Ante up anti gunners...what will you allow for normal gun owners, what do you want?

They don't need to approve of misuse. They need only make it as hard as possible to legislate against misuse. And they have the financial resources to do a very good job of that.
??? I just did. Our regulation of machine guns is very effective. Expand it to include all firearms. No law-abiding citizen would be adversely affected.
Except that only criminals would be armed to the teeth. What kind of fantasy world do you live in where criminals obey laws? See, that's the fundamental flaw in your thinking. Criminals, by definition, do not obey laws. No gun law ever has, nor ever will, stop a criminal from committing a crime. If a criminal wants my wallet, on the other hand, he will have to kill me to get it. See the difference? You want to prosecute him for taking my wallet, I want to stop him from taking it.
Criminals don't obey laws? You think that life in prison for illegal possession of a machine gun isn't effective? How many crimes are being committed by criminals wielding machine guns do we suffer every day?

Or ever?

Save your bumper sticker responses.

How about we jail those actually committing crimes with firearms for around 25 years if used in a robbery, fifty years if you discharge the weapon during said robbery and get your affairs in order if you kill someone in a robbery?
That way we actually punish the ones committing the crimes and not the law abiding.
Certainly nothing wrong with that approach. But we're not doing that either.

We're not doing anything to address this problem because of the influence of those who won't abide any new efforts to control the acquisition and use of firearms.

Nothing else would be needed if we locked up criminals who use firearms for long sentences.
The statistics show it's a small percentage of the population that commit crimes over and over again.
Stop letting em out of prison and we'd see a dramatic drop in firearm related crime.

That only leaves about 18,000 suicides, 1,000 accidental gun deaths, etc. Still more than all of Europe combined. (You know, since we're back to "black lives don't matter" or "only thugs kill with guns").

But sure, it's just the bad guys. You gotta be delusional. We're a gun-crazy country that the rest of the world shakes its head at.
Ah, yes, the good old days when calling a cop was sufficient. Back when a juvenile delinquent who wanted to be a tough guy had to fabricate his compensator out of a car antenna shaft, rubber band and a nail. Today he just goes to the corner of the playground and buys a Glock.

Thanks, NRA.

NRA is selling guns at playgrounds?
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

No,the racket is liberals and their soft on crime approach because it happens to be minorities doing most of the killing.
The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.

We have more people in jail than any country on earth, including India or China.


But please, preach more about how we need to jail more people in order to have the appropriate "hardness" against criminality.
Ah, yes, the good old days when calling a cop was sufficient. Back when a juvenile delinquent who wanted to be a tough guy had to fabricate his compensator out of a car antenna shaft, rubber band and a nail. Today he just goes to the corner of the playground and buys a Glock.

Thanks, NRA.

NRA is selling guns at playgrounds?
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.
Law-abiding citizens don't fear background checks, arms registration and severe penalties for misuse.
They block efforts that would affect law abiding citizens as well as criminals.

Find me a link that shows them approving of straw purchases, felons or criminals owning firearms, back street sales, etc

They oppose background checks for ALL gun purchases. Most NRA members support it. If that's not proof to you, what is?
Except that only criminals would be armed to the teeth. What kind of fantasy world do you live in where criminals obey laws? See, that's the fundamental flaw in your thinking. Criminals, by definition, do not obey laws. No gun law ever has, nor ever will, stop a criminal from committing a crime. If a criminal wants my wallet, on the other hand, he will have to kill me to get it. See the difference? You want to prosecute him for taking my wallet, I want to stop him from taking it.
Criminals don't obey laws? You think that life in prison for illegal possession of a machine gun isn't effective? How many crimes are being committed by criminals wielding machine guns do we suffer every day?

Or ever?

Save your bumper sticker responses.

How about we jail those actually committing crimes with firearms for around 25 years if used in a robbery, fifty years if you discharge the weapon during said robbery and get your affairs in order if you kill someone in a robbery?
That way we actually punish the ones committing the crimes and not the law abiding.
Certainly nothing wrong with that approach. But we're not doing that either.

We're not doing anything to address this problem because of the influence of those who won't abide any new efforts to control the acquisition and use of firearms.

Nothing else would be needed if we locked up criminals who use firearms for long sentences.
The statistics show it's a small percentage of the population that commit crimes over and over again.
Stop letting em out of prison and we'd see a dramatic drop in firearm related crime.

That only leaves about 18,000 suicides, 1,000 accidental gun deaths, etc. Still more than all of Europe combined. (You know, since we're back to "black lives don't matter" or "only thugs kill with guns").

But sure, it's just the bad guys. You gotta be delusional. We're a gun-crazy country that the rest of the world shakes its head at.

I really dont care about suicide.
If someone wants to kill themselves there are plenty of tall buildings to jump off of or garages to park in with the engine running.
NRA is selling guns at playgrounds?
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.
Law-abiding citizens don't fear background checks, arms registration and severe penalties for misuse.

