Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Elektra, the debate is about marriage equality. If you talk about defective homosexual behavior toward children then introducting the overwhelming numbers of heterosexual inapprorpriate activities is aboslutely right.

Sil, we are waiting for you to be honest.
Denied, we have to give special privileges to people who, literally define themselves first by their sexuality?

How are two men, one who thinks he is a woman and uses his butt, his waste canal, a part of his body that is used to dispose of waste from the body, how is using the waste canal, the rectum as a sex organ, a defining characteristic to be a mother?

How is a man, that uses his rectum as a sex organ a defining characteristic of being a mother. I would say someone so broken-headed, wrong-thinking, needs a little different help, then lets say, the supreme court defining this man as MOM.

Yes, and I know your response will be most likely this is not about sex. Which means simply the Homosexual's and those who love them can not allow all the facts to be discussed in this debate.

If the Homosexuals and Activists can not control what is said, what is allowed into the debate, then they lose.

Do you know that some heterosexual couples practice anal sex?

Are they too "broken-headed" and "wrong-thinking" to be parents?

The heterosexual couples in your neighborhood that are telling everybody they are having Anal Sex are broken-headed.
And yet....people here seem to have the expectation that gay couples tell their kids about what kind of sex they are having.........:eusa_whistle:

:lmao: Gays don't need to talk to kids about what type of graphic sex they're having. They just take them to a pride parade and let it do the talking for them. Just ask Seawytch.

Here's your gay sex-ed, marching down main street, with nice kiddy-rainbow colors and streamers flying a matter of pride...hoping kiddies will be looking on...

Here's two dudes showing the kids how it's done:


Here's a guy and the crowd showing exactly what position the "bottom" takes during anal sex. The lesbians in the background are helping out by spelling it out for the kids with their signs.

And here's a man being quite helpful and honest showing kids about the basic mental stability of gay people and what happens when the anus is used too much as an artificial vagina. Anal leakage starts to happen. Or maye that's real from taking a pounding just before the parade?

Don't kid yourselves. Graphic gay sex education for kids and adults alike is in every town going on floats down main street. They are screaming for involuntary committment to a psyche ward. And here we are as a society, still slavish to being politically-correct to such a degree that we would place children in these homes before we frankly confronted what was going on right in front of our eyes.

Jake, do you approve of these actions as a matter of sober "pride" in public or not. And if not, how can we trust these people with orphaned children behind closed doors?
Your pictures are irrelevant. Here's a picture of a straight woman.

By your own reasoning, clearly, she is disgusting and perverse. She sings her music to children across the United States! Corrupting them! She is a heterosexual. Therefore, heterosexuals should not be allowed to marry. Because Miley Cyrus.

Do you see how idiotic your argument is yet?

Nope, because Miley Cyrus is an individual for exposure on screenable media. Whereas the gay "pride" parade goes down public thoroughfares hoping kids will be there. If Ms. Cyrus did these things in public where kids were milling about, she'd be arrested.
Kids are far more influenced by screenable media than people walking in public one day out of the year. Nor does one person's actions in a parade have any influence over whether or not other people should be allowed to get married and adopt children. Your argument fails on every possible level.
Actually, ShackledNation failed as soon as Shackled Nation stated children are influenced more over a something on a "screen", vs something they see in real life.

What proof do you to back up that contention, that Homosexuals exposing themselves and simulating sex directly in front of children has no influence on them?
More children are exposed to the television and the Internet than to pride parades. The TV and the Internet are real life. They are just as much a part of real life as public streets.

And even if for some reason you only count public streets as being real life, not anything digital, I already posted my example of Martigras parades, which make pride parades look tame.
What proof do you to back up that contention, that Homosexuals exposing themselves and simulating sex directly in front of children has no influence on them?

No more than the heteros above in the pictures posing badly as well.

Sexual predators of children have to be punished, and the heteros are far worse in numbers, yes?
Elektra, the debate is about marriage equality. If you talk about defective homosexual behavior toward children then introducting the overwhelming numbers of heterosexual inapprorpriate activities is aboslutely right.

Sil, we are waiting for you to be honest.

The debate within this thread is not, "marriage equality", JakeStarkey, this thread is if, "children are a part of the conversation".

JakeStarkey is not quoting, a bit of a wild accusation and a masterful deflection, quote my post JakeStarkey otherwise JakeStarkey is not being honest.

