Any Privacy Difference Between Nat. Voter Registry & Nat. Gun Registry?

So how is a gun registry supposed to work when only people who don't break the law register their guns?

Guns do not start out being illegal. They become illegal when transferred to somebody who is not supposed to possess them.

By registering guns, and having to account for their disposal, you would know who the guns were transferred to, and then figure out if they had a legal right to possess them.
By registering guns, and having to account for their disposal, you would know who the guns were transferred to, and then figure out if they had a legal right to possess them.

and if they are stolen?

Or, if they are sold, and reported stolen?

Remember, Massachusetts is the only state that requires a firearm be locked in a safe.
You do not need to register guns......registration is simply one step of the two step process of confiscating and banning guns.......this is why the anti gunners want them registered...they learned the lesson of Britain, Germany and get the guns registered, wait for the political power, then ban and confiscate them...sometimes decades after the registration happens.....

This is the only law you need......if you commit a crime with a gun, you get arrested and put in prison....

That's it. You don't need to register guns to do this...we can already do this.

If you have someone actually trafficking guns to can already catch them using informants and undercover police officers...we can already do this and it doesn't require registering guns.....
Come now, don't stomp conservative's argument against all gun control into the ground with a coherent argument like this OP.

If you take away the wiggle room in their fantasy world they'll just get violent. And the orange-turd will proclaim "punch him in the face, I'll pay your legal bills".
Ummm .... you can't confiscate a vote?

Yes you can . It's called voter suppression. A vote is a one time thing . You are prevented from voting in 2016, you never get that back.

And this idea that the gov is going to confiscate everyone's guns is absurd .

It happened in Germany, Britain and Australia, the last two in the last 21 years.....Germany's confiscation ended up with gas chambers...
Come now, don't stomp conservative's argument against all gun control into the ground with a coherent argument like this OP.

If you take away the wiggle room in their fantasy world they'll just get violent. And the orange-turd will proclaim "punch him in the face, I'll pay your legal bills".

Hey...dumbshit...the only ones shooting people are bernie sanders supporters and black lies matter supporters......

There is nothing to this argument in legal theory, actual practice or history.......

You have no leg to stand on in trying to register guns....
National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?

National gun registry, would cut down on crime.

National voter registry, would cut down on votes.

It would not cut down on can't show that it are talking out of your ass, and that isn't even funny when Jim Carrey used to do it...
Ummm .... you can't confiscate a vote?

Yes you can . It's called voter suppression. A vote is a one time thing . You are prevented from voting in 2016, you never get that back.

And this idea that the gov is going to confiscate everyone's guns is absurd .

Registration to vote only assures you're entitled to vote (of legal age, legal citizen, not a felon, alive...) and only vote once in you're registered district.

That's not voter suppression, it's voter assurance.

Right. I'm talking about these strict voter ID laws . Like telling an old man he can't vote because his ID is expired (because he doesn't drive anymore ). That's supression.

No....he can get a free know, an ID he needs to cash a fucking check......and they will go to his home to help him fill out the request.
ms smith buys a gun for her drug dealer boyfried.

2 weeks later, calls cops, tells them the gun was stolen.

no charges against ms smith.

try again.

The cops go to ms smiths house to take a crime report. They ask where the gun was stored, how it was secured etc, and for proof of theft.

If there is no sign of breakin, or the gun was not in a locked safe, ms smith faces criminal charges.

Wrong doesnt have to be locked in a safe, in fact, that would be UnConstitutional per the Heller decision.

Why is it you asswipes constantly focus on punishing the victims of crime v. the actual criminals who use guns are more concerned about the law abiding gun owner who has his home broken into, than the guy who pulls the let him out and want to put the normal gun owner in jail...
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals


Treat guns like cars . The "title" follows the sale . Guns are born "legal". How do they end up in the hands of so many people who would come close to passing a background check?

If ms smith buys a gun for her drug dealer boyfriend , her name is on the title . He gets busted. Then she gets busted ! Less people will want to risk that.
Quit falling down the well, no one has a right to cars Dipshit.
Any type of firearm registry of any sort is absolutely unconstitutional… So go back and hide in your mothers basement little Nutter....
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals

Guns are easy to traffic and abunant. A buyer hits many outlets adequately spaced so as not to get flagged. Then sells them privately off the record. Then if they ever come up in a crime, they can say it was stolen or sold privately if it gets trace back to the original buyer. The actual nefarious person could be the initial buyer or the private buyer. Once it's private, they can be run around the country fairly easily, but laws are so lax that they don't have to go that far. I bet Chicago's banned guns mostly come from neighboring cities and states. Ultimately they are sold on the "black market" to whoever wants it.

A gun registry would change this so there is no grey area on how the gun got from the store to the criminals hand and who was complicit in making it happen. Idk if it's necessary or I agree with it. If private sales were better regulated it might be enough to curb rampant abuse. They mostly arent at all though.

