Anybody Wanna Defend Rep. Karen Bass ? (D-CA)

Watch the trump idiots defend this
Larry Householder, Ohio House Speaker, arrested in $60 ... › news › ohio-house-speaker-larry-...

5 hours ago - The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case ...
What does that have to do with the TOPIC of this thread ?
Perhaps a stretch Just another Repub thief in need of a defense Maybe Barr will come to his aid
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

That's just one example you fool. When Trump screws up, or his approval ratings are low, he always falls back on race. Sometimes he picks on the Chinese but other times it's Muslims, sometimes it's Mexicans and sometimes it's blacks.
Nice try, Communist, he doesn't fall back on to a stance of attacking any races, only addressing the crappy elements of society (criminals, illegal criminal migrants, terrorists, Marxists), you know.....scum.
They defend Trump and he's a worse character than the Ohio speaker
I dont think so

And I wont blindly defend it the way you were hoping I would

Big Government attracts corruption

and the bigger the government program the more corruption there will be
Trump has not attacked asian people

but he has attacked red china and rightfully so
Of course. it's amazing the way Democrats spin things around.

i agree with trump that south korean president moon is soft on north korea

but I never agree with any president including trump that does not respect the importance of south korea and the need to maintain a close working alliance

jimmy carter made the same mistake
Trump was exchanging love letters with Kim and he's complaining that Moon is too soft?


But he said South Koreans are terrible people, so I thought that was a relevant example of him attacking Asian people.
You have no evidence that Trump said South Koreans are terrible people.

In fact Trump has been in the public spotlight for many decades and you've never heard him utter any racist words.

You certainly can't say that about Biden.
Trump has not attacked asian people

but he has attacked red china and rightfully so
Of course. it's amazing the way Democrats spin things around.
We're not spinning things around. It's just a fact that racism is the card trump falls back on whenever he's in trouble or slipping in the polls.

This asian example is just one of many

On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

That's just one example you fool. When Trump screws up, or his approval ratings are low, he always falls back on race. Sometimes he picks on the Chinese but other times it's Muslims, sometimes it's Mexicans and sometimes it's blacks.

So you think nationalities and religions are races, child you need to go back to school.


Did you miss the point? Trump talks about muslims, blacks, asians and mexicans to rile up his white racist base.
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

That's just one example you fool. When Trump screws up, or his approval ratings are low, he always falls back on race. Sometimes he picks on the Chinese but other times it's Muslims, sometimes it's Mexicans and sometimes it's blacks.
Nice try, Communist, he doesn't fall back on to a stance of attacking any races, only addressing the crappy elements of society (criminals, illegal criminal migrants, terrorists, Marxists), you know.....scum.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan revealed in a scathing Washington Post op-ed about President Trump not helping governors secure COVID-19 testing kits that the president had hurled insults at the South Koreans in front of his South Korean-born wife.

Hogan, a Republican, wrote that at a private dinner in early February sponsored by the Republicans Governors Association, Trump said he didn't like dealing with President Jae-in Moon of South Korea and added that South Koreans were 'terrible people.'
They defend Trump and he's a worse character than the Ohio speaker
I dont think so

And I wont blindly defend it the way you were hoping I would

Big Government attracts corruption

and the bigger the government program the more corruption there will be
LOL One thing I know for sure Mac is you're an equal opportunity basher
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

That's just one example you fool. When Trump screws up, or his approval ratings are low, he always falls back on race. Sometimes he picks on the Chinese but other times it's Muslims, sometimes it's Mexicans and sometimes it's blacks.
Nice try, Communist, he doesn't fall back on to a stance of attacking any races, only addressing the crappy elements of society (criminals, illegal criminal migrants, terrorists, Marxists), you know.....scum.
You wouldn't know what I'm talking about because you are trump's base.

President Donald Trump is doubling down on a strategy he believes worked to his advantage four years ago: seizing on divisive culture wars and using race-baiting rhetoric as he seeks to fire up his base to give him a second term in office. His GOP allies on Capitol Hill are looking on with alarm.
Uncertain how to respond to a President who has long favored incendiary remarks and targets any Republican who shows even the slightest signs of disloyalty, many in his party are aghast as Trump's poll numbers plummet and large numbers of Americans disapprove of his handling of the twin crises that have dominated this election year.
A number of top Republicans told CNN that Trump needs to change course quickly -- even as they readily acknowledge he has never been prone to take such advice.
"He's good with the base," Senate Majority Whip John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, said Wednesday. "But all of the people who are going to decide in November are the people in the middle, and I think they want the President at a time like this ... to strike a more empathetic tone."

