Anti-gun talking points ….

Thomas is only there because he's black.
Barrett is only there because she has a vagina and no rape victims are likely to pop up.

They are both morons who have no business being on the court.

No, just your freakish interpretation of the Militia Amendment, which is not what the Founding Slave Rapists intended.

Of course, it isn't 1787, so what they intended just ain't that important.

What is important is that thanks to your bizarre interpretation, we have absolute batshit crazy people buying weapons of war and mowing down preschoolers.

I get it. Dems / Socialists are infuriated that the SC is not a collection of DIE groupies. Those groupies would be valuable for pressing the agenda of fear and ignorance that defines the brain dead. "What is a woman law?

I guess you will have to deal with your hurt feelings that Thomas isn't the well behaved diversity hire you expected and Barrett is superbly qualified. Yes, that's an affront to your delicate sensibilities.

Actually, your freakish insistence that you know with 100% certainty, while possessing 0% facts about the intentions of the "Founding Slave Rapists" (no need to capitalize "Slave Rapist", BTW), is just another example of the revulsion that Dems / Socialists hold for the Constitution.

Oh, the "weapon of war" nonsense is just another worn, tired slogan that the gun nutters hurl around. It's a demonstration of the really, really pathetic appeals to ignorance that defines so much of the hysteria and falsehoods that define the Dem / Socialist agenda.
Sure I can.

If you are mentally unstable, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
If you have a criminal record, you shouldn't be able to own a gun.
If you have a substance abuse problem, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.
If you have a history of domestic violence, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.

To be allowed to have a gun, you need to have a thorough background check. Not just checking a database or checking a block on form.

If you aren't in any of the above groups, you should be able to have a gun if you are licensed, registered, insured, and can prove that you've undergone mandatory training.

Guns with a certain level of lethality (like AR15s) should not be available to the public.

All of that strikes me as very "Common sense".
You idiot. There are no qualifications in the Bill of Rights for keeping and bear arms. However, it does say that right shall not be infringed by the government. It is in the Constitution, look it up.

We don't need goddamn Libtards telling us who the Bill of Rights applies to and who it doesn't. You turds will always come up with the wrong answer.

Because the right to keep and bear arms is protected in the Bill of Rights the crime should never be the possession of a firearm. The crime is what is done illegally with the firearm. That is called Liberty as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.
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Bigrectum1775 comes flying in with 3 mouth froths

There's always one late to the party
Funny shit you ignored the post quoted to you right above this post which was quoted to you
Rape in the UK is at a record high
Why do you want to keep women in a state of victimhood?
Violent crime is on the rise
That's why I said you got problems far worse than in the US
Thomas is only there because he's black.
Barrett is only there because she has a vagina and no rape victims are likely to pop up.

They are both morons who have no business being on the court.

No, just your freakish interpretation of the Militia Amendment, which is not what the Founding Slave Rapists intended.

Of course, it isn't 1787, so what they intended just ain't that important.

What is important is that thanks to your bizarre interpretation, we have absolute batshit crazy people buying weapons of war and mowing down preschoolers.
Funny how things are since leftist judges are there to circumvent the constitution
Actually, what I remember from my Catholic School days is the teacher would often punish the whole class if one class clown acted out. It made the whole class invested in making the class clown behave.

There's no good reason why civilians should have guns. NONE. Whatsovever. They are more dangerous to family members than bad guys, and you aren't going to overthrow the government with them.

That said, if you really, really need to compensate for your... ahem.. shortcomings, that's fine. As long as you pass a THOROUGH background check, I'm fine with it.

I just had to submit 200 pages of documentation to the government and pay $4000 to update my wife's immigration status from a work visa to a marriage Visa, because people like you are terrified a Mexican might move in next door.

I think I'm entitled to some assurances that you aren't a fucking crazy person before you buy a gun.
So much bigotry in that post....
There's no good reason why civilians should have guns. NONE. Whatsovever.
This statement shows what a fucking idiot you are.

It also hows that your agenda is not "sensible gun control" but outright confiscation and banning.

At least you outted yourself.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much.
There's no good reason why civilians should have guns. NONE. Whatsovever. They are more dangerous to family members than bad guys, and you aren't going to overthrow the government with them.
Disagree. If you have a farm or if you're a warden beside a river etc.., you need a gun for vermin. Also, no harm in sport such as clay pigeon shooting or pheasant etc..

The only problem with guns is if society allows any idiot with them (like the self defence gun nut brigade), and the culture has the wrong orientation towards guns, i.e. in the mistaken belief guns are there to shoot people.

If the US can address both, it'll be brought up to Western gun standards and not third world.
Actually, what I remember from my Catholic School days is the teacher would often punish the whole class if one class clown acted out. It made the whole class invested in making the class clown behave.

There's no good reason why civilians should have guns. NONE. Whatsovever. They are more dangerous to family members than bad guys, and you aren't going to overthrow the government with them.

That said, if you really, really need to compensate for your... ahem.. shortcomings, that's fine. As long as you pass a THOROUGH background check, I'm fine with it.

I just had to submit 200 pages of documentation to the government and pay $4000 to update my wife's immigration status from a work visa to a marriage Visa, because people like you are terrified a Mexican might move in next door.

I think I'm entitled to some assurances that you aren't a fucking crazy person before you buy a gun.
I bet anyone that was killed unarmed would argue against your ignorance
Disagree. If you have a farm or if you're a warden beside a river etc.., you need a gun for vermin. Also, no harm in sport such as clay pigeon shooting or pheasant etc..

The only problem with guns is if society allows any idiot with them (like the self defence gun nut brigade), and the culture has the wrong orientation towards guns, i.e. in the mistaken belief guns are there to shoot people.

If the US can address both, it'll be brought up to Western gun standards and not third world.
Clean up your own countries violent epidemic crime
No, what makes zero sense is sharing out streets with gun-toting maniacs because of lax gun laws.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
You're to retarded to have a gun
Your rights are striped
Do you feel better now ?
no gun for you. Does that make you feel safe?
No, what makes zero sense is sharing out streets with gun-toting maniacs because of lax gun laws.
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
The enshrinement of constitutional rights - necessarily and intentionally - takes certain policy choices off the table; you don;t get to violate peoples' rights because you think doing so will make you feel safer.
No, what makes zero sense is sharing out streets with gun-toting maniacs because of lax gun laws.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
The Mayors of your Dem / Socialist run cities have no issue with gun toting gangs and criminals. Defunding the police, no bail, no charges for entire classes of crimes and release of violent criminals is a great idea, right?

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