Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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BLM is the black KKK. But BLM = good, and KKK = bad. As per usual.

When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Only to a damn idiot.
So you agree with me then. :highfive:
BLM is the black KKK. But BLM = good, and KKK = bad. As per usual.

When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

No. The Klan has been connected with lynchings and church bombings. That makes them a RACISTS AS WELL AS TERRORIST organization.

Read some history. It's bad form to appear to be so ignorant.
They are both racist organizations. Suck it up, princess.
BLM is the black KKK. But BLM = good, and KKK = bad. As per usual.

When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Really? That’s like saying an airplane is the same as a car because they both have wheels. Sorry, but a white nationalist that is unable to see the difference between both groups, is not the best source for qualifying what is racist. You have shown throughout this thread and in other threads, that even advocating for civil rights is racist in your eyes, especially considering how you made a banana reference to a black member. So your credibility is shot.
I didn't say they were the same, only comparable because they are both racist organizations. Maybe you should buy yourself a dictionary.
There you go with your name calling again. Everything i have i worked for, no handouts. Nothing you have done has benefitted me, i owe you nothing. It is a shame that you resort to demeaning replies instead of showing hiw you came to your conclusions, realistic conclusions.

I have shown you actual supreme court cases and you still cling to ignorance. The US government does owe us. And when you can understand that we are asking the US government instead of arguing the race baited and race pimped argument of how we are asking for your money, then I will treat you with respect,. As long as you continue arguing race baited garbage it's going to be called that.
You really don't get it. No one can ever give you what you seek. Money? Screw you. It will accomplish nothing. Racial quotas? It will accomplish nothing. I keep hearing about "white supremacy", and yet asians come here and do great, caribbean black folks come here and do great, people come from africa and do great, what do they have in common? Attitude, they aren't victims. They are individual human beings that have decided to stand up. And the "white supremacist"
society has not only embraced them but they are thriving.

It always blows my mind. I'm in Cleveland, Ohio and the most successful, intelligent black people I meet are from Kenya or Nigeria. What is the difference? They weren't told to not study, it's "too white". They stand on their own, not relying on "woe is me' No one gives a damn about the color of skin, who you are as a human being matters. If you are whining useless twit you will treated as such.

Whites have been given everything by this government since it started. For 188 years racial quotas were 100 percent white. That's what you don't get. Until you do, shut up.

50 years after the Kerner Commission
African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

The year 1968 was a watershed in American history and black America’s ongoing fight for equality. In April of that year, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis and riots broke out in cities around the country. Rising against this tragedy, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 outlawing housing discrimination was signed into law. Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in a black power salute as they received their medals at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. Arthur Ashe became the first African American to win the U.S. Open singles title, and Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman elected to the House of Representatives.

The same year, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, better known as the Kerner Commission, delivered a report to President Johnson examining the causes of civil unrest in African American communities. The report named “white racism”—leading to “pervasive discrimination in employment, education and housing”—as the culprit, and the report’s authors called for a commitment to “the realization of common opportunities for all within a single [racially undivided] society.”1 The Kerner Commission report pulled together a comprehensive array of data to assess the specific economic and social inequities confronting African Americans in 1968.

Where do we stand as a society today?

In this brief report, we compare the state of black workers and their families in 1968 with the circumstances of their descendants today, 50 years after the Kerner report was released. We find both good news and bad news. While African Americans are in many ways better off in absolute terms than they were in 1968, they are still disadvantaged in important ways relative to whites. In several important respects, African Americans have actually lost ground relative to whites, and, in a few cases, even relative to African Americans in 1968.

Following are some of the key findings:
The difference is that once give
50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

I'm done arguing with dumb people. I know the facts. Apparently you don't.
1968? That's 2 years after my mothers father died of black lung. My fathers father died from the same way 5 year later. Do you know what the govt did for them? During the mine strikes they were occasionally allowed to pick potatoes from govt fields. 2 of my 5 aunts were born in those fields. Tell me more of who has given my people what. The difference is that once given a chance they took it. They didn't spend their lives being a professional victims. Life has sucked for the majority of people that have come to this country, quit whining and stand, or don't, and wait for handouts and special treatment /pity.

The report saod that 50 years later that African-Americans are still disadvantaged. The present is what they are talking about. But let me answer your first question.

Black Lung Benefits Act of 1973

The Black Lung Benefits Act (BLBA) is a U.S. federal law which provides monthly payments and medical benefits to coal miners totally disabled from pneumoconiosis (black lung disease) arising from employment in or around the nation's coal mines. The law also provides monthly benefits to a miner's dependent survivors if pneumoconiosis caused or hastened the miner's death.

