Apres moi le deluge

You're absolutely right. Trump hasn't said anything even remotely racist. The Blacks, The Mexicans, and The Muslims are just too thin-skinned, and don't understand Trump's sense of humour...

I believe you are confused and the correct word for Donald John Trump is bigoted asshole. Now of course you will argue that I am defending the Douche Nozzle remarks against certain minority and religious communities but the reality is Donald John Trump is as racist as Hillary Rodham Clinton and neither are racist...
Let me see if I can explain your situation to you:
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead: it's only a reality for others. And that relates to you: it's the same when you're stupid.

Rich back atcha Chicky Poo. The mistress of cut and paste. Only this one applies perfectly to you.
"Well, there was his saying that a Judge is disqualified because of his heritage:

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

...here, from the mouth of Obama's pick for the Supreme Court: one's background is a determinant for their thinking:

Justice Sotomayor thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench."
Judicial Confirmation Network on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 in a released statement


"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Sotomayor spit in your eye, huh?

I'm sorry. Were we discussing Sotamayor? I thought we were discussing Trump, and his racism. Do try to keep up.

Sotomayor is the correct response to your claim about Trump.

So...you've decided to punt?

You're taking quite a beating here, huh?

Let's rub it in:
Justice Sotomayor thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench."
Judicial Confirmation Network on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 in a released statement


"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Let me see if I can explain your situation to you:
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead: it's only a reality for others. And that relates to you: it's the same when you're stupid.
Of course it is. Whenever denial doesn't work, go with "deflect to the other guys". Thaqt's a sure way to defend the orangutan-haired sociopth's faults.

Like his running a racist campaign.

Meanwhile, back to Trump's racism that you want to pretend doesn't exist...

You really have a problem with the English language, huh?
There is no denial nor deflection.
Trump said the Judge's background influence his view of the issue.

Sotomayor says exactly the same thing.

I love skewering dopes like you.

"...Sotomayor's statement shows that she thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench." We think the key words in that sentence are "ought to." To the contrary, Sotomayor says several times that she agrees judges should aspire to "transcend their personal sympathies and prejudices." However, she acknowledges that we are all informed by our experiences and that "personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see."
Sotomayor's comment about Latina women versus white men

In your face, booyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

I hope that hurt.
So, because Joe stole gum from the store, that makes it okay for you to. Got it. I seem to recall that Sotamayor got raked over the grill by all, you oh so sensitive Conservatives when she said that. But, now, since Trump is a racist, suddenly you want to pretend you guys were perfectly fine with it.

So, not only are you supporting a racist, you're also a hypocrite. Got it.

I must thank you for the fun I've had this afternoon, you know, slicing and dicing a Liberal.

But....look beyond the beating you've taken:

A small price to pay for fame!

And by small I mean huge,....

....and by fame I mean humiliation.
Let me see if I can explain your situation to you:
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead: it's only a reality for others. And that relates to you: it's the same when you're stupid.

Rich back atcha Chicky Poo. The mistress of cut and paste. Only this one applies perfectly to you.

I take it that means you give up?

You don't care to try to deny that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton is a low-life racist and has always been so???
And that he was chosen to give the keynote speech at the Dem Convention both notwithstanding his racism, and because of it????


So....we have established that Clinton, not Trump, is the racist...and the Democrat Party is the home of said view?

Even more excellent.

Welcome to Ouchville....population you.
You're absolutely right. Trump hasn't said anything even remotely racist. The Blacks, The Mexicans, and The Muslims are just too thin-skinned, and don't understand Trump's sense of humour...

I believe you are confused and the correct word for Donald John Trump is bigoted asshole. Now of course you will argue that I am defending the Douche Nozzle remarks against certain minority and religious communities but the reality is Donald John Trump is as racist as Hillary Rodham Clinton and neither are racist...
Meh. Bigot...racist. rather a difference without distinction. Further, I maintained in the OP that Trump made racist comments, not that he is a racist. I don't think he is a racist - although, based on past behaviours, there are those who think he is. I think he is a sociapathic barker who is selling racism in order to bolster his one demographic that he is winning - White guys who are pissed off that the country is becoming multicultural. I even called it selling racism in one of my earlier posts.
I'm sorry. Were we discussing Sotamayor? I thought we were discussing Trump, and his racism. Do try to keep up.

