Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.

I'm not a Liberal, in fact you're a Liberal.

I certainly wouldn't have supported Reagan's Amnesty.

So, because of your generations voting for idiots who allowed in 30 million, or so Hispanics under their watches.

My generation has to suffer?

Like most individualists, you clearly don't grasp there's a society outside of your own.

You don't even begin to think of the fact, that now-a-days you wouldn't probably make it at all under the same circumstances.

But, somehow the same tired Capitalist junk / Liberal positions will somehow solve all.

It's just the same crap, over, and over again.
I agree with a lot of that post.
Its not that individualists arent aware of a society, they just believe in responsibility and accountability.
Guess what the ironic thing about that is?
Thats the definition of being progressive ;)

Well, how do Individualists understand society?

From what I gather they don't see themselves as a part of society, therefor they tend to not value culture, they tend to not value helping others within their society because they don't seem to be smart enough, nor caring enough to grasp the "Collective Society"
So you like to gather ignorance and cliches?
Sounds like a blast bro.
Not necessarily about myself.

My parents are worth about 1.6 million.

I have personally about 100K saved up, and made 40K a year on my last job, which is "Alright" at my age of 32, but nothing special, really.

I'd still be working that other job, where they lied to me, routinely yelled at me, and wouldn't allow me to take days off, or sick days etc.

But, considering my parents situation, I was able to leave.

As of now, I'm actually making more, but less often.

In fact, I have a few jobs, a moving job for a old customer, some gardening jobs for my neighbors, and am working for a Bat exterminator.

Ultimately it's pretty hard to find jobs around Pawling, NY.

It's not worth commuting for modest wages to NYC, or White Plains, where most of the job opportunities are, and well everything is way more expensive too. father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.

Individualism is Liberalism, because Socially Conservative values typically include Collectivism, like "Gays are bad" or "Muslims are bad" or "Illegal immigrants are bad" or "Prostitutes are bad" these are all Collectivist groupings.

Individualism is also Liberalism, because Individualism tends to value Liberty, which is Liberalism too.
I.E Liberalism means to loosen up regulations, that's Liberty in a nutshell.

Keep in mind Authoritarianism is actually Right-Wing by classical definitions too.

Indeed, I don't know how Socially Conservative people expect to use "Do Nothing Liberty" to combat Abortion, Porn, Gays, Illegal Mexicans, Muslim refugees etc.

Individualism / Capitalism / Liberty it's all Liberalism.
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states

It is not authoritarian because the American people sent the lawmakers to Washington who made those policies and laws.
That's how.
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.

Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.

Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.

What exactly makes them "right"? father was worth around ten mill yet my step mother got it all.
The wife and I are worth damn near that ourselves through hard work.
I have nothing for slackers...fuck em all.

It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.

Individualism is Liberalism, because Socially Conservative values typically include Collectivism, like "Gays are bad" or "Muslims are bad" or "Illegal immigrants are bad" or "Prostitutes are bad" these are all Collectivist groupings.

Individualism is also Liberalism, because Individualism tends to value Liberty, which is Liberalism too.
I.E Liberalism means to loosen up regulations, that's Liberty in a nutshell.

Keep in mind Authoritarianism is actually Right-Wing by classical definitions too.

Indeed, I don't know how Socially Conservative people expect to use "Do Nothing Liberty" to combat Abortion, Porn, Gays, Illegal Mexicans, Muslim refugees etc.

Individualism / Capitalism / Liberty it's all Liberalism.

There are lots of things that are bad. Murder is bad, stealing is bad, hate is bad, etc., etc.

The issue is how do you handle what you think is "bad" or "sin"? You assume that conservatives want to make everything they think is "bad" illegal while liberals don't. That is simply a lie.

Well tell that to those in New York who outlawed biggie sodas or California where they banned drinking straws.
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.

Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.

Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.

What exactly makes them "right"?

Right Wing by classical definitions means for Socially Conservative values, Traditional values, Nationalism, Hierarchy, Authoritarianism, etc. etc.

Hitler meets the criteria in each one, Reagan meets the criteria in none, and Stalin probably meets more than half of them, or more in partial terms.

I.E "Partial terms" I mean that Stalin might have been both anti-and pro-Hierarchy, in the sense that he was against some ethnic groups, but in the sense of a classless system he was not for hierarchy.

