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Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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The Tuskegee Airmen were from WWII, over 60 years ago.
That shouldn't impact the question or answer, in fact I choose them as an example because they accomplished what they did before affirmative action was even heard of And also because this is what the military had to say about them

American Social History Project · Center for Media and Learning
Selected Conclusions

In the process of evolution the American negro has not progressed as far as the other sub-species of the human family. As a race he has not developed leadership qualities. His mental inferiority and the inherent weaknesses of his character are factors that must be considered with great care in the preparation of any plan for his employment in war. . . .

In the past wars the negro has made a fair laborer, but an inferior technician. As a fighter he has been inferior to the white man even when led by white officers. . . .

Negro soldiers as individuals should not be assigned to white units. . . .

Negro officers should not be placed over white officers, noncommissioned officers or soldiers. . . .
Negro officer candidates should attend training camps with white candidates. They should have the same instructors, take the same tests and meet the same requirements for appointment as officers as the white candidates. They should be sheltered, messed, and instructed separately from white candidates. . . .

. . . the eventual use of the negro will be determined by his performance in combat training and service. . . . If the negro makes good the way is left open for him to go into combat eventually with all-negro units.

Selected Assumptions about the Performance of African-American Soldiers in Previous Wars:

It is generally recognized that the pure blood American negro is inferior to our white population in mental capacity. . . . The cranial cavity of the negro is smaller than the white; his brain weighing 35 ounces contrasted with 45 for the white.

All officers, without exception, agree that the Negro lacks initiative, displays little or no leadership, and cannot accept responsibility. Some point out that these defects are greater in the Southern Negro. . . .

Due to his susceptibility to ‘Crowd Psychology’ a large mass of negroes, e.g., a division, is very subject to panic. Experience had indicated that the negroes produce better results by segregation and cause less trouble. Grouping of negroes generally in the past has produced demands for equality, both during war and after demobilization. . . .

An opinion held in common by practically all officers is that the negro is a rank coward in the dark. His fear of the unknown and unseen will prevent him from ever operating as an individual scout with success. His lack of veracity causes unsatisfactory reports to be rendered, particularly on patrol duty. . . .

One of the peculiarities of the negro as a soldier is that he has no confidence in his negro leaders, nor will he follow a negro officer into battle, no matter how good the officer may be, with the same confidence and lack of fear that he will follow a white man. This last trait has been so universally reported by all commanders that it can not be considered as a theory—the negroes themselves recognize it as a fact. . . .

The negro needs trained leadership far more than the white man needs it, and above all they need leaders in whom they have confidence, and whose presence they can feel and see at all times. . . .

On account of the inherent weaknesses in negro character, especially general lack of intelligence and initiative, it requires much longer time of preliminary training to bring a negro organization up to the point of training where it is fit for combat, than it does in the case of white men. All theoretical training is beyond the grasp of the negro—it must be intensely practical, supplemented by plain talks explaining the reasons for things in simple terms. . . .
There was nothing wrong with the tests, other than the results were not what the city wanted, because of the skin color on those that did well.
After what I quoted above, are you sure there was nothing wrong with the test? No biases at all?

Also I find it interesting that you phrase the results as "those who did well" as opposed to "those who did poorly".

I provided a copy of the transcript where the test is being discussed - I haven't read all of it but I do remember that it's not 100% true/false multiple-choice exam.
Quick question: if you're so unhappy here, why not go back to Africa?
Name me a grain of sand or molecule of air on this planet that is not dominated by white supremacy ?
Saudi Arabia. Most of Africa. In the US....most shithole cities are run by Democrats. Philly is mostly run by blacks and so is Detroit. Then there's the state of California.
You would be surprise.
I think you just feel all of the screwed up policies that never work are the fault of white people, but instead what they really are is screwed up liberal policies.

Conservative policies caused one depression and sent us to the brink of a second one. As an entire nation. Done by Republicans who were white.
No conservative policy led to the Depression. Economic policies similar to those Obama instituted led to the Depression. A shortage of cash flow along with a lack of consumer confidence led to the Depression. The Dust Bowl and Socialist policies under FDR made the Depression worse and last longer.

The "Dust Bowl" was a result of a drought that forced many farmers into losing their farms and left witb no ability to pay their debts.

Economic policies with Europe contributed as well.

The stock market collapse further attributed to the depression as the dollar devaluated, but was not the only cause.

Furthermore, the Republicans controlled Congress through 1928.

Within a year the Depression ensued.

