Any wonder why we liberty loving supporters don't believe the MSM.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So the following is a perfect example of how ignorant people are continually lead around by their noses by the BIASED MSM!
How come you supposedly "educated" people can't comprehend this extreme bias is so false!
"mob of Biden supporters" 6 results...
Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 7.56.20 AM.png

"mob of Trump supporters" 2,420,000 NEWS results

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 7.56.38 AM.png
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.

Lib please Dem leaders in congress and across the nation sat on their hands while their base rioted, looted, and burned all summer long. :talk2hand:
The people who stormed the Capitol last week were Trump supporters bent on making sure that the electoral vote was cast out and that Trump would be installed for another four years. There were no Biden supporters. No BLM. No Antifa. No Rainbow Unicorns. Stop deflecting. Stop parroting misinformation. No one is buying it anymore. Stop blaming the media for your savior's shortcomings.
Lib please Dem leaders in congress and across the nation sat on their hands while their base rioted, looted, and burned all summer long. :talk2hand:
That’s not true and even if it was, it wasn’t their riot.

By all means tell us what these Dem leaders did to stop Dems from rioting, burning, looting, attacking and occupying government buildings go right ahead. Got nothing? Thought so. :talk2hand:
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.

Lib please Dem leaders in congress and across the nation sat on their hands while their base rioted, looted, and burned all summer long. :talk2hand:
And that is the reason why there was a somewhat peaceful protest "without fire" at the Capital. A progressive, will never blame their own actions but try to push it on anyone else they can blame, which once again, is why those people were angry.

Lib please Dem leaders in congress and across the nation sat on their hands while their base rioted, looted, and burned all summer long. :talk2hand:
That’s not true and even if it was, it wasn’t their riot.

Yes it was. The left and some left congressmembers were encouraging it. Yes, it was true. You can't make it go away.
Much better to get your news from some blogster working out of Mom's basement.

I totally get that mainstream media is biased, and that they are pushing various political agendas. But to jump from that to the tin foil hat crew isn't the answer. "Do your research" doesn't mean "find a random yahoo on the internet who confirms your biases".
So the following is a perfect example of how ignorant people are continually lead around by their noses by the BIASED MSM!
How come you supposedly "educated" people can't comprehend this extreme bias is so false!
"mob of Biden supporters" 6 results...
View attachment 441665
"mob of Trump supporters" 2,420,000 NEWS results

View attachment 441666

  • All of the "legitimate" riots of 2020 were carried out by masked thugs and hoods carrying weapons, Molotov cocktails and bombs.
  • The "illegitimate insurrection" of the Capitol was carried out by and supported by numerous elected government officials, the capitol police themselves and unarmed plain-clothed Americans with uncovered faces carry American flags?
The people who stormed the Capitol last week were Trump supporters bent on making sure that the electoral vote was cast out and that Trump would be installed for another four years. There were no Biden supporters. No BLM. No Antifa. No Rainbow Unicorns. Stop deflecting. Stop parroting misinformation. No one is buying it anymore. Stop blaming the media for your savior's shortcomings.
So the people like me "deplorables", are violent mobs but BLM/ANTIFA are peaceful protestors is that what you are saying?

The domestic terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter have accomplished one thing: the most costly riots in the history of our country, reports the far-left Axios.
Property Claim Services, a company that tracks insurance claims filed due to riots and the like, found that the left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June 8 of this year could reach $2 billion in insurance claims.

Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage: NYPD New Study Shows Hundreds of BLM 'Protests' Turned Violent
Recently, CNN ran a chyron that stated "fiery but mostly peaceful" as a building in Kenosha, Wisconsin burned to the ground.
Costs from weeks of protests take financial toll on cash-strapped cities across US
Much better to get your news from some blogster working out of Mom's basement.

I totally get that mainstream media is biased, and that they are pushing various political agendas. But to jump from that to the tin foil hat crew isn't the answer. "Do your research" doesn't mean "find a random yahoo on the internet who confirms your biases".
OK... how about this "Jump"... read the following FACTS about the FINANCIAL $$$!! support the MSM had for Hillary/Biden in the last 2 elections. Explain to me how the supposedly "unbiased" MSM works then?
The people who stormed the Capitol last week were Trump supporters bent on making sure that the electoral vote was cast out and that Trump would be installed for another four years. There were no Biden supporters. No BLM. No Antifa. No Rainbow Unicorns. Stop deflecting. Stop parroting misinformation. No one is buying it anymore. Stop blaming the media for your savior's shortcomings.
So the people like me "deplorables", are violent mobs but BLM/ANTIFA are peaceful protestors is that what you are saying?

The domestic terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter have accomplished one thing: the most costly riots in the history of our country, reports the far-left Axios.
Property Claim Services, a company that tracks insurance claims filed due to riots and the like, found that the left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June 8 of this year could reach $2 billion in insurance claims.

Black Lives Matter protesters riot in Manhattan, cause $100,000 damage: NYPD New Study Shows Hundreds of BLM 'Protests' Turned Violent
Recently, CNN ran a chyron that stated "fiery but mostly peaceful" as a building in Kenosha, Wisconsin burned to the ground.
Costs from weeks of protests take financial toll on cash-strapped cities across US

Let's forget the disclaimers. I'm tired of repeating them.
State for me, how many of these protests started with the aim of overthrowing the United States government? How many of these protests stormed the Capitol building with the intent on forcing lawmakers at the point of violence to overturn the results of a free and fair election? How many of these protests were people committing acts of sedition and treason?

Answer none.

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