So, perhaps Reagan supported "Capitalist Hierarchy" that's about it.

Not a right-wing dude, Reagan was a far Leftist Liberal.
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states

It is not authoritarian because the American people sent the lawmakers to Washington who made those policies and laws.
That's how.
So you dont know what an authoritarian is... lol
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.

Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.

Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.

What exactly makes them "right"?

Right Wing by classical definitions means for Socially Conservative values, Traditional values, Nationalism, Hierarchy, Authoritarianism, etc. etc.

Hitler meets the criteria in each one, Reagan meets the criteria in none, and Stalin probably meets more than half of them, or more in partial terms.

I.E "Partial terms" I mean that Stalin might have been both anti-and pro-Hierarchy, in the sense that he was against some ethnic groups, but in the sense of a classless system he was not for hierarchy.

So, perhaps Reagan supported "Capitalist Hierarchy" that's about it.

Not a right-wing dude, Reagan was a far Leftist Liberal.
Reagan was NOT a liberal.
Liberals are for small govt and individual liberty.
Reagan didnt seem to care about either one of those.
It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.

Individualism is Liberalism, because Socially Conservative values typically include Collectivism, like "Gays are bad" or "Muslims are bad" or "Illegal immigrants are bad" or "Prostitutes are bad" these are all Collectivist groupings.

Individualism is also Liberalism, because Individualism tends to value Liberty, which is Liberalism too.
I.E Liberalism means to loosen up regulations, that's Liberty in a nutshell.

Keep in mind Authoritarianism is actually Right-Wing by classical definitions too.

Indeed, I don't know how Socially Conservative people expect to use "Do Nothing Liberty" to combat Abortion, Porn, Gays, Illegal Mexicans, Muslim refugees etc.

Individualism / Capitalism / Liberty it's all Liberalism.

Well tell that to those in New York who outlawed biggie sodas

Bloomberg's a bit of a screwy, Jewie, I mean you can buy 10 medium sodas, but not 1 big soda?

But, despite Authoritarianism being a Right-Wing value, according to classical definitions.

I wouldn't say Bloomberg's a Right-Winger, he cares nothing about American culture, or anything Socially Conservative.
Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.

Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.

What exactly makes them "right"?

Right Wing by classical definitions means for Socially Conservative values, Traditional values, Nationalism, Hierarchy, Authoritarianism, etc. etc.

Hitler meets the criteria in each one, Reagan meets the criteria in none, and Stalin probably meets more than half of them, or more in partial terms.

I.E "Partial terms" I mean that Stalin might have been both anti-and pro-Hierarchy, in the sense that he was against some ethnic groups, but in the sense of a classless system he was not for hierarchy.

So, perhaps Reagan supported "Capitalist Hierarchy" that's about it.

Not a right-wing dude, Reagan was a far Leftist Liberal.
Reagan was NOT a liberal.
Liberals are for small govt and individual liberty.
Reagan didnt seem to care about either one of those.

He cut taxes, granted amnesty to millions of Mexicans, cut out the government facilities from taking care of the mentally ill.

That's all liberty, no?

However, I'll admit that in the sense that he promoted bigger military was not, however.
Yes, we, know, Hitler, Stalin, etc., they were all right wingers

Thanks for that.

Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.

What exactly makes them "right"?

Right Wing by classical definitions means for Socially Conservative values, Traditional values, Nationalism, Hierarchy, Authoritarianism, etc. etc.

Hitler meets the criteria in each one, Reagan meets the criteria in none, and Stalin probably meets more than half of them, or more in partial terms.

I.E "Partial terms" I mean that Stalin might have been both anti-and pro-Hierarchy, in the sense that he was against some ethnic groups, but in the sense of a classless system he was not for hierarchy.

So, perhaps Reagan supported "Capitalist Hierarchy" that's about it.

Not a right-wing dude, Reagan was a far Leftist Liberal.
Reagan was NOT a liberal.
Liberals are for small govt and individual liberty.
Reagan didnt seem to care about either one of those.

He cut taxes, granted amnesty to millions of Mexicans, cut out the government facilities from taking care of the mentally ill.

That's all liberty, no?

However, I'll admit that in the sense that he promoted bigger military was not, however.
He expanded the DEA put drugs in the streets sold weapons to terrorists and many other things.
Taking care of the mentally ill is a job even for a "small" govt. He just wanted to pay for all the crack and anti pot commercials he put out there :D
I dont agree congratulating people on breaking the law is "liberal"
It's not the same World as yours was, now-a-days you have college grads working at McDonald's.

