Anti-gun talking points ….

They also probably don't have 80+ year old leaders who are and have been in cognitive decline;
Yeah we voted ours out 2 years ago.
Regardless, what does that have to do with your anti-gun talking point?
You brought up mental illness not me. Not me. I’m sure you’re not just an expert on mental’re also a patient.
Guns are the problem, because the number shot up by 20% in 2020 after increasing for years.
And the trend we continue to see with mass murders is mental illness -- yet the left would prefer to blame an inanimate object instead of a major underlying problem. 2020 was when democrats exaggerated their response to covid, and the United States was in a constant state of riots, destruction and death for the entire year.
So... how is it that the mostly rural states with "blue cities" have higher crime rates than the blue states with Blue cities?

The only reason why the "blue cities" look bigger is because they have higher population densities.

Small populations with tiny number changes equal bigger dipshit
Wow, 2TinyGuy has finally flipped, hasn't he?

Most of these arguments I've never seen made, and certainly not in the hyperbolic way you did.

Mostof them aren't well trained, it's why we have so many accidents, or guns used in domestic violence incidents.

Some of you ARE crazy psychos. We should probalby do something about that.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.. so that's a good reason.

I know a lady who kept a gun in the home for that reason, and came home from dinner with her husband to find her teenage son used it on himself.

I've been in more than a few fistfights... buy you know what, everyone walked away from that alive. You can't say the same if a gun was in the mix.

Again, this is largely true because the attacker has the advantage of a plan. Unless you are a paranoid loon fondling your gun every second (which I kind of suspect describes you, I don't know a man who loved a woman the way you love guns) the attacker always has the element of surprise and iniative.

The actual FBI Crime statistics show that Defensive Gun Uses are rare.

Well, you are compensating for something, aren't you?

The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not.

Sandy Hook. Aurora. Stoneman High School. Uvalde. Highland Park. We've seen what AR-15's can do in the wrong hands.

Um, yeah, because they have tanks, bombers, and usually, the tacit support of most of the population.

Actually, the ironic thing is the NRA used to be a sane organization. When violence increased in the 1960's, the NRA and Republican Governors signed sensible laws like the Mulford Act to keep the Black Panthers from walking around with guns threatening people.

The NRA doesn't give a shit about regular gun owners, it's there to promote gun sales, and the best way to do that is to keep people scared. How do you scare people? Make it easy for crazy people to get guns.
"The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not."

The selective stupidity of the anti-Constitutional loon. Always ignoring everything after the coma in the 2nd Amendment. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Arms are mentioned dumb ass.

You morons also ignore every comment the Founding Fathers made on the 2nd that back up the rights of the people.
And the trend we continue to see with mass murders is mental illness -- yet the left would prefer to blame an inanimate object instead of a major underlying problem. 2020 was when democrats exaggerated their response to covid, and the United States was in a constant state of riots, destruction and death for the entire year.

Uh, yes, I put the blame on an inanimate object because it makes it EASIER for mentally ill people to kill others.

EVERY FUCKING TIME we have a mass shooting, we find out two things.

2) He had absolutely no problem procuring a gun, usually within days of his rampage.

So here's a crazy idea. Let's make it EASY for the mentally ill to get treatment, and HARD for them to get guns, instead of the other way around.

But, no, let's whine about not being able to go to Applebee's during the Pandemic for a few weeks.

The selective stupidity of the anti-Constitutional loon. Always ignoring everything after the coma in the 2nd Amendment. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Arms are mentioned dumb ass.

Okay, then why can't I, as "the people," own a howitzer and a stockpile of weaponized anthrax shells? Oh, that's right, because those weapons are too dangerous for me to have within the context of a "well-regulated militia".
Pensioner with gun in Cardiff, UK, protects himself from being robbed - show us the one where the woman is dragged into the alley and brutally raped.......who doesn't get lucky and manage to drive off her violent rapist with just a that one next.....
Except the gun murder rate went up every year after Heller and McDonald threw out what little common sense gun law there was...

But, oops, it went down fractionally in one study for 2022. Um... success, I guess?
And now, with gun ownership at an all time high, the murder rate is going down. Guns aren't the problem.
tl; dr; dc.

We have 30K gun deaths a year. No other advanced society has anywhere near as many.

Clearly they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong.
The vast majority of those are suicides and our suicide rate isn;t that much different than any other similar country

Only 200 homicides are ruled as self defense with guns by gunowners.

So you would have us believe that a gun nut finally gets to shoot him a criminal, and 179,800 of those times, doesn't need to kill him.

Just not buying it... the way you guys masturbate over nuts like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, if this was common, you'd be cheering the guys who DIDN'T murder anyone.
You don't have to kill someone to prevent a crime, Idiot.
Murders also went up in the inbred rural areas... because we live in a country flooded with guns.

Cops don't stop murders by abusing black people over petty offenses.
Cops don't stop any murders they show up after the fact and take pictures of the blood splatter.
If you'd watched the video, yes. The pensioner used his fists :auiqs.jpg:

What a dunce
Why would I watch any video you link to? You actually lied about the video too didn't you?

And he's lucky he didn't get arrested for assault in the UK after all you can't be mean to a criminal
Why would I watch any video you link to?

And he's lucky he didn't get arrested for assault in the UK after all you can't be mean to a criminal

It you only took 20's out of your life to watch the video, you wouldn't be wasting my time reading your useless posts.

The reason why you think I contradict myself is because you do not possess the ability to keep up with conversations, remember conversations, avoid childish predictable clichés thinking they're meaningful, and you're lazy.

It you only took 20's out of your life to watch the video, you wouldn't be wasting my time reading your useless posts.

The reason why you think I contradict myself is because you do not possess the ability to keep up with conversations, remember conversations, avoid childish predictable clichés thinking they're meaningful, and you're lazy.
You lied about the vidoe in your post you said the guy used a gun

so why would i watch it?

and do you mean the cliches you use all the time?
You lied about the vidoe in your post you said the guy used a gun

so why would i watch it?

and do you mean the cliches you use all the time?

I put the title as reverse psychology, but you were far too lazy to even watch it. You fool.

Go grab an adult and get them to explain it to you.
I put the title as reverse psychology, but you were far too lazy to even watch it. You fool.

Go grab an adult and get them to explain it to you.
So you lied.

And i guess your little ruse didn't work on me because I didn;t watch it. Not as clever as you think you are are you?

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