When FDR took office, he focused on revitalizing the banking system, enabling consumer deposits to be guaranteed. What "socialist policies" of his prolonged the depression?

He salvaged a mess that was left behind him.

Proving that in a deregulated environment, recklessness and corruption thrives and ultimately leads to dire circumstances.

When Obama took office after Bush, the economy was on the brink of collapsing yet again.

Roosevelt and how he brought us out of the depression of the 1930s
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Because of the way you keep talking as though it has not happened and is not the case, currently.
The topic is Most Americans think blacks are more racist than whites

You are right. And the topic itself is moronic at best, IMO. One survey of a limited number of butthurt, whiny, respondents does not anywhere near equal the majority of a population.
No, but not every disadvantage is caused by racism. Not every job denied is caused by racism, etc.
You should try telling that to all of the white people who honestly believe that "unqualified" black people are taking jobs away from "eminently more qualified white people" due to affirmative action.
I dont believe that

You believe that because you have said it yourself. Why do you oppose Affirmative Action Molly? Explain that to NewsVine.
More lies. When did i ever say anything about blacks taking jobs away from anyone? You have me confused with another poster. I oppose anything that gives an unfair advantage. Hire people by their qualifications, not race or gender
No, but not every disadvantage is caused by racism. Not every job denied is caused by racism, etc.
You should try telling that to all of the white people who honestly believe that "unqualified" black people are taking jobs away from "eminently more qualified white people" due to affirmative action.
I dont believe that

You believe that because you have said it yourself. Why do you oppose Affirmative Action Molly? Explain that to NewsVine.
More lies. When did i ever say anything about blacks taking jobs away from anyone? You have me confused with another poster. I oppose anything that gives an unfair advantage. Hire people by their qualifications, not race or gender

I have you confused with no one. AA doesn't give any advantage. But you are dumb and you don't seem to understand how things were before the policy and if not for the policy how things still would be. One thing I can say to you that you have been too blind to see, if not for AA you would not be in the construction business. But of course you never befitted from AA as you tell us.
Except that you call all whites racist.
You don't even understand the definition of racism so how the hell can you accuse someone of something that you can't even define?

If you will recall the definition of racism/racist includes the belief that one's own race is superior and others inferior. The following is the very definition of racism and is an excerpt from the reason that the state of Texas stipulated for it's leaving of the Union.

So when IM2 talks about the 200+ years of white affirmative action which is a analogy, not to be taken literally, this is from where it stems and the damage inflicted by this beginning has never come close to being undone even with all of the laws that have been passed because racist being racist will always find a way around them

She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.


We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the ***white *** race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an ***inferior*** and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all ***white men*** are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states.​
IM2 explicitly calls all whites racists. Ask him to deny it. This should be fun. :biggrin:

Except I've never called al whites racists. You post up a comment by me were I specifically say all whites are racists. This should be fun. :biggrin:
Let's see if NewsVine_Mariyam has the integrity to acknowledge that you proved him wrong.
I've addressed it here
Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

This document below appears to be a transcript of a hearing in which the exam administrated to the firefighters is being discussed. Are either of you familiar with Title VII or the concept of disparate impact? Or know whether or not this was the first time this test or a test of this type was used?
http://img.slate.com/media/1/123125/123087/2208015/2219585/Exhibit E.pdf

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is government mandated institutional racism.

Whether one argues that it is for revenge or for giving the other side an advantage for awhile, the fact is that it is institutional racism promulgated by the federal government in direct violation of the 14th Amendment.

In my nearly 60 years on earth, there has never been more racism in America than there is now. Title VII has a great deal to do with that.

I'm 57, that's nearly 60 and can say that you are wrong. What we see is the standard white backlash that happens every time whites don't get to have everything. Title 7 isn't government mandated racism. But you are white so you see fit to think it was just natural for whites to be given everything and deny others of the same opportunities which was how things were when title 7 happened. If not for title 7 that whites would still get everything and deny everyone else of the same opportunities. You are fine with that and think anything trying to stop that us racism. That's dumb.
No, you need to face the fact that what you say is just not so.


LOL! 5 blacks holding awards is supposed to mean something? Do you care to post the pictures of the number of whites who have received the same award?

Blacks participating.

Disproving the nonsense that they are not.

Or that whites don't want them too.

It proves nothing. Now try comparing that to the number of whites holding the same award then get back with mw.

Nice moving the goal posts. The claim was that whites did not want blacks to participate. That has been disproved.

Deal with it.

