Are Democrats negotiating on behalf of illegal aliens while leveraging the American people?

Why did he say it if he didn't mean it?
At first, I thought you and others we're deliberately being obtuse and smart-ass about the whole "Mexico will pay for it" thing.

But, on further reflection, I can see how you are right to hold firm. I am beginning come around on FORCING Trump to keep his word in making Mexico pay for it.

It is for this reason that I believe Trump should immediately take action.

He should immediately declare a war-powers emergency, gather the entirety of all U.S. Armed Forces and National Guard, invade Mexico, KICK THE MOTHERFUCK SHIT out of anyone who dares to oppose our forces, pilfer and plunder THE FUCK out of that Goddamned shithole, enslave millions of Mexicans, use the spoils for the cost of materials, and force the Mexican slaves to build it.

I am all in.

Let's do this.

Let's make Mexico pay DEARLY.

Why did he say it if he didn't mean it?
At first, I thought you and others we're deliberately being obtuse and smart-ass about the whole "Mexico will pay for it" thing.

But, on further reflection, I can see how you are right to hold firm. I am beginning come around on FORCING Trump to keep his word in making Mexico pay for it.

It is for this reason that I believe Trump should immediately take action.

He should immediately declare a war-powers emergency, gather the entirety of all U.S. Armed Forces and National Guard, invade Mexico, KICK THE MOTHERFUCK SHIT out of anyone who dares to oppose our forces, pilfer and plunder THE FUCK out of that Goddamned shithole, enslave millions of Mexicans, use the spoils for the cost of materials, and force the Mexican slaves to build it.

I am all in.

Let's do this.

Let's make Mexico pay DEARLY.


Definitely the best post of the day.
They’re waiting for the check from Mexico to pay for the wall. As we all are.

The Pelosi - Schumer shutdown has already cost more than Trump wanted for the wall. The next shut down will cost more. Explain why it's so important for liberals NOT to have a wall, Candy! I want to hear a rational argument for why we shouldn't have a secure border.

No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

Have you been to an Emergency Care room at any hospital lately, Candy? If you'll find it crowded...and you'll hear a lot of Spanish being spoken! You want to know why our healthcare costs are so astronomical? We're having to absorb the costs of people who pay nothing for their healthcare.

The second huge cost that we have to foot is education for the children of illegals and food stamps for them.
They’re waiting for the check from Mexico to pay for the wall. As we all are.

The Pelosi - Schumer shutdown has already cost more than Trump wanted for the wall. The next shut down will cost more. Explain why it's so important for liberals NOT to have a wall, Candy! I want to hear a rational argument for why we shouldn't have a secure border.

No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

As for who REALLY shut down the government and why? Democrats in the past have supported a stronger border. So why don't they now? It's obvious that they view illegals as a source of political power for them and a way to change States that they never could win into States that they control.
Are they saying...”Sorry but that deal is not good enough for Mexico so just keep Americans out of work and without government services.”
Is there any other way to spin it?
Stop and think about that for a minute...Are people not understanding this? Is the magnitude of this simply not resonating with you?

You don't understand. AOC says that America stole land from those down South, so they are entitled to US land and jobs and so what if they murder and kill, that is no reason to have ICE lock them up.
They’re waiting for the check from Mexico to pay for the wall. As we all are.

The Pelosi - Schumer shutdown has already cost more than Trump wanted for the wall. The next shut down will cost more. Explain why it's so important for liberals NOT to have a wall, Candy! I want to hear a rational argument for why we shouldn't have a secure border.

No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

Have you been to an Emergency Care room at any hospital lately, Candy?
My office is about 20 feet from one. LOL
If you'll find it crowded…
False for the most part.

and you'll hear a lot of Spanish being spoken!
And this frightens you how?

You want to know why our healthcare costs are so astronomical?
No, I know why it is. Defensive medicine is the biggest single culprit. Malpractice insurance for the hospital and the practitioners is another. Allied to that is that insurance is an ATM machine for the hospitals. And finally, fewer people take care of themselves with preventative care and they only see a medical professional when they are in the need of acute care that requires procedures where diet, drug therapy, and exercise could have taken its place.

We're having to absorb the costs of people who pay nothing for their healthcare.
If only we had a president that required people to purchase insurance on their own instead of showing up at County General.

The second huge cost that we have to foot is education for the children of illegals and food stamps for them.

Its a huge cost.
They’re waiting for the check from Mexico to pay for the wall. As we all are.

