Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.

Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his hatred of gays fits right into his "Gospel of Conservatism" religion.

Opposition to gay marriage doesn't equate to hatred of gays. Although you do find them rather irritating after being exposed to their irrationality on this forum ad nauseum.
The origins of which, civil or religious? How are the origins relevant to the discussion?

The discussion is about why marriage exists. That goes right to the subject of origins.

except marriage doesn't exist for procreation.

That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then show us the state laws...any state law...on marriage that requires procreation.

The absence of such laws doesn't disprove my contention. Are their any state laws that require you to use your driver's license to drive?
That would depend on what you are driving and where you are driving it. You can drive a bike in your back yard without a license in all 57 states.
Those are the first court cases regarding marriage. Marriage has existed for thousands of years. Court cases in the United States don't prove a thing about the origins of marriage.

The origins of which, civil or religious? How are the origins relevant to the discussion?

The discussion is about why marriage exists. That goes right to the subject of origins.

except marriage doesn't exist for procreation.

That's the only reason marriage exists.

that's absurd and made up by the voices in your head

No, logic and historical facts tell me that. To believe that reproduction has nothing to do with marriage is what requires true insanity.
The discussion is about why marriage exists. That goes right to the subject of origins.

except marriage doesn't exist for procreation.

That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then show us the state laws...any state law...on marriage that requires procreation.

The absence of such laws doesn't disprove my contention. Are their any state laws that require you to use your driver's license to drive?
That would depend on what you are driving and where you are driving it. You can drive a bike in your back yard without a license in all 57 states.

Apparently you didn't read my post very carefully. Does a driver's license require you to drive?
I'm sure that when gays get married they discuss children......same as any other married couple
There's been an increase in HIV among younger demographics because HIV is no longer a death sentence and the younger generation did not experience the horror of the AIDS epidemic. This has led to more careless behavior. Not that hard to understand.

Oh, and like procreation, HIV status is irrelevant to who can marry.

I was an early teen in the 90's and the papers were littered with stories concerning AIDS. It had me frightened and I choose not participate in risky sexual behavior as a result. The hook-up culture of today's youth were not as exposed to such horrors. And you're correct, AIDS is a far more manageable nowadays.
The discussion is about why marriage exists. That goes right to the subject of origins.

except marriage doesn't exist for procreation.

That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.

Agreed. Grampa Murked U, this isn't a discussion about what two dudes do behind closed doors. Marriage is a society's business precisely because it is the one institution that stands to affect all children the most of any of our institutions...natural born to couples and orphans. It is particularly the orphans case we are focusing on here. A society can be judged on how it treats its women and orphans.

Perhaps pictures can explain what I cannot get through to some people here...

Here's a group of kids who were not just brought to a gay pride parade, they participated in it!


Here's what went on:
CA Teachers Take Elementary Students to “Gay Pride” Parade
...Hartline says last year the not-for-profit San Diego Pride organization was under investigation for employing numerous pedophiles as volunteers and staff during its yearly parade and festival. He believes these pro-homosexual events are generally pornographic and that they are frequented by militant sodomites.
This is evidenced, the Christian activist says, “by the numerous triple-X porn companies that have vendors [at the San Diego Pride events], the distribution of condoms and sexual lubricants, and also just the really perverted sex classes that go on to teach people about S&M sex.”
For example, Hartline recalls, the San Diego Pride organizers had a tent exhibit this year called ‘the Leather Room.’ In this tent, he says, “they actually were demonstrating piercings and other really grotesque types of sado-masochism.”
Hartline says he feels the teachers with the San Diego Cooperative Charter School exhibited “gross disregard for the safety of children” when they brought students to the city’s 2006 “gay pride” parade. The charter school is a K-8 institution in the San Diego Unified School District, and he believes the teachers had no business bringing young children into such a depraved and pornographic environment. CA Teachers Take Elementary Students to 8220 Gay Pride 8221 Parade Family Policy Network

In addition to the leather S&M booth and tons of other sexually explicit displays on the sidelines, here are examples of what those kids were almost certainly exposed to, or worse, "as a matter of LGBT pride"...



