Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

Even if it means paying a lot more on healthcare insurance collectively speaking?
A person would be hard pressed to prove the govt isnt the reason costs are so high to begin with..


To put that into perspective you would have to show earnings differentials.
I pay a lot for my high end healthcare but I can afford it.

So, because you can afford it, that means it's the best for society to pay more for healthcare?

What ever happened to saving me $2500.00 bucks a year on my healthcare?
Fuck the poor!!! It isnt my job to insure their health.
If they have to take on a lessor plan that isnt on me,thats on them.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.
Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
I don't know what you mean by "socialist".

This still exists on a continuum. Since no one is advocating for real socialism, including Obama, this doesn't make much sense to me.

Yet you ignore the lefts adoration of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in fact does support radical socialism.....even though she's been proven to be a mental midget when it comes to the economy.
The two primary tenets of socialism are (1) the absence of personal property and (2) government ownership of all means of production and distribution.

Did Obama advocate for that? Does Ocasio-Cortez?

Why was I not told of this!?

Those fukkin crazy eyes!!!!

This chick reminds me of one of my brothers ex girl friends.
We were at our weekend place on the S Llanno river and were returning from a beer run when she went crazy eyed insane!!!
He pulled over at an Historical marker to calm things didnt go well.

Ever since they've been known as Hysterical markers in my family.
My brother hates it.....
Democrat socialists claim the difference between them and the likes of stalin and lenin is the authoritarian approach. According to wiki
The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism", but the adjective "democratic" is sometimes used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist-inspired socialism which is viewed as being non-democratic in practice.[4][5] Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and Soviet economic model, rejecting the authoritarian form of governance and highly centralized command economythat took form in the Soviet Union in the early 20th century
How is forcing companies/businesses to go against their will not authoritarian?
How is not paying higher income taxes and getting your shit taken by the state not authoritarian?
How is forcing me to work to care for other people not authoritarian?
It also states
advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[
How is that so different from "govt ownership" when the govt is the one that will punish you if you dont do what they say? When its the govt that is regulating it?
IMO, its just buzz words to throw sheep off like how mussolini did with fascism and socialism...
"fascism is not socialism because we focus on the nation instead of the globe" :rolleyes:
Its ALL authoritarian.

Stalin was an extreme Socialist, but he was actually more Right-Wing than what we have by a long shot.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?
I have no problem with a little regulation for the capitalists. They need it.
I have a problem with being forced to pay for other people who dont even want to help themselves.
Why in the fuck should i work to pay people to exist? Its a load of unconstitutional bullshit.

So, it's the fault of Walmart workers being paid scab wages, that they need to go on welfare?

Hmm, and yet Walmart themselves pays those scab wages, and foots the tab to you so they don't suffer, or even die from poverty hunger, or illness.

I can understand why small businesses can't pay for the tab, but what about big businesses like Walmart?
I have had to have 2 jobs to make ends meet. Why cant they?
I had to work for the pay i have now. Why cant they?

There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT
Do a lot of Republicans even understand how a Capitalist economy works?

They frequently blame people for being paid poor wages.

They tell them to be educated, so they can get more job opportunities.

Yet, Millennials are more educated, and many Millennials with degrees are working in jobs traditionally held for non-educated people.

Simple, the economy simply demands the labor needs it does.

So, even if 100% of the economy were Doctorate degrees, there'd still be people cleaning toilets, flipping burgers, working the registers, mowing lawns etc. because the job market demands this.

How about we bring back blue collar vocational classes in our school systems.
Not everyone is cut out for college.
I mean come on!!! Wouldnt little Johny be better suited to take up plumbing than getting a degree in women's studies?
Or do like TN. We use lottery money to give EVERYONE( as long as they dont already have a bachelors) a degree in community college or tech school.
No taxes. The only way i will help these kids or adults is by CHOICE.
Thats liberty AND Freedom!
A person would be hard pressed to prove the govt isnt the reason costs are so high to begin with..


To put that into perspective you would have to show earnings differentials.
I pay a lot for my high end healthcare but I can afford it.

