Anti-gun talking points ….

We don't need to. We just need to replace two knuckle-draggers on SCOTUS, and the Second Amendment is about militias again.
No dumbass text history and tradition says go fuck yourself
The big cities had sensible gun laws, that the National Rampage Association got overturned. Not surprisingly, the gun murder rate started shooting up after that.

That's just nonsense. The big cities and Dem / Socialist addled states have among the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. Those restrictive laws are aimed at lawful gun owners while you people coddle criminals.

The big Dem / Socialist addled states cities and states have an unwillingness to arrest and detain criminals. Policies such as no bail, dismissal of broad sections of the criminal code, Dem / Socialist DA's who won't bring charges and defund the police policies have made Dems / Socialists their own worst enemies.

Take responsibility for the nightmares your ideology creates.
We don't need to. We just need to replace two knuckle-draggers on SCOTUS, and the Second Amendment is about militias again.

Who is ''we''? You and the corrupt Dem / Socialist cabal that occupies the White House and their incompetent lackeys in the DOJ and FBI?

If any knuckle-draggers on the SC have to go it should be the latest DIE quota filler and Sotomayor.
Quite the contrary,
The Supreme Court disagrees with you, as the statement comes from it.

We are aware of the problem of handgun violence in this country, and we take seriously the concerns raised by the many amici who believe that prohibition of handgun ownership is a solution. The Constitution leaves the District of Columbia a variety of tools for combating that problem, including some measures regulating handguns, see supra, at 54–55, and n. 26. But the enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table. These include the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home. Undoubtedly some think that the Second Amendment is outmoded in a society where our standing army is the pride of our Nation, where well-trained police forces provide personal security, and where gun violence is a serious problem. That is perhaps debatable, but what is not debatable is that it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct.

For most of our history, the Second Amendment SENSIBLY was interpreted as the "Well-Regulated militia clause" allowed gun regulation.
This is a statement of ignorance or dishonesty; either way, it is false, and thus, you cannot prove it to be true.
That's all gun nuts can do, once you apply logic and common sense to guns, "Rights", mouth froth, "Rights".

Vehicles have regs, people are vetted and need a licence, vehicles are not banned.

Why not do the same with guns : GUNS BANNED mouth froth GUNS BANNED, RIGHTS, 2ND AMENDMENT, mouth froth, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, mouth froth.

And we have all the laws we need to control guns in this country. What we don't have is criminal control because of the democrat party.

You still never respond to the fact that in Europe, your countries began registering, banning and confiscating guns in the 1920s, then 19 years later, in 1939, the socialists went on to murder 15-20 million innocent men, women and just 6 years.

Americans with guns had to stop them.

In the U.S. our gun murder? Over our entire 247 year history?

Around 2,470,000

And those victims are primarily criminals murdered by other criminals, and their friends and family caught up in the crossfire.

You simply prefer government murdering in the millions while we want our people to be able to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings........and to keep our government in check.

Ask the Israelis if following your gun control policies was good for them on Oct. 7.
Disagree. If you have a farm or if you're a warden beside a river etc.., you need a gun for vermin. Also, no harm in sport such as clay pigeon shooting or pheasant etc..

The only problem with guns is if society allows any idiot with them (like the self defence gun nut brigade), and the culture has the wrong orientation towards guns, i.e. in the mistaken belief guns are there to shoot people.

If the US can address both, it'll be brought up to Western gun standards and not third world.

Yes....this is the gun policy that Capt. Caveman approves of....

If you are wealthy member of the House of Lords, you can have a gun to go bird hunting with your rich buddies on one of your various estates.

If you are a woman, living alone, and are about to be raped, tortured and murdered by a don't get to have a gun.

That is what Capt. Caveman believes in......
Fuck me, the UK's problems are 1/1000th of America's problems. You concentrate on your own, honey.

They are growing....each your immigrant drug gangs increase their violence and gun use to defend their drug turf. The British police keep reporting that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into you keep believing that your crime can't get worse.

Going into the 1950s, the United States had a very low crime rate....that changed with the democrat party soft on crime policies, and the increase in drug the point crime and gun crime started sky rocketing in the mid 1960s.....we had little gun crime before then, and that changed.

Britain and Europe experienced World War 1 and World War 2......this slowed their crime increase because so many of their men were killed in the war....and their societies were bombed into rubble.

Now.....especially since they have imported violent men from 3rd world countries, their crime and gun crime rates are increasing....since the violent men from the 3rd world don't care about Western Culture, British culture, the rule of law, or the British police........

As we see in France, the Netherlands, and Sweden.....gun violence is increasing around Europe.....
Rape in the UK is at a record high
Why do you want to keep women in a state of victimhood?
Violent crime is on the rise

Capt. Caveman has banned might want to ask him this question...

A wealthy member of the House of Lords wants to go bird hunting with his rich buddies on one of his private estates. This is a valid reason to own a gun, so he gets a gun permit.

A woman living on her own in London is about to be raped, tortured and murdered....this is not a valid reason to own a gun, so she was not allowed a permit to own a gun.

Does Capt. Caveman think this is right?
Capt. Caveman has banned might want to ask him this question...

A wealthy member of the House of Lords wants to go bird hunting with his rich buddies on one of his private estates. This is a valid reason to own a gun, so he gets a gun permit.

A woman living on her own in London is about to be raped, tortured and murdered....this is not a valid reason to own a gun, so she was not allowed a permit to own a gun.

Does Capt. Caveman think this is right?
Captain Caveman

A wealthy member of the House of Lords wants to go bird hunting with his rich buddies on one of his private estates. This is a valid reason to own a gun, so he gets a gun permit.

A woman living on her own in London is about to be raped, tortured and murdered....this is not a valid reason to own a gun, so she was not allowed a permit to own a gun.