The Pelosi - Schumer shutdown has already cost more than Trump wanted for the wall. The next shut down will cost more. Explain why it's so important for liberals NOT to have a wall, Candy! I want to hear a rational argument for why we shouldn't have a secure border.

No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

As for who REALLY shut down the government and why? Democrats in the past have supported a stronger border. So why don't they now? It's obvious that they view illegals as a source of political power for them and a way to change States that they never could win into States that they control.

It was Trump.

The Pelosi - Schumer shutdown has already cost more than Trump wanted for the wall. The next shut down will cost more. Explain why it's so important for liberals NOT to have a wall, Candy! I want to hear a rational argument for why we shouldn't have a secure border.

No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

As for who REALLY shut down the government and why? Democrats in the past have supported a stronger border. So why don't they now? It's obvious that they view illegals as a source of political power for them and a way to change States that they never could win into States that they control.

It was Trump.

Like I said, I think we should hold Trump to his word and demand that he use emergency war powers to invade Mexico, fuck them up the ass, take all their money to build the wall, and leave the place burning.


No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

As for who REALLY shut down the government and why? Democrats in the past have supported a stronger border. So why don't they now? It's obvious that they view illegals as a source of political power for them and a way to change States that they never could win into States that they control.

It was Trump.

Like I said, I think we should hold Trump to his word and demand that he use emergency war powers to invade Mexico, fuck them up the ass, take all their money to build the wall, and leave the place burning.



Another dumb idea.
The Pelosi - Schumer shutdown has already cost more than Trump wanted for the wall. The next shut down will cost more. Explain why it's so important for liberals NOT to have a wall, Candy! I want to hear a rational argument for why we shouldn't have a secure border.

No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

Have you been to an Emergency Care room at any hospital lately, Candy?
My office is about 20 feet from one. LOL
If you'll find it crowded…
False for the most part.

and you'll hear a lot of Spanish being spoken!
And this frightens you how?

You want to know why our healthcare costs are so astronomical?
No, I know why it is. Defensive medicine is the biggest single culprit. Malpractice insurance for the hospital and the practitioners is another. Allied to that is that insurance is an ATM machine for the hospitals. And finally, fewer people take care of themselves with preventative care and they only see a medical professional when they are in the need of acute care that requires procedures where diet, drug therapy, and exercise could have taken its place.

We're having to absorb the costs of people who pay nothing for their healthcare.
If only we had a president that required people to purchase insurance on their own instead of showing up at County General.

The second huge cost that we have to foot is education for the children of illegals and food stamps for them.

Its a huge cost.

Your emergency room isn't crowded, Candy? I haven't been to one in ten years that wasn't packed with people. Has anyone else here seen an empty ER? Gee, Candy...are you trying to bullshit me! (eye roll)
No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

Have you been to an Emergency Care room at any hospital lately, Candy?
My office is about 20 feet from one. LOL
If you'll find it crowded…
False for the most part.

and you'll hear a lot of Spanish being spoken!
And this frightens you how?

You want to know why our healthcare costs are so astronomical?
No, I know why it is. Defensive medicine is the biggest single culprit. Malpractice insurance for the hospital and the practitioners is another. Allied to that is that insurance is an ATM machine for the hospitals. And finally, fewer people take care of themselves with preventative care and they only see a medical professional when they are in the need of acute care that requires procedures where diet, drug therapy, and exercise could have taken its place.

We're having to absorb the costs of people who pay nothing for their healthcare.
If only we had a president that required people to purchase insurance on their own instead of showing up at County General.

The second huge cost that we have to foot is education for the children of illegals and food stamps for them.

Its a huge cost.

Your emergency room isn't crowded, Candy? I haven't been to one in ten years that wasn't packed with people. Has anyone else here seen an empty ER? Gee, Candy...are you trying to bullshit me! (eye roll)

Not only can you bank on a nine hour wait in any ER here in Mexifornia but a real American will feel like a complete foreigner on his own soil...there will NOBODY there speaking English...guaranteed.
The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

Have you been to an Emergency Care room at any hospital lately, Candy?
My office is about 20 feet from one. LOL
If you'll find it crowded…
False for the most part.

and you'll hear a lot of Spanish being spoken!
And this frightens you how?

You want to know why our healthcare costs are so astronomical?
No, I know why it is. Defensive medicine is the biggest single culprit. Malpractice insurance for the hospital and the practitioners is another. Allied to that is that insurance is an ATM machine for the hospitals. And finally, fewer people take care of themselves with preventative care and they only see a medical professional when they are in the need of acute care that requires procedures where diet, drug therapy, and exercise could have taken its place.

