AOC in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of COVID cases

What are you doing, riding a bike? When people move that far they hire a moving company and fly there in a few hours. Either that or they have a house sale and buy everything new when they get to their destination.
It is more than moving your stuff. It is the ability to go back to your original state, visit family, see the grandkids, have them visit you.

California is too far
So is Hawaii
It is more than moving your stuff. It is the ability to go back to your original state, visit family, see the grandkids, have them visit you.

California is too far
So is Hawaii

It's a five hour flight. You have no defense because Florida is a free Republican run state with low taxes and that's why they move there. Texas is farther too, but the commies are flooding that Republican state as well.
There's so much frustrated sexual energy from the right towards this woman. Ever seen the way conversations about her somehow always veer into sexual objectification? They want to hate fuck her so bad.
I am a woman, and I just hate the bitch---the hypocritical lying communist bitch. We are invaded and overrun by rude ass New Yorkers in my small Florida beach side town----and it is largely because this stupid bitch and her corrupt buddies taxation and the even worse lock downs that she is avoiding makes her "people" flee to Florida to escape while making most of us we Floridians suffer. Bitch pushes for the lockdowns which she doesn't stick around for and the bitch pushes higher taxes for which she refuses to pay and owes taxes from years ago--
Fauci knows the Republicans are coming and coming for him too.

I sure hope so.

The ASSHOLE is FINALLY admitting that people HOSPITALIZED and DYING WITH COVID are often reported as being HOSPITALIZED or DYING FROM COVID.

Lefties are too stupid to comprehend the nuance.

I'll spell it out.

Someone going to the hospital for GOUT gets tested and comes up positive for COVID WIHTOUT is THEN recorded as a COVID HOSPITALIZATION.

That is WRONG.

MLK paid a price for his passion. so does AOC with all the undeserved ridicule she gets for being, like MLK and Obama, a passionate person of color...if she were a white male, this thread would not exist

just a sampling of the right's hate for her...

Over her first term, she introduced a total of 23 pieces of legislation. Among them is her Loan Shark Prevention Act, which would cap credit card interest rates at 15%. AOC also introduced a group of bills collectively titled ‘A Just Society,’ to address the needs of the 40 million Americans living in poverty on 2 dollars a day

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Over her first term, she introduced a total of 23 pieces of legislation. Among them is her Loan Shark Prevention Act, which would cap credit card interest rates at 15%. AOC also introduced a group of bills collectively titled ‘A Just Society,’ to address the needs of the 40 million Americans living in poverty on 2 dollars a day

How many became law?

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