Do you think this is right?
Ah, nope. You need an amendment. And guess what? Even with a law change you will still have the same amount of legal weapons and legal owners as you do at the time of enactment.

You must be a progressive. You do not believe in the constitutional process.
I gave you a realistic solution; you just didn't like it. Probably because most of you gun fetishists couldn't pass a psych test.

My best solution would be to remove the immunity gunmakers have from civil lawsuits. You'd be amazed how fast they clean up their act if you drag them into court after every mass shooting.
That's just nonsense. The big cities and Dem / Socialist addled states have among the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.
No, they don't. The restrictive gun laws were struck down by the Heller and McDonald Decisions.
No, they don't. The restrictive gun laws were struck down by the Heller and McDonald Decisions.
Yes, they do. Take some responsibility and look at gun purchase laws in places like California and Illinois, for examples.

Further, tell us about the policies in these Dem / Socialist controlled Hell holes where Soros backed DA's refuse to prosecute crimes, where no bail policies put criminals on the streets and defund the police policies have lead to droves of police resignations and retirements.
I gave you a realistic solution; you just didn't like it. Probably because most of you gun fetishists couldn't pass a psych test.

My best solution would be to remove the immunity gunmakers have from civil lawsuits. You'd be amazed how fast they clean up their act if you drag them into court after every mass shooting.
Identify the direct relationship between gun makers and shootings. Define what you mean as to how gun makers should "clean up their act".

Do you also require makers of kitchen knives "clean up their act" and be held liable for stabbings?
I gave you a realistic solution; you just didn't like it. Probably because most of you gun fetishists couldn't pass a psych test.

My best solution would be to remove the immunity gunmakers have from civil lawsuits. You'd be amazed how fast they clean up their act if you drag them into court after every mass shooting.
I have passed plenty of psyche tests, all job related.

My best solution would be to remove the immunity gunmakers have from civil lawsuits

They do not have immunity from all civil lawsuits. They do have immunity, like many other businesses, from lawsuits pertaining to how people use their products.

When was the last time GM was sued because someone drove recklessly and killed a family of four?

As far as you realistic solution I helped you out by telling you exactly how to go about it. I didn't criticize it. YOU just don't like the process. You authoritarian don't like our process.
My best solution would be to remove the immunity gunmakers have from civil lawsuits.
That would leave them with the same immunity companies like GM and Ford have.
Ask yourself: Why is Ford never sued when someone steals a Mustang and runs a school bus full of kids off the road and over a cliff.
No, they don't. The restrictive gun laws were struck down by the Heller and McDonald Decisions.

Chicaco and the McDonald Decision.

Initially, the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit had upheld a Chicago ordinance banning the possession of handguns as well as other gun regulations affecting rifles and shotguns, citing United States v. Cruikshank (1876), Presser v. Illinois (1886), and Miller v. Texas (1894).[2] The petition for certiorari was filed by Alan Gura, the attorney who had successfully argued Heller, and Chicago-area attorney David G. Sigale.[3] The Second Amendment Foundation and the Illinois State Rifle Association sponsored the litigation on behalf of several Chicago residents, including retiree Otis McDonald.

You must have an Illinois Permit to Carry a firearm in Illinois. Open carry is not legal in Illinois. A handgun carried on or about a person with an Illinois Permit to Carry must be concealed from view of the public or on or about a person within a vehicle.

DC and Heller:

In general, you must be licensed to carry a firearm in the District concealed, while open carry is prohibited. However, there are exceptions for legally registered firearms. D.C. Official Code § 22-4504.01. Authority to carry firearm in certain places and for certain purposes.

On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed by a vote of 5 to 4 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Heller v. District of Columbia.[4][5] The Supreme Court struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 as unconstitutional, determined that handguns are "arms" for the purposes of the Second Amendment, found that the Regulations Act was an unconstitutional ban, and struck down the portion of the Act that requires all firearms including rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock". Prior to this decision, the law at issue also restricted residents from owning handguns except for those registered prior to 1975.

Both are very restrictive. Basically they are saying you have the right to own guns, particularly HANDGUNS. But, in those areas they restricting the process on what qualifies you to carry. So no, the restrictive gun laws WERE NOT struck down.
Yes, they do. Take some responsibility and look at gun purchase laws in places like California and Illinois, for examples.

Okay, I did that. Just for shits and grins, I applied for an Illinois FOID Card. The charged me $11.00, had me send in a picture, and answer some questions. That was it. This was hardly onerous, but it really wouldn't have prevented a bad guy from getting a gun.

Further, tell us about the policies in these Dem / Socialist controlled Hell holes where Soros backed DA's refuse to prosecute crimes,
Really? Kim Foxx is prosecuting plenty of criminals. She's just not prosecuting bullshit charges a white person would be released on.

where no bail policies put criminals on the streets
You clearly don't understand the purpose of bail reform. Bail policies didn't keep dangerous criminals off the street, they often could make bail. It keep poor suspects (who had not yet been convicted of anything) in prison for often non-violent offenses. The reform law requires the prosecutor to demonstrate why a suspect is dangerous and should be remanded.

and defund the police policies have lead to droves of police resignations and retirements.
Except that police spending has increased.

As for retirements.. if you are a cop who misses the days you could beat up a black person, we are all better off if you do retire.
Identify the direct relationship between gun makers and shootings. Define what you mean as to how gun makers should "clean up their act".

Don't market to the crazies.
Actually hold gun sellers to account.
Don't use guys working out of their garages and gun shows as "retailers".
Don't spend millions of dollars watering down the gun laws on a state level.

Do you also require makers of kitchen knives "clean up their act" and be held liable for stabbings?
Kitchen knives aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

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