5 blacks in the entire history of the movie industry doesn't prove anything son.
Black skin gets you 230 points of discrimination in ivy league admissions.
Did it ever occur to you that the best of Candidate Pool B far exceeds the worse of Candidate Pool A?
White people were denied promotion based on the color of their skin.

That is the result of AA and civil rights, as it is now practiced.
This is a very interesting case but it is not a case where "unqualified" black people took jobs from "qualified" white people. No black people were hired/promoted so no white people were displaced except for the 6 which were unable to qualify for promotion.

I'm starting to remember a little bit more about this case and there were issues with the exam that was used to qualify the firefighters for promotion - part was subjective while the other part was objective. Additionally if I recall correctly some of the white fire fighters had access to materials that appeared on the test so that they could specifically prepare for it which of course allows one to score higher, but I'll have to revisit this later.

There were no issues with the exam.

The black people were not promoted because the white people took action when their civil rights were violated.

The City did discriminate against the white people, because it wanted to promote black people, based on skin color, not merit.

Their stated reason was fear of being sued, under "Disparate Impact Theory".

Whites have never ad their civil rights violated, I have to laugh at the fake indignation of punk ass racist whites talking about somebody getting something based on skin color.

YOu utterly failed to address the example provided.

Which demonstrate that whites are discriminated against when AA and associated programs/laws/ect, are used to favor blacks.

That is the nature of discrimination. You discriminate in favor of some one at the expense of someone else.

Only a liar or a fool would claim to not understand that.

It's funny how you racists see things. You want return to a system hat provided favor to whites which excluded everyone else and you a here talking about discrimination. You're a joke.
Nice moving the goal posts. The claim was that whites did not want blacks to participate. That has been disproved.
You're confusing and conflating two different conversations. I was commenting on Taz whining about black people having their own organizations and events and then erroneously labeling the activities and organizations as racists. I then asked if certain white people did not want and would not allow black people access to their events then why....

And right there is where you keep going wrong.

You are ignoring that white people, have at great pain, long ago opened up their events and awards and ect, to black people.

Other than the elderly, today's whites grew up when this was already normal to them.

Newsvine is not wrong. You are. No one is ignoring anything except you.

The Oscars began in in 1929. Out of 3,072 Oscars handed out since 1929 31 have been awarded to blacks.

You have been asked 2 questions that you have run from. 1 proof of a national policy of racial discrimination against whites.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

A policy has a name. So you've shown no national policy of racial discrimination against whites. You have not posted the necessary per reviewed information showing us that racism has ended. You have called me a bunch of names but you a liar is not the name of a policy or peer reviewed documentation.

So you are here talking a bunch of bullshit you read at stormfront. And since we know the types who frequent such places, it's safe to say that nothing you post has any credibility.
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Except that you call all whites racist.
You don't even understand the definition of racism so how the hell can you accuse someone of something that you can't even define?

If you will recall the definition of racism/racist includes the belief that one's own race is superior and others inferior. The following is the very definition of racism and is an excerpt from the reason that the state of Texas stipulated for it's leaving of the Union.

So when IM2 talks about the 200+ years of white affirmative action which is a analogy, not to be taken literally, this is from where it stems and the damage inflicted by this beginning has never come close to being undone even with all of the laws that have been passed because racist being racist will always find a way around them

She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.


We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the ***white *** race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an ***inferior*** and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all ***white men*** are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states.​
IM2 explicitly calls all whites racists. Ask him to deny it. This should be fun. :biggrin:

Except I've never called al whites racists. You post up a comment by me were I specifically say all whites are racists. This should be fun. :biggrin:
Oh so now not all whites are racist and don't all benefit from worldwide white supremacy? Good of you to change your mind. Thanks for clearing that up.
Except that you call all whites racist.
You don't even understand the definition of racism so how the hell can you accuse someone of something that you can't even define?

If you will recall the definition of racism/racist includes the belief that one's own race is superior and others inferior. The following is the very definition of racism and is an excerpt from the reason that the state of Texas stipulated for it's leaving of the Union.

So when IM2 talks about the 200+ years of white affirmative action which is a analogy, not to be taken literally, this is from where it stems and the damage inflicted by this beginning has never come close to being undone even with all of the laws that have been passed because racist being racist will always find a way around them

She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.


