Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

That's completely untrue. I really think you should quit while you are behind on this one. And, yeah, I think I know a little more about Judaism than you.

YEah Ok try to get Israeli citizenship with no parent being an Israeli citizen as a Christian who converted to Judaism and get back to me.
Jews are the chosen people of the god they invented way back when. Then the Christians and Muslims tried to take the same god away from them.
YEah Ok try to get Israeli citizenship with no parent being an Israeli citizen as a Christian who converted to Judaism and get back to me.
Why are you now talking about citizenship to Israel? Your claim was about conversion to Judaism. If your complaint is that the Israeli courts apply particular standards when vetting people who claim citizenship and yours didn't qualify then whine about that. You are very confused.
Let the person without sin cast the first stone.

This said Jesus to his Jews and his Jews reacted - and everyone is able to learn out of this - but not the wrong.

The reality now is: About 2000 years later is misusing a fake-Christian from the USA this words of Jesus because he likes to say "Let the person without sin cast the first Jews into the extermination camps of the Nazis". The term today for such people who say so is "anti-Semites" and/or "useful idiots of Nazis" or just simple "Nazis". The mechanism behind such criminal attitudes - while to play the same time to be a naive innocent human being - called Hannah Arendt "the banality of the evil".

I understand everyone who had been a Nazi under Hitler - because this had been about 100 years ago a totally new situation and what Hitler did do was unimaginable evil - but I do not understand at all how someone is able to be today a racist and/or Nazi. And for you it could be a good idea to ask Jews what they wrote down on what reason in this part of the bible which we call the Old Testament. And íf you do not like to continue to misunderstand Jesus then ask a Catholic clerics what to do - otherwise I had to remember you sometimes to this word of Jesus:

And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. ...

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I fear slowly will come a time where you should start to live in fear of god, US-Russian, atheistic one. And do not forget to tell your very best friend Putin to let go his soldiers home to Russia and to leave alone the Ukraine. They don't need Russian soldiers there. They have enough Ukrainian soldiers.

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I fear slowly will come a time where you should start to live in fear of god, US-Russian, atheistic one. Coluld be beter fro yuo, And do not forget to tell your very best friend Putin to let go his soldiers home to Russia and to leave alone the Ukraine. They don't ?? Russian soldiers there.

Get indoors Germy .
You know the cold is bad for your chest and brain .

BTW , There isn't much left of Nazi Ukraine to leave alone , rofl .

Your English is awful . Try harder .
Dear Uncle P speaks near perfect English .
YEah Ok try to get Israeli citizenship with no parent being an Israeli citizen as a Christian who converted to Judaism and get back to me.

Do you really think it live no Palestinian Christians and Muslims in Israel who are not also citizens of Israel? The problem are not Jews, Christians or Muslims - the problem are extremists and terrorists.

Wrong. The Jews in Germany had been Germans like all others. The Nazis made the German to [un-]funny "Aryans" - this excluded the German Jews and made them to "Semites". Because no one was able to see any difference between the German "Aryans" and the German "Semites" the Nazis had to use markers for their deadly racism. From a German point of view the holocaust indeed not had been a genocide but a fratricide.

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Get indoors Germy .
You know the cold is bad for your chest and brain .

BTW , There isn't much left of Nazi Ukraine to leave alone , rofl .

Your English is awful . Try harder .
Dear Uncle P speaks near perfect English .
Luiza - w-h-y f-o-r h-e-a-v-e-n-s s-a-k-e d-o y-o-u s-p-e-a-k a-t a-l-l t-o m-e? E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g w-h-a-t y-o-u s-a-y t-o m-e i-s a-l-w-a-y-s o-n-l-y y-o-u-r o-w-n d-e-a-t-h s-e-n-t-e-n-c-e!
Luiza - w-h-y f-o-r h-e-a-v-e-n-s s-a-k-e d-o y-o-u s-p-e-a-k a-t a-l-l t-o m-e? E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g w-h-a-t y-o-u s-a-y t-o m-e i-s a-l-w-a-y-s o-n-l-y y-o-u-r o-w-n d-e-a-t-h s-e-n-t-e-n-c-e!
Excellent idea Germy --- - your slow death .

Very happy to oblige as it is something you have worked hard to achieve .
Bangabangabang for Bangabangabang would be the last thing you heard . Apart from my manic cackling .
Excellent idea Germy --- - your slow death .


Very happy to oblige as it is something you have worked hard to achieve .
Bangabangabang for Bangabangabang would be the last thing you heard . Apart from my manic cackling .

Fascinating. ... That's the first time you offer your truth. ... What went wrong? Why do you know suddenly that you will inevitably lose?

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This said Jesus to his Jews and his Jews reacted - and everyone is able to learn out of this - but not the wrong.

The reality now is: About 2000 years later is misusing a fake-Christian from the USA this words of Jesus because he likes to say "Let the person without sin cast the first Jews into the extermination camps of the Nazis". The term today for such people who say so is "anti-Semites" and/or "useful idiots of Nazis" or just simple "Nazis". The mechanism behind such criminal attitudes - while to play the same time to be a naive innocent human being - called Hannah Arendt "the banality of the evil".

I understand everyone who had been a Nazi under Hitler - because this had been about 100 years ago a totally new situation and what Hitler did do was unimaginable evil - but I do not understand at all how someone is able to be today a racist and/or Nazi. And for you it could be a good idea to ask Jews what they wrote down on what reason in this part of the bible which we call the Old Testament. And íf you do not like to continue to misunderstand Jesus then ask a Catholic clerics what to do - otherwise I had to remember you sometimes to this word of Jesus:

And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. ...


What exactly did I misunderstand? Because I think you were the one who misunderstood because you keep throwing stones. Are you without sin?
What exactly did I misunderstand? Because I think you were the one who misunderstood because you keep throwing stones. Are you without sin?

I said to you "never again try to speak with me". Why do you continue to try to do so, arrogant asshole? What do you really try to tell me - if you try to tell me something at all?

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I said to you "never again try to speak with me". Why do you continue to try to do so, arrogant asshole? What do you really try to tell me - if you try to tell me something at all?

Is there anyone you do like here?

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