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Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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You say "WHITES" won't stop being racist. As if ALL whites are racist and as if that justifies blacks being racist.
Saying "All whites are are racist" is not the same as saying "All whites hate black people" All whites don't hate black ppl. But all whites are racist.

Look even white people who fight against racism, write books on racism and do lectures admit to them having racist thoughts.

Guys like Tim Wise shared an experience about when he got on a plane and for the first time ever he saw two black pilots flying the thing and his thought was "O. Shit. Can these blk guys fly this plane ?"

Now he caught the thought and then realized that those blk guys were more than likely the best pilots in the whole crew, they would have had to be to get the job. Can you imagine two blk men rolling up for pilot school ? You know they were tested and tested and must have aced every test thrown at them and even as qualified pilots they're probably the most watched, assessed pilots there. But that's not the point, under pressure, his first thought was to go there. And this despite all the books he's written


And after all the lectures he does.

But he is a white supremacist. All people raised in a society where racism has been n is so prevalent will have internalized elements of racist thinking. So in countries where beliefs in European/white superiority has been historically placed, it's likely that everyone in such places will have internalized some of that conditioning.

Your victim mentality and losers like you will hold you back and help prolong any racial inequalities that still exist.
You saying that some black people IM2 or even me have a victim mindset is as stupid as saying people who put on a seat-belt in car or buy insurance or boxer who is training for a big fight, that they have a victim mindset.

To tell my young son he can be anything he wants to be, if he tries hard enough is nice, but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I'm ill-suiting him for the real world.

Racism Is War

So by me discussing those war tactics that whites employ on black people he can steel himself against the headwinds in his way.
While LeBron James, Tyler Perry and millions of other blacks enjoy and prosper, you will CHOOSE to cling to your racism.
Whites have always been willing to let black people entertain them, even at the height of racism.

The question is, how have you felt about blacks being your bankers, doctors, bosses, colleagues, neighbors, or in-laws for that matter?

The black people you pointed out are from the worlds of entertainment or sports, which, important though they may be, are hardly like the industries in which most people find themselves.

You see when it comes to athletic ability, you either can or you can't. You either can hit a three pointer regular or you can't. You either can make people laugh or you can't. It's pretty objective.

But in the workplace ? White ppls networks win. Will this person “fit in” with the company? Do they have “enough” experience?

All of these evaluations are judgment calls and the kind of judgment call that are often 100% white supremacist.
I'm so glad NONE of my BLACK friends are as stupid and racist as you are.
O. No you didn't (lol) You didn't use the black friends card...did you ?
Saudi Arabia. Most of Africa. In the US....most shithole cities are run by Democrats. Philly is mostly run by blacks and so is Detroit. Then there's the state of California.
You would be surprise.
I think you just feel all of the screwed up policies that never work are the fault of white people, but instead what they really are is screwed up liberal policies.

Conservative policies caused one depression and sent us to the brink of a second one. As an entire nation. Done by Republicans who were white.
No conservative policy led to the Depression. Economic policies similar to those Obama instituted led to the Depression. A shortage of cash flow along with a lack of consumer confidence led to the Depression. The Dust Bowl and Socialist policies under FDR made the Depression worse and last longer.

The "Dust Bowl" was a result of a drought that forced many farmers into losing their farms and left witb no ability to pay their debts.

Economic policies with Europe contributed as well.

The stock market collapse further attributed to the depression as the dollar devaluated, but was not the only cause.

Furthermore, the Republicans controlled Congress through 1928.

Within a year the Depression ensued.

When FDR took office, he focused on revitalizing the banking system, enabling consumer deposits to be guaranteed. What "socialist policies" of his prolonged the depression?

He salvaged a mess that was left behind him.

Proving that in a deregulated environment, recklessness and corruption thrives and ultimately leads to dire circumstances.

When Obama took office after Bush, the economy was on the brink of collapsing yet again.