And nothing you just posted is based in facts, truth or reality......

You violate the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the Constitution by registering guns.

Actual criminals do not have to register their illegal guns per the Haynes v. U.S. ruling..

Canada tried this with 15 million guns....and failed...we have 400 million guns....

Canada Tried Registering Long Guns -- And Gave Up

15 million guns.....1 billion dollars...and it didn't work....

The law passed and starting in 1998 Canadians were required to have a license to own firearms and register their weapons with the government. According to Canadian researcher (and gun enthusiast) Gary Mauser, the Canada Firearms Center quickly rose to 600 employees and the cost of the effort climbed past $600 million. In 2002 Canada’s auditor general released a report saying initial cost estimates of $2 million (Canadian) had increased to $1 billion as the government tried to register the estimated 15 million guns owned by Canada’s 34 million residents.

The registry was plagued with complications like duplicate serial numbers and millions of incomplete records, Mauser reports. One person managed to register a soldering gun, demonstrating the lack of precise standards. And overshadowing the effort was the suspicion of misplaced effort: Pistols were used in 66% of gun homicides in 2011, yet they represent about 6% of the guns in Canada. Legal long guns were used in 11% of killings that year, according to Statistics Canada, while illegal weapons like sawed-off shotguns and machine guns, which by definition cannot be registered, were used in another 12%.

So the government was spending the bulk of its money — about $17 million of the Firearms Center’s $82 million annual budget — trying to register long guns when the statistics showed they weren’t the problem.

There was also the question of how registering guns was supposed to reduce crime and suicide in the first place. From 1997 to 2005, only 13% of the guns used in homicides were registered. Police studies in Canada estimated that 2-16% of guns used in crimes were stolen from legal owners and thus potentially in the registry. The bulk of the guns, Canadian officials concluded, were unregistered weapons imported illegally from the U.S. by criminal gangs.

Finally in 2011, conservatives led by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper voted to abolish the long-gun registry and destroy all its records. Liberals argued the law had contributed to the decline in gun homicides since it was passed. But Mauser notes that gun homicides have actually been rising in recent years, from 151 in 1999 to 173 in 2009, as violent criminal gangs use guns in their drug turf wars and other disputes. As in the U.S., most gun homicides in Canada are committed by young males, many of them with criminal records. In the majority of homicides involving young males, the victim and the killer are know each other.
Ummm .... you can't confiscate a vote?

Yes you can . It's called voter suppression. A vote is a one time thing . You are prevented from voting in 2016, you never get that back.

And this idea that the gov is going to confiscate everyone's guns is absurd .

Registration to vote only assures you're entitled to vote (of legal age, legal citizen, not a felon, alive...) and only vote once in you're registered district.

That's not voter suppression, it's voter assurance.

Right. I'm talking about these strict voter ID laws . Like telling an old man he can't vote because his ID is expired (because he doesn't drive anymore ). That's supression.
And it takes no time in my state and no money to get an ID, what are you a helpless fuck? Quit falling down the well
The cops go to ms smiths house to take a crime report. They ask where the gun was stored, how it was secured etc, and for proof of theft.

If there is no sign of breakin, or the gun was not in a locked safe, ms smith faces criminal charges.

No sign of break in?
Is that proof it didn't happen?
Gun not in a locked safe?
Is that Illegal?
Ms smith faces criminal charges.

In many states they have laws requiring unattended firearms be kept in some sort of locked safe, or have a trigger lock. As for sign of breakin. If the police don't find any signs of breakin, then ms smith had to invite the gun thief into her residence. So they would question ms smith for a list of possible suspects.

They would also ask for any and all paperwork she had on the firearm, and determine if she bought it legally. Any slipups, and ms smith faces criminal charges, include filing a false report, failure to secure a firearm, and so on.

Heller stated mandatory trigger locks are mandatory storage in safes will also be unConstitutional... want to create so many paperwork traps for the law abiding gun owner.........that is what this is all about, not actually stopping crime.

You make the paperwork so detailed....and legally dangerous for the gun owner, you get people to stop owning guns because of it....imagine, you become a felon because your paperwork isn't in order, you lose your job, your home, you go to jail, pay 10s of thousands in legal fees and court costs.....and you lose your gun Rights for ever...which is the whole point to this...

not stopping criminals, making criminals out of law abiding gun owners.
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals

Guns are easy to traffic and abunant. A buyer hits many outlets adequately spaced so as not to get flagged. Then sells them privately off the record. Then if they ever come up in a crime, they can say it was stolen or sold privately if it gets trace back to the original buyer. The actual nefarious person could be the initial buyer or the private buyer. Once it's private, they can be run around the country fairly easily, but laws are so lax that they don't have to go that far. I bet Chicago's banned guns mostly come from neighboring cities and states. Ultimately they are sold on the "black market" to whoever wants it.

