Another Thread About Socialism, But Better

Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO .

Simply taking on a policy issue and yelling "liberty and freedom" at it isn't really a policy..I usually see people like yourself never really have any policy proposals because most of you could care less about policy, just saying words that makes you feel better.

Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor..
Those lesser people don't deserve it is a popular mantra in opposition to policies that help everyone -- but we would gladly shoot ourselves in the foot if we think those lesser people get to benefit too

What makes corporations deserving of more tax cuts at your expense?

For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.
Yea, that's still socialism...
Liberty and freedom are policies
Corporations shouldnt get welfare. Im ok with tax cuts. I will almost always support people keeping more of THEIR money
Sure it is. But by smaller scale, i meant on a lot smaller scale than what we have now. Liek where only the helpless use it.
Ok, let me try this again...

Let's take health insurance -- did you know that talks of a national healthcare system first started back in 1912 with Teddy Roosevelt? Was he a communist socialist? Later Truman tried something similar -- he was trying to address the issue of more and more Americans not being able to afford health care (yes, even back then).

So a compromise was struck, they would provide national healthcare for those over 65 only instead of for all Americans like the socialist dictators Teddy and Truman tried -- since it was basically impossible for seniors to get affordable coverage, they were basically dying due to not being able to afford to live -- Liberty and Freedom may be good names for health insurance companies, but they were not actual policies

The policy that worked best was Medicare -- which is why it is still the most popular form of healthcare for 50 plus years and counting.

You tell me how liberty and freedom will keep overhead costs below 7% like Medicare does?
I cant even read your whole post from laughing at your ridiculousness
Socialist dictators, communists... smh
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO
Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor.
For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.

Even if it means paying a lot more on healthcare insurance collectively speaking?
A person would be hard pressed to prove the govt isnt the reason costs are so high to begin with..

I know. Its crazy high. That doesnt prove healthcare was cheaper before the govt got involved.

So, everybody listed on that chart who is spending less than us with national healthcare, somehow means the government is to blame?

Hmm, here I thought because we lived longer, and because of corporate profits healthcare has gone up significantly in this country.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO
Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor.
For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.

Even if it means paying a lot more on healthcare insurance collectively speaking?
A person would be hard pressed to prove the govt isnt the reason costs are so high to begin with..

I know. Its crazy high. That doesnt prove healthcare was cheaper before the govt got involved.

So, everybody listed on that chart who is spending less than us with national healthcare, somehow means the government is to blame?

Hmm, here I thought because we lived longer, and because of corporate profits healthcare has gone up significantly in this country.
Oh, im sorry. I forgot we all have the same government.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO .

Simply taking on a policy issue and yelling "liberty and freedom" at it isn't really a policy..I usually see people like yourself never really have any policy proposals because most of you could care less about policy, just saying words that makes you feel better.

Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor..
Those lesser people don't deserve it is a popular mantra in opposition to policies that help everyone -- but we would gladly shoot ourselves in the foot if we think those lesser people get to benefit too

What makes corporations deserving of more tax cuts at your expense?

For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.
Yea, that's still socialism...
Liberty and freedom are policies
Corporations shouldnt get welfare. Im ok with tax cuts. I will almost always support people keeping more of THEIR money
Sure it is. But by smaller scale, i meant on a lot smaller scale than what we have now. Liek where only the helpless use it.
Ok, let me try this again...

Let's take health insurance -- did you know that talks of a national healthcare system first started back in 1912 with Teddy Roosevelt? Was he a communist socialist? Later Truman tried something similar -- he was trying to address the issue of more and more Americans not being able to afford health care (yes, even back then).

So a compromise was struck, they would provide national healthcare for those over 65 only instead of for all Americans like the socialist dictators Teddy and Truman tried -- since it was basically impossible for seniors to get affordable coverage, they were basically dying due to not being able to afford to live -- Liberty and Freedom may be good names for health insurance companies, but they were not actual policies

The policy that worked best was Medicare -- which is why it is still the most popular form of healthcare for 50 plus years and counting.

You tell me how liberty and freedom will keep overhead costs below 7% like Medicare does?
I cant even read your whole post from laughing at your ridiculousness
Socialist dictators, communists... smh
Yea, let that be the excuse as to why you can't answer any of the points I made,
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.

Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
Its no surprise that missing from this post are any policy proposals that have proved to work better than the "socialism" they claim to hate.

For the 1000th time -- liberty and freedom are not policy proposals, they are words uttered by people who don't know about policies.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO .

Simply taking on a policy issue and yelling "liberty and freedom" at it isn't really a policy..I usually see people like yourself never really have any policy proposals because most of you could care less about policy, just saying words that makes you feel better.

Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor..
Those lesser people don't deserve it is a popular mantra in opposition to policies that help everyone -- but we would gladly shoot ourselves in the foot if we think those lesser people get to benefit too

What makes corporations deserving of more tax cuts at your expense?

For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.
Yea, that's still socialism...

Corporations provide jobs silly boi.
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.
Advocating a socialist United States is advocating that.
You do realize most are advocating for a "democratic socialism", such as in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Britain, Germany, right?

Those are not socialist countries by definition.

All I see is more of my hard earned cash being taxed for the benefit of the lazy.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO .

Simply taking on a policy issue and yelling "liberty and freedom" at it isn't really a policy..I usually see people like yourself never really have any policy proposals because most of you could care less about policy, just saying words that makes you feel better.

Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor..
Those lesser people don't deserve it is a popular mantra in opposition to policies that help everyone -- but we would gladly shoot ourselves in the foot if we think those lesser people get to benefit too

What makes corporations deserving of more tax cuts at your expense?

