Apres moi le deluge

  1. 1.
    a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

So....he hasn't made any racist statements?

Better definition of racism, from Webster:

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

But, none of Trump's comments or actions demonstrate that he perceives some races as inferior.

Sure. You go with that thought...

Of course, I find it interesting that all you got out of the OP was "Trump is a racist", and completely missed the larger theme of the OP...

As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.


It seems the Democrats care far more about what Paul Ryan says than his own party. Since "Mexican" is not a race, that makes Paul Ryan an idiot.

you not understanding that most normal people (including paul ryan) believe that was a bigoted comment.

your defense of the orange bigoted fascist by asserting "mexican is not a race?" is really stupid and dishonest.

so no wonder that you're one of trumpster's uneducated angry white men.

Tell me....why is it soooooo simple to shred you like pulled pork???

Because you're so dumb?
So locked into the indoctrination?
Some disorder or debilitation?

I almost feel guilty doing so.

But...here, from the mouth of Obama's pick for the Supreme Court: one's background is a determinant for their thinking:

Justice Sotomayor thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench."
Judicial Confirmation Network on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 in a released statement


"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Now....go wipe that egg off your face.
  1. 1.
    a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

So....he hasn't made any racist statements?

Better definition of racism, from Webster:

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

But, none of Trump's comments or actions demonstrate that he perceives some races as inferior.

Sure. You go with that thought...

Of course, I find it interesting that all you got out of the OP was "Trump is a racist", and completely missed the larger theme of the OP...

As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.


It seems the Democrats care far more about what Paul Ryan says than his own party. Since "Mexican" is not a race, that makes Paul Ryan an idiot.

you not understanding that most normal people (including paul ryan) believe that was a bigoted comment.

Not most and certainly not normal. What's the percentage of the citizenry that is Democrat or supports them?

Those people maybe.

your defense of the orange bigoted fascist by asserting "mexican is not a race?" is really stupid and dishonest.

Only to those people, who erroneously believe that "Mexican" is a race, as opposed to a nationality.

so no wonder that you're one of trumpster's uneducated angry white men.

Well, I am educated enough to know that "Mexican" is not a race, so more than you.
Better definition of racism, from Webster:

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

But, none of Trump's comments or actions demonstrate that he perceives some races as inferior.

Sure. You go with that thought...

Of course, I find it interesting that all you got out of the OP was "Trump is a racist", and completely missed the larger theme of the OP...

As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.


Well, then, provide said racist comments.

I'm sure you are an expert in this realm, as you regularly support and advance the racist...Democrat....party....the one with the historic record of creating the KKK, Jim Crow laws, slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.



Our ersatz conduit for DNC talking points has disappeared???
Better definition of racism, from Webster:

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

But, none of Trump's comments or actions demonstrate that he perceives some races as inferior.

Sure. You go with that thought...

Of course, I find it interesting that all you got out of the OP was "Trump is a racist", and completely missed the larger theme of the OP...

As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.

Actually, PoliticalChic is doing a brilliant job of making the point in my OP for me. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump. He doesn't view Trump's actions, and words as destructive to the MRP, so, even after Trump's loss, he, and the rest of the Modern Republican Party will see no need to make any changes, other than, perhaps, "softening" the rhetoric, so that it will be less offensive to "Not Republicans".

"...sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump."

Now....see....I've reduced you to fibbing.

The only point I made...and proved....is that you couldn't support your claim that Trump is responsible for 'racist statements.'

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.
See Harvard ethicist, Herbert Kelman, "Human Use of Human Subjects: The Problem of Deception in Social Psychological Experiments."
You really should read that yourself. African Americans perceive Trump's rhetoric as racist. Latinoes perceive Trump's comments as racist. Trump's own party members perceive Trumps actions, and words as racist. White Nativists (The new term for White Supremacists) perceive Trump's comments, and actions to be in line with their racism. The only peopled who don't recognise Trump's actions, and words as racist, are Trump supporters.

My daddy always used to tell me, "If one person calls you and ass, that's their problem. If a couple of people call you an ass, that's their problem, if a few people call you an ass, that's their problem. Son...if everybody is calling you an ass, you better check for the long ears, and tail,"

Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????


It was really fun putting you in your place.
As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.