A gun registry would change this so there is no grey area on how the gun got from the store to the criminals hand and who was complicit in making it happen. Idk if it's necessary or I agree with it. If private sales were better regulated it might be enough to curb rampant abuse. They mostly arent at all though.
Are you A stupid son of a bitch? Most firearms used in violent crimes are stolen and/or come from south of the border. You can take your gun registry and shove it up your ass cause it's absolutely unconstitutional… lol
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?

You have it completely ass backwards.
Dipshit......all of the information on given to political parties for a fee....and to law enforcement when they request it......this attempt to block Trump's investigation into voter fraud is to hide the democrat voter fraud by bob craemer and scot foval in the last election cycle....
That drivel has nothing at all to do with the OP. Why the fuck can't you address the HYPOCRISY between favoring the Constitutional privacy of individual information in one case but the opposite for the other? You're a one trick, one issue pony, shit for brains and that just ain't gonna change for you!
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals


Treat guns like cars . The "title" follows the sale . Guns are born "legal". How do they end up in the hands of so many people who would come close to passing a background check?

If ms smith buys a gun for her drug dealer boyfriend , her name is on the title . He gets busted. Then she gets busted ! Less people will want to risk that.

She reports the gun stolen. Even if they catch her, prosecutors do not push those cases because juries don't want to put the baby momma in jail, especially after she says she only did it because the gang threatened to kill her if she didn't.

Most gun are stolen.....or bought through straw buyers....and are only in the hands of a criminal about 6 months before they are sold or traded......the average street life of an illegal gun is about 9 you have no idea what you are talking about...

You really don't think the local PD doesnt know she's the girlfriend of the criminal ? He gets caught with that "stolen" gun, she has a lot of explaining to do.
Mandatory storage laws are UnConstitutional as per the D.C. v. Heller decision......

Safe Storage & Gun Locks | Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

San Francisco prohibits any person from keeping a handgun within a residence unless the handgun is stored in a locked container or disabled with a trigger lock unless the handgun is carried on the person.42 Unlike the laws of some other jurisdictions, San Francisco does not exempt a person who keeps his or her handgun within his or her immediate control from the requirements of the statute.

The National Rifle Association and individual plaintiffs sued in federal court to overturn San Francisco’s safe storage law on Second Amendment grounds.43 The law was upheld by both the district court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. In upholding the law, the Ninth Circuit recognized that unlike the District of Columbia law at issue in Heller v. District of Columbia,44 the San Francisco ordinance does not prohibit a person from carrying a loaded handgun while in his or her home.
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals . This is a major probleM in the us .

National vote registry ? I don't see how this would really help wh voter fraud (which is not a big issue unlike guns). Elections are virtually all local . What would the nat vote registry do exactly ?
I believe a gun registry would cut down on straw purchases that lead to guns ending up in the hands of criminals


Treat guns like cars . The "title" follows the sale . Guns are born "legal". How do they end up in the hands of so many people who would come close to passing a background check?

If ms smith buys a gun for her drug dealer boyfriend , her name is on the title . He gets busted. Then she gets busted ! Less people will want to risk that.

She reports the gun stolen. Even if they catch her, prosecutors do not push those cases because juries don't want to put the baby momma in jail, especially after she says she only did it because the gang threatened to kill her if she didn't.

Most gun are stolen.....or bought through straw buyers....and are only in the hands of a criminal about 6 months before they are sold or traded......the average street life of an illegal gun is about 9 you have no idea what you are talking about...

You really don't think the local PD doesnt know she's the girlfriend of the criminal ? He gets caught with that "stolen" gun, she has a lot of explaining to do.

It doesn't matter what they think...she reports it stolen, she is in the clear....he gets caught with the gun....he can't legally buy, own or carry, they can already put him in jail..........she says the gun was missing, she didn't know who took it.....

Are you really this dumb........?

why focus on her when you should be focusing on putting the actual criminal in jail for 30 years.......
Ummm .... you can't confiscate a vote?

Yes you can . It's called voter suppression. A vote is a one time thing . You are prevented from voting in 2016, you never get that back.

And this idea that the gov is going to confiscate everyone's guns is absurd .

Registration to vote only assures you're entitled to vote (of legal age, legal citizen, not a felon, alive...) and only vote once in you're registered district.

That's not voter suppression, it's voter assurance.

Right. I'm talking about these strict voter ID laws . Like telling an old man he can't vote because his ID is expired (because he doesn't drive anymore ). That's supression.

No....he can get a free know, an ID he needs to cash a fucking check......and they will go to his home to help him fill out the request.

And he missed the election . Why ? Everyone knows it's him! Who cares if the ID is expired ? You are making people jump thru hoops for no reason .

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