Roosevelt and how he brought us out of the depression of the 1930s
As you pointed out there was plenty of reasons for the Great Depression......yet you blame it all on the GOP.
And the supposed depression in 2007-08 was merely a recession which was caused intentionally by Democrats in congress with the help of a bunch of their billionaire hedgefunder friends like George Soros.

I did not "blame it all on the GOP". I stated the FACT that republicans were in power at the time that the Depression began.

And a democratic president led the country out of it.

So what policies passed by democrats caused the Depression, as you stated?
A Democrat isn't exactly democratic.
FDR was not democratic at all.
His policies lengthened the depression. He abused the rights of Americans, a perfect example of this is taking Japanese Americans out of their homes and sending them to internment camps. The end of the war led us out of the Depression. FDR wasn't alive then.
Conservative policies caused one depression and sent us to the brink of a second one. As an entire nation. Done by Republicans who were white.
No conservative policy led to the Depression. Economic policies similar to those Obama instituted led to the Depression. A shortage of cash flow along with a lack of consumer confidence led to the Depression. The Dust Bowl and Socialist policies under FDR made the Depression worse and last longer.

The "Dust Bowl" was a result of a drought that forced many farmers into losing their farms and left witb no ability to pay their debts.

Economic policies with Europe contributed as well.

The stock market collapse further attributed to the depression as the dollar devaluated, but was not the only cause.

Furthermore, the Republicans controlled Congress through 1928.

Within a year the Depression ensued.

When FDR took office, he focused on revitalizing the banking system, enabling consumer deposits to be guaranteed. What "socialist policies" of his prolonged the depression?

He salvaged a mess that was left behind him.

Proving that in a deregulated environment, recklessness and corruption thrives and ultimately leads to dire circumstances.

When Obama took office after Bush, the economy was on the brink of collapsing yet again.

Roosevelt and how he brought us out of the depression of the 1930s
As you pointed out there was plenty of reasons for the Great Depression......yet you blame it all on the GOP.
And the supposed depression in 2007-08 was merely a recession which was caused intentionally by Democrats in congress with the help of a bunch of their billionaire hedgefunder friends like George Soros.

I did not "blame it all on the GOP". I stated the FACT that republicans were in power at the time that the Depression began.

And a democratic president led the country out of it.

So what policies passed by democrats caused the Depression, as you stated?
A Democrat isn't exactly democratic.
FDR was not democratic at all.
His policies lengthened the depression. He abused the rights of Americans, a perfect example of this is taking Japanese Americans out of their homes and sending them to internment camps. The end of the war led us out of the Depression. FDR wasn't alive then.

He represented the Democratic Party. How did his policies lengthen the depression? You've yet to provide a single answer to that simple question.

He was greatly responsible for leading the effort in revitalizing the banking system, unemployment dropped to a longtime low during his three terms.

How did internment camps play a role in prolonging the depression?

Furthermore, you should look at a calendar and recheck your "facts::

The depression lasted for 10 yesrs until 1939, and FDR WAS IN OFFICE when it ended, and would be until his death in 1945.

The SAME YEAR that the war ended.
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Which does not explain why you act as though the last 60 years of history did not happen.
Have the last 60 years of history corrected the damage imposed by the previous 175+ years?
No. However, moving on would be a good way to start repairing whatever damage you are imagining still exists in your life rather than hanging onto the past.
Nice moving the goal posts. The claim was that whites did not want blacks to participate. That has been disproved.

Deal with it.

5 blacks in the entire history of the movie industry doesn't prove anything son.

Again, with the "entire history".

You want to look at "the entire history" so that you get to judge current whites based on the actions of long dead people.

The entire history ls the truth.

Never said it wasn't.

What I said was that you want to judge current whites on the actions of long dead whites.

You are arguing against the idea that the Oscars TODAY are inclusive, based on numbers that include awards given decades before any of the current judges were born.

