Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about authoritarianism in political science and organizational studies. For authoritarianism in psychology, see Authoritarian personality.
Part of the Politics series

is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.[1] Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
  1. Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
  2. A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
  4. Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[3]
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about authoritarianism in political science and organizational studies. For authoritarianism in psychology, see Authoritarian personality.
Part of the Politics series

is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.[1] Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
  1. Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
  2. A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
  4. Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[3]
So you are coming around. Excellent.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about authoritarianism in political science and organizational studies. For authoritarianism in psychology, see Authoritarian personality.
Part of the Politics series

is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.[1] Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
  1. Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
  2. A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
  4. Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[3]
So you are coming around. Excellent.

If Tax cuts are Authoritarian, and instead promote Liberalism (Loosening of regulations) wouldn't that mean that Tax Cuts are actually Liberalism?
Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.
America does not need an ideological installation of "socialism". At the same time, there are many common sense collective efforts that could be logically made.
Auto insurance, for a quick example, is mandated by law in most places, as are driver's licenses. The driver's licenses come from the state. Why not the insurance? Then, everyone would know absolutely that absolutely everyone had insurance and it would cost less. Why should private companies profit from a such a legal situation?
From here, there are other obvious applications of doing things together, better and for less money. It doesn't take ideological purity to see or do it.
Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads? father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?
It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?

So, roads aren't part of the government society?
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about authoritarianism in political science and organizational studies. For authoritarianism in psychology, see Authoritarian personality.
Part of the Politics series

is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state and there is no constitutional accountability under an authoritarian regime.[1] Juan Linz's influential 1964 description of authoritarianism[2] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
  1. Limited political pluralism, that is such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups;
  2. A basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
  3. Minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
  4. Informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[3]
So you are coming around. Excellent.

If Tax cuts are Authoritarian, and instead promote Liberalism (Loosening of regulations) wouldn't that mean that Tax Cuts are actually Liberalism?
Tax cuts arent authoritarian, it would seem.
Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

I take nothing from society.

So, you don't take the roads?

What does a road have to do with society?