Sotomayor is the correct response to your claim about Trump.

So...you've decided to punt?

You're taking quite a beating here, huh?

Let's rub it in:
Justice Sotomayor thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench."
Judicial Confirmation Network on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 in a released statement


"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Let me see if I can explain your situation to you:
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead: it's only a reality for others. And that relates to you: it's the same when you're stupid.
Of course it is. Whenever denial doesn't work, go with "deflect to the other guys". That's a sure way to defend the orangutan-haired sociopth's faults.

Like his running a racist campaign.

Meanwhile, back to Trump's racism that you want to pretend doesn't exist...

You really have a problem with the English language, huh?
There is no denial nor deflection.
Trump said the Judge's background influence his view of the issue.

Sotomayor says exactly the same thing.

I love skewering dopes like you.

"...Sotomayor's statement shows that she thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench." We think the key words in that sentence are "ought to." To the contrary, Sotomayor says several times that she agrees judges should aspire to "transcend their personal sympathies and prejudices." However, she acknowledges that we are all informed by our experiences and that "personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see."
Sotomayor's comment about Latina women versus white men

In your face, booyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

I hope that hurt.
So, because Joe stole gum from the store, that makes it okay for you to. Got it. I seem to recall that Sotamayor got raked over the grill by all, you oh so sensitive Conservatives when she said that. But, now, since Trump is a racist, suddenly you want to pretend you guys were perfectly fine with it.

So, not only are you supporting a racist, you're also a hypocrite. Got it.

I must thank you for the fun I've had this afternoon, you know, slicing and dicing a Liberal.
But....look beyond the beating you've taken:

A small price to pay for fame!

And by small I mean huge,....

....and by fame I mean humiliation.
So, exposing you as a hypocrite who is supporting racism is "slicing and dicing a Liberal"? Huh. How do you really humiliate liberals? By pulling out your child porn, and expressing your support for Bill Cosby and his dating skills?
You're absolutely right. Trump hasn't said anything even remotely racist. The Blacks, The Mexicans, and The Muslims are just too thin-skinned, and don't understand Trump's sense of humour...

I believe you are confused and the correct word for Donald John Trump is bigoted asshole. Now of course you will argue that I am defending the Douche Nozzle remarks against certain minority and religious communities but the reality is Donald John Trump is as racist as Hillary Rodham Clinton and neither are racist...

Drumpf was convicted of being a racist by a New York Rental Tribunal for his refusal to rent to blacks. He has a history and a record.

When working for an employment agency, I had an HR Manager tell me point blank not to send him any blacks. Agencies are a way for companies to discriminate, because the company doing the hiring, chooses among the candidates they see. The agency makes sure they don't see anyone they don't want to see. Usually employers are more discreet in the indicating their "preferences". My response to hi was "I don't know if you noticed this but your receptionist is black". He proceeded to tell me how clever he was. Who could ever accuse him of being a racist when the first person you saw when walking in the door was black? But she was out there by herself in the reception area where she couldn't cause any trouble.

Trump reminds me of that asshole. He has his token blacks, but he treats blacks differently than others. His speech at the black church was not like his addresses to white Republicans. That he treats black differently than whites shows his racism. How many of his closest advisors are blacks or Hispanics, and how many are unabashed racists?
You're absolutely right. Trump hasn't said anything even remotely racist. The Blacks, The Mexicans, and The Muslims are just too thin-skinned, and don't understand Trump's sense of humour...

I believe you are confused and the correct word for Donald John Trump is bigoted asshole. Now of course you will argue that I am defending the Douche Nozzle remarks against certain minority and religious communities but the reality is Donald John Trump is as racist as Hillary Rodham Clinton and neither are racist...
Meh. Bigot...racist. rather a difference without distinction. Further, I maintained in the OP that Trump made racist comments, not that he is a racist. I don't think he is a racist - although, based on past behaviours, there are those who think he is. I think he is a sociapathic barker who is selling racism in order to bolster his one demographic that he is winning - White guys who are pissed off that the country is becoming multicultural. I even called it selling racism in one of my earlier posts.