Graham added: "I just think sort of the cultural wars, the Democrats are on the wrong side of that. But at the end of the day, I think a little more message discipline would help."
That wasn't the case on Tuesday in Arizona where Trump's tendency to lean into and amplify racist tropes was on full display at a Students for Trump event in Phoenix. Every time the phrase "Black Lives Matter" was mentioned, for instance, it was met by a chorus of boos from the riled-up crowd. The President egged on the group into shouting the term "kung flu" to describe the coronavirus and spent a good portion of his speech attacking the removal of statues of Confederate figures by suggesting that the practice was the front end of a slow march toward totalitarianism.
"Words matter, whether it's my words or the President's words or your words," Sen. Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, said Wednesday, just a few weeks after she said she's "struggling" to back Trump's reelection bid.

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, a member of the Senate GOP leadership, said: "It's been a rough few weeks," noting: "Sometimes he undermines himself."
Asked if using such charged language, such as "kung flu," was helpful to his effort to court middle-of-the-road voters, GOP Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana said: "I'm gonna say probably not; it wouldn't be my choice of words."

"Maybe you ought to address that question to her," McConnell said Tuesday when asked whether he or his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, was comfortable with Trump's use of "kung flu" (Chao's spokesman didn't respond to multiple requests for comment).

61% disapproval of Trump's handling of race relations in the aftermath of George Floyd's death while in police custody in Minneapolis.

Across the country in Washington, Republicans hope that the last few weeks are only a blip in the high-stakes campaign.

We're not spinning things around. It's just a fact that racism is the card trump falls back on whenever he's in trouble or slipping in the polls.

This asian example is just one of many

Liberals are always calling a Trump a racist. When you ask them what he said that was racist. They answer with things THAT ARE NOT RACIST. lol

From you link >>

1. "shithole countries" - not racist. Maybe unflattering, but has nothing to do with race.

2. Korean lady - I don't see anything racist there. Looks like stretching.

3. Charlottesville - you aren't racist by what you DON'T say

4. Steve Bannon - link doesn't show Bannon as being racist

5. Gen. Flynn - said "Fear of Muslims is rational" 1) That is a CORRECT statement
2) Islam is not a race.

6. Flynn has defended Trump’s past proposal of banning Muslim immigration.
So what ? I defend it also. So does the Supreme Court.

7. Jeff Sessions - "accusations" are not enough to say someone embraces racism.

8. Mnuchin - "allegations" are not enough to say someone embraces racism. The activities of Mnuchin's bank lending are sketchy. Maybe there were few people of color getting loans, because they didn't apply, or weren't qualified financially. Probably many whites were turned down too.

9. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a joke. SPLC has been shown to be nothing mroe than a money-grabbing group that profits from scaring paranoid liberals to death, and then soaking them for donations, based on scare talk about mostly impotent, racist groups like KKK and American Nazis. Even prominent leftists have condemned them.

10. Again a horrendous source is used here. CAIR is a seditious, Muslim Brotherhood front group and an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror-finance trial against the Holy Land Foundation and its former officials who went to prison on terrorism charges. CAIR is has also demonstrated a relationship between the Palestine Committee and HAMAS, which was designated as a terrorist organization in 1995.

11. "Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at the University of California, Berkeley" - here is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Fear of Islam is 100% rational, as Islam has killed 270 million people around the world. No country, religon, cult or ideology even come close to that horrific number, and the prescription for the violence is all in the Koran - cover to cover.

12. What trump said about Ghazala Khan was a perfectly legitimate specualtion. Islam is highly biased against women, subjugates that immensely, and it ois very conceivable that this could be why she didn't speak. Also, the use of Khizir Kahn is yet another awful source in this link. Khan was anything but a nonpartisan judge of Trump. He is a phony, who pretended to be just a non-partisan, Muslim gold star father, when he was hand-picked by Obama, and got $50,000 from the DNC.

He was in deep conflict of interest as an immigration lawyer for Muslims, a Muslim Brotherhood operative, and formerly in cahoots with the Clinton Foundation.

13. Judge Curiel - I am Hispanic myself, and when the Judge Curiel topic was in the news I asked Hispanic friends of mine (about a dozen) if they though Curiel might be biased against Trump. Every one of them agreed with Trump, thinking Curiel might be biased.

14. Of course a Muslim judge might not be fair to him. Muslims are the most biased people on the planet. Sometimes openly, more often secretly.

15. The not renting to black people story is from almost half a CENTURY ago. Way too old to be of significance. Trump was in his 20s. He's now in his 70s, Get real.

16. Later charges of racism are not from Trump, but are allegations coming from former employees, who could be disgruntled and biased. No evidence here.

