Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Hispanics voting for Trump are like chickens rooting for Colonel Sanders.......he has insulted Hispanics, Muslims, blacks, women and handicapped people....anyone fitting that discription that is still supporting him is not stupid - they're idiots with no self worth.
Trump has NOT insulted Hispanics.
Like hell he hasn't.
What he has said about Muslims is appropriate, and critically necessary.
No, you don't lump everyone from a religion into one big blob. Christians would not like if they were referred to as the criminals that call themselves Christian and have committed heinous crimes.

I haven't heard him say anything disparaging about blacks, and women got hired by Trump to high level management positions back in the 70s, when that was still unheard of. Women owe Trump a debt of gratitude.
Considering you are probably like many of the conservative men, who feel they have the right to make decisions that affect women, I'm sure you don't think he has insulted women, but we've seen and heard his attacks on many women, and any woman that would still vote for him in spite of that is just plain stupid.

PS - the winner on Trump's TV show The Apprentice was Joan Rivers.'re just like Trump and you don't realize it. Are you saying that Trump let Joan Rivers win?'re just as sexist as Trump.
Hyphenated Americans (Asian-American, Hispanic-American, etc) instead of just everyone American is what's killing this UNITED states of America
Come on Staph, it's time to put the bottle down, gather your scrap paper together, put your crayons back in their box and take a nap.

She's so fucking racist.......trailer trash like her are the ones that aren't Americans. She doesn't realize that it's "whites" that have used the hyphenation to distinguish people that don't look like them.....Mexican Americans and Asian-Americans that live in the United States are mostly born in America, Americans, but Staph is so damn ignorant she thinks that every one that she calls hyphenated Americans are aliens. What an idiot she is.
bull shit.....try reading some of the posts around here.....the ones from tipsy are some of the better ones....yea she is a righty,i know i was shocked too....
Not bullshit at all. Democrats constantly TRY to hide behind the race card, while Republicans laugh at them. It could be that the information-deprived Democrats, having gotten what information they do have, from the liberal media OMITTERS, really have no clue about immigration. I've mentioned the key sub-issue of the remittances$$ to some of them only to have then say "Remittances. What's that ?"

Then I say they're the reason there is illegal immigration. And they look at me all glassy-eyed, clueless. That's what happens when one ingests a diet of MSNBC, PBS, Media Matters, the Nation, etc
yea it is just cant admit that some of your fellow righties/republicans here are racist why cant you?....
Your nonsense is . . . nonsense. You have found nothing of the sort about insulting them. You are just a grumpy old man who has lost his way in the 21st century. If you don't know the numbers, as apparently you don't, you better go research, protectionist, because you are sounding loony.
The numbers ? Here they are (and you support them) >>$22.8 Billion/year being extracted (stolen) out of the US economy, and reinserted into the Mexican economy. Since you support this burglary, can I come over to your house and extract a big bundle of cash, and reinsert it into my house ? You're OK with it right ? Right Jake ? Right ? Right ?

BTW, Canada has also been invaded and pillaged by Mexico. Not nearly as much as the $22.8 Billion/yr ripped out of the US, but still as sizable amount. They lost $111 Million in 2012 (numbers have grown worse since then, but this link is the easiest to copy) With a loss of $111 Million in 2012, that could have created 3,700 jobs in Canada at $30,000/year each. Instead, it all goes to Mexico. The legacy of the Vikings lives on.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Trump Has a Major Image Problem With Hispanics - Gallup.Com
Mar 11, 2016 - Trump's image among Hispanics is significantly worse than the images ... Exit polls show that Mitt Romney received 27% of the Hispanic vote in ...

Poll: Trump's negatives among Hispanics rise; worst in GOP field - The ...
The Washington Post
Feb 25, 2016 - Donald Trump has used the issue of immigration to help make himself the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, but his harsh ...
HA HA HA HA!!! These polls are old. (from 2 months ago. The latest one, taken 2 days ago shows Trump over Hillary 55% to 45% among Hispanics.
Everybody knows Trump is surging. Hillary is dwindling.:biggrin:

Frankly, Jake, Protect has become wearisome to me, describing his alternative universe in which his exophobia is actually benevolent compassion and patriotic self righteousness, year after year. I've decided that it is time for him to join some of his fellow space alien friends on my ignore list....
So you're OK with the USA being robbed of $ 22.8 Billion/year too, right Vandals ? Right? Right ? And that doesn't even include the money taken in welfare payouts to Mexicans in the US. Well, you've got the right name for it.
Can I come over to YOUR house too, and take out some huge sums of money, and reinsert them into my house ?(since you're already OK with the idea) :biggrin:

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

Oh "ignore", did you say ? AKA "cut & run". Well, that won't stop me from posting the TRUTH about the Mexican invasion, and liberals laughable attempts to conceal it with the silly race card. No, I'll just keep on posting. You just won't see it, that's all. LOL.
I can understand that.