"....I maintained in the OP that Trump made racist comments, not that he is a racist. I don't think he is a racist - ...."

You remind me of nothing so much as Confederate General Wise, chased by Union General Cox, referring to his retreat a 'retrograde movement' of his troops.

Nice retrograde movement, there.
Sotomayor is the correct response to your claim about Trump.

So...you've decided to punt?

You're taking quite a beating here, huh?

Let's rub it in:
Justice Sotomayor thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench."
Judicial Confirmation Network on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 in a released statement


"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Let me see if I can explain your situation to you:
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead: it's only a reality for others. And that relates to you: it's the same when you're stupid.
Of course it is. Whenever denial doesn't work, go with "deflect to the other guys". That's a sure way to defend the orangutan-haired sociopth's faults.

Like his running a racist campaign.

Meanwhile, back to Trump's racism that you want to pretend doesn't exist...

You really have a problem with the English language, huh?
There is no denial nor deflection.
Trump said the Judge's background influence his view of the issue.

Sotomayor says exactly the same thing.

I love skewering dopes like you.

"...Sotomayor's statement shows that she thinks "that one’s sex, race and ethnicity ought to affect the decisions one renders from the bench." We think the key words in that sentence are "ought to." To the contrary, Sotomayor says several times that she agrees judges should aspire to "transcend their personal sympathies and prejudices." However, she acknowledges that we are all informed by our experiences and that "personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see."
Sotomayor's comment about Latina women versus white men

In your face, booyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

I hope that hurt.
So, because Joe stole gum from the store, that makes it okay for you to. Got it. I seem to recall that Sotamayor got raked over the grill by all, you oh so sensitive Conservatives when she said that. But, now, since Trump is a racist, suddenly you want to pretend you guys were perfectly fine with it.

So, not only are you supporting a racist, you're also a hypocrite. Got it.

I must thank you for the fun I've had this afternoon, you know, slicing and dicing a Liberal.
But....look beyond the beating you've taken:

A small price to pay for fame!

And by small I mean huge,....

....and by fame I mean humiliation.
So, exposing you as a hypocrite who is supporting racism is "slicing and dicing a Liberal"? Huh. How do you really humiliate liberals? By pulling out your child porn, and expressing your support for Bill Cosby and his dating skills?

"By pulling out your child porn, and expressing your support for Bill Cosby and his dating skills?"

To whom are you addressing this?

Best be careful.
You've certainly revealed both how deeply you've been wounded, and what a low-live, dirt-eating scab you are.
Considering Trump broke the religious and race barrier in Palm Beach with Mar A Lago all these race cards you left wing loons are playing don't mean jack shit.
You're absolutely right. Trump hasn't said anything even remotely racist. The Blacks, The Mexicans, and The Muslims are just too thin-skinned, and don't understand Trump's sense of humour...

I believe you are confused and the correct word for Donald John Trump is bigoted asshole. Now of course you will argue that I am defending the Douche Nozzle remarks against certain minority and religious communities but the reality is Donald John Trump is as racist as Hillary Rodham Clinton and neither are racist...

Drumpf was convicted of being a racist by a New York Rental Tribunal for his refusal to rent to blacks. He has a history and a record.

When working for an employment agency, I had an HR Manager tell me point blank not to send him any blacks. Agencies are a way for companies to discriminate, because the company doing the hiring, chooses among the candidates they see. The agency makes sure they don't see anyone they don't want to see. Usually employers are more discreet in the indicating their "preferences". My response to hi was "I don't know if you noticed this but your receptionist is black". He proceeded to tell me how clever he was. Who could ever accuse him of being a racist when the first person you saw when walking in the door was black? But she was out there by herself in the reception area where she couldn't cause any trouble.