That is completely unfair to the current Oscar organization, and deeply racist of you, to boot.

Not according to some of the people in the industry who are white.

I am judging whites today on what they do today. I read the posts here, you guys are racists.

You talk a lot of crap, but you are unable to produce this:....ll.

You'll need more than some stupid white liberal's word to convince me the fucking Hollywood Oscars are a stronghold of whites discriminating against blacks.

AND, if you really believed that today's Oscars were soooooooo racist, you would not have even tried conflating them with the Oscars of 19 fucking 29.
The Tuskegee Airmen were from WWII, over 60 years ago.
My question was do you believe that by assigning the black pilots flight slots that there were some white pilots who were left out, you know displaced and prevented from flying? I mean if you have 100 slots and you assign 33 of them to the black pilots then that means 33 white pilots got left out right? Do you think that maybe they were resentful or pissed off about that?

There was nothing wrong with the tests, other than the results were not what the city wanted, because of the skin color on those that did well. As in New Haven.

They sealed the tests so no one could examine them to see why their was such a discrepancy among the results. If 60% of the test was objective and 70% was needed to pass that means that you could score 100% on the true/false & multiple-choice yet any portion of the 40% subjective portion could be deemed unacceptable (a person gets to determine whether your answer is correct) then you fail the test. We've previously discussed that desegregation was forced and it's not like the parties involved aren't above utilizing deceit to maintain the [white] status quo. This is a tactic successfully employed in the past

Prior to passage of the federal Voting Rights Act in 1965, Southern states maintained elaborate voter registration procedures deliberately designed to deny the vote to nonwhites.

This process was often referred to as a "literacy test," a term that had two different meanings — one specific and one general. Some states used an actual reading test. But the test results were rigged by biased registrars who were the sole judges whether — in their opinion — you were sufficiently "literate" to "pass." They often did not require white applicants to take the test at all, or always "passed" those who did. Black applicants were almost always required to take the test, even those with college degrees, and they were almost always deemed to have "failed."

The more general use of "literacy test" referred to the complex, interlocking systems used to deny Afro-Americans (and in some regions, Latinos and Native Americans) the right to vote so as to ensure that political power remained exclusively white-only. In addition to tests and registration procedures, these systems of racial discrimination and oppression included poll taxes, police power & intimidation, economic retaliation, and violent white- terrorism. It is in this general sense that the term "literacy test" is applied to those southern states that did not us an actual reading test.
  • Poll taxes. A "poll tax" was a tax you had to pay in order to vote. At one time, state and local poll taxes were common, but by the mid-20th Century they were mainly limited to the South as a means of preventing Blacks and poor whites from voting. State poll taxes ranged from $1 to $5 per year, and some towns and counties levy additional local poll taxes. In Mississippi, for example, the state's poll tax was $2 per year (equal to $15 in 2012). That might not sound like a lot of money, but for impoverished families feeding their children on free federal "commodity" food it was a sum that forced them to choose between voting and necessities of life. And many of those at the very bottom of the economic ladder — sharecroppers, tenant farmers, agricultural laborers, coal miners, timber workers, and so on — existed entirely outside the cash economy. They had to buy their necessities at over-priced plantation or company stores on credit and their pay went directly to the store, not them.

  • Police intimidation. The various state, county, and local police forces — all white of course — routinely intimidated and harassed Blacks who tried to register. They arrested would-be voters on false charges and beat others for imagined transgressions; and often this kind of retribution was directed not only at the man or woman who dared try to register, but against family members as well, even the children.

  • Economic retaliation. Throughout the deep South, white businesses, employers, banks, and landlords were organized into White Citizens Councils who inflicted economic retaliation against nonwhites who tried to vote. Evictions. Firings. Boycotts. Foreclosures. Small-scale farmers needed a crop loan each year in order to buy seed, fertilizer, fuel, and food until they could sell their cotton or tobacco after picking. Banks denied those loans to Blacks who tried to vote, forcing them off the land.