In your World if you worked hard, you could move up.

Now, you need a lot of education to be guaranteed wealth, if anything else happens it's clearly a strong anomaly.

But, being an Individualist I wouldn't expect you to care about anyone but yourself.

Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.

Individualism is Liberalism, because Socially Conservative values typically include Collectivism, like "Gays are bad" or "Muslims are bad" or "Illegal immigrants are bad" or "Prostitutes are bad" these are all Collectivist groupings.

Individualism is also Liberalism, because Individualism tends to value Liberty, which is Liberalism too.
I.E Liberalism means to loosen up regulations, that's Liberty in a nutshell.

Keep in mind Authoritarianism is actually Right-Wing by classical definitions too.

Indeed, I don't know how Socially Conservative people expect to use "Do Nothing Liberty" to combat Abortion, Porn, Gays, Illegal Mexicans, Muslim refugees etc.

Individualism / Capitalism / Liberty it's all Liberalism.

There are lots of things that are bad. Murder is bad, stealing is bad, hate is bad, etc., etc.

The issue is how do you handle what you think is "bad" or "sin"? You assume that conservatives want to make everything they think is "bad" illegal while liberals don't. That is simply a lie.

Individual Liberty / Capitalism Freedom would imply that Drugs would be legalized as a Capitalist Liberty of Individual Freedom, same with Porn, Abortion, Rap Music, Gay Marriage, Illegal immigrants, Outsourced jobs, Hollywood, and media "Leftie values"

It seems that this all fosters Liberalism, rather than anything I'd call "Right-Wing" no?
It seems more and more people are throwing around the "S" word for the purpose of fearmongering -- and from what I have seen in these threads is that not many people know what democratic socialism is --- so instead of going into a long dissertation about what it is..

Instead, I just want to ask people here to tell me if there is any policy, program or anything else currently in use that is "socialist" -- if so, what is it and what would be a better alternative?

I don't usually like to quote dictionary definitions in a political debate, but since that seems to be the point of the thread, let's start with that (the first one that popped up from googling):

"a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Now, I realize the point of threads like this is to claim that all government programs are 'socialist', in order to reduce public resistance to more and more socialism. But that's a con. You're trying to use existing policies as justification to socialize everything.

So, stow the wedge. The real question is what we look toward as the ideal. As a general guiding principle, should try to ensure that "the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned or regulated by the community as a whole", or should we aim for a system where those things are owned privately, free from government control?
Just about everybody was Socially Conservative, and Authoritarian (Right-Wing values) up into rather recent times, how we got to people like Merkel, Reagan, Obama, W Bush, Blair, Macron, etc. etc. who sell out their nations to foreigners is beyond me.

Yes, absolutely, Stalin, and even more so Hitler are both to the Right of those I just listed.

What exactly makes them "right"?

Right Wing by classical definitions means for Socially Conservative values, Traditional values, Nationalism, Hierarchy, Authoritarianism, etc. etc.

Hitler meets the criteria in each one, Reagan meets the criteria in none, and Stalin probably meets more than half of them, or more in partial terms.

I.E "Partial terms" I mean that Stalin might have been both anti-and pro-Hierarchy, in the sense that he was against some ethnic groups, but in the sense of a classless system he was not for hierarchy.

So, perhaps Reagan supported "Capitalist Hierarchy" that's about it.

Not a right-wing dude, Reagan was a far Leftist Liberal.
Reagan was NOT a liberal.
Liberals are for small govt and individual liberty.
Reagan didnt seem to care about either one of those.

He cut taxes, granted amnesty to millions of Mexicans, cut out the government facilities from taking care of the mentally ill.

That's all liberty, no?

However, I'll admit that in the sense that he promoted bigger military was not, however.
He expanded the DEA put drugs in the streets sold weapons to terrorists and many other things.
Taking care of the mentally ill is a job even for a "small" govt. He just wanted to pay for all the crack and anti pot commercials he put out there :D
I dont agree congratulating people on breaking the law is "liberal"

Have we had a U.S.A President which was for more Individual Freedom, Capitalism, anti-Authoritarianism, or less government regulations than Reagan?
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
The Communism to Libertarian scale is easy.
(It would go something like this)
Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Reagan, Ron Paul, Bob Barr.