Trump reminds me of that asshole. He has his token blacks, but he treats blacks differently than others. His speech at the black church was not like his addresses to white Republicans. That he treats black differently than whites shows his racism. How many of his closest advisors are blacks or Hispanics, and how many are unabashed racists?

The people he had working for him at that time were fools. That was not Trump's doing. But yes his company took the hit for those vile managers.

Trump has always had an excellent relationship with many blacks over the years. This bullshit racist line is garbage.

“I now want to bring forth a friend who while he is deceptive of his social style…one can miss his seriousness and his commitment, but his success is beyond argument,” Jackson states about Trump in a video, which was shared by Scavino purportedly from 1999 about the Rainbow PUSH Wall Street Project.

“In terms of reaching out and being inclusive, he’s done that too,” Jackson adds.

In the video, Jackson states that the real estate mogul has “the will to risk to make things better…aside from all of his style and his pizzaz, he’s a serious person who is an effective builder.”

He then introduces Trump to speak for a few minutes on “challenges and opportunities to embrace the underserved communities.”

Trump, who was greeted by applause, takes the podium and says, “A large percentage of the people and especially in construction that are building these great jobs are blacks and minorities and I’m very proud of it. We have close to 25 percent and I think the number is going up and they do a great job.”

Flashback: Rev. Jesse Jackson Praises Trump for 'Reaching Out and Being Inclusive' - Breitbart
And Dragonlady Trump was never convicted of being a racist. His real estate managers were discriminatory. Employees.

AND he broke the color and religious barriers in Palm Beach with Mar a Lago. He personally refused to join any of the other clubs at the time because they discriminated against blacks and Jews.

AND one of Trump's top executives is a young black lady. He treats blacks differently how? You want to back up your bullshit?
Considering Trump broke the religious and race barrier in Palm Beach with Mar A Lago all these race cards you left wing loons are playing don't mean jack shit.

The Liberal playbook requires blurring the line between reality and rhetoric.

And they do.
Seriously get some new material.

Nothing new on the horizon.
Considering the lack of both intellect and of creativity, Leftists are stuck with either claiming 'he's stoooopid,' or 'racist.'

Trump is a rapist. You support a rapist.

Trump is a protectionist. You support free trade, you support Trump anyway.

Trump is a racist. Of course YOU support him.
Trump supporters are simply desperate rightwingers who will latch onto anything that might create the illusion that their movement can be saved.
7% of Trump Supporters Think He's Racist


Donald Trump is Killing Republicans with Minorities
What racist comments has he made?
  • Well, there was his saying that a Judge is disqualified because of his heritage:

    He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
  • Then there is his treating of minorities as monoliths. Virtually every time Trump mentions a minority group, he uses the definite article the, as in “the Hispanics,” “the Muslims” and “the blacks.”

  • Then he condoned beating up a Black Lives Matter protester. At a November campaign rally in Alabama, Trump supporters physically attacked an African-American protester after the man began chanting “Black lives matter.” Video of the incident shows the assailants kicking the man after he has already fallen to the ground.

    The following day, Trump implied that the attackers were justified.“

    Maybe [the protester] should have been roughed up,” he mused. “It was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

  • Then there was the two Latino men that Trump supporters attack. Instead of condemning the attack, he excused it as his supporters being "passionate". Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for beating up a homeless Latino man cited Trump’s anti-immigrant message when explaining why they did it. “Donald Trump was right — all these illegals need to be deported,” one of the men reportedly told police officers.

    Trump did not even bother to distance himself from them. Instead, he suggested that the men were well-intentioned and had simply gotten carried away.

    “I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”

  • Then there's the fact that African Americans are tokens. At a campaign appearance in California in June, Trump boasted that he had a black supporter in the crowd, saying “look at my African American over here.”
Shall I go on?

You know what typical right wingers will say about the above ????

"Well, besides that, what makes you think that Trump is a racist?"

  1. deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
    "from these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing"
    synonyms: deduce, conclude, conjecture, surmise, reason, interpret; More
So....he hasn't made any racist statements?

Look, a new word for pc chick. Infer. From the Donalds statements, people can infer da Donald is a racist.

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