Anti-gun talking points ….

I'm not the one stamping my little feet screaming, "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a ten year old who has been given a time-out.

That would be your side.
No shit for brains having the means to protect yourself is a life right not a government privilege
If you don't want to be treated like a child, STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!

Sensible Gun control would do nothing to impede "Normal gun owners" (whatever the hell they are) from owning a gun. But it would keep guys like Awake the Rapper from getting them.
You are to childish to have a firearm.
If you don't want to be treated like a child, STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!

Sensible Gun control would do nothing to impede "Normal gun owners" (whatever the hell they are) from owning a gun. But it would keep guys like Awake the Rapper from getting them.
No one is forcing you to have a gun.
There case closed discussion over.
And that's precisely why America has dreadful gun stats. The dangerous believe they're the good guys. The 2a has bred that dangerous culture.
Full circle, and that's what gun legislation is all about, it's not about controlling guns, it's trying to stop, control, and keep the unsuitable dangerous candidates away from guns, hence low UK gun stats. And as the video shows, just use your fists in defence if need be. And hence why you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun in the UK, the law only allows safe gun owners. So definitely your generation needs to die out for America to get on the path of safe guns.
Rape in the UK is at a record high
Why do you want to keep women in a state of victimhood?
Violent crime is on the rise
Second Amendment wasn't about guns, it was about militias. Which we don't have anymore because they were replaced with National Guard.
Every time this discussion comes up you exhibit your ignorance. Heller put to rest the argument the militia bullshit you anti gun nuts are always confused about. The Second Amendment is an individual right the same as right of free speech and right of religion. It is the law of the land.

The Second is very clear, The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed by the government but yet you stupid anti gun nuts are bat shit crazy on infringing it. Just like all Leftest assholes everywhere in the world.
No, dude, I am validly worried about a society that has to shape itself around "any crazy idiot can buy a gun".
Forget about tens of thousands killed and wounded every year; the economic cost of gun violence is well over 200 billion a year.

The statistics are what they are. We have a gun problem. The rest of the world doesn't because they either ban guns altogether or limit who can own them.

We think that Awake the Rapper, Joker Holmes, and Adam Lanza have a "Right to Bear Arms" and then wonder why they mow down a bunch of people.

Oh, people tell me things that they don't tell their spouses... I have that kind of face.

Yesterday I had a customer tell me all about his Lego hobby. It was weird, but he was into it.
People with hobbies are always happy to share them.
No, dude, I am validly worried about a society that has to shape itself around "any crazy idiot can buy a gun".
Forget about tens of thousands killed and wounded every year; the economic cost of gun violence is well over 200 billion a year.

The statistics are what they are. We have a gun problem. The rest of the world doesn't because they either ban guns altogether or limit who can own them.

We think that Awake the Rapper, Joker Holmes, and Adam Lanza have a "Right to Bear Arms" and then wonder why they mow down a bunch of people.

Oh, people tell me things that they don't tell their spouses... I have that kind of face.

Yesterday I had a customer tell me all about his Lego hobby. It was weird, but he was into it.
The stats show gun ownership going up a murders going down.
No, dude, I am validly worried about a society that has to shape itself around "any crazy idiot can buy a gun".
Oh, that's right. You want the KKK member behind the counter at the gun store to have the ability to deny Kenisha a gun because "she look crazy to me".
You stupid anti gun nuts can't be trusted to define "sensible" because you are bat shit crazy. Your idiot definition of sensible is oppressive as hell and is anti Bill of Rights. You dumbshits don"t even understand the definition of "shall not infringe" so how in the hell can you morons be trusted to determine what "sensible" means?

Sure I can.

If you are mentally unstable, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
If you have a criminal record, you shouldn't be able to own a gun.
If you have a substance abuse problem, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.
If you have a history of domestic violence, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.

To be allowed to have a gun, you need to have a thorough background check. Not just checking a database or checking a block on form.

If you aren't in any of the above groups, you should be able to have a gun if you are licensed, registered, insured, and can prove that you've undergone mandatory training.

Guns with a certain level of lethality (like AR15s) should not be available to the public.

All of that strikes me as very "Common sense".
Sure I can.

If you are mentally unstable, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
If you have a criminal record, you shouldn't be able to own a gun.
If you have a substance abuse problem, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.
If you have a history of domestic violence, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.

To be allowed to have a gun, you need to have a thorough background check. Not just checking a database or checking a block on form.

If you aren't in any of the above groups, you should be able to have a gun if you are licensed, registered, insured, and can prove that you've undergone mandatory training.

Guns with a certain level of lethality (like AR15s) should not be available to the public.

All of that strikes me as very "Common sense".
All of that violates the constitution - and that makes zero sense.
All of that violates the constitution - and that makes zero sense.

Okay, Alito and Thomas have heart attacks and the new liberal majority decides that Heller was wrongly decided.

So now all of the above is indeed constitutional.

How do any of those things make zero sense.

It seems to me that if you are a coked out freak who thinks the CIA is out to get him, you shouldn't be able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round magazine.
Replace Thomas and Alito, and the Second is about militias, just like it was between 1787-2010.

Hence, the desire for Dems / Socialists to pack the court with unthinking diversity hires who will follow a script they're given.

Your arbitrary timeline typifies the dishonesty defining the Dem /Socialist hacks.
Okay, Alito and Thomas have heart attacks and the new liberal majority decides that Heller was wrongly decided.

So now all of the above is indeed constitutional.

How do any of those things make zero sense.

It seems to me that if you are a coked out freak who thinks the CIA is out to get him, you shouldn't be able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round magazine.
There's a reason why most murders are done with a handgun that doesn't have a massive magazine. We'll let the common sense crowd figure out why.
Sure I can.

If you are mentally unstable, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
If you have a criminal record, you shouldn't be able to own a gun.
If you have a substance abuse problem, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.
If you have a history of domestic violence, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.

To be allowed to have a gun, you need to have a thorough background check. Not just checking a database or checking a block on form.

If you aren't in any of the above groups, you should be able to have a gun if you are licensed, registered, insured, and can prove that you've undergone mandatory training.

Guns with a certain level of lethality (like AR15s) should not be available to the public.

All of that strikes me as very "Common sense".
All of your "uncommon sense" notions are intended to violate the Constitution. None of the many restrictions you want on the right to bear arms you place on any other Constitutional Right.

BTW, there is no magical level of lethality held by the AR-15 that is greater than any other firearm. This is just another case of ignorant gun nutters screeching about matters they don't understand.
All of your "uncommon sense" notions are intended to violate the Constitution. None of the many restrictions you want on the right to bear arms you place on any other Constitutional Right.

BTW, there is no magical level of lethality held by the AR-15 that is greater than any other firearm. This is just another case of ignorant gun nutters screeching about matters they don't understand.
Uh, no, you have to understand that big, black and scary means lethal. Put a nice walnut stock on an AR-15 and suddenly it's not so scary anymore.
Hence, the desire for Dems / Socialists to pack the court with unthinking diversity hires who will follow a script they're given.

Thomas is only there because he's black.
Barrett is only there because she has a vagina and no rape victims are likely to pop up.

They are both morons who have no business being on the court.

All of your "uncommon sense" notions are intended to violate the Constitution.
No, just your freakish interpretation of the Militia Amendment, which is not what the Founding Slave Rapists intended.

Of course, it isn't 1787, so what they intended just ain't that important.

What is important is that thanks to your bizarre interpretation, we have absolute batshit crazy people buying weapons of war and mowing down preschoolers.

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