Well, then, provide said racist comments.

I'm sure you are an expert in this realm, as you regularly support and advance the racist...Democrat....party....the one with the historic record of creating the KKK, Jim Crow laws, slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.



Our ersatz conduit for DNC talking points has disappeared???
As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.

Actually, PoliticalChic is doing a brilliant job of making the point in my OP for me. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump. He doesn't view Trump's actions, and words as destructive to the MRP, so, even after Trump's loss, he, and the rest of the Modern Republican Party will see no need to make any changes, other than, perhaps, "softening" the rhetoric, so that it will be less offensive to "Not Republicans".

"...sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump."

Now....see....I've reduced you to fibbing.

The only point I made...and proved....is that you couldn't support your claim that Trump is responsible for 'racist statements.'

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.
See Harvard ethicist, Herbert Kelman, "Human Use of Human Subjects: The Problem of Deception in Social Psychological Experiments."
You really should read that yourself. African Americans perceive Trump's rhetoric as racist. Latinoes perceive Trump's comments as racist. Trump's own party members perceive Trumps actions, and words as racist. White Nativists (The new term for White Supremacists) perceive Trump's comments, and actions to be in line with their racism. The only peopled who don't recognise Trump's actions, and words as racist, are Trump supporters.

My daddy always used to tell me, "If one person calls you and ass, that's their problem. If a couple of people call you an ass, that's their problem, if a few people call you an ass, that's their problem. Son...if everybody is calling you an ass, you better check for the long ears, and tail,"

Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????

"...long ears, and tail..."
nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.


Well, then, provide said racist comments.

I'm sure you are an expert in this realm, as you regularly support and advance the racist...Democrat....party....the one with the historic record of creating the KKK, Jim Crow laws, slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.



Our ersatz conduit for DNC talking points has disappeared???
nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.

Actually, PoliticalChic is doing a brilliant job of making the point in my OP for me. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump. He doesn't view Trump's actions, and words as destructive to the MRP, so, even after Trump's loss, he, and the rest of the Modern Republican Party will see no need to make any changes, other than, perhaps, "softening" the rhetoric, so that it will be less offensive to "Not Republicans".

"...sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump."

Now....see....I've reduced you to fibbing.

The only point I made...and proved....is that you couldn't support your claim that Trump is responsible for 'racist statements.'

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.
See Harvard ethicist, Herbert Kelman, "Human Use of Human Subjects: The Problem of Deception in Social Psychological Experiments."
You really should read that yourself. African Americans perceive Trump's rhetoric as racist. Latinoes perceive Trump's comments as racist. Trump's own party members perceive Trumps actions, and words as racist. White Nativists (The new term for White Supremacists) perceive Trump's comments, and actions to be in line with their racism. The only peopled who don't recognise Trump's actions, and words as racist, are Trump supporters.

My daddy always used to tell me, "If one person calls you and ass, that's their problem. If a couple of people call you an ass, that's their problem, if a few people call you an ass, that's their problem. Son...if everybody is calling you an ass, you better check for the long ears, and tail,"

Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????

"...long ears, and tail..."

Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
Well, then, provide said racist comments.

I'm sure you are an expert in this realm, as you regularly support and advance the racist...Democrat....party....the one with the historic record of creating the KKK, Jim Crow laws, slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.



Our ersatz conduit for DNC talking points has disappeared???
Actually, PoliticalChic is doing a brilliant job of making the point in my OP for me. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump. He doesn't view Trump's actions, and words as destructive to the MRP, so, even after Trump's loss, he, and the rest of the Modern Republican Party will see no need to make any changes, other than, perhaps, "softening" the rhetoric, so that it will be less offensive to "Not Republicans".

"...sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump."

Now....see....I've reduced you to fibbing.

The only point I made...and proved....is that you couldn't support your claim that Trump is responsible for 'racist statements.'

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.
See Harvard ethicist, Herbert Kelman, "Human Use of Human Subjects: The Problem of Deception in Social Psychological Experiments."
You really should read that yourself. African Americans perceive Trump's rhetoric as racist. Latinoes perceive Trump's comments as racist. Trump's own party members perceive Trumps actions, and words as racist. White Nativists (The new term for White Supremacists) perceive Trump's comments, and actions to be in line with their racism. The only peopled who don't recognise Trump's actions, and words as racist, are Trump supporters.