One post of JakeStarkey's, two gross errors on the part of JakeStarkey.
The debate within this thread is not, "marriage equality", JakeStarkey, this thread is if, "children are a part of the conversation".

JakeStarkey is not quoting, a bit of a wild accusation and a masterful deflection, quote my post JakeStarkey otherwise JakeStarkey is not being honest.

One post of JakeStarkey's, two gross errors on the part of JakeStarkey.

Is English your first language?
And predators, of children, homo and hetero, are part of the conservation.

Until you deal with the full issue, you will continue to be corrected.

Tis what it is.
Here we go again.

A couple does not have to raise children, have the intent of raising children, or even be capable having children to obtain a marriage license.

That's all true, but the welfare of children is the only reason the marriage contract exists. If it wasn't for the fact of reproduction, why bother with marriage at all?
Obviously the welfare of children is not the only reason the contract exists, since, as I said, a couple does not have to raise children, have the intent to do so, or even be capable of having children in order to obtain a marriage license.

Obviously wrong. the fact that not everyone has children proves nothing. Not everyone who gets a driver's license ever uses it to drive. Why something is created and how people use it are two separate things. Anyone with half a brain could understand that.

Those "studies" are all bogus. They're little more than propaganda.
No, they are valid. Calling studies that disprove your bias bogus is typical of close-minded individuals.

They are bogus. They all have serious methodological flaws. They're propaganda.
An ignorant statement, "Obviously wrong. the fact that not everyone has children proves nothing" misses the point that many marriages are contracted with no intent of having children.

OP fail again.
It is propaganda to write, "They are bogus. They all have serious methodological flaws. They're propaganda" without any evidence of showing the methodological failures.
Marriage between a man and woman regardless of their color is not the same thing as gay marriage at all, as it (marriage between a man and a woman) is sanctioned by God as was exampled in the case with Moses when Miriam and Antioch (I think) spoke against Moses marriage, and God punished them for speaking against Moses in this way . Nice try though..

Marriage may have begun as a religious construct, but it is now also a civil construct, separate from religion, sanctioned by government.

Maybe that's the problem. Maybe we should do away with the government-given perks of marriage, and simply let it be a private ceremony. Anyone can marry anyone, and the law won't touch it.

Otherwise, it's discriminatory to prevent gay people from marrying the person of their choice, just like anti-miscegenation laws were discriminatory to prevent the same thing.
Not really, the marriage license is not the same thing as the religious construct. You don't need religion to get a marriage license, and you don't necessarily need a marriage license to get a religious marriage. They really are two separate things. Granted, a lot of folk get confused about the two topics and often use the terms interchangeably.

But, the religious ceremony is just for show. Only the civil contract is legally binding.

My church marriage meant and still means more to me than the license. So, I guess it depends on what is more important to you. I could give a shit if govco tossed my license, my wife and I would still consider ourselves married.

That's not what I said. I did not address "feelings".

Civil marriage is a legally binding contract.

A religious ceremony is not.

That is simply a statement of fact and has nothing to do with how one feels about it.
So what are gay's after then, the legal binding part of it for their overall agenda, and not instead the true meaning of what it is to be married in the eyes of God ?
God speaks to you? Tells you the true meaning of all things? Or just the true meaning of what it is to be married in his eyes? Tell him I said hey next time you talk to him.
Cute, and hey you can deny all you want just like my dad did, but don't wait like he did until he was on his death bed to find God or to understand him, where as he (my dad) began to pray to him during his last days on this earth in the hospital, and all I can hope for is that his prayers were heard before he passed. The word is awesome powerful & merciful, and the consequences are real in proof there of for all to give witness to, yet denial and lies are increasingly rampant amongst the heathens who have somehow taken the high ground in these end times as it was written. Hollywood is highly instrumental along with government in destroying this nation now, and turning it into a nation of many serpents crawling along on their bellies everywhere they go anymore. You have been noted as defending the evil ones ways in this world, and so I just hope you get the chance to humble yourself, and to pray to the good Lord as my dad did before he left here or before you leave here as well one day.

Now your a logical man, but do you want to play the game as you are right on (or) will you allow your logic to be transformed into something more sensible, and this in order to be helpful instead of being hurtful while in the world ? Your choice.
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Denied, we have to give special privileges to people who, literally define themselves first by their sexuality?

How are two men, one who thinks he is a woman and uses his butt, his waste canal, a part of his body that is used to dispose of waste from the body, how is using the waste canal, the rectum as a sex organ, a defining characteristic to be a mother?

