Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Ohhh. So Jesus told them to cope with OCCUPATION???🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Did you become DEMENTED in later life or were you BORN that way??? ASSHOLE ✡️😆

Yes, stupid . Read the sermon on the mount. It's all about Roman law and occupation. Don't you have any education?
Yes, stupid . Read the sermon on the mount. It's all about Roman law and occupation. Don't you have any education?
Yes, ASSHOLE, I do. Just think it’s IRONIC that the Jews were supposed to accept being “ occupied “ while everyone is condemning the Israelis for “ occupation “ Go back to your senile dementia , please 🇮🇱
Yes, stupid . Read the sermon on the mount. It's all about Roman law and occupation. Don't you have any education?
The problem with that argument is that Jesus was describing successful behaviors which work for all situations, even occupation by foreigners. I think the connection to Roman occupation is happenstance.
The problem with that argument is that Jesus was describing successful behaviors which work for all situations, even occupation by foreigners. I think the connection to Roman occupation is happenstance.

not really a problem -

that generalization does not negate what jesus taught and those that gave their lives in the 1st century - was the repudiation of judaism and their false commandments ...

done so for future posterity, at least the attempt to do so - the current events in the middleast confirms their goal.
not really a problem -

that generalization does not negate what jesus taught and those that gave their lives in the 1st century - was the repudiation of judaism and their false commandments ...

done so for future posterity, at least the attempt to do so - the current events in the middleast confirms their goal.
Then it shouldn't be hard for you to prove Jesus was a political activist from his words. When I read his words I don't get political activism from them.
The problem with that argument is that Jesus was describing successful behaviors which work for all situations, even occupation by foreigners. I think the connection to Roman occupation is happenstance.
My point was that
The problem with that argument is that Jesus was describing successful behaviors which work for all situations, even occupation by foreigners. I think the connection to Roman occupation is happenstance.
That was my point! She’s for “ occupation “ of the Jews by the Romans because it was “. Beneficial?” Her ignorance and bigotry has been exposed again
My point was that

That was my point! She’s for “ occupation “ of the Jews by the Romans because it was “. Beneficial?” Her ignorance and bigotry has been exposed again
I think she's more about disproving the narrative of Jesus, but you may be right. Either way, I don't it supports what's happening today.
Then it shouldn't be hard for you to prove Jesus was a political activist from his words. When I read his words I don't get political activism from them.

that is you, a jew ...

who tries to blame the romans for your crime - than the 1st century events, the repudiation of judaism, their false commandments and hereditary idolatry for which those people and jesus gave their lives to overcome by the teachings of liberation theology, self determination - the heavenly religion of antiquity.
that is you, a jew ...

who tries to blame the romans for your crime - than the 1st century events, the repudiation of judaism, their false commandments and hereditary idolatry for which those people and jesus gave their lives to overcome by the teachings of liberation theology, self determination - the heavenly religion of antiquity.
If that’s what you believe you should give thanks to the Jewish People. If it weren’t for them you wouldn’t have your “ savior “
Actually it was a relevant question. You seem like you are in conflict mode. Have a snickers. It might make you feel better.

You are an unbelievable idiot and an extremely arrogant unchristian asshole. Tell me when you had prevented with what kind of method a legal execution in the USA and I will tell you how I protected a bank robber so he was not shot down from policemen, baby boyly.

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Why are you?

I am here because a white light asked me to be so nice not to die and to be here. My nearly worst problem: I could kill now an idiot
like you and go to hell. Then it would had been better not to be "so nice".
The Jews were "chosen" to bring the Torah to mankind. That mission remains in effect; how well they are doing at it is a matter of some dispute. Keep in mind that the person we refer to as Jesus Christ was born an Orthodox Jew, lived as an Orthodox Jew, and died as an Orthodox Jew, proclaiming that he did not intend to change the Torah at all.

So one might say that Christianity has taken on the task of bringing the Torah - as enhanced by the teachings of Christ - to the rest of the world. Again, how "we" are doing is a matter for discussion.
Jesus nailed the LAW (Mosaic Covenant) to His sacrificial cross (Col. 2:14). Jesus came to "fulfill" the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17-20) in order to provide a path to salvation by grace instead of attempting to live by the letter of the Law.......the Law provides no path to avoid a sentence of death. Was the Law flawed, was God flawed? Of course not.........all of mankind engages in sin, the problem with the LAW was not God, but men. The Scriptures declare that a New Covenant would be coming to Israel, unlike the Law of Moses, a Law that the Jews continued to brake........the New Covenant would be written on the hearts of God's servant, not on stone. (Jer. 31:31-34)

The Torah.....i.e, THE LAW and the PROPHETS were not created for the entire world...........the LAW and the PROPHETS applied only to Biblical Israel (Deut. 5:2-3) There has never been a gentile bound by the Laws of Biblical Israel. Both Jew and Gentile are condemned to death as both are guilty of continued sin under the terms of the LAW. Today there is neither Jew nor Greek, Male nor Female, Slave nor Free, all are made into ONE NATION through Christ Jesus and joint heirs to the remaining promise to Abraham. (Gal. 3:28-29)

What was the purpose of the LAW? It defined sin. All of God's laws were upright and righteous (Ps. 119:137-138, 164). is not upright and righteous (Romans 3:10-12).
What then did the Law do for the rest of the world? The Law made mankind realize that each person is responsible for their own sins (Gal. 3:21-22) defined what sin is and demonstrated that mankind could never be justified by the LAW while demonstrating to mankind just how serve God determines sin is.........its wages are death (Romans 7:7-13)

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