I swear, these pansy-ass Gun Zealots have gone from "Don't take my guns!!!!" to "Don't mildly inconvenience me in my quest or anyone else's quest to own all guns ever made!"
Criminals don't obey laws? You think that life in prison for illegal possession of a machine gun isn't effective? How many crimes are being committed by criminals wielding machine guns do we suffer every day?

Or ever?

Save your bumper sticker responses.

How about we jail those actually committing crimes with firearms for around 25 years if used in a robbery, fifty years if you discharge the weapon during said robbery and get your affairs in order if you kill someone in a robbery?
That way we actually punish the ones committing the crimes and not the law abiding.
Certainly nothing wrong with that approach. But we're not doing that either.

We're not doing anything to address this problem because of the influence of those who won't abide any new efforts to control the acquisition and use of firearms.

Nothing else would be needed if we locked up criminals who use firearms for long sentences.
The statistics show it's a small percentage of the population that commit crimes over and over again.
Stop letting em out of prison and we'd see a dramatic drop in firearm related crime.

That only leaves about 18,000 suicides, 1,000 accidental gun deaths, etc. Still more than all of Europe combined. (You know, since we're back to "black lives don't matter" or "only thugs kill with guns").

But sure, it's just the bad guys. You gotta be delusional. We're a gun-crazy country that the rest of the world shakes its head at.

I really dont care about suicide.
If someone wants to kill themselves there are plenty of tall buildings to jump off of or garages to park in with the engine running.

That's like saying "I really don't care about cancer."

Suicide is the end result of depression, which is a disease. Guns make suicide much, much easier, and much, much more tempting.
Except that only criminals would be armed to the teeth. What kind of fantasy world do you live in where criminals obey laws? See, that's the fundamental flaw in your thinking. Criminals, by definition, do not obey laws. No gun law ever has, nor ever will, stop a criminal from committing a crime. If a criminal wants my wallet, on the other hand, he will have to kill me to get it. See the difference? You want to prosecute him for taking my wallet, I want to stop him from taking it.
Criminals don't obey laws? You think that life in prison for illegal possession of a machine gun isn't effective? How many crimes are being committed by criminals wielding machine guns do we suffer every day?

Or ever?

Save your bumper sticker responses.

How about we jail those actually committing crimes with firearms for around 25 years if used in a robbery, fifty years if you discharge the weapon during said robbery and get your affairs in order if you kill someone in a robbery?
That way we actually punish the ones committing the crimes and not the law abiding.
Certainly nothing wrong with that approach. But we're not doing that either.

We're not doing anything to address this problem because of the influence of those who won't abide any new efforts to control the acquisition and use of firearms.

Nothing else would be needed if we locked up criminals who use firearms for long sentences.
The statistics show it's a small percentage of the population that commit crimes over and over again.
Stop letting em out of prison and we'd see a dramatic drop in firearm related crime.

That only leaves about 18,000 suicides, 1,000 accidental gun deaths, etc. Still more than all of Europe combined. (You know, since we're back to "black lives don't matter" or "only thugs kill with guns").

But sure, it's just the bad guys. You gotta be delusional. We're a gun-crazy country that the rest of the world shakes its head at.

Show me some evidence that the average American gun owner uses their firearms to commit crimes.
NRA is selling guns at playgrounds?
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

No,the racket is liberals and their soft on crime approach because it happens to be minorities doing most of the killing.
The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.

We have more people in jail than any country on earth, including India or China.


But please, preach more about how we need to jail more people in order to have the appropriate "hardness" against criminality.
No need to jail more people. Increase the jail time for those who aren't getting the message.

Ref earlier mention of machine guns, the penalties for misuse, and the dearth of crimes with machine guns.

It's simple risk/reward calculus.
NRA is selling guns at playgrounds?
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.
Law-abiding citizens don't fear background checks, arms registration and severe penalties for misuse.

Registration leads to thanks.
Lock up those who commit crimes with firearms for looooong sentences and the problem will go away.
Oh these fuckers are funny, scary as hell, but funny...

What other rights are you people ready to deny citizens?
How about we jail those actually committing crimes with firearms for around 25 years if used in a robbery, fifty years if you discharge the weapon during said robbery and get your affairs in order if you kill someone in a robbery?
That way we actually punish the ones committing the crimes and not the law abiding.
Certainly nothing wrong with that approach. But we're not doing that either.

We're not doing anything to address this problem because of the influence of those who won't abide any new efforts to control the acquisition and use of firearms.

Nothing else would be needed if we locked up criminals who use firearms for long sentences.
The statistics show it's a small percentage of the population that commit crimes over and over again.
Stop letting em out of prison and we'd see a dramatic drop in firearm related crime.

That only leaves about 18,000 suicides, 1,000 accidental gun deaths, etc. Still more than all of Europe combined. (You know, since we're back to "black lives don't matter" or "only thugs kill with guns").

