Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.
If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?
Hey mr compassion, if they cant even support themselves, how can they support a family?
How much dead weight is OK with you?
Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.

I'm not a Liberal, in fact you're a Liberal.

I certainly wouldn't have supported Reagan's Amnesty.

So, because of your generations voting for idiots who allowed in 30 million, or so Hispanics under their watches.

My generation has to suffer?

Like most individualists, you clearly don't grasp there's a society outside of your own.

You don't even begin to think of the fact, that now-a-days you wouldn't probably make it at all under the same circumstances.

But, somehow the same tired Capitalist junk / Liberal positions will somehow solve all.

It's just the same crap, over, and over again.
You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.

I'm not a Liberal, in fact you're a Liberal.

I certainly wouldn't have supported Reagan's Amnesty.

So, because of your generations voting for idiots who allowed in 30 million, or so Hispanics under their watches.

My generation has to suffer?

Like most individualists, you clearly don't grasp there's a society outside of your own.

You don't even begin to think of the fact, that now-a-days you wouldn't probably make it at all under the same circumstances.

But, somehow the same tired Capitalist junk / Liberal positions will somehow solve all.

It's just the same crap, over, and over again.
So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.

I'm not a Liberal, in fact you're a Liberal.

I certainly wouldn't have supported Reagan's Amnesty.

So, because of your generations voting for idiots who allowed in 30 million, or so Hispanics under their watches.

My generation has to suffer?

Like most individualists, you clearly don't grasp there's a society outside of your own.

You don't even begin to think of the fact, that now-a-days you wouldn't probably make it at all under the same circumstances.

But, somehow the same tired Capitalist junk / Liberal positions will somehow solve all.

It's just the same crap, over, and over again.

Dont be a dumbshit.
I oppose all immigration unless we need a particular skill.
You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.

I'm not a Liberal, in fact you're a Liberal.

I certainly wouldn't have supported Reagan's Amnesty.

So, because of your generations voting for idiots who allowed in 30 million, or so Hispanics under their watches.

My generation has to suffer?

Like most individualists, you clearly don't grasp there's a society outside of your own.

You don't even begin to think of the fact, that now-a-days you wouldn't probably make it at all under the same circumstances.

But, somehow the same tired Capitalist junk / Liberal positions will somehow solve all.

It's just the same crap, over, and over again.
I agree with a lot of that post.
Its not that individualists arent aware of a society, they just believe in responsibility and accountability.
Guess what the ironic thing about that is?
Thats the definition of being progressive ;)
Amnesty isnt liberal sobie. Its regressive.
Its also stupid because it increases the problem.
If reagan were alive today, he would be a RINO
It seems more and more people are throwing around the "S" word for the purpose of fearmongering -- and from what I have seen in these threads is that not many people know what democratic socialism is --- so instead of going into a long dissertation about what it is..

Instead, I just want to ask people here to tell me if there is any policy, program or anything else currently in use that is "socialist" -- if so, what is it and what would be a better alternative?


DEMOCRATIC socialism....


Making up shit is fun huh! Lol
Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too.
So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.

I'm not a Liberal, in fact you're a Liberal.

I certainly wouldn't have supported Reagan's Amnesty.

So, because of your generations voting for idiots who allowed in 30 million, or so Hispanics under their watches.

My generation has to suffer?

Like most individualists, you clearly don't grasp there's a society outside of your own.

You don't even begin to think of the fact, that now-a-days you wouldn't probably make it at all under the same circumstances.

But, somehow the same tired Capitalist junk / Liberal positions will somehow solve all.

It's just the same crap, over, and over again.
I agree with a lot of that post.
Its not that individualists arent aware of a society, they just believe in responsibility and accountability.
Guess what the ironic thing about that is?
Thats the definition of being progressive ;)

Well, how do Individualists understand society?

From what I gather they don't see themselves as a part of society, therefor they tend to not value culture, they tend to not value helping others within their society because they don't seem to be smart enough, nor caring enough to grasp the "Collective Society"
You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.
So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.
And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.

Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.
Here’s my impression of conservatives.

“I hate socialism ! Big government is bad !!!”

Then a storm hits , the hills catch fire , a frost kills the crops , the beach house is flooded , or they get sick . Suddenly it’s “BIG GOVERNMENT SAVE MEEEEEEE!”
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.

Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.

Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.
It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.
Can't make your own way in life.....congratulations halfwit.

Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.
Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.
This is true. Conservatives give freely, while libstains need it legislated.

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