after the democrats get total control.

The mass graves are due to Trumpublican ineptitude.
DeSantis and Kemp had better order up more refrigeration trucks for their COVID victims!
More deaths in NY and NJ and by a mile. Sorry. And don’t derail the thread. This is about the 9/11 memorial and leftists defacing it under the protection of their leftist mayor Big Birdio.

The Mayor of Washingtonville, where the flagpole was vandalized, is Joseph Bucco
Who is the Governor of NY? Republican?

So now the Governors Party is responsible for every act of vandalism that occurs in their states.

When your government declares graffiti an act of terrorism, it's time to get a new government. Vote um out.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

About as low as the depth of mass graves......which is where all of this ends up after the democrats get total control.

The mass graves are due to Trumpublican ineptitude.
DeSantis and Kemp had better order up more refrigeration trucks for their COVID victims!
More deaths in NY and NJ and by a mile. Sorry. And don’t derail the thread. This is about the 9/11 memorial and leftists defacing it under the protection of their leftist mayor Big Birdio.

Death is a trailing indicator. You should know that by now. Additionally, we are getting better at treating sick patients. But give it another couple months. Miami just might top NYC.

Oh, and the derail is kind of on 2aguy ;-)
Nope. It is not even close. Florida has 5.8k and NY has 32k and NJ has 15.7k.

Democrat led states. Bleh.

3 of the 4 current hotspots are led by Republican Governors who opened too early. And again, death is a trailing indicator. When it comes to COVID deaths, one must be patient. NYC was 4-5 months ago after Donald closed China air travel but not from Europe and 3 million more folks flew into NYC before he acted on the latter.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

About as low as the depth of mass graves......which is where all of this ends up after the democrats get total control.

The mass graves are due to Trumpublican ineptitude.
DeSantis and Kemp had better order up more refrigeration trucks for their COVID victims!
More deaths in NY and NJ and by a mile. Sorry. And don’t derail the thread. This is about the 9/11 memorial and leftists defacing it under the protection of their leftist mayor Big Birdio.

Death is a trailing indicator. You should know that by now. Additionally, we are getting better at treating sick patients. But give it another couple months. Miami just might top NYC.

Oh, and the derail is kind of on 2aguy ;-)
Nope. It is not even close. Florida has 5.8k and NY has 32k and NJ has 15.7k.

Democrat led states. Bleh.

3 of the 4 current hotspots are led by Republican Governors who opened too early. And again, death is a trailing indicator. When it comes to COVID deaths, one must be patient. NYC was 4-5 months ago after Donald closed China air travel but not from Europe and 3 million more folks flew into NYC before he acted on the latter.
Fake news, liar.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

About as low as the depth of mass graves......which is where all of this ends up after the democrats get total control.

The mass graves are due to Trumpublican ineptitude.
DeSantis and Kemp had better order up more refrigeration trucks for their COVID victims!
More deaths in NY and NJ and by a mile. Sorry. And don’t derail the thread. This is about the 9/11 memorial and leftists defacing it under the protection of their leftist mayor Big Birdio.

The Mayor of Washingtonville, where the flagpole was vandalized, is Joseph Bucco
Who is the Governor of NY? Republican?

So now the Governors Party is responsible for every act of vandalism that occurs in their states.

When your government declares graffiti an act of terrorism, it's time to get a new government. Vote um out.
When you don't enforce the law and allow looting and pillaging....

If I don't punish my kids for inappropriate behavior, it will continue. Democrats are the party of taking down statues, correct?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Democrat led city. Democrats are the ones pushing the narrative of taking down statues and monuments.

Lots of cities are led by Democrats. That does not mean everything that happens in those cities is sanctioned by Democrats!

And Democrats AND Republicans support removing certain statues and monuments.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

About as low as the depth of mass graves......which is where all of this ends up after the democrats get total control.

The mass graves are due to Trumpublican ineptitude.
DeSantis and Kemp had better order up more refrigeration trucks for their COVID victims!
More deaths in NY and NJ and by a mile. Sorry. And don’t derail the thread. This is about the 9/11 memorial and leftists defacing it under the protection of their leftist mayor Big Birdio.

The Mayor of Washingtonville, where the flagpole was vandalized, is Joseph Bucco
Who is the Governor of NY? Republican?

So now the Governors Party is responsible for every act of vandalism that occurs in their states.

When your government declares graffiti an act of terrorism, it's time to get a new government. Vote um out.
When you don't enforce the law and allow looting and pillaging....

If I don't punish my kids for inappropriate behavior, it will continue. Democrats are the party of taking down statues, correct?

Whomever cut down that flagpole at the memorial for those 5 fire fighters from Washingtonville NY who died on 911, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Would you beat your kid senseless if he used a curse word at you?

Mostly those statues were erected by Democrats too. What I oppose is the destruction of these statues. They should be preserved in museums as a testament to mans inhumanity to man for future generations to learn from.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

It doesn't.

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

How are Democrats responsible? Show tangible proof, not just your absurd opinion.

Something about NYC's Democrat Mayor (IOW - a wild-assed hunch ;-)

A flagpole at the 9/11 memorial in Washingtonville, a bit over an hour away from One World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, was "intentionally damaged," Washingtonville police said this week.
The flagpole appeared to be cut down with a saw, and parts of the pole were covered in graffiti, Washingtonville Mayor Joseph Bucco said in a statement on Facebook.

And how does this prove Democrats committed vandalism?

Who else has been tearing down statues, burning, looting, vandalizing and forming mini cities? Republicans?

How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

I'm sorry did the vandals leave cards with their party affiliation listed on them? Or spray paint the word Democrat on the memorials? Or even leave a letter D...something? Anything? No?
Then there's a 50/50 chance this was done by people looking to stir up trouble and cause division. Sounds like something right wingers would stoop to.

No, that's an american taliban type of thing to do. You stalinists want to tear everything down.

Who is Stalin? No idea since all his statues were torn down.

You sure about that?

Stalin's Monument was a 15.5 m (51 ft) granite statue honoring Joseph Stalin in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It was unveiled on 1 May 1955 after more than 5 1⁄2 years of work, and was the world's largest representation of Stalin. The sculpture was demolished in 1962.

Dang Stalinists trying to erase Stalin from history.

Thats one. How about the others? So you conflate Stalin with George Washington? WOW!
How low can one go.

New Party all our major cities.

You know Democrats did this ... HOW?
Perhaps they were Boogaloo Boys aka YOUR team!

Boogaloo bois are LEFTISTS, dumbass. They marched with BLM. Have you always been this stupid or are you paid to be?
Nothing you wrote is true. Boogaloo boys are skinheads repackaged and they march AGAINST BLM.

That's pure BS. They are leftists and are KNOWN to have marched with BLM. Add to that their targeted assassination of a Federal agent and it is real easy to see they are leftist swine.
Prove boogaloo boys are Leftists and prove they marched WITH BLM.

Happens every time. It's a projection thing with Trump Lumps. Boogaloo Boys are violent, anti-government and slightly right of Attila the f'n Hun.
So who has been looting, burning, attacking, killing, forming mini cities? Republicans or Leftists?

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