Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Rage? ricechickie is demonstrating rage, repeatedly deflecting and distracting from all points made. Followed up by lots of Hate.

ricechickie, your bigotry is on display, go ahead and explain to everyone, my view of homosexuality.

Yes, I'm bigoted against bigots. I guess.

Why don't you explain a little more about how you view homosexuals? Let's make it plain.
Rage? ricechickie is demonstrating rage, repeatedly deflecting and distracting from all points made. Followed up by lots of Hate.

ricechickie, your bigotry is on display, go ahead and explain to everyone, my view of homosexuality.

Yes, I'm bigoted against bigots. I guess.

Why don't you explain a little more about how you view homosexuals? Let's make it plain.

I love homosexuals, what concern are my views, why not just address the posts instead of running further away?

A bigot would not know if they are speaking with a homosexual or not, so for this conversation I will come out of the closet just for you.
carmen, as in carmen elektra, you could even pm me for further proof that ricechickie is so bigoted, he/she does not know who he/she speaks with let alone knows anything having to do with homosexuality.


  • carmen.jpg
    15.6 KB · Views: 57
And you got upset when I implied you were a female (by virtue of having a husband).

By the way, your hair looks cheap, dear.
And you got upset when I implied you were a female (by virtue of having a husband).

By the way, your hair looks cheap, dear.
not as cheap as your flames

my dear, you mistake simple banter in the internet as being, "upset". I was laughing at your bigotry and ignorance. I found it astounding how you stereotype people unwittingly while in the same thought accusing others.
I guess peoples answer to the OP is;

Children are not part of the Conversation.

Homosexual Men Will Have The Right To Adopt 9 year old boys and have the right to teach them, Anal Sex.

That is the sentence the Homosexuals and the Homosexual Activists do not want spoken.

As 9 year old girls are adopted by heterosexual couples for abuse; yes, adults need to be scrutinized.

Yes, the picture above are mild compared to the heteroseuxal carnivals of Sao Paulo and New Orleans.

Another example of how when discussing Homosexual marriage, the conversation can not be about Homosexuals. The Homosexual Activist must dictate the conversation, if people are allowed, "right to free speech", within the Homosexual Marriage debate, the Homosexuals lose.

No, Elektra, when the issue involves both orientations and the issue of marriage, YOU WILL NEVER be allowed to deflect the conversation.

The issue is not homosexuals and child abuse, it is child abuse and all adults.

Got it now?
Yes sir! You and only you will do the Dictating and Deflecting.
not as cheap as your flames

my dear, you mistake simple banter in the internet as being, "upset". I was laughing at your bigotry and ignorance. I found it astounding how you stereotype people unwittingly while in the same thought accusing others.

I guess I stereotyped you, because I made certain assumptions.

I assumed you were female, because of your ID. I have apologized.

I assumed you were straight, because you believe that homosexuals will adopt children and teach them about homosexual sex. Then you said, if they didn't, they would be keeping secrets. Oh, and let's not forget that you put "family" in quotes, when referencing a homosexual-headed family.

Did I miss anything, elektra? Is there any way that I can assuage your hurt feelings?
not as cheap as your flames

my dear, you mistake simple banter in the internet as being, "upset". I was laughing at your bigotry and ignorance. I found it astounding how you stereotype people unwittingly while in the same thought accusing others.

I guess I stereotyped you, because I made certain assumptions.

I assumed you were female, because of your ID. I have apologized.

I assumed you were straight, because you believe that homosexuals will adopt children and teach them about homosexual sex. Then you said, if they didn't, they would be keeping secrets. Oh, and let's not forget that you put "family" in quotes, when referencing a homosexual-headed family.

Did I miss anything, elektra? Is there any way that I can assuage your hurt feelings?
You missed that you are the bigot, that you have not addressed my post, that you choose to use information I share to demean and flame.

ricechickie missed that its the bigot that does everything ricechickie did, the bigot does not ever realize, one is a bigot, hence they never admit it. The Bigot has no voice in this conversation, but ricechickie will continue.

ricechickie, I am not the issue, and no matter how many times you post that I am, I will never become the issue, I am just another inconvenient truth bigots can not contend with, mentally. It upsets ricechickie, as ricechickie's posts validate.

ricechickie is the issue, ricechickie is the bigot attempting to dictate what can be said, and who is valid stating such.
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So what are gay's after then, the legal binding part of it for their overall agenda, and not instead the true meaning of what it is to be married in the eyes of God ?