  • White terrorism. And if economic pressure proved insufficient, the Ku Klux Klan was ready with violence and mayhem. Cross-burnings. Night riders. Beatings. Rapes. Church bombings. Arson of businesses and homes. Murder and mob lynchings, drive-by shootings and sniper assassinations. Today these people would be called "terrorists," but back then the white establishment saw them as defenders of the "southern way of life" and upholders of "our glorious southern heritage."
While in theory there were standard state-wide registration procedures, in real-life the individual county Registrars and clerks did things their own way. The exact procedure varied from county to county, and within a county it varied from day to day according to the mood of the Registrar. And, of course, it almost always varied according to the race of the applicant.​

Disparate Impact means that employers have to discriminate against whites, to assure an outcome with enough blacks in it, any time that the blacks in a certain workforce, fail to make it own their own.

That's not what it means, it's a tool intended to be used to dismantle the polices, procedures and mechanisms that have been employed to obstruct the equal consideration and opportunities of non-whites. The reason I found this case interesting is because the court ruled that the testing methodology created a disparate impact situation which the city corrected by what the court deemed to be a disparate treatment solution. So the two "harms" were weighed and the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the white firefighters (per usual I might add) and [bad] legal precedence was then set although all of the lower courts ruled in favor of the city.
I've never said anything about returning to a system of pro white discrimination.

That was the voices in your head. I am not responsible for what they say.

That's exactly what you support when you want to end AA. Because that's what AA was made to stop. And if not for AA we'd still be in a system where only whites got all the jobs, all the admissions, all the contracts and all the promotions with no consideration of merit.

Your pretense that the whites of today, are the same as the whites of the 1950s, in noted and dismissed. As stupid. And a lie.

That is just your bullshit excuse for defending pro-black discrimination.

It's no pretense. All I have to do is read the posts here at USMB, There is no pro black discrimination.

You lie. YOu have had links and excerpts repeated presented to you proving widespread and massive pro black discrimination.

You are a liar and a racist.

There is no pro black discrimination. There have been no such examples.

What Is "Reverse Racism"? Here's Why It Doesn't Actually Exist in the United States

The questions have come up before: Why isn't there a White History Month? Why isn't there a network for White Entertainment Television, like BET? Black Girls Rock? What about White Girls Rock? What about the critically acclaimed Broadway play Hamilton's call for nonwhite actors?

Clearly, these few examples demonstrate "reverse racism," or the discrimination against members of a dominant racial group. Right?

Not quite.


Source: Julia Craven....l.

Only a fucking moron, would try to present a definition of racism, that is limited to only white people.


I've said it many times, that liberals have the self awareness of a potted plant.

But you, with this,

You have LESS self awareness than a potted plant. A lot less.

Which does not explain why you act as though the last 60 years of history did not happen.
Have the last 60 years of history corrected the damage imposed by the previous 175+ years?

A good question, but not when one is discussing the actions of current white people.

You are constantly speaking as though white people TODAY, are completely hostile to any participation in their events by black people.

That is absurd.
The Tuskegee Airmen were from WWII, over 60 years ago.
My question was do you believe that by assigning the black pilots flight slots that there were some white pilots who were left out, you know displaced and prevented from flying? I mean if you have 100 slots and you assign 33 of them to the black pilots then that means 33 white pilots got left out right? Do you think that maybe they were resentful or pissed off about that?

Don't know, don't care. It was over 60 years ago and has no bearing on anything going on today.

There was nothing wrong with the tests, other than the results were not what the city wanted, because of the skin color on those that did well. As in New Haven.