Black Lung Benefits Act of 1973 - Wikipedia

Now just be quiet since it's apparent you don't know what you are talking about.

Damn, talk about bitch slapping someone back into their place. I don’t think I have ever seen someone get destroyed from using an anecdotal story like he just was.
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Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month.
Did you dream that? Or do you work these notions out for convenience of continuity as you invent these concepts?

I am White. I am 81 years old. Never once in all that time did I ever hear (or read) a White person make the vaguest reference to the idea of a "White history month." Why would they? What would the point be?

If I am mistaken and if you are able to cite an example of what you've asserted, please do so -- and I will sincerely apologize and ask your forgiveness.

There gave been many examples of whites n this forum who have made mention of how they can't have a white history month. It's a staple of the white racist argument.

Stop lying. Who has stopped any white man from saying what ever the fuck he wants to say? Another white man? Who is this anonymous cretin that has your tongue in his him. It sure isn't big daddy Trump. I thought he set you free.
You all would cry RACISM!!! so fucking loud if someone tried to have a white history month. Like TOTALLY APESHIT!!!!!
So now it's racist to ask for a month for your own color/race?

You have 11 months.
So can we ask for a specific month? How about some White Music Awards? You down with that?

You have that already. It's called the American Music Awards, and you got the Country Music awards. You have 11 months of white history. You are talking stupid. And this is what I think of your ignorance

I have heard whites crying about Miss Black America. The usual whining is how unfair it is and how the outcry would be huge if whites had a pageant that was named Miss White America. What do they think the pageant was from 1921 until 1970 when no one of color was allowed to compete in the pageant? It was not until 1970 that there was a black contestant, Miss Cheryl Brown. So then it was apparent the pageant was for whites only. For 50 years it was the Miss White America Pageant. Now just because white people didn’t call it that doesn’t mean that wasn’t what it was. It took until 1983 for a woman of color to win the pageant and these two things alone were why there was and is a Miss Black USA. Are whites that blind to the things they have done to think they are not included just because they did not expressly name something the white this or that even while excluding anyone not white?

Whites are crying about Historically Black Colleges. But then just because you call yourself Harvard doesn’t exclude the fact that you are historically white. I can say that for almost every university, private or public in this country. Blacks built colleges because we weren’t allowed into historically white colleges and today just because whites don’t call these colleges exactly what they are, they cry about HBCU’s like there is no such things as an HWCU.

Whites began whining about the NAACP and white civil rights. They believe that whites are losing their civil rights. How do you figure? What rights have whites lost? Somebody help me see it! Because of the vivid imagination of some whites we see white rights organizations popping up. Whites actually formed an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of White People. Yes, the NAAWP. I can go on and on with how whites whine about how non whites have had to create their own organizations and celebrations based upon our race and culture because whites refused to allow non whites to be part of American culture. I am writing this in the 21st century and it’s high time whites stopped lying to themselves about how things have been done in the United States.


For years ABC might have well stood for American Broadcasting for Caucasians. NBC, National Broadcasting for Caucasians and CBS the Caucasian Broadcasting Service. The lack of black reporters news anchors, news shows and entertainment broadcast on these networks is why Black Entertainment Television was founded.

Stop crying son, whites have those things already.
When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Really? That’s like saying an airplane is the same as a car because they both have wheels. Sorry, but a white nationalist that is unable to see the difference between both groups, is not the best source for qualifying what is racist. You have shown throughout this thread and in other threads, that even advocating for civil rights is racist in your eyes, especially considering how you made a banana reference to a black member. So your credibility is shot.
I didn't say they were the same, only comparable because they are both racist organizations. Maybe you should buy yourself a dictionary.

They aren't even comparable.
When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Only to a damn idiot.
So you agree with me then. :highfive:

I said you are an idiot.
When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

No. The Klan has been connected with lynchings and church bombings. That makes them a RACISTS AS WELL AS TERRORIST organization.

Read some history. It's bad form to appear to be so ignorant.
They are both racist organizations. Suck it up, princess.

The KKK is racist. Black Lives Matter is not.
Did you dream that? Or do you work these notions out for convenience of continuity as you invent these concepts?

I am White. I am 81 years old. Never once in all that time did I ever hear (or read) a White person make the vaguest reference to the idea of a "White history month." Why would they? What would the point be?

If I am mistaken and if you are able to cite an example of what you've asserted, please do so -- and I will sincerely apologize and ask your forgiveness.

There gave been many examples of whites n this forum who have made mention of how they can't have a white history month. It's a staple of the white racist argument.