I am not married in the eyes of God. Mainly because I don't believe in Him.

You don't believe in him eh ? That explains a lot when one thinks about it... To teach the children to sin however, will be that a person who does such a thing, it is that it would be better for them to hang a talent around thy neck, and to cast thyself into the deepest depths of the ocean as according to the word. Even then they will not be able to hide themselves from God's judgement come that day. Teaching children in the way of God as it has been written about these things is not bad teaching at all, but to stray from that understanding as was written unto us is just pure SIN is what that is. Consequences shall come from ones actions in life, and it does everyday, but those who have strayed now help to comfort those who are beginning to stray or will stray in the hopes to multiply in these ways. They begin teaching and living this lie, and many of them know the lie in which they are living, but they would rather continue the lie and the promotion there of because misery loves company always you see, and they want all the company they can get no matter how much the lie has to be justified in their minds in order to get the numbers up as is needed.
You missed that you are the bigot, that you have not addressed my post, that you choose to use information I share to demean and flame.

ricechickie missed that its the bigot that does everything ricechickie did, the bigot does not ever realize, one is a bigot, hence they never admit it. The Bigot has no voice in this conversation, but ricechickie will continue.

ricechickie, I am not the issue, and no matter how many times you post that I am, I will never become the issue, I am just another inconvenient truth bigots can not contend with, mentally. It upsets ricechickie, as ricechickie's posts validate.

ricechickie is the issue, ricechickie is the bigot attempting to dictate what can be said, and who is valid stating such.

Yeah, you also wrote that as a heterosexual, you teach your kids about sex making babies.

WTF, dude?
You missed that you are the bigot, that you have not addressed my post, that you choose to use information I share to demean and flame.

ricechickie missed that its the bigot that does everything ricechickie did, the bigot does not ever realize, one is a bigot, hence they never admit it. The Bigot has no voice in this conversation, but ricechickie will continue.

ricechickie, I am not the issue, and no matter how many times you post that I am, I will never become the issue, I am just another inconvenient truth bigots can not contend with, mentally. It upsets ricechickie, as ricechickie's posts validate.

ricechickie is the issue, ricechickie is the bigot attempting to dictate what can be said, and who is valid stating such.

Yeah, you also wrote that as a heterosexual, you teach your kids about sex making babies.

WTF, dude?
This is not about me, as much as you wish it to be, I am done with your petty tit for no tat, flame war. I will not be part of your distraction which simply derails the thread and buries posts of relevant content.

go ahead, post again so we can all see how the bigot is petty, a distraction, fails to even address the original post.

there is no debating a bigot, its simply I must suffer all the demeaning comments, the use of personal information as a weapon against said target. I kind of know how the Jews felt, except I do need not worry nor suffer death at the hands of this bigot.

Go ahead, ricechickie, take the last shot, this was mine, I do not pretend to be above the fray, so go ahead, here is mine, take yours.

ricechickies flames seem to be typed with weak wrists, anyone else notice that?
Marriage between a man and woman regardless of their color is not the same thing as gay marriage at all, as it (marriage between a man and a woman) is sanctioned by God as was exampled in the case with Moses when Miriam and Antioch (I think) spoke against Moses marriage, and God punished them for speaking against Moses in this way . Nice try though..

Marriage may have begun as a religious construct, but it is now also a civil construct, separate from religion, sanctioned by government.

Maybe that's the problem. Maybe we should do away with the government-given perks of marriage, and simply let it be a private ceremony. Anyone can marry anyone, and the law won't touch it.

Otherwise, it's discriminatory to prevent gay people from marrying the person of their choice, just like anti-miscegenation laws were discriminatory to prevent the same thing.

Can I marry my mother? That meets your criteria - person of choice. Can I marry my daughter? She too meets your criteria.
Can I marry my mother? That meets your criteria - person of choice. Can I marry my daughter? She too meets your criteria.

Actually, I'm beginning to not give a shit who anyone marries, as long as they're consenting adults.

However, I'm not the one equating homosexuality with incest. Let's just be clear.
Can I marry my mother? That meets your criteria - person of choice. Can I marry my daughter? She too meets your criteria.