17,, Trump comment to Tapper were OK. I wouldn't comment on groups I dont know about either, As for David Duke, and racists who say they like Trump, so what ? Dylan Roof said he likes the Carolina Panthers. Does that make the Carolina Panthers racist ?

18. I'm not so sure if Obama was born in the US, either. His older relatives still alive say he was born in Africa, and they were there at the time. This case is by no means closed. And what does it have to do with race ? Anything you say against a black person has to be racist ? This is one of the looney ways that liberals think.

19. Trump did not characterize Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, He said "some" of them were that, and THEY ARE. In fact, even if trump had characterized Mexicans as rapists, he wouldn't be far wrong. The word "rapist" is often used in umbrella fashion to describe sex offenders of various sorts. In this , it is a FACT that Mexico does have a sex offender culture, that dies not exist in the US, and it is correct to ID Mexicans according to that, One proof of this is the city buses segregated by sex in Mexico city and some other cities in Mexico. Not hard to figure out why. It's because Mexican men can't keep their hands off Mexican women (or kids, who ride on the women buses)
There are countless cases of US prosecutors, prosecuting Mexican men for sex crimes, and finding those men puzzled, not understanding why they are being arrested, and not comprehending how they have done anything wrong. Of course, Because where they crime from it isn't looked upon as being wrong.
This one of the good things about USMB. Liberals get to find out things their media never reveal to them.

20. I don't see any Native American slur. I f they mean "Indians" that is not a slur. It is a perfectly valid American English word, still in common use, and probably always will be, Elizabeth Warren DESERVED to be called Pocahontas (or something much worse - how about LIAR, CHEAT, RACIAL DISCRIMINATOR)

As usual, liberals are condemning people, based on THEIR lopsided definitions of things, which simply don't hold water.


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You wouldn't know what I'm talking about because you are trump's base.
President Donald Trump is doubling down on a strategy he believes worked to his advantage four years ago: seizing on divisive culture wars and using race-baiting rhetoric as he seeks to fire up his base to give him a second term in office. His GOP allies on Capitol Hill are looking on with alarm.
Uncertain how to respond to a President who has long favored incendiary remarks and targets any Republican who shows even the slightest signs of disloyalty, many in his party are aghast as Trump's poll numbers plummet and large numbers of Americans disapprove of his handling of the twin crises that have dominated this election year.
A number of top Republicans told CNN that Trump needs to change course quickly -- even as they readily acknowledge he has never been prone to take such advice.
"He's good with the base," Senate Majority Whip John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, said Wednesday. "But all of the people who are going to decide in November are the people in the middle, and I think they want the President at a time like this ... to strike a more empathetic tone."

Graham added: "I just think sort of the cultural wars, the Democrats are on the wrong side of that. But at the end of the day, I think a little more message discipline would help."
That wasn't the case on Tuesday in Arizona where Trump's tendency to lean into and amplify racist tropes was on full display at a Students for Trump event in Phoenix. Every time the phrase "Black Lives Matter" was mentioned, for instance, it was met by a chorus of boos from the riled-up crowd. The President egged on the group into shouting the term "kung flu" to describe the coronavirus and spent a good portion of his speech attacking the removal of statues of Confederate figures by suggesting that the practice was the front end of a slow march toward totalitarianism.
"Words matter, whether it's my words or the President's words or your words," Sen. Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, said Wednesday, just a few weeks after she said she's "struggling" to back Trump's reelection bid.

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, a member of the Senate GOP leadership, said: "It's been a rough few weeks," noting: "Sometimes he undermines himself."
Asked if using such charged language, such as "kung flu," was helpful to his effort to court middle-of-the-road voters, GOP Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana said: "I'm gonna say probably not; it wouldn't be my choice of words."

"Maybe you ought to address that question to her," McConnell said Tuesday when asked whether he or his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, was comfortable with Trump's use of "kung flu" (Chao's spokesman didn't respond to multiple requests for comment).

61% disapproval of Trump's handling of race relations in the aftermath of George Floyd's death while in police custody in Minneapolis.

Across the country in Washington, Republicans hope that the last few weeks are only a blip in the high-stakes campaign.

"Empathatic" to whom ? Rioters ? Looters ? Arsonists ? Traffic blockers ? The mistake you are making is believing in these polls that tell you that the American people are not behind Trump. Those polls are a joke.

Don't you know that the commonly cited polls, are primarily Democrat polls ? And those are primarily the only people whom the polls get their distorted numbers from ? Don't you know that overall, Republicans don't respond to polls, because they are associated with the mainstream media, whom Republicans regard as leftist, biased, and enemies. Don't you know this is why polls (almost unanimously) were showing Hillary Clinton to win the presidency in 2016 ?

And what in the world is wrong with booing the name BLM ? They are a bunch of domestic terrorist criminals, who ought to all be in jail for what they've been doing.