They sealed the tests so no one could examine them to see why their was such a discrepancy among the results. If 60% of the test was objective and 70% was needed to pass that means that you could score 100% on the true/false & multiple-choice yet any portion of the 40% subjective portion could be deemed unacceptable (a person gets to determine whether your answer is correct) then you fail the test. We've previously discussed that desegregation was forced and it's not like the parties involved aren't above utilizing deceit to maintain the [white] status quo. This is a tactic successfully employed in the past

Your assumption, that the city government of New Haven, Connecticut, one of the more liberals states, in 2009 is using the tactics of the pre 1964 deep south, to discriminate against blacks.

is noted and laughed at.

Knock that silliness off.

Disparate Impact means that employers have to discriminate against whites, to assure an outcome with enough blacks in it, any time that the blacks in a certain workforce, fail to make it own their own.

That's not what it means, it's a tool intended to be used to dismantle the polices, procedures and mechanisms that have been employed to obstruct the equal consideration and opportunities of non-whites. The reason I found this case interesting is because the court ruled that the testing methodology created a disparate impact situation which the city corrected by what the court deemed to be a disparate treatment solution. So the two "harms" were weighed and the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the white firefighters (per usual I might add) and [bad] legal precedence was then set although all of the lower courts ruled in favor of the city.[/QUOTE]

The tool might have been crafted with that use in mind, but that is not the way it is being used, as we saw in the New Haven case.

There was equal consideration, all tested with the same test. But when that did not produce a racially equal OUTCOME, then fear of Disparate Impact Theory,

CAUSED UNEQUAL CONSIDERATION, ie anti-white discrimination.
A good question, but not when one is discussing the actions of current white people.

You are constantly speaking as though white people TODAY, are completely hostile to any participation in their events by black people.

That is absurd.

So I'm arguing (or debating) the side of the issue that says it's preposterous to believe that the majority of white people believe blacks are more racists than whites. I'm stating that the whole idea that this could be true is ludicrous because of the fact that the people who founded our nation were white supremacists meaning they subscribed to the theory that white people were superior to black people and in some cases that black people were not even human and considered a subspecies. We know this because they openly wrote about it such as in the reasons for secession when the north was giving the south grief about slavery. When the south was defeated and after the slaves were freed many municipalities passed Black Codes and Jim Crow laws in an attempt to return black people to a state of bondage and forced labor. They also instituted legal segregation which was only broken via lawsuits and anti-discrimination legislation. Many times when black people would make some legislative or other gain the backlash at times would wipe out whatever gain they had obtained and they'd have to start all over again like in the case of Black Wall Street also known as the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots where the most affluent black neighborhood in the country was torched & burned by white people. And this discussion hasn't even touched upon the intimidation tactics used to dissuade black people from exercising their rights - the right to vote, to better schools, to better jobs, etc. - lynchings, cross burnings, murder, church bombings.

Whatever angst you're feeling that you believe is caused by black people pursuing and fighting for their equal rights couldn't possibly compare to actual systemic and long term damage that was inflicted, rarely acknowledged and certainly have never had any steps taken to be made "whole" again as some others have.

So if it sounds like I'm not taking time out to acknowledge the non-racist white people or argue this issue from the other side it's because we're outnumbered by people who have no concept of what racism actually entails, an appalling lack of knowledge of American history, little if any understanding of civil rights legislation or the ability to read and understand court rulings. Plus I'm doing this in between my other work & studies.

What's confounding to me is that you personally have stated that the country is no longer hostile to African Americans but I don't understand how you could arrive at that conclusion if you're paying attention to the things that are being posted just in this message board conversation. Before this one I was participating on one on affirmative action and that one was way worse than this one.

If everything that you've achieved or obtained in your life was done without having to face adversity, then good for you, a lot of us were not given that option. So we had to learn how to navigate a landscape that was littered with landmines and with people sabotaging our efforts at times all along the way. So when I hear sometime crying about black history month, or Black entertainment TV or Black whatever my reaction is usually "seriously, the worse thing you have to worry about in life is what someone else who happens to be black is celebrating or watching?"
A good question, but not when one is discussing the actions of current white people.