You all would cry RACISM!!! so fucking loud if someone tried to have a white history month. Like TOTALLY APESHIT!!!!!
So now it's racist to ask for a month for your own color/race?

You have 11 months.
So can we ask for a specific month? How about some White Music Awards? You down with that?

You have that already. It's called the American Music Awards, and you got the Country Music awards. You have 11 months of white history. You are talking stupid. And this is what I think of your ignorance

I have heard whites crying about Miss Black America. The usual whining is how unfair it is and how the outcry would be huge if whites had a pageant that was named Miss White America. What do they think the pageant was from 1921 until 1970 when no one of color was allowed to compete in the pageant? It was not until 1970 that there was a black contestant, Miss Cheryl Brown. So then it was apparent the pageant was for whites only. For 50 years it was the Miss White America Pageant. Now just because white people didn’t call it that doesn’t mean that wasn’t what it was. It took until 1983 for a woman of color to win the pageant and these two things alone were why there was and is a Miss Black USA. Are whites that blind to the things they have done to think they are not included just because they did not expressly name something the white this or that even while excluding anyone not white?

Whites are crying about Historically Black Colleges. But then just because you call yourself Harvard doesn’t exclude the fact that you are historically white. I can say that for almost every university, private or public in this country. Blacks built colleges because we weren’t allowed into historically white colleges and today just because whites don’t call these colleges exactly what they are, they cry about HBCU’s like there is no such things as an HWCU.

Whites began whining about the NAACP and white civil rights. They believe that whites are losing their civil rights. How do you figure? What rights have whites lost? Somebody help me see it! Because of the vivid imagination of some whites we see white rights organizations popping up. Whites actually formed an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of White People. Yes, the NAAWP. I can go on and on with how whites whine about how non whites have had to create their own organizations and celebrations based upon our race and culture because whites refused to allow non whites to be part of American culture. I am writing this in the 21st century and it’s high time whites stopped lying to themselves about how things have been done in the United States.


For years ABC might have well stood for American Broadcasting for Caucasians. NBC, National Broadcasting for Caucasians and CBS the Caucasian Broadcasting Service. The lack of black reporters news anchors, news shows and entertainment broadcast on these networks is why Black Entertainment Television was founded.

Stop crying son, whites have those things already.
Blacks have won AMAs and CMAs. As for White History Month, there is none. Time to change your diaper, looks like it's full.
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Really? That’s like saying an airplane is the same as a car because they both have wheels. Sorry, but a white nationalist that is unable to see the difference between both groups, is not the best source for qualifying what is racist. You have shown throughout this thread and in other threads, that even advocating for civil rights is racist in your eyes, especially considering how you made a banana reference to a black member. So your credibility is shot.
I didn't say they were the same, only comparable because they are both racist organizations. Maybe you should buy yourself a dictionary.

They aren't even comparable.
They are both racist organizations.
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Only to a damn idiot.
So you agree with me then. :highfive:

I said you are an idiot.
Too late, you already agreed with me, the idiot. :lol:
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

No. The Klan has been connected with lynchings and church bombings. That makes them a RACISTS AS WELL AS TERRORIST organization.

Read some history. It's bad form to appear to be so ignorant.
They are both racist organizations. Suck it up, princess.

The KKK is racist. Black Lives Matter is not.
Focussing on one race is racist, now you know. Black history month, black awards, black magazines... all racist.
Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month.
Did you dream that? Or do you work these notions out for convenience of continuity as you invent these concepts?

I am White. I am 81 years old. Never once in all that time did I ever hear (or read) a White person make the vaguest reference to the idea of a "White history month." Why would they? What would the point be?

If I am mistaken and if you are able to cite an example of what you've asserted, please do so -- and I will sincerely apologize and ask your forgiveness.
The only thing I have heard some whites say is that there is a Back History Month, but not a White History Month, not they want one. The response from some blacks is that every month is white history month, which is false, there is no celebration of anyone white just because of their race.

You are truly dumb. Explain to us why there is a month that is dedicated to not recognizing people only because they are black but to recognize historical accomplishment of people who are black? And every other month is white history month, but you dumb whites think that just because it doesn't say white history it's not so. You just ignore that for most of the year only white historical achievements are recognized, but that doesn't mean it's white hstory.
I posted what others have said and you resort to name calling again. I dont care if you have 12 black history months
Do you know the difference between past and present? Sure, the past affects the present, but thats life. Move on and quit whining. There is no macro or micro level when it comes to who should get compensated. You are jyst an angry man who hates white people

