Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.
Advocating a socialist United States is advocating that.
You do realize most are advocating for a "democratic socialism", such as in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Britain, Germany, right?

Those are not socialist countries by definition.
How many of those nations have the world's number 1 economy? Right, none!!
It's coming at a huge cost. The treasury auction was MASSIVE.

We'll see.
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Although Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932, he achieved his goals when he was appointed chancellor on 30 January 1933. On February 27, Hindenburg paved the way to dictatorship and war by issuing the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified civil liberties. Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as head of state upon his death in 1934, whereafter he abolished the office entirely, and replaced it with the new position of Führer und Reichskanzler ("Leader and Reich Chancellor"), cementing his rule.
TN, our politicians are elected every two or four or six years and the Constitutionality of EVERYTHING is questioned all the time in our country.
Within a year of being elected, he had ditched democracy and established a dictatorship. That is what an authoritarian is. Not a country like ours that insists people pay their taxes and abide by the laws. That's not authoritarian, even though you seem to think so.
Hitler won the votes in the election. Their voting system is a lot different from ours. They use a coalition system. No one won outright.
The NAZI party also won huge in the parliament elections.
Hitler was given the role because he kicked so much ass in the elections.
Yes, OL it is. You dont get to just change the meanings of words because you feel like it. Its dishonest.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is? :D
You can piss and moan all you want, but it is still authoritarian.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is?
Sorry I'm not going to take the opinion of a regular guy from Tennessee on what is Constitutional or not. I will take the decisions from the Supreme Court.
Your views on this are really coloring the facts.
Coloring? You mean not spinning shit?
I take things at what they actually are. Hacks hate that but whacha gonna do?
Why dont you just read the Constitution for yourself? Why do you depend on what political activists interpret? Are you a sheep? Of course you arent. Think for your damn self.
NOWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT GIVE THE GOVERNMENT THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE FOR INDIVIDUALS. They dont even have the power to provide aid to states!!! And look at what happens!
If i am reading the wrong constitution, and you arent, link it up. I would love to see it.
I'm guessing "to promote the general welfare" is given a lot of weight, just as the 2nd is given much more clobber than it deserves.
I'm not going to argue this with you, Harley. It is what it is. And comparing anything I said with Hitler is outrageous bullshit.
Stolen from Ace of Spades HQ and worth spending a little time thinking about --

"You all know about what's called 'the tragedy of the commons', right? That's when there's some sort of resource, such as grazing land, that nobody owns but everybody can use. And it works OK until the number of grazing animals can no longer be sustained. Then, if usage remains unchecked, the resource eventually becomes exhausted. So, how is this problem solved? The best, most efficient solution is to simply privatize the grazing land, for example, sub-divide it and sell the lots at auction. But rat-bastard commies, socialists, and other economic nitwits hate private property, so they want the labor to be done collectively and cooperatively, and the more socialism is doped with anarchy, the more this must be done voluntarily. In other words, they think you should just tell people not to overgraze the common pasture and that should be enough to avoid the tragedy. But what about those who don't want to volunteer to cooperate? They must be taught to cooperate for the common good. And what happens to the recalcitrants who don't agree? The commies won't answer the question, at least not those commies who are running for office. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will start babbling nonsense, but the real answer is, as Lenin admitted, that that's when the killings will start. In order for communism to work, pretty much everyone has to be 'woke', and there's not much room for dissent. And when they run out of recalcitrants ('wreckers') to shoot, they'll start shooting each other for being insufficiently 'woke'. And as Ocasio-Cortez gets hauled up before the firing squad, she'll be yelling 'but this isn't real communism.'"

BTW, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?

So, roads aren't part of the government society?
Yes, I was just talking to my road and them/they/those are very tired of my cat.
Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?

So, roads aren't part of the government society?
Yes, I was just talking to my road and them/they/those are very tired of my cat.

I had to call the cops on this road for doing crack.....
I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?

So, roads aren't part of the government society?
Yes, I was just talking to my road and them/they/those are very tired of my cat.

I had to call the cops on this road for doing crack.....
So my snitching ass has rubbed off on you! ;)
So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?

So, roads aren't part of the government society?
Yes, I was just talking to my road and them/they/those are very tired of my cat.

I had to call the cops on this road for doing crack.....
So my snitching ass has rubbed off on you! ;)

To be honest I only called the cops because it was black....
It seems more and more people are throwing around the "S" word for the purpose of fearmongering -- and from what I have seen in these threads is that not many people know what democratic socialism is --- so instead of going into a long dissertation about what it is..

Instead, I just want to ask people here to tell me if there is any policy, program or anything else currently in use that is "socialist" -- if so, what is it and what would be a better alternative?

There is zero difference between socialism and Democratic socialism. It's all socialism.

None of the current policies that are socialist in nature are covered in the constitution. The more wealth redistribution and government interference, the worse things get. We had roads, hospitals, schools, transportation and charities long before government took them over. Once they did take over, quality went down and cost went up. The private sector is far better than government at making things work.

At the time the left created the great society and introduced the "war on poverty", most black families had two parents at home with one working. That was true for every race. Once they started convincing people that they were entitled, the number of fatherless homes increased and the number of poor steadily increased. Socialism takes away what incentive there is to work and elevate for individuals.

Socialism, by any name, does not work. Never has and never will. Socialism does not create wealth, it merely redistributes existing wealth. It does run out because the incentive to keep creating wealth dies when people get tired of having things taken from them. If people can't build their lives the way they want, they will stop working so hard.

We were not built as a socialist nation. Why would we want to change? People from other shitholes can't flood in here fast enough. If socialism was so great, wouldn't people be flocking to those countries?


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