You are constantly speaking as though white people TODAY, are completely hostile to any participation in their events by black people.

That is absurd.

So I'm arguing (or debating) the side of the issue that says it's preposterous to believe that the majority of white people believe blacks are more racists than whites. I'm stating that the whole idea that this could be true is ludicrous because of the fact that the people who founded our nation were white supremacists...

The founding of this nation was almost two hundred and fifty years ago.

To pretend that it is "preposterous" that ideas could change is as little as 10 generations,

is utterly preposterous of YOU.

Whatever angst you're feeling that you believe is caused by black people pursuing and fighting for their equal rights couldn't possibly compare to actual systemic and long term damage that was inflicted, rarely acknowledged and certainly have never had any steps taken to be made "whole" again as some others have.

I only mention the past strife of desegregation, to show that the majority of the population was very serious and committed to doing it.

So if it sounds like I'm not taking time out to acknowledge the non-racist white people or argue this issue from the other side it's because we're outnumbered by people who have no concept of what racism actually entails, an appalling lack of knowledge of American history, little if any understanding of civil rights legislation or the ability to read and understand court rulings. Plus I'm doing this in between my other work & studies.

Sorry, but that's no excuse for acting like it's the height of Klan power in 2018.

What's confounding to me is that you personally have stated that the country is no longer hostile to African Americans but I don't understand how you could arrive at that conclusion if you're paying attention to the things that are being posted just in this message board conversation. Before this one I was participating on one on affirmative action and that one was way worse than this one.

Have you see the analysis of the population of white voters who supported EITHER, the hypothetical presidency of Colin Powell o the actual presidency of President Obama?

The percentage of white voters who were hostile to BOTH of those black candidates, was in the single digits.

If everything that you've achieved or obtained in your life was done without having to face adversity, then good for you, a lot of us were not given that option. So we had to learn how to navigate a landscape that was littered with landmines and with people sabotaging our efforts at times all along the way. So when I hear sometime crying about black history month, or Black entertainment TV or Black whatever my reaction is usually "seriously, the worse thing you have to worry about in life is what someone else who happens to be black is celebrating or watching?"

NOt sure where you got the idea, I have not faced adversity.

If you have Black History Month, can I have White History Month?
I'm 57, that's nearly 60 and can say that you are wrong.

Yes, but you are a racist and you lack integrity, hence your pronouncements are meaningless.

What we see is the standard white backlash that happens every time whites don't get to have everything.

Whites have never had everything.

Even when the evil democrats held other people as slaves, it was limited to roughly half the states. Further, free blacks in the North owned plenty of property, including many slaves.


Title 7 isn't government mandated racism. But you are white so you see fit to think it was just natural for whites to be given everything and deny others of the same opportunities which was how things were when title 7 happened. If not for title 7 that whites would still get everything and deny everyone else of the same opportunities. You are fine with that and think anything trying to stop that us racism. That's dumb.

Title VII is the government mandated treatment of people based on skin color.

It is the definition of institutional racism.

What you will never grasp is that racism is not the cure for racism.
I never said anything like that. But you are a racist. Whites have benefited from worldwide white supremacy. I think that's something Essen said and he speaks truth in that statement. The fact you live in the US instead of being a serf in Europe is evidence of how you benefitted from it yourself.


Particularly the Irish, Italians, Slaves, and Poles.... :eusa_whistle:

The idiocy you post to justify your racism is beyond the pale.
Which does not explain why you act as though the last 60 years of history did not happen.
Have the last 60 years of history corrected the damage imposed by the previous 175+ years?
No. However, moving on would be a good way to start repairing whatever damage you are imagining still exists in your life rather than hanging onto the past.

No, correcting the damage would be the best way to repair the damage.


Why We Can’t Say Racism Is a Thing of the Past

Racism is not simply a thing of our past. It is very much part of our present. Everyone does not get an equal shake. We are closer than we have ever been, but we are still aren’t there.