How is a man, that uses his rectum as a sex organ a defining characteristic of being a mother. I would say someone so broken-headed, wrong-thinking, needs a little different help, then lets say, the supreme court defining this man as MOM.

Yes, and I know your response will be most likely this is not about sex. Which means simply the Homosexual's and those who love them can not allow all the facts to be discussed in this debate.

If the Homosexuals and Activists can not control what is said, what is allowed into the debate, then they lose.

Do you know that some heterosexual couples practice anal sex?

Are they too "broken-headed" and "wrong-thinking" to be parents?

The heterosexual couples in your neighborhood that are telling everybody they are having Anal Sex are broken-headed.
And yet....people here seem to have the expectation that gay couples tell their kids about what kind of sex they are having.........:eusa_whistle:

:lmao: Gays don't need to talk to kids about what type of graphic sex they're having. They just take them to a pride parade and let it do the talking for them. Just ask Seawytch.

Here's your gay sex-ed, marching down main street, with nice kiddy-rainbow colors and streamers flying a matter of pride...hoping kiddies will be looking on...

Here's two dudes showing the kids how it's done:


Here's a guy and the crowd showing exactly what position the "bottom" takes during anal sex. The lesbians in the background are helping out by spelling it out for the kids with their signs.


And here's a man being quite helpful and honest showing kids about the basic mental stability of gay people and what happens when the anus is used too much as an artificial vagina. Anal leakage starts to happen. Or maye that's real from taking a pounding just before the parade?


Don't kid yourselves. Graphic gay sex education for kids and adults alike is in every town going on floats down main street. They are screaming for involuntary committment to a psyche ward. And here we are as a society, still slavish to being politically-correct to such a degree that we would place children in these homes before we frankly confronted what was going on right in front of our eyes.

Jake, do you approve of these actions as a matter of sober "pride" in public or not. And if not, how can we trust these people with orphaned children behind closed doors?
Your pictures are irrelevant. Here's a picture of a straight woman.


By your own reasoning, clearly, she is disgusting and perverse. She sings her music to children across the United States! Corrupting them! She is a heterosexual. Therefore, heterosexuals should not be allowed to marry. Because Miley Cyrus.

This one is even worse!

This heterosexual male is encouraging young boys to have anal sex with women! And the woman likes it! He isn't even wearing a shirt! Can we seriously allow heterosexual people to raise children and get married???

I can just as easily post pictures of straight people doing the same things you are harping on people at pride for doing. Yet they don't have any effect on whether or not straight people should be allowed to marry or adopt children. Do you see how idiotic your argument is yet?
It's all sinfulness or sin that is being ramped up all over the place, so how about one topic at a time or how about staying on topic ?
No. When the Shriners are holding a parade heterosexuals are not "expressing their sexuality." If a homosexual wants to join the Shriners and drive a fire truck, fine he can join the parade as a homosexual man driving a fire truck. To be homosexual doesn't not mean one has to celebrate perversity.

I'm not sure if you purposely misunderstood. I was talking about the group of young people at a concert or festival, expressing their sexuality. Would you be ok with gay people mixing in and expressing their sexuality?
How about everyone just cleaning up their act somehow, then there wouldn't be all these contentious issues that are always taking up to much of decent peoples lives any longer ? Fat chance that will be these days, but we all can still dream and then pray for better days to come can't we ?
It is propaganda to write, "They are bogus. They all have serious methodological flaws. They're propaganda" without any evidence of showing the methodological failures.

I took apart one study so that you liberals could understand how you're being played as patsies.
Then the link leads nowhere and no one needs to accept your nosnense.

OK, Sil done, Elketra done, Rik done, and Pop is finished in the other thread.

OK, we are done here. OP fail. Let's close it.
It is propaganda to write, "They are bogus. They all have serious methodological flaws. They're propaganda" without any evidence of showing the methodological failures.

I took apart one study so that you liberals could understand how you're being played as patsies.

They won't be satisfied until you debunk very last study. So long as there is some hope that the facts don't all run against them, they will cling to that hope.
Then the link leads nowhere and no one needs to accept your nosnense.

OK, Sil done, Elketra done, Rik done, and Pop is finished in the other thread.

OK, we are done here. OP fail. Let's close it.
elektra done?
quote and post, do not boast. without a quote you are a simple dope

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