But, what about Right Wing / Socially Conservative to Left Wing / Socially Liberal values scale?
(It would go something like this)
Hitler, Franco, Stalin, Che Guevara, Mussolini, Churchill, FDR, Eisenhower, Lenin, LBJ, Reagan, Merkel.
Nobody else gave a shit about me,why should i give a shit about them?

Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.

Individualism is Liberalism, because Socially Conservative values typically include Collectivism, like "Gays are bad" or "Muslims are bad" or "Illegal immigrants are bad" or "Prostitutes are bad" these are all Collectivist groupings.

Individualism is also Liberalism, because Individualism tends to value Liberty, which is Liberalism too.
I.E Liberalism means to loosen up regulations, that's Liberty in a nutshell.

Keep in mind Authoritarianism is actually Right-Wing by classical definitions too.

Indeed, I don't know how Socially Conservative people expect to use "Do Nothing Liberty" to combat Abortion, Porn, Gays, Illegal Mexicans, Muslim refugees etc.

Individualism / Capitalism / Liberty it's all Liberalism.

Well tell that to those in New York who outlawed biggie sodas

Bloomberg's a bit of a screwy, Jewie, I mean you can buy 10 medium sodas, but not 1 big soda?

But, despite Authoritarianism being a Right-Wing value, according to classical definitions.

I wouldn't say Bloomberg's a Right-Winger, he cares nothing about American culture, or anything Socially Conservative.

The traditional meaning of liberal is the opposite of authoritarian, however, the modern day liberal does not fit this description.

The modern day liberal hunts down conservatives via the IRS, they delete their posts off Facebook, they shout them down at public universities and refuse to allow conservatives to speak. The modern day liberal is a fascist.
Ladies and Gentleman, OldLady has proclaimed hitler wasnt an authoritarian because he got elected :lol:
Harley, you may not like being in the minority, but the lawmakers and the President who set policy were all elected by the people. You should get off the stupid Hitler shit.
Im not. You literally ignored the definition of authoritarian to prop up your ideological beliefs.
I call stuff like that out :dunno:
Individualism 101.
Don't care about anything but yourself, society doesn't exist, except society is just there for the taking.

More falsehood.

Conservatives give far more of their time and money to those in need than liberals.

Put another way, those who are religious, and mostly conservative, give far more of their money and time to those in poor.

Those not of faith are generally Left wing and sit around whining about wanting to elect politicians who will force them to give more of their money to government in the hopes it will go to the poor.

Individualism is Liberalism, because Socially Conservative values typically include Collectivism, like "Gays are bad" or "Muslims are bad" or "Illegal immigrants are bad" or "Prostitutes are bad" these are all Collectivist groupings.

Individualism is also Liberalism, because Individualism tends to value Liberty, which is Liberalism too.
I.E Liberalism means to loosen up regulations, that's Liberty in a nutshell.

Keep in mind Authoritarianism is actually Right-Wing by classical definitions too.

Indeed, I don't know how Socially Conservative people expect to use "Do Nothing Liberty" to combat Abortion, Porn, Gays, Illegal Mexicans, Muslim refugees etc.

Individualism / Capitalism / Liberty it's all Liberalism.

Well tell that to those in New York who outlawed biggie sodas

Bloomberg's a bit of a screwy, Jewie, I mean you can buy 10 medium sodas, but not 1 big soda?

But, despite Authoritarianism being a Right-Wing value, according to classical definitions.

I wouldn't say Bloomberg's a Right-Winger, he cares nothing about American culture, or anything Socially Conservative.

The traditional meaning of liberal is the opposite of authoritarian, however, the modern day liberal does not fit this description.

The modern day liberal hunts down conservatives via the IRS, they delete their posts off Facebook, they shout them down at public universities and refuse to allow conservatives to speak. The modern day liberal is a fascist.

Democrats themselves are competing as different factions, but overall they're dominated by Social Democracy, some are also Socialists, and then some are more along the lines of Centrists.

Same with Republicans having competing factions, the Christian Right, the Libertarians, Neo-Conservatives, and Paleo-Conservatives.

By classical definitions, probably less than 10% of Americans are even Far Right-Wing (Fascists, Monarchists, and other Nationalists etc.)

Also, probably less than 10% of Americans are true Communists, either.

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