Anti-gun talking points ….

So you lied.

And i guess your little ruse didn't work on me because I didn;t watch it. Not as clever as you think you are are you?
You are such a waste of time, and folks think Biden is old and retarded. Are you related to him?

So some valuable lessons you've learnt. You don't need guns for self defence, it's both a fallacy and makes you as dangerous as a "bad guy". And you're a lazy old fart with zero comprehension skills.
You are such a waste of time, and folks think Biden is old and retarded. Are you related to him?

So some valuable lessons you've learnt. You don't need guns for self defence, it's both a fallacy and makes you as dangerous as a "bad guy". And you're a lazy old fart with zero comprehension skills.
I never said you "needed" guns for self defense. So if you think i ever did say that then you should quote the post.

You don't "need" a hammer to build a house either but a hammer is one of the best tools to use when building a house.

I said guns are the single best tool for self defense and you have not nor will you ever prove otherwise.
I never said you "needed" guns for self defense. So if you think i ever did say that then you should quote the post.

I said guns are the single best tool for self defense and you have not nor will you ever prove otherwise.

Because you are dangerous.
Damn right I'm dangerous which is why it's not a good idea to try to harm me or my wife.

Better to be a fighter who can garden than a gardener (serf) who can't fight.
And that's precisely why America has dreadful gun stats. The dangerous believe they're the good guys. The 2a has bred that dangerous culture.
Full circle, and that's what gun legislation is all about, it's not about controlling guns, it's trying to stop, control, and keep the unsuitable dangerous candidates away from guns, hence low UK gun stats. And as the video shows, just use your fists in defence if need be. And hence why you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun in the UK, the law only allows safe gun owners. So definitely your generation needs to die out for America to get on the path of safe guns.
And that's precisely why America has dreadful gun stats. The dangerous believe they're the good guys. The 2a has bred that dangerous culture.
Full circle, and that's what gun legislation is all about, it's not about controlling guns, it's trying to stop, control, and keep the unsuitable dangerous candidates away from guns, hence low UK gun stats. And as the video shows, just use your fists in defence if need be. And hence why you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun in the UK, the law only allows safe gun owners. So definitely your generation needs to die out for America to get on the path of safe guns.
But we don't have "dreadful" gun stats.

Most gun deaths are suicides and everyone has a right to self delete.

Murders are mostly piece of shit criminals killing other piece of shit criminals and I call those a public service.

The people who own guns legally are not the ones committing the vast majority of crimes and murders

But you're too stupid to realize that.
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And that's precisely why America has dreadful gun stats. The dangerous believe they're the good guys. The 2a has bred that dangerous culture.
Full circle, and that's what gun legislation is all about, it's not about controlling guns, it's trying to stop, control, and keep the unsuitable dangerous candidates away from guns, hence low UK gun stats. And as the video shows, just use your fists in defence if need be. And hence why you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun in the UK, the law only allows safe gun owners. So definitely your generation needs to die out for America to get on the path of safe guns.
Legal gun owners are the good guys.

You miss the point about Dem / Socialist "gun control". That's about disarming the responsible gun owner while putting criminals on the streets.
Legal gun owners are the good guys.

You miss the point about Dem / Socialist "gun control". That's about disarming the responsible gun owner while putting criminals on the streets.

People in the UK actually believe people who do not commit crimes should have their rights taken away because other people might commit crimes.
You are such a waste of time, and folks think Biden is old and retarded. Are you related to him?

So some valuable lessons you've learnt. You don't need guns for self defence, it's both a fallacy and makes you as dangerous as a "bad guy". And you're a lazy old fart with zero comprehension skills.

Are you truly insane?

You don’t need a gun for self defense?

1.1 million cases of gun self defense in the U.S. on average each year according to the Centers for Disease control
And that's precisely why America has dreadful gun stats. The dangerous believe they're the good guys. The 2a has bred that dangerous culture.
Full circle, and that's what gun legislation is all about, it's not about controlling guns, it's trying to stop, control, and keep the unsuitable dangerous candidates away from guns, hence low UK gun stats. And as the video shows, just use your fists in defence if need be. And hence why you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun in the UK, the law only allows safe gun owners. So definitely your generation needs to die out for America to get on the path of safe guns.

You Europeans murdered 15-20 million people…in 6 years….gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history, around 2,470,000

You have no reason to be smug about this topic…
20K gun homicides a year, 25K gun suicides, 70K gun injuries, 400K gun crimes.

Militarized police, active shooter drills in the schools,

Yes, guns are the problem.

1.1 million cases of self defense with guns each year……that means lives saved from rape, robbery, murder,beatings stabbings, and even stopping mass public shootings…..

Suicide is not a gun issue.
People in the UK actually believe people who do not commit crimes should have their rights taken away because other people might commit crimes.

It will be interesting when their Hamas supporters in Britain do their own Oct 7 and the British find out why you need the 2nd Amendment
Wow, 2TinyGuy has finally flipped, hasn't he?

Most of these arguments I've never seen made, and certainly not in the hyperbolic way you did.

Mostof them aren't well trained, it's why we have so many accidents, or guns used in domestic violence incidents.

Some of you ARE crazy psychos. We should probalby do something about that.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.. so that's a good reason.

I know a lady who kept a gun in the home for that reason, and came home from dinner with her husband to find her teenage son used it on himself.

I've been in more than a few fistfights... buy you know what, everyone walked away from that alive. You can't say the same if a gun was in the mix.

Again, this is largely true because the attacker has the advantage of a plan. Unless you are a paranoid loon fondling your gun every second (which I kind of suspect describes you, I don't know a man who loved a woman the way you love guns) the attacker always has the element of surprise and iniative.

The actual FBI Crime statistics show that Defensive Gun Uses are rare.

Well, you are compensating for something, aren't you?

The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not.

Sandy Hook. Aurora. Stoneman High School. Uvalde. Highland Park. We've seen what AR-15's can do in the wrong hands.

Um, yeah, because they have tanks, bombers, and usually, the tacit support of most of the population.

Actually, the ironic thing is the NRA used to be a sane organization. When violence increased in the 1960's, the NRA and Republican Governors signed sensible laws like the Mulford Act to keep the Black Panthers from walking around with guns threatening people.

The NRA doesn't give a shit about regular gun owners, it's there to promote gun sales, and the best way to do that is to keep people scared. How do you scare people? Make it easy for crazy people to get guns.

You are sick in the head with your hate of the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Of course you are pretty damn demented about most issues being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat so what else is new?

You will be glad to know that the NRA has ceased to exist as a powerful lobbying organization. Many of us gun owners have curtailed supporting the NRA since we learned of the corruption of the leadership. Besides, they stopped being strong proponents of the the right to keep and bear arms and became surrender monkeys on several issues. They compromised too much like with background checks and the bumpstock issue.

We support other organizations like the GAO now.
20K gun homicides a year, 25K gun suicides, 70K gun injuries, 400K gun crimes.

Militarized police, active shooter drills in the schools,

Yes, guns are the problem.
No, criminals are the problem.

Liars are the problem, too. You anti-gun fuckers always lie about the statistics.
Still Bullshit.

I don't know of one person who can honestly claim that they were involved in a DGU.

I do know of two suicides and one homicide.

Statistically, I should know of more DGU's if they were as common as you say.
You know of at least one person who used a deadly weapon in a defensive weapon use. ME. If I would have had a firearm I would have used it rather than my knife. You probably know a number of people who have used either knives, guns or other deadly weapons to deter criminals. Given your attitudes they sure aren’t going to tell YOU.

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