Clearly this gay marriage debate isn't about what two dudes do in their bedroom behind closed doors... This is a debate about what is good for society's children. We are all their caretakers and watchers. All manners of horrors and abuse can and do occur to our nation's most vulnerable. When we are given a metric ton of red flags about a given subculture with respect to what they're "proud" of doing in front of kids on main street in a parade, we are all mandated to act in anticipation of what certainly will be waiting for them behind closed doors...

Let gays do whatever they want on their own time. Just don't let it involve any capacity.....
except marriage doesn't exist for procreation.

That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

Fertility is only an issue between opposite sex couples.
except marriage doesn't exist for procreation.

That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

The issue is REPRODUCTION, not fertility. The numbskulls on your side of the dispute are the ones trying to make fertility an issue.
That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

Fertility is only an issue between opposite sex couples.

Makes the two demographic groups quite different.
I'm sure that when gays get married they discuss children......same as any other married couple

That would be absurd, I can't imagine two gay men considering death from childbirth.

Are you mad?

Why would two gay men be concerned about dying in childbirth? Doesn't stop them from dicussing having children

Are you mad?
That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

Fertility is only an issue between opposite sex couples.

Not exactly. Fertility is an issue for those that wish use a surrogate but use their own sperm so they can biological related. It's also an issue for women that wish to be fertilized via en vitro.
I'm sure that when gays get married they discuss children......same as any other married couple

That would be absurd, I can't imagine two gay men considering death from childbirth.

Are you mad?

Why would two gay men be concerned about dying in childbirth? Doesn't stop them from dicussing having children

Are you mad?

Thank you for proving my point

They don't discuss children in the same manner. Only male/female coupling create the condition known as pregnancy from which death is a possibility.

If you don't agree, then yes, you are mad
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

Fertility is only an issue between opposite sex couples.

Not exactly. Fertility is an issue for those that wish use a surrogate but use their own sperm so they can biological related. It's also an issue for women that wish to be fertilized via en vitro.

Lol, name one same sex couple that have had a child that shares the couples DNA.

Just one
That's the only reason marriage exists.
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

The issue is REPRODUCTION, not fertility. The numbskulls on your side of the dispute are the ones trying to make fertility an issue.

Reproduction isn't a requirement to get married. Your side wishes it to be but only for gay couples seeking to get married. They never apply those same standards to straight couples. Why is that?
Really? Then why can heterosexual couples with no ability to procreate marry? Oh yeah. Because procreation is irrelevant to who can marry.

It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

The issue is REPRODUCTION, not fertility. The numbskulls on your side of the dispute are the ones trying to make fertility an issue.

Reproduction isn't a requirement to get married. Your side wishes it to be but only for gay couples seeking to get married. They never apply those same standards to straight couples. Why is that?

If the fact that same sex couple can't reproduce due to a disability?
It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

Fertility is only an issue between opposite sex couples.

Not exactly. Fertility is an issue for those that wish use a surrogate but use their own sperm so they can biological related. It's also an issue for women that wish to be fertilized via en vitro.

Lol, name one same sex couple that have had a child that shares the couples DNA.

Just one

I can't. Besides I never made that claim, you did. One parent can share the DNA of their children via surrogates or en vitro. It isn't that hard to understand.
It's because they didn't have fertility tests when the marriage laws were originally written, numbskull. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't have thought it worth the trouble to make an exception.

Your anal obsession with infertility only makes you look ridiculous.

I think you're the one obsessed with fertility since you seem to believe that's the only reason for marriage when you know it isn't. You also know that no one is prevented from civilly marrying if they are unable or unwilling to procreate so why keep bringing it up as though it matters?

They are running out of arguments so they are clinging to this fertility nonsense. It's being laughed out of almost every courtroom I might add.

The issue is REPRODUCTION, not fertility. The numbskulls on your side of the dispute are the ones trying to make fertility an issue.

Reproduction isn't a requirement to get married. Your side wishes it to be but only for gay couples seeking to get married. They never apply those same standards to straight couples. Why is that?

If the fact that same sex couple can't reproduce due to a disability?

Could you clarify your question a bit? I want give you an answer but I am not sure what you're asking me. :)

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