So, because you can afford it, that means it's the best for society to pay more for healthcare?

What ever happened to saving me $2500.00 bucks a year on my healthcare?
Fuck the poor!!! It isnt my job to insure their health.
If they have to take on a lessor plan that isnt on me,thats on them.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.

I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.
I have no problem with a little regulation for the capitalists. They need it.
I have a problem with being forced to pay for other people who dont even want to help themselves.
Why in the fuck should i work to pay people to exist? Its a load of unconstitutional bullshit.

So, it's the fault of Walmart workers being paid scab wages, that they need to go on welfare?

Hmm, and yet Walmart themselves pays those scab wages, and foots the tab to you so they don't suffer, or even die from poverty hunger, or illness.

I can understand why small businesses can't pay for the tab, but what about big businesses like Walmart?
I have had to have 2 jobs to make ends meet. Why cant they?
I had to work for the pay i have now. Why cant they?

There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?

To put that into perspective you would have to show earnings differentials.
I pay a lot for my high end healthcare but I can afford it.

So, because you can afford it, that means it's the best for society to pay more for healthcare?

What ever happened to saving me $2500.00 bucks a year on my healthcare?
Fuck the poor!!! It isnt my job to insure their health.
If they have to take on a lessor plan that isnt on me,thats on them.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.

I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.

A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)
To put that into perspective you would have to show earnings differentials.
I pay a lot for my high end healthcare but I can afford it.

So, because you can afford it, that means it's the best for society to pay more for healthcare?

What ever happened to saving me $2500.00 bucks a year on my healthcare?
Fuck the poor!!! It isnt my job to insure their health.
If they have to take on a lessor plan that isnt on me,thats on them.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.

I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.

A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)

Than why do foreigners flock to America for treatment?

You didnt address the income discrepancies.

As a rugged individualist? No I dont give a shit about how you get your healthcare.
All I know is I'm paying exorbitant high prices for MINE!!!!!
So, because you can afford it, that means it's the best for society to pay more for healthcare?

What ever happened to saving me $2500.00 bucks a year on my healthcare?
Fuck the poor!!! It isnt my job to insure their health.
If they have to take on a lessor plan that isnt on me,thats on them.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.

I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.

A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)

Than why do foreigners flock to America for treatment?

You didnt address the income discrepancies.

As a rugged individualist? No I dont give a shit about how you get your healthcare.
All I know is I'm paying exorbitant high prices for MINE!!!!!

You like paying more for healthcare?

What about Americans going to foreign countries to be treated?
1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year. Should You?
I have no problem with a little regulation for the capitalists. They need it.
I have a problem with being forced to pay for other people who dont even want to help themselves.
Why in the fuck should i work to pay people to exist? Its a load of unconstitutional bullshit.

So, it's the fault of Walmart workers being paid scab wages, that they need to go on welfare?

Hmm, and yet Walmart themselves pays those scab wages, and foots the tab to you so they don't suffer, or even die from poverty hunger, or illness.

I can understand why small businesses can't pay for the tab, but what about big businesses like Walmart?
I have had to have 2 jobs to make ends meet. Why cant they?
I had to work for the pay i have now. Why cant they?

There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.
So, it's the fault of Walmart workers being paid scab wages, that they need to go on welfare?

Hmm, and yet Walmart themselves pays those scab wages, and foots the tab to you so they don't suffer, or even die from poverty hunger, or illness.

I can understand why small businesses can't pay for the tab, but what about big businesses like Walmart?
I have had to have 2 jobs to make ends meet. Why cant they?
I had to work for the pay i have now. Why cant they?

There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans should settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
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What ever happened to saving me $2500.00 bucks a year on my healthcare?
Fuck the poor!!! It isnt my job to insure their health.
If they have to take on a lessor plan that isnt on me,thats on them.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.

I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.

A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)

Than why do foreigners flock to America for treatment?

You didnt address the income discrepancies.