And Trump's speech attacking the removal of statues of Confederate figures is valid. I have attacked those removals as well, here in USMB, whether they were done by street thugs or politicians. The statues are not of "figures", they are SOLDIERS. No soldier statue should ever be removed. Whatever problem you have with the policy of the Confederacy, it is politicians who made that policy, not soldiers, Soldiers merely receive orders and fight wars. Hands off the soldiers.
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

That's just one example you fool. When Trump screws up, or his approval ratings are low, he always falls back on race. Sometimes he picks on the Chinese but other times it's Muslims, sometimes it's Mexicans and sometimes it's blacks.

So you think nationalities and religions are races, child you need to go back to school.


Did you miss the point? Trump talks about muslims, blacks, asians and mexicans to rile up his white racist base.

No I didn't miss a damn thing in your propaganda, Mexican and Chinese are nationalities, muslim is a religion, there are muslims of every race on earth. You commies just try to conflate them for your propaganda purposes, I ain't buying. I'm sure a bunch of your low IQ brethren might be though.

On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

I'll defend her! She sounds like a great American patriot. Go Karen!
When they need a police officer, send a social worker. I'm sure that worker would love to do the cops job. Wonder how many will get shot or have the shit kicked out of them??
Its truly shocking how crazy democrat control of the cities has become

the seattle city council voted to prohibit the seattle police from using tear gas and bubber balls. And a federal judge sustained the order

the police will now have no way to stop rioters from burning down the city

literally a minority of petulant children will now hold an entire major US city in their grip

how long can this continue before something breaks?
When they need a police officer, send a social worker. I'm sure that worker would love to do the cops job. Wonder how many will get shot or have the shit kicked out of them??
Its truly shocking how crazy democrat control of the cities has become

the seattle city council voted to prohibit the seattle police from using tear gas and bubber balls. And a federal judge sustained the order

the police will now have no way to stop rioters from burning down the city

literally a minority of petulant children will now hold an entire major US city in their grip

how long can this continue before something breaks?
Until President Trump and all of us say "That's more" and send in federal troops with bayonets, real bullets (hollow points), and even tanks if necessary. Lots of arrest are needed, and not letting thugs out on bail, with big budget loon organizations paying it.
The majority of things cops are called to aren't actually crimes.
And the source of that conclusion is what ?

Patrick Skinner has a very interesting perspective. He spend years in the Middle East as a CIA handler, where he learned not to pick fights, given he was always outnumbered.

He came home eventually and now became a cop, and seems to have a very good and unique view on where policing gets things right and wrong.
On the far left TV show The View, President Trump is constantly slammed by the 4 Trump bashers of that show. Nothing new about that. Today, their special guest was Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA). She said President Trump has attacked every racial group in America. She went on to say that by Trump attacking China, due to the Coronavirus, he has attacked Asian Americans.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but it's typical of the TDS we hear from Trump deranged Democrats. Every racial group in America ? I wonder if anybody can say how Trump has attacked ANY racial group in America, EVER once.

It's noteworthy that Rep Bass claims that "defund the police" is one of the worst slogans ever, but then during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, she "corrected" Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who said in his opening statement that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said he wanted to “defund the police.” Bass said >>" “I just want to make a note that he absolutely did not defund the police department. He did reduce the budget, and he shifted the funds to deal with some of the real issues that police officers always complain about.”

EARTH TO REP. BASS: Reducing someone's budget is defunding them. Defund means reduce funding to some degree. All or part.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told ABC News last Wednesday >>

“It may sound strange but many affluent suburbs have essentially already begun pursuing a defunding of the police in that they fund schools, they fund housing, and they fund health care more, as their number one priorities.”

The View
co-host Sunny Hostin similarly said defunding meant reducing the budget rather than abolishing the police.

Garcetti and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, both Democrats, already have committed to transfer funding from law enforcement to community services. Garcetti specifically vowed to cut as much as $150 million that was part of a planned increase in the police department’s budget.

That's just one example you fool. When Trump screws up, or his approval ratings are low, he always falls back on race. Sometimes he picks on the Chinese but other times it's Muslims, sometimes it's Mexicans and sometimes it's blacks.

What color is the sky in your world?

Wait, I know, it's orange, isn't it?

Trump just pwns you
The Honorable Representative is right on at least one point: President Trump was irresponsible in calling it the "Chinese" virus.

As a result, some ignorant people (of ALL ethnicities) have been verbally and/or physically abusing Asian Americans.

What is ironic is that Asian Americans should fear getting COVID-19 from those other ethnicities, and especially from a certain ethnicity that has the highest infection rate!

Ah! Human beings. An impossible lot!

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