Are Democrats negotiating on behalf of illegal aliens while leveraging the American people?

Is it possible that Mexican cartel money can or is finding it's way to politician who support Open Borders and/or are against a wall and tighter borders? They bribed the former President of Mexico to the tune of $100M, nothing is out of the realm of possibility.

If that happened it would destroy that politician and create the narrative of the century for Trump.
Its not only possible, that is a reality. Mexican Drug Cartels are involved heavily in the clothing industry, and purchase massive amounts of clothing from China and then redistribute the clothing to places like Wallmart, and then launder drug money through their clothing shell corporations. Los Angelos, Chicago, Seattle New York are their major areas they do this.

They also launder money through Banks and Construction Equipment sales and a whole host of other methods.

Schummer and Pelosi both take money from these industries.

How the Sinaloa cartel reportedly laundered drug money with clothing and footwear

These are the 2 classic ways Mexican cartels launder money

What would the name of the shell corporation be?
Are they saying...”Sorry but that deal is not good enough for Mexico so just keep Americans out of work and without government services.”
Is there any other way to spin it?
Stop and think about that for a minute...Are people not understanding this? Is the magnitude of this simply not resonating with you?

The REAL issue boils down to this:

Both sides say we need immigration overhaul. So let’s do it .

Both sides want more control over you on the pretext of "border security" when the border is sufficiently secure. Oh, no wait.... here it comes - There is 50 million "illegals" over-running our country.

Do those of you doing the wall worship thing really believe that horseshit OR are you here every day creating new threads, trying to convince yourselves?
There are thousands of children being held in tent camps along the Texas/Mexico border. A spokesperson said that it will be almost impossible to unite these kids with their parents.

How expensive would it be to get the DNA from these children and then match it with mothers and fathers who claim their child had been detained by border police?

Are they saying...”Sorry but that deal is not good enough for Mexico so just keep Americans out of work and without government services.”
Is there any other way to spin it?
Stop and think about that for a minute...Are people not understanding this? Is the magnitude of this simply not resonating with you?

The Democrats are on the cartel payroll. The cartels are effectively at the table.

There are thousands of children being held in tent camps along the Texas/Mexico border. A spokesperson said that it will be almost impossible to unite these kids with their parents.

How expensive would it be to get the DNA from these children and then match it with mothers and fathers who claim their child had been detained by border police?


Sounds like a national emergency to me.

Yes and The Democrat Party is taking money from Cartel Shell corporations as well as from immigration Lawyer PACs and Islamic groups that are pro open borders.
America jobs for Americans not immigrants. The Democrats have forgotten which team they are supposed to be on.
They’re waiting for the check from Mexico to pay for the wall. As we all are.

When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.

How will the wall transfer money from the Mexican Federal Treasury into the US Treasury Dept. An example please.

LefTard Logic:
“Things can only pay for themselves when cash is transferred from one account to another and X thing is the cause of said transfer.”

Well, that is how transactions work. But you are free to believe otherwise. I’m sure the folks who were hung out to dry by Trump’s multiple bankruptcies believed the same thing too.

Huh? Don't recall anyone saying there would be a transaction. How about a little analogy, if minimum wage goes to $15/hour, who do you feel is really going to be paying for it? The company?
Mexico is paying Pelosi to not build the wall. She and the Dems have been financed by La Raza and drug cartels for a long time now.

If Nancy would just donate all the money she has received from Mexico and pro-illegal immigration groups, then Mexico would be paying for the wall directly.
Very little is ever said about la Raza
They’re waiting for the check from Mexico to pay for the wall. As we all are.

When Trump said “Mexico would pay for the Wall” did you think that meant a super shithole, Mexico would cut us a $16B check?
The LefTarded love to pretend that who pays for the Wall matters while all capable of third grade level arithmetic know the Wall pays for itself.

How will the wall transfer money from the Mexican Federal Treasury into the US Treasury Dept. An example please.

LefTard Logic:
“Things can only pay for themselves when cash is transferred from one account to another and X thing is the cause of said transfer.”

Well, that is how transactions work. But you are free to believe otherwise. I’m sure the folks who were hung out to dry by Trump’s multiple bankruptcies believed the same thing too.

Huh? Don't recall anyone saying there would be a transaction.
Oh…okay. I guess whoever is going to build the wall will be doing it for free?

How about a little analogy, if minimum wage goes to $15/hour, who do you feel is really going to be paying for it? The company?

That’s a question, not an analogy. But here is the answer.

Either the business owner raises the prices or absorbs a lower profit margin.

My turn:

If the DoD and VA are funded at $200M in 2019 and in 2020, the DoD is funded at $220M and the VA is funded at $180M, does the mean that the veterans themselves are buying $20M worth of tanks, airplanes, uniforms etc… for the military?
Are they saying...”Sorry but that deal is not good enough for Mexico so just keep Americans out of work and without government services.”
Is there any other way to spin it?
Stop and think about that for a minute...Are people not understanding this? Is the magnitude of this simply not resonating with you?

A negotiation cannot take place under these conditions. All Trump has done with this "deal" is threaten a bunch of people who are American in all but name and never hurt anyone. He's a low down evil piece of filth, no wonder you all worship him.

Bull shit. Do you even work for a living? You must live in Kansas or Maine. What a stupid thing to say. If they are so American, have them come live with you.

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