As a rugged individualist? No I dont give a shit about how you get your healthcare.
All I know is I'm paying exorbitant high prices for MINE!!!!!

You like paying more for healthcare?

What about Americans going to foreign countries to be treated?
1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year. Should You? you advocate people getting lower quality healthcare in foreign countries for less money but you feel the poor in the US should get equal healthcare for less money.

So, you don't care if Americans die from treatable illnesses?
Just because they can't afford proper healthcare?

What kind of American patriot is that?

If society is saving money on healthcare, how is that bad?

You obviously just care about yourself, when I think Individualists I think of incredibly stupid, and incredibly selfish people, who don't grasp there's a World outside of themselves.

I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.

A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)

Than why do foreigners flock to America for treatment?

You didnt address the income discrepancies.

As a rugged individualist? No I dont give a shit about how you get your healthcare.
All I know is I'm paying exorbitant high prices for MINE!!!!!

You like paying more for healthcare?

What about Americans going to foreign countries to be treated?
1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year. Should You? you advocate people getting lower quality healthcare in foreign countries for less money but you feel the poor in the US should get equal healthcare for less money.


Who says the U.S.A has better healthcare?

If we did why does the rest of the First-World live longer than the U.S.A?
I have had to have 2 jobs to make ends meet. Why cant they?
I had to work for the pay i have now. Why cant they?

There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.
There's sometimes coordination issues.

If someone works 4 hours 6 days a week at minimum wage, they simply might not be able to find a job which can overlap.

Especially in times of poor economic job availability?
Then find another job.
Why is it so hard for other people, when it worked for me? All i had to do was DO IT
At one point in my life, i was stealing my neighbors chicken eggs to eat. Now i will be debt free in 3 years. That will all happen in a matter of 16 years.
All i did was DO IT

If you work 50 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour, that's $500 dollars a week, or $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year.

Yet, rent is about $1,000 a month here, or $12,000 a year, if you want car the average cost is on average about $10,000 to operate, and health insurance is about $4,000.

That's already $26,000, how do you eat, or do anything else, much less have a baby?
You find another job where you dont make shit wages
You find a cheap car
You find a cheaper house
There are ways to make ends meet. You just have to do them.

Newsflash a growing number of jobs are shit-wages, and or part-time

Without social programs a lot of Americans would be living like Guatemalans do in Brewster, or elsewhere, which is 3 - 10 dudes sharing an apartment to make rent, and survive.

I certainly don't think Americans to settle for less, but some ;people in this nation have gone absolutely bonkers.
I shared a single wide trailer with 5 other guys when i was 18. I also made ends meet. Because i didnt want to starve.

What healthcare coverage would you have had?
I'm not saving shit on healthcare!!!
And who said anything about refusing healthcare for easy treatments?
You give em the cattle car treatment like flying Southwest.
You'll get there but it aint luxurious.

I expect a private room with top notch care because thats what I pay for.
The poor dont drive high end cars because they cant afford them. Same for healthcare,as long as it gets you where you're going STFU.

A.) What better healthcare? Americans die earlier than the rest of the First World.

B.) What cheaper healthcare? Americans spend more on healthcare than the rest of the World.

Oh, how patriotic, how smart.

All you care about is "Me, mine, and now" typical primitive Individualist Apes.
(Usually dirty Brits down South)

Than why do foreigners flock to America for treatment?

You didnt address the income discrepancies.

As a rugged individualist? No I dont give a shit about how you get your healthcare.
All I know is I'm paying exorbitant high prices for MINE!!!!!

You like paying more for healthcare?

What about Americans going to foreign countries to be treated?
1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year. Should You? you advocate people getting lower quality healthcare in foreign countries for less money but you feel the poor in the US should get equal healthcare for less money.


Who says the U.S.A has better healthcare?

If we did why does the rest of the First-World live longer than the U.S.A?

You continuously avoid my questions.
Why do foreigners come to America when they are seriously sick?
I had friends of my family from Canada come stay with us so the Husband could get treatment at MD Anderson in Houston. By the way,it's the best cancer treatment hospital in the world.

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