Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

What healthcare coverage would you have had?
I had a health, dental and eye plan.
A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)

Than why do foreigners flock to America for treatment?

You didnt address the income discrepancies.

As a rugged individualist? No I dont give a shit about how you get your healthcare.
All I know is I'm paying exorbitant high prices for MINE!!!!!

You like paying more for healthcare?

What about Americans going to foreign countries to be treated?
1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year. Should You? you advocate people getting lower quality healthcare in foreign countries for less money but you feel the poor in the US should get equal healthcare for less money.


Who says the U.S.A has better healthcare?

If we did why does the rest of the First-World live longer than the U.S.A?

You continuously avoid my questions.
Why do foreigners come to America when they are seriously sick?
I had friends of my family from Canada come stay with us so the Husband could get treatment at MD Anderson in Houston. By the way,it's the best cancer treatment hospital in the world.

You continuously ignore that we don't live as long as the rest of the First-World.

We spend more to live less vs the rest of the First-World.
If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

What healthcare coverage would you have had?
I had a health, dental and eye plan.

Businesses are cutting those out all the time, because they are too expensive.
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

What healthcare coverage would you have had?
I had a health, dental and eye plan.

Corporations are cutting those out all the time, because they are too expensive.
Not mine.
In fact, last month, my deductible and co insurance went down.
Thats awesome!
Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

What healthcare coverage would you have had?
I had a health, dental and eye plan.

Corporations are cutting those out all the time, because they are too expensive.
Not mine.
In fact, last month, my deductible and co insurance went down.
Thats awesome!

You are not everyone, and you obviously don't care about your own American people what-so-ever.
Socialism doesn’t lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class

Witness the debacle in Venezuela

There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO .

Simply taking on a policy issue and yelling "liberty and freedom" at it isn't really a policy..I usually see people like yourself never really have any policy proposals because most of you could care less about policy, just saying words that makes you feel better.

Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor..
Those lesser people don't deserve it is a popular mantra in opposition to policies that help everyone -- but we would gladly shoot ourselves in the foot if we think those lesser people get to benefit too

What makes corporations deserving of more tax cuts at your expense?

For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.
Yea, that's still socialism...

Now that is the phoniest statement I have heard today!

How is it at MY expense, if someone gets more of a tax cut than I do?

By your logic, I get screwed because the government hands out free cheese to people, and doesn't give me any. All you are doing is fomenting ENVY, and using it as a wedge.

But here, let me help you a little-) Know who Tom Perez is? I bet you do, lol. A BIG SOCIAL JUSTICE warrior, Democratic Socialist, and all that-) He believes in equal income, and that the rich are evil; beats the drums every day-)

Then explain what this is-------->
DNC Chair Tom Perez Spotted Carrying $1,840 Designer Bag At Airport After Calling Socialism ‘Future’ - page 1 - National News/Current Events - The Briefing Room

Oh yes, yes, one of your favorite, social justice warriors, carrying an 1800 buck bag. How can this be?!?!?!?!?! Why, he is just a lowly congress-critter, and would NEVER take free stuff, or spend absurdly on a bag, lol.

You people are phony-baloney. You got NOTHIN, squat, zero, and if we hold the House, we are going to run you people out of Washington ASAP!
If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)
Socialism doesn’t lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class

Witness the debacle in Venezuela

View attachment 207870

Sure, Venezuela, and Cuba are Communist, or Socialist, especially for Latino standards, yet they aren't the poorest of Latin America, now are they?

Nothing's really worked in Latin America, really.

I just don't think they're equal people.
Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.
Roommates were common when I grew up.
It was one of the main reasons for getting your shit together and getting your own place.

So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?
So, you'd rather have a bunch of sweaty men together in an apartment, rather than support them to actually have families?

So, how is your party the "Family values party" exactly?

Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.
It seems more and more people are throwing around the "S" word for the purpose of fearmongering -- and from what I have seen in these threads is that not many people know what democratic socialism is --- so instead of going into a long dissertation about what it is..

Instead, I just want to ask people here to tell me if there is any policy, program or anything else currently in use that is "socialist" -- if so, what is it and what would be a better alternative?

Strategy: an infinite number of ways for interpreting the world.

Choice: chooses the least pleasant one.

Conclusion: willful ignorance.
Oh fuck off....
I have no responsibility to make their dreams of a family possible.
If they want to live with a bunch of smelly men(your words)what the fuck do I care?

Wow, such family values.

Oh, and if people are paying more on healthcare, like we do in the U.S.A.

They aren't saving up money to buy houses as much, spending into a consumer market as much, nor saving up for retirement.

But, I guess for you "F*ck Americans" who aren't wealthy is your goal.
(So patriotic)

You've left the American Ideal in the dust.
The idea of being an American is you fend for yourself.
You shouldnt need the help of government unless you're in dire need.
I went from a silver spoon in my mouth at 11 to extremely poor at 12. I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and never had a college education yet I made flight hardware for the NASA shuttle program.
My Wife was offered a scholarship to Princeton but she turned it down to marry a local boy whos family had huge oil reserves in Bedias Tx. She soon dumped him and married me.....and became a highly respected Woman in the banking industry in Houston and can demand any price from those who know her.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude.

So, the American ideal is to let Americans die from hunger, or treatable diseases?

Hmm, sounds pretty anti-American to me.

Yeah, and my grandfather who didn't finish high school, became a vice-president of a paper company.

But, now-a-days many college grad millennials still aren't getting good jobs.

A lot of the good jobs are going to foreigners, plain, and simple.

Your World no longer exists.

Today is a World where lower class Whites have to compete with illegals, and upper class Whites with those from Asia.

While jobs moved in mass to China, Mexico, Vietnam, India etc.

And who's fault is that ya dumbfuck?

It's your Babyboomer's fault, and your peddling of Capitalism junk, I don't think this country has seen a more wealthy, nor greedy generation.

Nothing was ever enough for it, oh hire more illegals, outsource more jobs, make smaller products, make junky products the consumer won't notice,
long as the Capitalists are happy profiting off of anti-Americanism.

Then you're a dumbfuck who doesnt pay attention to market/job trends.
I knew in 89 my job would no longer be productive due to amnesty.
I watched machine shops go from 3% hispanic to 75% hispanic and saw the writing on the wall and gave it up for a means of retirement.
Go ahead and dont think ahead for your future...I expect nothing less from moronic liberals.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

What healthcare coverage would you have had?
I had a health, dental and eye plan.

Corporations are cutting those out all the time, because they are too expensive.
Not mine.
In fact, last month, my deductible and co insurance went down.
Thats awesome!

You are not everyone, and you obviously don't care about your own American people what-so-ever.
Dude, i have stated in this thread i have no problem helping the helpless.
Its able bodied lazy fucks i have a problem with.
You are right, im not everyone. As long as i am able bodied and of decent mind, i will take care of myself and mine. It doesnt even take a genius to figure out if something is wrong, you fix it. If i can figure that one out, just about anyone with 23 pairs of chromosomes can.

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