My daddy always used to tell me, "If one person calls you and ass, that's their problem. If a couple of people call you an ass, that's their problem, if a few people call you an ass, that's their problem. Son...if everybody is calling you an ass, you better check for the long ears, and tail,"

Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????

"...long ears, and tail..."

Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Our ersatz conduit for DNC talking points has disappeared???
"...sees absolutely nothing wrong with Trump."

Now....see....I've reduced you to fibbing.

The only point I made...and proved....is that you couldn't support your claim that Trump is responsible for 'racist statements.'

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.
See Harvard ethicist, Herbert Kelman, "Human Use of Human Subjects: The Problem of Deception in Social Psychological Experiments."
You really should read that yourself. African Americans perceive Trump's rhetoric as racist. Latinoes perceive Trump's comments as racist. Trump's own party members perceive Trumps actions, and words as racist. White Nativists (The new term for White Supremacists) perceive Trump's comments, and actions to be in line with their racism. The only peopled who don't recognise Trump's actions, and words as racist, are Trump supporters.

My daddy always used to tell me, "If one person calls you and ass, that's their problem. If a couple of people call you an ass, that's their problem, if a few people call you an ass, that's their problem. Son...if everybody is calling you an ass, you better check for the long ears, and tail,"

Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????

"...long ears, and tail..."

Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
You really should read that yourself. African Americans perceive Trump's rhetoric as racist. Latinoes perceive Trump's comments as racist. Trump's own party members perceive Trumps actions, and words as racist. White Nativists (The new term for White Supremacists) perceive Trump's comments, and actions to be in line with their racism. The only peopled who don't recognise Trump's actions, and words as racist, are Trump supporters.

My daddy always used to tell me, "If one person calls you and ass, that's their problem. If a couple of people call you an ass, that's their problem, if a few people call you an ass, that's their problem. Son...if everybody is calling you an ass, you better check for the long ears, and tail,"

Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????

"...long ears, and tail..."

Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
"...long ears, and tail..."
Better definition of racism, from Webster:

a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

But, none of Trump's comments or actions demonstrate that he perceives some races as inferior.

Sure. You go with that thought...

Of course, I find it interesting that all you got out of the OP was "Trump is a racist", and completely missed the larger theme of the OP...

As you lack even a passing acquaintance with the English language....let me give you a prime example of a racist comment.

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

BTW....Bill's wife is running for President on the racist...er, Democrat ticket.

nice cut and paste.

even paul ryan said his statements about judge curiale were racist.


It seems the Democrats care far more about what Paul Ryan says than his own party. Since "Mexican" is not a race, that makes Paul Ryan an idiot.

you not understanding that most normal people (including paul ryan) believe that was a bigoted comment.

your defense of the orange bigoted fascist by asserting "mexican is not a race?" is really stupid and dishonest.

so no wonder that you're one of trumpster's uneducated angry white men.

Tell me....why is it soooooo simple to shred you like pulled pork???

Because you're so dumb?
So locked into the indoctrination?
Some disorder or debilitation?

I almost feel guilty doing so.

But...here, from the mouth of Obama's pick for the Supreme Court: one's background is a determinant for their thinking:

Justice Sotomayor thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench."
Judicial Confirmation Network on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 in a released statement


"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Now....go wipe that egg off your face.

Gee....the note about Sotomayor sure silenced Jillian.

I hope she hasn't gone so far as seppuku??????
Still can't come up with said 'racist statements'????

"...long ears, and tail..."

Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
"...long ears, and tail..."


Revealing another of your infirmities????

Seems I have to teach you yet another word:
gerund or present participle: perseverating
  1. repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.
  2. In psychology and psychiatry, perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.Perseveration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read that it is related to schizophrenia.
May account for you lying, too.
"...long ears, and tail..."

Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
"...long ears, and tail..."


Revealing another of your infirmities????

Seems I have to teach you yet another word:
gerund or present participle: perseverating
  1. repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.
  2. In psychology and psychiatry, perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.Perseveration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read that it is related to schizophrenia.
May account for you lying, too.
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

Hurry back now, and claim "victory" over my decision that you are no longer worth engaging with due to your inability to recognise the racism of your chasen candidate.
Now...what makes you so upset.....that I proved you were lying???

