AOC in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of COVID cases

As we all know, getting the vax doesn't do any of that. You can catch the vid whether a person is vaxed or not. You can pass it to others vaxed or not. So it has nothing to do with being a real American since the only harm that can come to you is to yourself and nobody else.

I think what you really meant to say is a real Big Brother lover are people that get vaxed.
Wrong again Skippy
Your attempts to claim that not being vaccinated is just as safe as being vaxed fall flat

Just ask the overcrowded hospitals that have seven times as many unvaccinated or deaths where the unvaccinated are ten times as likely to die

REAL AMERICANS get vaccinated
Wrong again Skippy
Your attempts to claim that not being vaccinated is just as safe as being vaxed fall flat

Just ask the overcrowded hospitals that have seven times as many unvaccinated or deaths where the unvaccinated are ten times as likely to die

REAL AMERICANS get vaccinated

What's wrong with you anyway? I just got done saying that the only harm people bring to themselves (not others) if when they don't get vaxed, and you just supported my statement.
Look, at the end of the day, people just want to live free and they want to live their lives. They don’t want to be told what to do. They especially don’t want hypocrites to tell them what to do by basically telling them one thing about masking up and doing all this stuff, but then when you catch them on somebody else’s camera phone, you see they’re just out living life and you’re being told that you can’t. That’s what’s wrong in our politics today. This is what the Democrats have gotten wrong with the pandemic the entire time. Instead of helping people live their lives, they’ve gone to this reflexive lockdown policy, time after time after time. But doesn’t matter if it’s AOC or Pelosi getting her hair done when they closed all salons in the state of California, they have their own set of rules for themselves as long as the PLEBES follow what their rules are
Wrong again Skippy
Your attempts to claim that not being vaccinated is just as safe as being vaxed fall flat

Just ask the overcrowded hospitals that have seven times as many unvaccinated or deaths where the unvaccinated are ten times as likely to die

REAL AMERICANS get vaccinated
Is this a Bio Weapon?
If DeSantis is a terrible governor because of the summer spike, the governors of these states currently seeing a spike are also terrible governors.

Call them out, lefties. Don't be hypocrites.
DeSantis was criticised for his response which was to have very little restrictions, thus putting profit before people...

The virus is the ones that we are all taking on... There is no point pointing fingers, everyone gets hit. New York was unlucky the first to get hit at the start. This virus attacks at different times...

What can be judged is the response... What did the leader do at particular times? To be fair they ca only be judged with the information they had at the time..
Also making a call and getting right doesn't alway equate a good decision... If it bad risk it is bad...

This is where DeSantis comes in... He was risking a lot of peoples lives for few GDP points... He had an outbreak and he choose to ignore it... That was quite reckless..
Many New Yorkers are leaving New York and moving to Florida, they prefer the more conservative state over the liberal rule. AOC seems to feel the same. Good for her.
Many New Yorkers are leaving New York and moving to Florida, they prefer the more conservative state over the liberal rule. AOC seems to feel the same. Good for her.

New Yorkers have always moved to Florida
Has more to do with climate than politics
New Yorkers have always moved to Florida
Has more to do with climate than politics
If that is what you want to believe, but Florida is still much more conservative than New York in spite of all the New Yorkers flocking there.

You never answered my question about Covid-19 in many other threads, interesting that you never did, back on topic though.
DeSantis was criticised for his response which was to have very little restrictions, thus putting profit before people...

The virus is the ones that we are all taking on... There is no point pointing fingers, everyone gets hit. New York was unlucky the first to get hit at the start. This virus attacks at different times...

What can be judged is the response... What did the leader do at particular times? To be fair they ca only be judged with the information they had at the time..
Also making a call and getting right doesn't alway equate a good decision... If it bad risk it is bad...

This is where DeSantis comes in... He was risking a lot of peoples lives for few GDP points... He had an outbreak and he choose to ignore it... That was quite reckless..

That's a complete lie. He did act on it but not the way the commies did with restrictions and mandates or closing down schools. Unlike Cuomo, his first priority was the helpless meaning elderly people in nursing homes. He ordered a shit load of monoclonal antibodies and distributed them to the elderly first. His methods proved much more effective than what they are doing in NY or CA.
If that is what you want to believe, but Florida is still much more conservative than New York in spite of all the New Yorkers flocking there.

You never answered my question about Covid-19 in many other threads, interesting that you never did, back on topic though.
Upstate NY is very Conservative

The city is very Liberal, just like the major cities in Florida
New Yorkers have always moved to Florida
Has more to do with climate than politics

It has everything to do with politics. Why would they not move to Commiefornia? Because Commiefornia has the same huge cost of living, the same high taxes, the same covid restrictions as they do.

Florida doesn't have those things. All businesses stayed open. People were free to walk around as they wished. They have a much lower tax rate than commie cities. That's why people from commie cities move there. After all, all the southern states have beautiful weather in the winter.
It has everything to do with politics. Why would they not move to Commiefornia? Because Commiefornia has the same huge cost of living, the same high taxes, the same covid restrictions as they do.

Florida doesn't have those things. All businesses stayed open. People were free to walk around as they wished. They have a much lower tax rate than commie cities. That's why people from commie cities move there. After all, all the southern states have beautiful weather in the winter.
Same reason they do not move to Hawaii
Too far

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