We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the ***white *** race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an ***inferior*** and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all ***white men*** are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states.​
IM2 explicitly calls all whites racists. Ask him to deny it. This should be fun. :biggrin:

Except I've never called al whites racists. You post up a comment by me were I specifically say all whites are racists. This should be fun. :biggrin:
Oh so now not all whites are racist and don't all benefit from worldwide white supremacy? Good of you to change your mind. Thanks for clearing that up.

I never said anything like that. But you are a racist. Whites have benefited from worldwide white supremacy. I think that's something Essen said and he speaks truth in that statement. The fact you live in the US instead of being a serf in Europe is evidence of how you benefitted from it yourself.
The Tuskegee Airmen were from WWII, over 60 years ago.
That shouldn't impact the question or answer, in fact I choose them as an example because they accomplished what they did before affirmative action was even heard of And also because this is what the military had to say about them

American Social History Project · Center for Media and Learning
Selected Conclusions

In the process of evolution the American negro has not progressed as far as the other sub-species of the human family. As a race he has not developed leadership qualities. His mental inferiority and the inherent weaknesses of his character are factors that must be considered with great care in the preparation of any plan for his employment in war. . . .

In the past wars the negro has made a fair laborer, but an inferior technician. As a fighter he has been inferior to the white man even when led by white officers. . . .

Negro soldiers as individuals should not be assigned to white units. . . .

Negro officers should not be placed over white officers, noncommissioned officers or soldiers. . . .
Negro officer candidates should attend training camps with white candidates. They should have the same instructors, take the same tests and meet the same requirements for appointment as officers as the white candidates. They should be sheltered, messed, and instructed separately from white candidates. . . .

. . . the eventual use of the negro will be determined by his performance in combat training and service. . . . If the negro makes good the way is left open for him to go into combat eventually with all-negro units.

Selected Assumptions about the Performance of African-American Soldiers in Previous Wars:

It is generally recognized that the pure blood American negro is inferior to our white population in mental capacity. . . . The cranial cavity of the negro is smaller than the white; his brain weighing 35 ounces contrasted with 45 for the white.

All officers, without exception, agree that the Negro lacks initiative, displays little or no leadership, and cannot accept responsibility. Some point out that these defects are greater in the Southern Negro. . . .

Due to his susceptibility to ‘Crowd Psychology’ a large mass of negroes, e.g., a division, is very subject to panic. Experience had indicated that the negroes produce better results by segregation and cause less trouble. Grouping of negroes generally in the past has produced demands for equality, both during war and after demobilization. . . .

An opinion held in common by practically all officers is that the negro is a rank coward in the dark. His fear of the unknown and unseen will prevent him from ever operating as an individual scout with success. His lack of veracity causes unsatisfactory reports to be rendered, particularly on patrol duty. . . .

One of the peculiarities of the negro as a soldier is that he has no confidence in his negro leaders, nor will he follow a negro officer into battle, no matter how good the officer may be, with the same confidence and lack of fear that he will follow a white man. This last trait has been so universally reported by all commanders that it can not be considered as a theory—the negroes themselves recognize it as a fact. . . .

The negro needs trained leadership far more than the white man needs it, and above all they need leaders in whom they have confidence, and whose presence they can feel and see at all times. . . .

On account of the inherent weaknesses in negro character, especially general lack of intelligence and initiative, it requires much longer time of preliminary training to bring a negro organization up to the point of training where it is fit for combat, than it does in the case of white men. All theoretical training is beyond the grasp of the negro—it must be intensely practical, supplemented by plain talks explaining the reasons for things in simple terms. . . .​

That was the view of the American military then, not now. Why do you keep ignoring the last 60 years of history?

There was nothing wrong with the tests, other than the results were not what the city wanted, because of the skin color on those that did well.
After what I quoted above, are you sure there was nothing wrong with the test? No biases at all?

Also I find it interesting that you phrase the results as "those who did well" as opposed to "those who did poorly".

I provided a copy of the transcript where the test is being discussed - I haven't read all of it but I do remember that it's not 100% true/false multiple-choice exam.[/QUOTE]


LOL! 5 blacks holding awards is supposed to mean something? Do you care to post the pictures of the number of whites who have received the same award?

Blacks participating.

Disproving the nonsense that they are not.

Or that whites don't want them too.

It proves nothing. Now try comparing that to the number of whites holding the same award then get back with mw.

Nice moving the goal posts. The claim was that whites did not want blacks to participate. That has been disproved.

Deal with it.

5 blacks in the entire history of the movie industry doesn't prove anything son.

Again, with the "entire history".