Why We Can't Say Racism Is a Thing of the Past - Kevin A. Thompson

Enough Already About Racism!! Racism Is a Thing of the Past

“Racism is dead.” “Too many black people are playing the race card.” “Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and represents racism against white people.” “All Lives Matter.” “Political correctness is ruining America.”

These and similar sentiments are common, perhaps prevalent, in these times. “Enough already — slavery ended more than 150 years ago.” “I’m not racist and am not responsible for what someone else did in the 19th century.”

If that is indeed the case, please explain the following things to me:

Flint, MI is 60% black with 41% of its citizens living beneath the poverty line. Flint’s children have been exposed to lead in the drinking water because of a decision to save money. The toxicity of the water was covered up for many months. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI is .6% black. 2.7% live below the poverty line. Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children in Grosse Pointe Shores were exposed to lead in the water supply?

A group of heavily armed white men, labeled “activists” by the media, trespassed and occupied federal buildings in rural Oregon. The official response was to allow them to air their grievances, order supplies and allow the situation to defuse over time. Please comment on the likely police response if a group of heavily armed black men took over federal property.

Jim Cooley, a white man, carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport. Cooley simply went about his business, supposedly keeping his daughter safe. John Crawford, a black man, picked up an air rifle from a shelf in an Ohio Walmart and was shot to death by police. Please explain what you think might have happened if John Crawford carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport or if Jim Cooley shopped for an air gun at Walmart.

Enough Already About Racism!! Racism Is a Thing of the Past | HuffPost

Can you explain these things mudwhistle?
I'm 57, that's nearly 60 and can say that you are wrong.

Yes, but you are a racist and you lack integrity, hence your pronouncements are meaningless.

What we see is the standard white backlash that happens every time whites don't get to have everything.

Whites have never had everything.

Even when the evil democrats held other people as slaves, it was limited to roughly half the states. Further, free blacks in the North owned plenty of property, including many slaves.


Title 7 isn't government mandated racism. But you are white so you see fit to think it was just natural for whites to be given everything and deny others of the same opportunities which was how things were when title 7 happened. If not for title 7 that whites would still get everything and deny everyone else of the same opportunities. You are fine with that and think anything trying to stop that us racism. That's dumb.

Title VII is the government mandated treatment of people based on skin color.

It is the definition of institutional racism.

What you will never grasp is that racism is not the cure for racism.

Whites had rights and opportunities while excluding others of the same. Whites had everything.
DailyKenn is a white racist site, .These 9 statements are not facts.
AA is not racism.
Which does not explain why you act as though the last 60 years of history did not happen.
Have the last 60 years of history corrected the damage imposed by the previous 175+ years?
No. However, moving on would be a good way to start repairing whatever damage you are imagining still exists in your life rather than hanging onto the past.

No, correcting the damage would be the best way to repair the damage.


Why We Can’t Say Racism Is a Thing of the Past

Racism is not simply a thing of our past. It is very much part of our present. Everyone does not get an equal shake. We are closer than we have ever been, but we are still aren’t there.

Why We Can't Say Racism Is a Thing of the Past - Kevin A. Thompson

Enough Already About Racism!! Racism Is a Thing of the Past

“Racism is dead.” “Too many black people are playing the race card.” “Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and represents racism against white people.” “All Lives Matter.” “Political correctness is ruining America.”

These and similar sentiments are common, perhaps prevalent, in these times. “Enough already — slavery ended more than 150 years ago.” “I’m not racist and am not responsible for what someone else did in the 19th century.”

If that is indeed the case, please explain the following things to me:

Flint, MI is 60% black with 41% of its citizens living beneath the poverty line. Flint’s children have been exposed to lead in the drinking water because of a decision to save money. The toxicity of the water was covered up for many months. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI is .6% black. 2.7% live below the poverty line. Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children in Grosse Pointe Shores were exposed to lead in the water supply?