LOL! We are owed, Every group that's been wronged n his nation has gotten reparations except us.. If no one had ever got them we have no right to ask. But that's not what happened . So again you need to be quiet if you don't know what you are talking abut.
The Irish were not compensated, women were not compensated.
The iriish were eventually indoctrinated into the "white" club. White women gained favor as .AA beneficiaries when their white husbands saw value in having two good paychecks coming in.
Lol whites werent the only beneficiaries of AA

But whites are the ones with a false perception of AA then claim how unfair it is even as they still benefit the most from the policy and that 188 years of whites only preferential treatment that occurred before the policy.
Nobody today had 188 years of preferential treatment. Leave history where it belongs, in the past. We cant change it.
When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

Really? That’s like saying an airplane is the same as a car because they both have wheels. Sorry, but a white nationalist that is unable to see the difference between both groups, is not the best source for qualifying what is racist. You have shown throughout this thread and in other threads, that even advocating for civil rights is racist in your eyes, especially considering how you made a banana reference to a black member. So your credibility is shot.
I didn't say they were the same, only comparable because they are both racist organizations. Maybe you should buy yourself a dictionary.

A distinction without a difference.

I know you are kicking yourself for saying something so stupid, but put the shovel down the hole is deep enough.
And you actually think what we have endured means we are asking for charity? Then you wondrr why you get called dumb? You can't read apparetly?

All native born blacks faced racial discrimination and American Aparthied. A mixed race black was considered black. .I think if you are going to argue, you should know what you are arguing abut instead of seeking ways to discredit an argument based in not knowing any of the facts. I am quite sure we are capable of determining eligibility for reparations and the majority opinion seems to be that the money be put in funds for specific types of programs instead of paying individuals. If you thought about this with some common sense instead of race baited thinking, you would see this is the perfect solution. If blacks are awarded reparations and we piss it away with no improvements, we have nothing more to complain about as whites would have done all they could do to make up for the wrongs done..

So I will not get any money unless I am developing a program or business in the black community to increase economic development and growth in that community.

So read this again and understand that you have no logical argument.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion

A Long History of Affirmative Action - For Whites

Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.

Let us continue....

Affirmative action in the American "workplace" first began in the late 17th century when European indentured servants - the original source of unfree labor on the new tobacco plantations of Virginia and Maryland - were replaced by African slaves. In exchange for their support and their policing of the growing slave population, lower-class Europeans won new rights, entitlements, and opportunities from the planter elite.

White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.

In the South, the federal government never followed through on General Sherman's Civil War plan to divide up plantations and give each freed slave "40 acres and a mule" as reparations. Only once was monetary compensation made for slavery, in Washington, D.C. There, government officials paid up to $300 per slave upon emancipation - not to the slaves, but to local slaveholders as compensation for loss of property.

When slavery ended, its legacy lived on not only in the impoverished condition of Black people but in the wealth and prosperity that accrued to white slaveowners and their descendents. Economists who try to place a dollar value on how much white Americans have profited from 200 years of unpaid slave labor, including interest, begin their estimates at $1 trillion.

Let us continue.....

Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances.

The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

Let us continue....

Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.

Let us continue....

One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

Of course you'll use the I did not get, I did not do argument. I doesn't exist at the macro level. WE do. And we are talking about a macro level situation. Do you know the difference between micro and macro level?
"In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth."

So maybe it's time for you all to pull your pants up, stay in school, then get to work?

Or are you expecting someone to simply give it to you?
You do know that you're not talking to impoverished Blacks here don't you? You'll have to look elsewhere...You're wasting your time giving unneeded advice to the well heeled black gents posting on USMB. I suspect most of us are probably wealthier and more successful than you can hope to be. Just sayin'
Not likely (about being wealthier).

But I'm talking in general, sure, there are successful blacks and they didn't get that way by standing around waiting for a hand-out... oops, I mean reparations, like IM2 thinks it should be like.
Well, no...many blacks accumulated their fortunes via sports, entertainment and as clergy. But most stay above the poverty line by working several marginal jobs that dont pay living wages. And couples cohabit to raise their children: even as white statisticians ignore this, relying instead on marriage data to mislabel black men publicly as absentee fathers..
Another pervasive myth is the notion of widespread violence, especially murder, in black populations.
Only 12 out of every 100,000 blacks were arrested in 2016 for murder OR negligent homicide but that miniscule number is embellished proportionally to indict the majority of non criminal blacks.
I could go on and on but what's the use?
You don't care. You're locked into your social conditioning and many blacks are too.
But I'll keep putting my worldview out there
Because some one has to defend decent black citizens against the blitz of hate directed against us by overwhelming forces.
Conversely, every Black Lives Matter meeting, rally or symposium is filled with people of different races, ethnicities and sexual preferences.