Look at the bright side:
If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
"...long ears, and tail..."


Revealing another of your infirmities????

Seems I have to teach you yet another word:
gerund or present participle: perseverating
  1. repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.
  2. In psychology and psychiatry, perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.Perseveration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read that it is related to schizophrenia.
May account for you lying, too.
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

Hurry back now, and claim "victory" over my decision that you are no longer worth engaging with due to your inability to recognise the racism of your chasen candidate.

If you're offended,....I'll help you pack
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

The point of the OP is to claim racism where none exists.
No. it's really not. The funny thing is that this is what you got out of it. I might suggest reading it again, and try to suss out how "Apres moi le deluge" applies to the post.
You seem to have the concepts of "upset" and ridicule confused.

"…long ears, and tail…"

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
"...long ears, and tail..."


Revealing another of your infirmities????

Seems I have to teach you yet another word:
gerund or present participle: perseverating
  1. repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.
  2. In psychology and psychiatry, perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.Perseveration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read that it is related to schizophrenia.
May account for you lying, too.
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

Hurry back now, and claim "victory" over my decision that you are no longer worth engaging with due to your inability to recognise the racism of your chasen candidate.

If you're offended,....I'll help you pack
Not offended. Bored. You really do have difficulty with reading comprehension, don't you?

You don't like opera?

Well...if lying were a search engine, you'd be google.


Try honesty: you can't try to cloud the issue, you, caught lying, by claiming your chagrin was 'ridicule.'

Any reader of the thread will see that.
Did you know that there is an over-and-under betting line on how many years it would take you to live down the 'liar' sobriquet?

Now....write soon so we can explore your embarrassment further.
"...long ears, and tail..."


Revealing another of your infirmities????

Seems I have to teach you yet another word:
gerund or present participle: perseverating
  1. repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.
  2. In psychology and psychiatry, perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.Perseveration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read that it is related to schizophrenia.
May account for you lying, too.
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

Hurry back now, and claim "victory" over my decision that you are no longer worth engaging with due to your inability to recognise the racism of your chasen candidate.

If you're offended,....I'll help you pack
Not offended. Bored. You really do have difficulty with reading comprehension, don't you?

You should put some effort into trying to stop lying.

“The role that one assigns to truthfulness will always remain central in considering what kind of person one wants to be—how one wishes to treat, not only other people, but oneself."
"Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life," by Sissela Bok
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

The point of the OP is to claim racism where none exists.
No. it's really not. The funny thing is that this is what you got out of it. I might suggest reading it again, and try to suss out how "Apres moi le deluge" applies to the post.

Yes, it really is. One can only "get" that which the language and intent communicates.
"...long ears, and tail..."


Revealing another of your infirmities????

Seems I have to teach you yet another word:
gerund or present participle: perseverating
  1. repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.
  2. In psychology and psychiatry, perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.Perseveration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read that it is related to schizophrenia.
May account for you lying, too.
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

Hurry back now, and claim "victory" over my decision that you are no longer worth engaging with due to your inability to recognise the racism of your chasen candidate.

If you're offended,....I'll help you pack
Not offended. Bored. You really do have difficulty with reading comprehension, don't you?

You should put some effort into trying to stop lying.

“The role that one assigns to truthfulness will always remain central in considering what kind of person one wants to be—how one wishes to treat, not only other people, but oneself."
"Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life," by Sissela Bok
Never lied, but you really should learn the English language, it seems to causing you some real difficulty.
Last edited:
Now you're just boring. I guess I'll just have to wait for someone with an actual brain to decide to comment on the actual point of the OP.

The point of the OP is to claim racism where none exists.
No. it's really not. The funny thing is that this is what you got out of it. I might suggest reading it again, and try to suss out how "Apres moi le deluge" applies to the post.

Yes, it really is. One can only "get" that which the language and intent communicates.
So, to be clear, Trump's racism is a single line in a four paragraph post, but you're absolutely certain that this is the entire point of the post?

What is it about Trump supporters, and their complete lack of reading comprehension? How did any of you graduate high school?!?!?!

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