But for me . . . protectionist, shootspeeders, healthmyths, 911, yurt, correll, Sun Devil, Marklekeys, etc., are here only for grins and giggles. It's like prodding vipers with their fangs already drawn. Loads of fun.
Lots of things can amuse liberals lost in their OMISSION media, programming propaganda.
I just want to point out- here we have another fine Trump supporter who thinks that 'American Hispanics' are stupid.

Ms. Clinton thanks Conservatives for their support.
I guess it's entirely possible that you "see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude". However, the fact that you don't see it doesn't mean that the reason doesn't exist.

Support for Trump among the Hispanics/Latinos in my family is roughly what national polls are showing. Those who don't care for him formed their opinion based on what he has actually said. Whether it's his astonishing "rapists" comment, his insulting "I love Hispanics" comment while eating a Tex-Mex meal or his absolutely ridiculous "we're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it", no one who harbors pride in their heritage can be blamed for looking at him sideways. Or worse.

I think most reasonable people can understand that.
You have bought into the liberal :bsflag: Read the OP and my posts for your DEPROGRAMMING. If you think for one second that Mexico can't be forced to pay for the wall, you have no idea how off base you are. The wall is only a $10-14 Billion development. That's half of what Mexico takes from the US just in one year, in remittances. Get it ?
Protectionist, you are an angry little troll that can only yell and provide us with loads of laughs.
Born and raised here in America a good decent human being and a reputable one.................... that love helping poor Americans and disabled veterans.
You on the other side is nothing but pure racist and bigotry.
Helping poor Americans and disabled veterans (I am both) doesn't happen by supporting an invasion of America by millions of job stealers, taking jobs away from those poor Americans and disabled veterans, as well as tens of Billions$$$ per year, that could have increased my small Social Security and VA pension. You simply don't know what you're talking about. And your silly race card has nothing to do with all that money leaving the US, and you'd have to be awfully stupid to not know that. It doesn't erase the imperialism, which remains a FACT, year in and year out. (in addition to all the other harms of immigration

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (ex. ISIS with "Syrian refugees")
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Protectionist, you are an angry little troll that can only yell and provide us with loads of laughs.
I present the FACTS. You present childish, name-calling, ad hominem, empty attacks. I'd like to to see some real competition in this debate. You don't have it.
It's funny that the OP calls Hispanics stupid because they don't think like him.

Isn't that what conservatives say liberals do?

Of course, Trump is probably more of a liberal than a conservative.
It's not because they don;t think like me. It's because they put irrelevant DNA over the HARMS of immigration.
Trump is responsible for his words, despite what his apologists say.

And precisely where did I say that I am Hispanic FIRST instead of just an American?

My opinion of Trump isn't based on this topic.
Of course he is responsible for his words. I've never hard anyone say different. But go ahead and pretend there are "apologists". that's no worse than a lot of the other dumb things we're hearing from liberal loons.

And Trump doesn't have anything to apologize for. It is all the liberals who support the Mexican/Chinese/Indian/Filipino etc remittance pillaging raids on our economy, who have apologies to give. Trouble is, their apologies don't cover their TREASON.
Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
Dumb post. He didn't say anyone is a rapist who isn't one, and YOU KNOW IT. Stop LYING.
Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
Dumb post. He didn't say anyone is a rapist who isn't one, and YOU KNOW IT. Stop LYING.

He said Mexico is sending their rapist. But since he lies on a daily basis, he will eventually deny that.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner
Put very simply, a large percent of legal Hispanics in the country have spouses, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, and friends that are in the country illegally and they don't want to see them deported and Trump has made it pretty clear that is exactly what will happen if he is elected.

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