Actually, I'm beginning to not give a shit who anyone marries, as long as they're consenting adults.

However, I'm not the one equating homosexuality with incest. Let's just be clear.

And there you identify the primary driver of "support" for homosexual "marriage" - political fatigue and people withdrawing from shaping society.
And there you identify the primary driver of "support" for homosexual "marriage" - political fatigue and people withdrawing from shaping society.

No. It's the idea that we can't stop consenting adults from doing what they want. Even if you can't marry your mother, that doesn't mean that you can't have sex with her.
I guess peoples answer to the OP is;

Children are not part of the Conversation.

Homosexual Men Will Have The Right To Adopt 9 year old boys and have the right to teach them, Anal Sex.

That is the sentence the Homosexuals and the Homosexual Activists do not want spoken.

As 9 year old girls are adopted by heterosexual couples for abuse; yes, adults need to be scrutinized.

Yes, the picture above are mild compared to the heteroseuxal carnivals of Sao Paulo and New Orleans.

Another example of how when discussing Homosexual marriage, the conversation can not be about Homosexuals. The Homosexual Activist must dictate the conversation, if people are allowed, "right to free speech", within the Homosexual Marriage debate, the Homosexuals lose.

No, Elektra, when the issue involves both orientations and the issue of marriage, YOU WILL NEVER be allowed to deflect the conversation.

The issue is not homosexuals and child abuse, it is child abuse and all adults.

Got it now?
Yes sir! You and only you will do the Dictating and Deflecting.

Debate all you want, my deart I will call you out when you try to deflect and apply deceit to cover the fllacy in your argument..

When the issue is children at risk by adults, when those heterosexual abusers are far greater in numbers than homosexual abusers, you bring into question the problem of adoption by predators.

That's where your deflection on this issue is always going to return.
The far right always have hated civil liberties, particularly those of minorities..

No wonder the minorities as a group are beginning slowly to take control of this country.
I guess peoples answer to the OP is;

Children are not part of the Conversation.

Homosexual Men Will Have The Right To Adopt 9 year old boys and have the right to teach them, Anal Sex.

That is the sentence the Homosexuals and the Homosexual Activists do not want spoken.
You need to get help.
I posted once a picture of a gay pride parade in San Francisco showing a dozen or so old gross pedophile naked men marching in black socks [that's all they wore] with a heavily pregenant lesbian by their side in full bravado. Though this occured down a public thoroughfare in the full presence of people of all ages, including children, USMB would now allow me to post it here. And USMB is pretty tolerant. Probably the best on the net IMHO.
Why don't you just leave and take your homophobic bigoted bile, lies, and accusations that gays are pedophiles with you.
Marriage between a man and woman regardless of their color is not the same thing as gay marriage at all, as it (marriage between a man and a woman) is sanctioned by God as was exampled in the case with Moses when Miriam and Antioch (I think) spoke against Moses marriage, and God punished them for speaking against Moses in this way . Nice try though..

Marriage may have begun as a religious construct, but it is now also a civil construct, separate from religion, sanctioned by government.

Maybe that's the problem. Maybe we should do away with the government-given perks of marriage, and simply let it be a private ceremony. Anyone can marry anyone, and the law won't touch it.

Otherwise, it's discriminatory to prevent gay people from marrying the person of their choice, just like anti-miscegenation laws were discriminatory to prevent the same thing.
Not really, the marriage license is not the same thing as the religious construct. You don't need religion to get a marriage license, and you don't necessarily need a marriage license to get a religious marriage. They really are two separate things. Granted, a lot of folk get confused about the two topics and often use the terms interchangeably.

But, the religious ceremony is just for show. Only the civil contract is legally binding.

My church marriage meant and still means more to me than the license. So, I guess it depends on what is more important to you. I could give a shit if govco tossed my license, my wife and I would still consider ourselves married.

That's not what I said. I did not address "feelings".

Civil marriage is a legally binding contract.

A religious ceremony is not.

That is simply a statement of fact and has nothing to do with how one feels about it.
So what are gay's after then, the legal binding part of it for their overall agenda, and not instead the true meaning of what it is to be married in the eyes of God ?
God speaks to you? Tells you the true meaning of all things? Or just the true meaning of what it is to be married in his eyes? Tell him I said hey next time you talk to him.

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