A group of heavily armed white men, labeled “activists” by the media, trespassed and occupied federal buildings in rural Oregon. The official response was to allow them to air their grievances, order supplies and allow the situation to defuse over time. Please comment on the likely police response if a group of heavily armed black men took over federal property.

Jim Cooley, a white man, carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport. Cooley simply went about his business, supposedly keeping his daughter safe. John Crawford, a black man, picked up an air rifle from a shelf in an Ohio Walmart and was shot to death by police. Please explain what you think might have happened if John Crawford carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport or if Jim Cooley shopped for an air gun at Walmart.

Enough Already About Racism!! Racism Is a Thing of the Past | HuffPost

Can you explain these things mudwhistle?
So you want the rest of the white race to give you a check for all of the damage that was done to blacks over the centuries by other whites.
Maybe some dough will fix all of that damage.
When are we gonna get a check from all of the damage Obama has done to the the United States and Europe?
He started a bunch of wars in Libya and Syria and now all of those refugees are flooding Europe and the US spreading hate, rape, diseases, and murder.
Considering the fact that I've been in Africa and all of the disease and starvation that is going on there, along with all of the ethnic cleansing that has been going on and ignored by the media.....I think you should consider yourself lucky not to be still living there.
Which does not explain why you act as though the last 60 years of history did not happen.
Have the last 60 years of history corrected the damage imposed by the previous 175+ years?
No. However, moving on would be a good way to start repairing whatever damage you are imagining still exists in your life rather than hanging onto the past.

No, correcting the damage would be the best way to repair the damage.


Why We Can’t Say Racism Is a Thing of the Past

Racism is not simply a thing of our past. It is very much part of our present. Everyone does not get an equal shake. We are closer than we have ever been, but we are still aren’t there.

Why We Can't Say Racism Is a Thing of the Past - Kevin A. Thompson

Enough Already About Racism!! Racism Is a Thing of the Past

“Racism is dead.” “Too many black people are playing the race card.” “Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and represents racism against white people.” “All Lives Matter.” “Political correctness is ruining America.”

These and similar sentiments are common, perhaps prevalent, in these times. “Enough already — slavery ended more than 150 years ago.” “I’m not racist and am not responsible for what someone else did in the 19th century.”

If that is indeed the case, please explain the following things to me:

Flint, MI is 60% black with 41% of its citizens living beneath the poverty line. Flint’s children have been exposed to lead in the drinking water because of a decision to save money. The toxicity of the water was covered up for many months. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI is .6% black. 2.7% live below the poverty line. Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children in Grosse Pointe Shores were exposed to lead in the water supply?

A group of heavily armed white men, labeled “activists” by the media, trespassed and occupied federal buildings in rural Oregon. The official response was to allow them to air their grievances, order supplies and allow the situation to defuse over time. Please comment on the likely police response if a group of heavily armed black men took over federal property.

Jim Cooley, a white man, carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport. Cooley simply went about his business, supposedly keeping his daughter safe. John Crawford, a black man, picked up an air rifle from a shelf in an Ohio Walmart and was shot to death by police. Please explain what you think might have happened if John Crawford carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport or if Jim Cooley shopped for an air gun at Walmart.

Enough Already About Racism!! Racism Is a Thing of the Past | HuffPost

Can you explain these things mudwhistle?
So you want the rest of the white race to give you a check for all of the damage that was done to blacks over the centuries by other whites.
Maybe some dough will fix all of that damage.
When are we gonna get a check from all of the damage Obama has done to the the United States and Europe?
He started a bunch of wars in Libya and Syria and now all of those refugees are flooding Europe and the US spreading hate, rape, diseases, and murder.
Considering the fact that I've been in Africa and all of the disease and starvation that is going on there, along with all of the ethnic cleansing that has been going on and ignored by the media.....I think you should consider yourself lucky not to be still living there.

Your ignorance is funny. I mean really, you are a dumbfruck who knows nothing.
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