But sure, it's just the bad guys. You gotta be delusional. We're a gun-crazy country that the rest of the world shakes its head at.

I really dont care about suicide.
If someone wants to kill themselves there are plenty of tall buildings to jump off of or garages to park in with the engine running.

That's like saying "I really don't care about cancer."

Suicide is the end result of depression, which is a disease. Guns make suicide much, much easier, and much, much more tempting.

Thats the dumbest analogy I've ever heard.
People generally want to be cured of cancer...unless of course they're suicidal.
Can you explain how Japans suicide rate is way higher than that of the US yet they have very strict gun laws?
Certainly nothing wrong with that approach. But we're not doing that either.

We're not doing anything to address this problem because of the influence of those who won't abide any new efforts to control the acquisition and use of firearms.

Nothing else would be needed if we locked up criminals who use firearms for long sentences.
The statistics show it's a small percentage of the population that commit crimes over and over again.
Stop letting em out of prison and we'd see a dramatic drop in firearm related crime.

That only leaves about 18,000 suicides, 1,000 accidental gun deaths, etc. Still more than all of Europe combined. (You know, since we're back to "black lives don't matter" or "only thugs kill with guns").

But sure, it's just the bad guys. You gotta be delusional. We're a gun-crazy country that the rest of the world shakes its head at.

I really dont care about suicide.
If someone wants to kill themselves there are plenty of tall buildings to jump off of or garages to park in with the engine running.

That's like saying "I really don't care about cancer."

Suicide is the end result of depression, which is a disease. Guns make suicide much, much easier, and much, much more tempting.

Thats the dumbest analogy I've ever heard.
People generally want to be cured of cancer...unless of course they're suicidal.
Can you explain how Japans suicide rate is way higher than that of the US yet they have very strict gun laws?

And people generally don't want ot die from cancer, and don't have a choice.

Similarly, people with severe depression may not have a choice about wanting to die. Talk to a mental health professional, you act like I'm making this up.

True, Japan would have WAY more people dying of gunshot wounds if they had more guns. As it stands, they instead have more people surviving suicide attempts and getting help.

You say that's a bad thing? Weird, I think human suffering is not great. Agree to disagree I guess.
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.
Law-abiding citizens don't fear background checks, arms registration and severe penalties for misuse.

Registration leads to confiscation.
Really? Where are all those cars and trucks confiscated over the past 100 years we've been registering those?
They block efforts that would affect law abiding citizens as well as criminals.

Find me a link that shows them approving of straw purchases, felons or criminals owning firearms, back street sales, etc

They oppose background checks for ALL gun purchases. Most NRA members support it. If that's not proof to you, what is?

So do I.

I plan on giving my granddaughter, (19 ), a handgun in a week or so, with her fathers permission.

Under the ridiculous rule you want, I'd have to wait til she turns 21, so she can pass a background check

I have a number of other firearms I plan on giving to family members, or selling to friends at the gun range.

again, though I have known these people for years, your ridiculous rule would require to go to a local dealer, and pay to have a background check done.

So, I am INDEED against it
NRA is selling guns at playgrounds?
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.
Law-abiding citizens don't fear background checks, arms registration and severe penalties for misuse.

arms registration?

EVERY law abiding citizen should fear that
They block efforts that would affect law abiding citizens as well as criminals.

Find me a link that shows them approving of straw purchases, felons or criminals owning firearms, back street sales, etc

They oppose background checks for ALL gun purchases. Most NRA members support it. If that's not proof to you, what is?

So do I.

I plan on giving my granddaughter, (19 ), a handgun in a week or so, with her fathers permission.

Under the ridiculous rule you want, I'd have to wait til she turns 21, so she can pass a background check

I have a number of other firearms I plan on giving to family members, or selling to friends at the gun range.

again, though I have known these people for years, your ridiculous rule would require to go to a local dealer, and pay to have a background check done.

So, I am INDEED against it

I plan to help my son buy a car. Under these ridiculous DMV rules, I have to wait until he's licensed, get the car registered, make sure it's insured, etc.

ABSURD! I should be able to give him whatever i want, RIGHT NOW!! WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!
I'll indulge your wisecrack this one time. The lobbying efforts of the NRA is responsible for arms proliferation in this country and their ready availability.

If you don't like wisecracks, you might as well put me on ignore now, I use a lot of them.

Where did you get the impression that the NRA is behind the proliferation of firearms in this country?

What do they promote, in your opinion, that causes this?
You're serious? The NRA blocks every effort to keep firearms out of the hands of high-risk individuals. The more guns they can put in anyone's hands, the more everyone else feels they need protection from everyone else.

What a racket.

The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens.
Law-abiding citizens don't fear background checks, arms registration and severe penalties for misuse.

arms registration?

EVERY insanely paranoid law abiding citizen with a basement full of news articles taped to the walls should fear that


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