Anyone else wondering how an 'imminent genocide'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Resolves itself in just a few days? We were about to re-invade Iraq to save those poor people on the top of Mt. Sinjar. There was about to be a genocide. Just days later apparently all is well. Dropped afew bombs on ISIS and they gave up and ran off like the Iraqi army did in 1991? Their million man army turning out to be a million conscripted people forced into the army at gunpoint? Or was the threat of genocide vastly overstated?

I've yet to see anything on tv news about this oddity.

I've got a really crazy question.

As I look at a map of Iraq and that general area, I see a big ol' shitload of states, nations and nation-states. Every last goddamn one of them is closer to this ISIS shit hole than we are.

Why is it up to us to fix this? Are these other people just too fucking feeble?

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I've got a really crazy question.

As I look at a map of Iraq and that general area, I see a big ol' shitload of states, nations and nation-states. Every last goddamn one of them is closer to this ISIS shit hole than we are.

Why is it up to us to fix this? Are these other people just too fucking feeble?


That's a good question to pose to the people trying to define the real problem...although as of now those people are not yet named.
The ME is a complete disaster and failure. It's too bad those savages have so much oil that they control.

They don't know how to cooperate with one another. They only know how to hate, kill and stab each other in the back. Their modus operandi is cowardly terrorism. That's why none of those countries will step in to do anything. Cowardly savages.

I've got a really crazy question.

As I look at a map of Iraq and that general area, I see a big ol' shitload of states, nations and nation-states. Every last goddamn one of them is closer to this ISIS shit hole than we are.

Why is it up to us to fix this? Are these other people just too fucking feeble?


Well, after thinking about it...

We broke it, we own it.

We removed Saddam, we destabilized the whole fucking area.

It's our problem, that's why they're all looking at us.

Never mind.

If we broke it it's because we failed to define the problem. If we don't define the problem we can't fix the problem. Define the problem goddamn it.

I've got a really crazy question.

As I look at a map of Iraq and that general area, I see a big ol' shitload of states, nations and nation-states. Every last goddamn one of them is closer to this ISIS shit hole than we are.

Why is it up to us to fix this? Are these other people just too fucking feeble?


Well, after thinking about it...

We broke it, we own it.

We removed Saddam, we destabilized the whole fucking area.

It's our problem, that's why they're all looking at us.

Never mind.


Destabilized? That area has NEVER been stable and probably never will be. That's what happens when your population of citizens is relegated to the garbage dump, has no education, is dirt poor, and government corruption, torture, murder, and genocide is the norm. They are INCAPABLE of solving problems on their own.

In reality, if some of our own weren't such pussies, we should have taken over Iraq and the oil. That is the ONLY way you'll ever have stability in that region is if WE and other stable countries take over and start imprisoning those leaders/dictators over there and running things according to OUR terms.
Used to be, to the victors go the spoils, so yeah, we should've just taken that country and ignored the wimps in America who would cry and whine. OBVIOUSLY, this region is the butthole of the world and it needs an enema to clean out all the crap.
...Resolves itself in just a few days? We were about to re-invade Iraq to save those poor people on the top of Mt. Sinjar. There was about to be a genocide. Just days later apparently all is well. Dropped afew bombs on ISIS and they gave up and ran off like the Iraqi army did in 1991? Their million man army turning out to be a million conscripted people forced into the army at gunpoint? Or was the threat of genocide vastly overstated?

I've yet to see anything on tv news about this oddity.

Obama has declared it....Now lets play some golf

I've got a really crazy question.

As I look at a map of Iraq and that general area, I see a big ol' shitload of states, nations and nation-states. Every last goddamn one of them is closer to this ISIS shit hole than we are.

Why is it up to us to fix this? Are these other people just too fucking feeble?


I am thinking the same thing. Beyond the imperative to come to the aid of a neighbor, the ISIS assholes are a real threat to all those states too. And, while we are at it, where are the religious leaders of the Islamic world? If they don't speak out, they are complicit with the atrocities. If I were Muslim, I'd be wanting to distance myself from these savage killers.

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