So, roads aren't part of the government society?
He pays for that, though... I think what he meant was, and it was pretty obvious, that he doesnt take shit from other people.
He pays his own way.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Although Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932, he achieved his goals when he was appointed chancellor on 30 January 1933. On February 27, Hindenburg paved the way to dictatorship and war by issuing the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified civil liberties. Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as head of state upon his death in 1934, whereafter he abolished the office entirely, and replaced it with the new position of Führer und Reichskanzler ("Leader and Reich Chancellor"), cementing his rule.
TN, our politicians are elected every two or four or six years and the Constitutionality of EVERYTHING is questioned all the time in our country.
Within a year of being elected, he had ditched democracy and established a dictatorship. That is what an authoritarian is. Not a country like ours that insists people pay their taxes and abide by the laws. That's not authoritarian, even though you seem to think so.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Although Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932, he achieved his goals when he was appointed chancellor on 30 January 1933. On February 27, Hindenburg paved the way to dictatorship and war by issuing the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified civil liberties. Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as head of state upon his death in 1934, whereafter he abolished the office entirely, and replaced it with the new position of Führer und Reichskanzler ("Leader and Reich Chancellor"), cementing his rule.
TN, our politicians are elected every two or four or six years and the Constitutionality of EVERYTHING is questioned all the time in our country.
Within a year of being elected, he had ditched democracy and established a dictatorship. That is what an authoritarian is. Not a country like ours that insists people pay their taxes and abide by the laws. That's not authoritarian, even though you seem to think so.
Hitler won the votes in the election. Their voting system is a lot different from ours. They use a coalition system. No one won outright.
The NAZI party also won huge in the parliament elections.
Hitler was given the role because he kicked so much ass in the elections.
Yes, OL it is. You dont get to just change the meanings of words because you feel like it. Its dishonest.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is? :D
You can piss and moan all you want, but it is still authoritarian.
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Although Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932, he achieved his goals when he was appointed chancellor on 30 January 1933. On February 27, Hindenburg paved the way to dictatorship and war by issuing the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified civil liberties. Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as head of state upon his death in 1934, whereafter he abolished the office entirely, and replaced it with the new position of Führer und Reichskanzler ("Leader and Reich Chancellor"), cementing his rule.
TN, our politicians are elected every two or four or six years and the Constitutionality of EVERYTHING is questioned all the time in our country.
Within a year of being elected, he had ditched democracy and established a dictatorship. That is what an authoritarian is. Not a country like ours that insists people pay their taxes and abide by the laws. That's not authoritarian, even though you seem to think so.
Hitler won the votes in the election. Their voting system is a lot different from ours. They use a coalition system. No one won outright.
The NAZI party also won huge in the parliament elections.
Hitler was given the role because he kicked so much ass in the elections.
Yes, OL it is. You dont get to just change the meanings of words because you feel like it. Its dishonest.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is? :D
You can piss and moan all you want, but it is still authoritarian.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is?
Sorry I'm not going to take the opinion of a regular guy from Tennessee on what is Constitutional or not. I will take the decisions from the Supreme Court.
Your views on this are really coloring the facts.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Well you are definitely putting "hitler" in my mouth when I said nothing about him. You trying to do a favor for Bruce or what?
It was a perfectly reasonable example based off your post.
You said the difference was these assholes got elected. So did hitler.
That doesnt mean he, nor them, were/is not authoritarian.
Although Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932, he achieved his goals when he was appointed chancellor on 30 January 1933. On February 27, Hindenburg paved the way to dictatorship and war by issuing the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified civil liberties. Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as head of state upon his death in 1934, whereafter he abolished the office entirely, and replaced it with the new position of Führer und Reichskanzler ("Leader and Reich Chancellor"), cementing his rule.
TN, our politicians are elected every two or four or six years and the Constitutionality of EVERYTHING is questioned all the time in our country.
Within a year of being elected, he had ditched democracy and established a dictatorship. That is what an authoritarian is. Not a country like ours that insists people pay their taxes and abide by the laws. That's not authoritarian, even though you seem to think so.
Hitler won the votes in the election. Their voting system is a lot different from ours. They use a coalition system. No one won outright.
The NAZI party also won huge in the parliament elections.
Hitler was given the role because he kicked so much ass in the elections.
Yes, OL it is. You dont get to just change the meanings of words because you feel like it. Its dishonest.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is? :D
You can piss and moan all you want, but it is still authoritarian.
Even the freakin link you posted about authoritarianism said something about abiding by the Constitution. Guess what federal welfare and free shit is?
Sorry I'm not going to take the opinion of a regular guy from Tennessee on what is Constitutional or not. I will take the decisions from the Supreme Court.
Your views on this are really coloring the facts.
Coloring? You mean not spinning shit?
I take things at what they actually are. Hacks hate that but whacha gonna do?
Why dont you just read the Constitution for yourself? Why do you depend on what political activists interpret? Are you a sheep? Of course you arent. Think for your damn self.
NOWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT GIVE THE GOVERNMENT THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE FOR INDIVIDUALS. They dont even have the power to provide aid to states!!! And look at what happens!
If i am reading the wrong constitution, and you arent, link it up. I would love to see it.
"well the supreme court says"
Yea, they also said internment of American citizens was constitutional.
They also said lincoln was destroying the constitution when he was illegally jailing people and the country fucking screamed out in joy.
Big govt stooges.
People like you are how hitler rose to power. People like you are why stalin is still LOVED in Russia.
Its pathetic and regressive. Grow the fuck up. All of you.
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.
Advocating a socialist United States is advocating that.
You do realize most are advocating for a "democratic socialism", such as in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Britain, Germany, right?

Those are not socialist countries by definition.
How many of those nations have the world's number 1 economy? Right, none!!
I just dont understand how people throw away their integrity and honesty to defend an entity that lies to your face every fucking day. They hate you. They conspire against you. They dont give a fuck what you think.
Believe in yourself and your neighbor. Not a collective of selfish and narcissistic elitists

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