For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.
Yea, that's still socialism...
Liberty and freedom are policies
Corporations shouldnt get welfare. Im ok with tax cuts. I will almost always support people keeping more of THEIR money
Sure it is. But by smaller scale, i meant on a lot smaller scale than what we have now. Liek where only the helpless use it.
Ok, let me try this again...

Let's take health insurance -- did you know that talks of a national healthcare system first started back in 1912 with Teddy Roosevelt? Was he a communist socialist? Later Truman tried something similar -- he was trying to address the issue of more and more Americans not being able to afford health care (yes, even back then).

So a compromise was struck, they would provide national healthcare for those over 65 only instead of for all Americans like the socialist dictators Teddy and Truman tried -- since it was basically impossible for seniors to get affordable coverage, they were basically dying due to not being able to afford to live -- Liberty and Freedom may be good names for health insurance companies, but they were not actual policies

The policy that worked best was Medicare -- which is why it is still the most popular form of healthcare for 50 plus years and counting.

You tell me how liberty and freedom will keep overhead costs below 7% like Medicare does?
I cant even read your whole post from laughing at your ridiculousness
Socialist dictators, communists... smh
Yea, let that be the excuse as to why you can't answer any of the points I made,
Try it again without sounding like a complete moron.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO
Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor.
For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.

Even if it means paying a lot more on healthcare insurance collectively speaking?
A person would be hard pressed to prove the govt isnt the reason costs are so high to begin with..


To put that into perspective you would have to show earnings differentials.
I pay a lot for my high end healthcare but I can afford it.
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.

Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
I don't know what you mean by "socialist".

This stuff exists on a continuum. Since no one is advocating for real socialism, including Obama, this doesn't make much sense to me.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO .

Simply taking on a policy issue and yelling "liberty and freedom" at it isn't really a policy..I usually see people like yourself never really have any policy proposals because most of you could care less about policy, just saying words that makes you feel better.

Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor..
Those lesser people don't deserve it is a popular mantra in opposition to policies that help everyone -- but we would gladly shoot ourselves in the foot if we think those lesser people get to benefit too

What makes corporations deserving of more tax cuts at your expense?

For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.
Yea, that's still socialism...

Corporations provide jobs silly boi.

Now-a-days Corporations from the U.S.A, seem to provide more jobs for foreigners, than Americans, be it abroad like jobs outsourced to China, or Vietnam, or at home, like illegals from Mexico, or Silicon Valley techs from India.

All to maximize profit for the elite Capitalists, at the expense of less job availability, and lower wages for the American working class masses.

Just imagine, if this hadn't gone on, we (Americans) would all probably have incomes twice as high.
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.

Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
I don't know what you mean by "socialist".

This still exists on a continuum. Since no one is advocating for real socialism, including Obama, this doesn't make much sense to me.

Yet you ignore the lefts adoration of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in fact does support radical socialism.....even though she's been proven to be a mental midget when it comes to the economy.
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.

Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
I don't know what you mean by "socialist".

This stuff exists on a continuum. Since no one is advocating for real socialism, including Obama, this doesn't make much sense to me.

That is because all nations who have embraced what socialism really means, have failed or are currently failing.
I have no problem with a little regulation for the capitalists. They need it.
I have a problem with being forced to pay for other people who dont even want to help themselves.
Why in the fuck should i work to pay people to exist? Its a load of unconstitutional bullshit.
Liberty and individuality is always a better alternative IMO
Some people dont want to take care of themselves. To that i say, "to each their own"
They certainly arent deserving of my labor.
For the actual helpless? We could do something on a smaller scale.

Even if it means paying a lot more on healthcare insurance collectively speaking?
A person would be hard pressed to prove the govt isnt the reason costs are so high to begin with..


To put that into perspective you would have to show earnings differentials.
I pay a lot for my high end healthcare but I can afford it.

So, because you can afford it, that means it's the best for society to pay more for healthcare?
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.

Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
I don't know what you mean by "socialist".

This still exists on a continuum. Since no one is advocating for real socialism, including Obama, this doesn't make much sense to me.

Yet you ignore the lefts adoration of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in fact does support radical socialism.....even though she's been proven to be a mental midget when it comes to the economy.

Crazy eyes is fast becoming the Sarah Palin of the Left.

For example, she says that the lower unemployment rate under Trump is due to people having to work more jobs.


Then she bad mouths Israel in one breath, and then states that she really does not know much about it in the next breath.

Naturally, the media ignores it by in large and is not hateful towards her like they were Sarah Palin who did not come close to being as dim witted.
Who knows what people think it means. I think the current definition is "anything Trump doesn't support".
View attachment 207815
Great! So can we get to the bottom of who is advocating for the abolition of private property and government ownership of production and distribution?

Because I'm not really seeing that being advocated.

Obviously that wouldnt go over well with real Americans.
The left has already jumped the gun when it comes to socialism in America.
Barry and his socialist policies were soundly rejected by the American people and it showed with the loss of over a thousand seats of government for the left.

I sincerely hope they continue with their bullshit.
The bubble they live in is about to get burst......again.
I don't know what you mean by "socialist".

This still exists on a continuum. Since no one is advocating for real socialism, including Obama, this doesn't make much sense to me.

Yet you ignore the lefts adoration of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in fact does support radical socialism.....even though she's been proven to be a mental midget when it comes to the economy.
The two primary tenets of socialism are (1) the absence of personal property and (2) government ownership of all means of production and distribution.

Did Obama advocate for that? Does Ocasio-Cortez?

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