You want to look at "the entire history" so that you get to judge current whites based on the actions of long dead people.
Except that you call all whites racist.
You don't even understand the definition of racism so how the hell can you accuse someone of something that you can't even define?

If you will recall the definition of racism/racist includes the belief that one's own race is superior and others inferior. The following is the very definition of racism and is an excerpt from the reason that the state of Texas stipulated for it's leaving of the Union.

So when IM2 talks about the 200+ years of white affirmative action which is a analogy, not to be taken literally, this is from where it stems and the damage inflicted by this beginning has never come close to being undone even with all of the laws that have been passed because racist being racist will always find a way around them

She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.


We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the ***white *** race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an ***inferior*** and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all ***white men*** are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states.​
IM2 explicitly calls all whites racists. Ask him to deny it. This should be fun. :biggrin:

Except I've never called al whites racists. You post up a comment by me were I specifically say all whites are racists. This should be fun. :biggrin:
Oh so now not all whites are racist and don't all benefit from worldwide white supremacy? Good of you to change your mind. Thanks for clearing that up.

I never said anything like that. But you are a racist. Whites have benefited from worldwide white supremacy. I think that's something Essen said and he speaks truth in that statement. The fact you live in the US instead of being a serf in Europe is evidence of how you benefitted from it yourself.
"Whites have benefited from worldwide white supremacy". So you do think that all whites are racist. Told ya so!!! :biggrin:
Black skin gets you 230 points of discrimination in ivy league admissions.
Did it ever occur to you that the best of Candidate Pool B far exceeds the worse of Candidate Pool A?
White people were denied promotion based on the color of their skin.

That is the result of AA and civil rights, as it is now practiced.
This is a very interesting case but it is not a case where "unqualified" black people took jobs from "qualified" white people. No black people were hired/promoted so no white people were displaced except for the 6 which were unable to qualify for promotion.

I'm starting to remember a little bit more about this case and there were issues with the exam that was used to qualify the firefighters for promotion - part was subjective while the other part was objective. Additionally if I recall correctly some of the white fire fighters had access to materials that appeared on the test so that they could specifically prepare for it which of course allows one to score higher, but I'll have to revisit this later.

There were no issues with the exam.

The black people were not promoted because the white people took action when their civil rights were violated.

The City did discriminate against the white people, because it wanted to promote black people, based on skin color, not merit.

Their stated reason was fear of being sued, under "Disparate Impact Theory".

Whites have never ad their civil rights violated, I have to laugh at the fake indignation of punk ass racist whites talking about somebody getting something based on skin color.

YOu utterly failed to address the example provided.

Which demonstrate that whites are discriminated against when AA and associated programs/laws/ect, are used to favor blacks.

That is the nature of discrimination. You discriminate in favor of some one at the expense of someone else.

Only a liar or a fool would claim to not understand that.

It's funny how you racists see things. You want return to a system hat provided favor to whites which excluded everyone else and you a here talking about discrimination. You're a joke.

I've never said anything about returning to a system of pro white discrimination.

That was the voices in your head. I am not responsible for what they say.
Nice moving the goal posts. The claim was that whites did not want blacks to participate. That has been disproved.
You're confusing and conflating two different conversations. I was commenting on Taz whining about black people having their own organizations and events and then erroneously labeling the activities and organizations as racists. I then asked if certain white people did not want and would not allow black people access to their events then why....

And right there is where you keep going wrong.

You are ignoring that white people, have at great pain, long ago opened up their events and awards and ect, to black people.

Other than the elderly, today's whites grew up when this was already normal to them.

Newsvine is not wrong. You are. No one is ignoring anything except you.

The Oscars began in in 1929. Out of 3,072 Oscars handed out since 1929 31 have been awarded to blacks.

You have been asked 2 questions that you ha....

1929? Everyone involved in that Oscars is dead, and you want to discriminate against whites today, to balance that out.

And whites today, agree. Or at least our government does.

That is what AA is.

We need to stop that shit.
LOL! 5 blacks holding awards is supposed to mean something? Do you care to post the pictures of the number of whites who have received the same award?

Blacks participating.

Disproving the nonsense that they are not.

Or that whites don't want them too.

It proves nothing. Now try comparing that to the number of whites holding the same award then get back with mw.

Nice moving the goal posts. The claim was that whites did not want blacks to participate. That has been disproved.

Deal with it.

5 blacks in the entire history of the movie industry doesn't prove anything son.

Again, with the "entire history".

You want to look at "the entire history" so that you get to judge current whites based on the actions of long dead people.

The entire history ls the truth.
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