What part of that do you not understand?
If they weren't racist, they'd say ALL LIVES MATTER. Now go eat some bananas, you seem to be low in vitamin B6.

BLM is not racist. There is no debate to be had with your punk ass about it.I just reported your ass. Because I'm tired of you calling me a monkey. Don't play stupid and try making up a story about how that's not what you meant because that's exactly what you meant..
B6 in bananas is good for brain function, which is what you would need, better brain function.

Plantains are better than bananas, secondly, I get tired of the monkey references to black people. If they are monkeys than all of us are as well. The differences between black and white people are extremely slight. We all have the same blood. Time to get over the 5th grade mentality a long time ago, and people who cant do that are only debasing themself
i made a reference to bananas, YOU made it about monkeys.

No one here is really that ignorant. Some things are pretty well understood, as that banana reference is pretty well worn out..... and b6 has a lot of other sources besides that one.
"In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth."

So maybe it's time for you all to pull your pants up, stay in school, then get to work?

Or are you expecting someone to simply give it to you?
You do know that you're not talking to impoverished Blacks here don't you? You'll have to look elsewhere...You're wasting your time giving unneeded advice to the well heeled black gents posting on USMB. I suspect most of us are probably wealthier and more successful than you can hope to be. Just sayin'
Not likely (about being wealthier).

But I'm talking in general, sure, there are successful blacks and they didn't get that way by standing around waiting for a hand-out... oops, I mean reparations, like IM2 thinks it should be like.
Well, no...many blacks accumulated their fortunes via sports, entertainment and as clergy. But most stay above the poverty line by working several marginal jobs that dont pay living wages. And couples cohabit to raise their children: even as white statisticians ignore this, relying instead on marriage data to mislabel black men publicly as absentee fathers..
Another pervasive myth is the notion of widespread violence, especially murder, in black populations.
Only 12 out of every 100,000 blacks were arrested in 2016 for murder OR negligent homicide but that miniscule number is embellished proportionally to indict the majority of non criminal blacks.
I could go on and on but what's the use?
You don't care. You're locked into your social conditioning and many blacks are too.
But I'll keep putting my worldview out there
Because some one has to defend decent black citizens against the blitz of hate directed against us by overwhelming forces.
If they weren't racist, they'd say ALL LIVES MATTER. Now go eat some bananas, you seem to be low in vitamin B6.

BLM is not racist. There is no debate to be had with your punk ass about it.I just reported your ass. Because I'm tired of you calling me a monkey. Don't play stupid and try making up a story about how that's not what you meant because that's exactly what you meant..
B6 in bananas is good for brain function, which is what you would need, better brain function.

Plantains are better than bananas, secondly, I get tired of the monkey references to black people. If they are monkeys than all of us are as well. The differences between black and white people are extremely slight. We all have the same blood. Time to get over the 5th grade mentality a long time ago, and people who cant do that are only debasing themself
i made a reference to bananas, YOU made it about monkeys.

No one here is really that ignorant. Some things are pretty well understood, as that banana reference is pretty well worn out..... and b6 has a lot of other sources besides that one.
Are you trying to say that black people don't eat bananas at all?
When have any bombings of predominately white churches or lynchings of white citizens been attributed to BLM?
Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

No. The Klan has been connected with lynchings and church bombings. That makes them a RACISTS AS WELL AS TERRORIST organization.

Read some history. It's bad form to appear to be so ignorant.
They are both racist organizations. Suck it up, princess.

No. One advocates for what is believed to be a far too high number of unarmed blacks being killed.

The Klans mission was to terrorize, intimidate and in many cases kill not only blacks, but also Jews, gays and anyone else who did not represent their ideology of white supremacy.

You are sincerely ignorant and conscientiously stupid, little girl.
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Would you feel better if I amended my statement and say that BLM is a budding KKK? KKK lite? KKK wannabes? Your choice. :biggrin:

Not really concerned if you do or not. The two are no where near comparable, so you were corrected.

The end.
Actually they are comparable, they're both racist organizations.

No. The Klan has been connected with lynchings and church bombings. That makes them a RACISTS AS WELL AS TERRORIST organization.

Read some history. It's bad form to appear to be so ignorant.
They are both racist organizations. Suck it up, princess.

No. One advocates for what is believed to be a far too high number of unarmed blacks being killed.

The Klans mission was to terrorize, intimidate and too many cases kill not only blacks, but also Jews, gays and anyone else who did not represent their ideology of white supremacy.

You are sincerely ignorant and conscientiously stupid, little girl.
The Klan's mission now is to promote the white race, which is what BLM does.
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