We're having to absorb the costs of people who pay nothing for their healthcare.
If only we had a president that required people to purchase insurance on their own instead of showing up at County General.

The second huge cost that we have to foot is education for the children of illegals and food stamps for them.

Its a huge cost.

Your emergency room isn't crowded, Candy? I haven't been to one in ten years that wasn't packed with people. Has anyone else here seen an empty ER? Gee, Candy...are you trying to bullshit me! (eye roll)

Not only can you bank on a nine hour wait in any ER here in Mexifornia but a real American will feel like a complete foreigner on his own soil...there will NOBODY there speaking English...guaranteed.

Thoughts and prayers>>> LOL
No. Trump shut down the government.

The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration. A). Most who are here, immigrated legally and overstayed their visas. B). Those who will be delayed by the wall will find another route.
C). If you framed the wall as what it actually should be, a national security issue and not an immigration issue (and no, the two arguments are different), you probably would get more traction than the blob did by making it a race/nationalist issue. Mexico isn’t ‘sending’ anyone up here so saying that they are sending rapists was not the way to go. Saying they would pay for it was a lie that you guys believe to this day. But if you had phrased it in the simple terms of someone building a bomb in their nation and driving it over into ours and sold it that way…perhaps we could have avoided this charade of “they’re invading us” and the other nonsense you guys spout daily.

The fact that we're overrun with illegal aliens is a "charade", Candy? We've literally got millions of illegals in this country and it's costing us billions of dollars each and every year. How is THAT a charade?
We’ve had largely the same situation on the border since around 1960. To say you’re suddenly “over run” is a false statement. As for costing us billions of dollars, if you use the oft-repeated figure of 20M illegal aliens here, you’re saying that every one of them consumes $6,500 of goods and services per year if we spend the reported $130B a year. What is logical is that those who are eligible for more will consume more. That would mean that you and your neighbors both consume at least that amount.

Do you think you consume $6,500 of goods and services per year? That is what you’re saying about illegals.

Please…itemize where you think they are getting $6,500 per person.

Pelosi and Schumer shut down the government because they wouldn't budge on money for the wall even when Trump gave them what Democrats have been asking for with the DACA kids for a decade!
No. Trump shut down the government. He said he was going to do it. The charade you keep repeating makes you look incredibly uninformed.

So let me get this straight...if Trump had made this a national security issue you'd be OK with a wall?
Yep. Within reason of course.

I hate to say this, Candy...but I think we both know that you're lying to me when you make that claim!

Whats the big idea?

There is only one reason why liberals like Pelosi and Schumer don't want a secure border. They want more Hispanics to enter the country because they feel like those illegals will at some point become voters.

Pure garbage.

I doubt they care about letting more people in anymore than Trump really cares about keeping people out. What Chuck and Nancy and your blob want is to fire up useful idiots like yourself one way or the other. Like a good little poodle, you do what your master tells you to do.

Have you been to an Emergency Care room at any hospital lately, Candy?
My office is about 20 feet from one. LOL
If you'll find it crowded…
False for the most part.

and you'll hear a lot of Spanish being spoken!
And this frightens you how?

You want to know why our healthcare costs are so astronomical?
No, I know why it is. Defensive medicine is the biggest single culprit. Malpractice insurance for the hospital and the practitioners is another. Allied to that is that insurance is an ATM machine for the hospitals. And finally, fewer people take care of themselves with preventative care and they only see a medical professional when they are in the need of acute care that requires procedures where diet, drug therapy, and exercise could have taken its place.

We're having to absorb the costs of people who pay nothing for their healthcare.
If only we had a president that required people to purchase insurance on their own instead of showing up at County General.

The second huge cost that we have to foot is education for the children of illegals and food stamps for them.

Its a huge cost.

Your emergency room isn't crowded, Candy?
We have peak times. I think our last census was something like 17 people in our 24 bed ER.
We're pretty good at "up or out"

I haven't been to one in ten years that wasn't packed with people. Has anyone else here seen an empty ER? Gee, Candy...are you trying to bullshit me! (eye roll)

Perhaps you should purchase some insurance and stop going to County General? Just throwing that out there.
Another dumb idea.
So, you think we should go ahead and pay for it, then?

I agree.

If you want something, you should pay for it. Put a budget together that allocates monies for programs and then have votes in both houses of congress, assign conferees to hammer out differences, pass a bill and send it to the President. Stop carrying the President's water for him and make him sign or veto a bill. Congress is supposed to be an equal partner to the President. They act like they take orders from him.

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