Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

You must have a movie playing in your head because none of that is true.

And I'm still waiting for you to quote the post I supposedly did all that stuff. But you can't. Because I didn't

You are no problem for me - you are only a problem for anyone who believes in you, "god". Good grief. Do you take anything serios what you say and not say, anti-Christian?
Most of the Jews hated the Roman occupation and their laws.

They were subservient.. they were ruled by Rome.

Nevertheless the Jews got the Roman citizenship in the early 3rd or 4th century. And in general is the bible not a god but only an important collection of books where is written something about god. And history existed before the books of the bible had been authorized to be authentic books and history did also not stop after the bible was componed.

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MY GOD !! They hated OCCUPATION??🇮🇱 What CHUTZPAH !! 🇮🇱 Continue in your demented bigoted state

Is that what you think? There were several groups fighting each other and the Romans... Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Herodians, Sicarri and zealots. Some sided with the Romans.
Yes, ASSHOLE, I do. Just think it’s IRONIC that the Jews were supposed to accept being “ occupied “ while everyone is condemning the Israelis for “ occupation “ Go back to your senile dementia , please 🇮🇱

Nobody said the Jews were to accept occupation except Jesus.. he taught passive resistance... shame your enemy.

Jesus often said his kingdom was not of this world.
Nobody said the Jews were to accept occupation except Jesus.. he taught passive resistance... shame your enemy.

Jesus often said his kingdom was not of this world.
That’s ONE more reason for the Jews not to believe in him; isn’t it?
one must wonder the issue being made as not one in the same ...

sure, jesus or anyone else, the jews rule the world - till they get put in their place and has nothing to do w/ the heavens but a greedy people and everyone else's cookie jar.
That’s the reason for the Hate for over 2,000 years? 2/10 of 1 percent of the people rule the world? Something else you learned in your “ church “ You were taught well.
That’s ONE more reason for the Jews not to believe in him; isn’t it?

I think Jesus wanted to save them from the war that followed and the destruction of the temple. The different groups were tearing each other to pieces. Queen Bernice was the mistress of Titus. There was no unity.
That’s the reason for the Hate for over 2,000 years? 2/10 of 1 percent of the people rule the world? Something else you learned in your “ church “ You were taught well.

that's the jewish issue they have and their false heavenly pretensions - abraham, their hereditary idolatry and the jewish congregations that worship who they have chosen to believe than those of reason - the consequence for collective retribution against them.
that's the jewish issue they have and their false heavenly pretensions - abraham, their hereditary idolatry and the jewish congregations that worship who they have chosen to believe than those of reason - the consequence for collective retribution against them.
What does the above have to do with “ The Jews rule the World?” “ False heavenly pretensions, Abraham, hereditary ideology, and the Jewish congregations they worship “ is ALL about Religion. Thank you for proving once more that your “ religion “ teaches Hate, bigotry, intolerance, pogroms, etc etc 🇮🇱✡️ Your “ father’s “ taught you well
I think Jesus wanted to save them from the war that followed and the destruction of the temple. The different groups were tearing each other to pieces. Queen Bernice was the mistress of Titus. There was no unity.
You THINK???? LOL !! Keep taking those Meds!
Take it up with Jesus.

By law, a Roman citizen or soldier could compel a subject from one of the conquered lands to carry his backpack, or load, for him for one mile, but one mile only.

As Jesus was preaching His Sermon on the Mount, I have often wondered if He inserted the reference about the second mile when He saw an object lesson unfolding before Him and His hearers. He said,

Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.
Does the "Sermon on the Mount" show up documented
in any place other than in "the gospel of Matthew"?
That’s ONE more reason for the Jews not to believe in him; isn’t it?
what does "...believe in him...." mean? The jelly bean school
terminology fascinates me. Like "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"---
?????? Simple reading of the NT-----it's "holy roman EMPIRE" propaganda---emphasis is on EMPIRE and
EMPEROR and complete compliance under totalitarian
rule. Matthew was a shill for Rome which is why the
minions of Constantine found his writings "acceptable"
Does the "Sermon on the Mount" show up documented
in any place other than in "the gospel of Matthew"?

what does "...believe in him...." mean? The jelly bean school
terminology fascinates me. Like "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"---
?????? Simple reading of the NT-----it's "holy roman EMPIRE" propaganda---emphasis is on EMPIRE and
EMPEROR and complete compliance under totalitarian
rule. Matthew was a shill for Rome which is why the
minions of Constantine found his writings "acceptable"

I haven't read Josephus, but he wrote about the Roman occupation and laws.

Different Jewish Factions in the Time of Jesus
Christian, Jewish and secular scholars agree that Judaism was a diverse religion during the lifetime of Jesus of Nazareth. By far the most influential factions were the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Smaller, but still influential, first-century Jewish factions included the Essenes, the Zealots, the Diaspora and those Jews who followed Jesus and believed he was the Messiah.

Pharisees were strict adherents to the entirety of what Christians now call the Old Testament. The Pharisees of Jesus' time concerned themselves with making a clear distinction between Jews and Gentiles (Greeks, Romans and other non-Jewish people). To do this, they sought to interpret and apply the Scriptures in ways that differentiated the Jewish people in their daily living practices, including the ways they ate, interacted with one another and bathed. Pharisees were also known for their belief in angels and in the afterlife, including the resurrection of the dead.

The Sadducees were not as numerous as the Pharisees, but they held considerable influence among the Jewish priesthood during the time of Jesus. They tended to come from the wealthier segments of Jewish society, with most of their numbers living in Jerusalem. The Sadducees believed that only the first five books of the Bible -- those written by Moses -- were authoritative. They did not believe in the resurrection or the existence of angels. Much of the Sadducee focus revolved around the orderly operation of the temple.

Most of what we know about the Essenes has been discovered from the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes were a relatively small faction -- most scholars place their total number around 4,000 -- who believed that other Jews had become apostate. They separated themselves into communities similar to monasteries. They tended to be apocalyptic (concerned with the imminent end of the world). Much of their teaching involved purification and living a holy lifestyle. Their practices included ritual cleansing, which many scholars believe to be a precursor to Christian baptism.

The Zealots were a small but influential Jewish faction at the time of Christ who believed that God would send a messiah to overthrow the Roman rule of Judea. Many scholars believe that one of Jesus' disciples - Simon Zealotes - once belonged to this group. The Zealots largely operated underground, though they are known for inciting a number of revolts against pagan rule, eventually leading to the Roman siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.

By the time of Christ, there were more Jewish people living outside of Judea than there were living in their traditional homeland. This was in large part due to Judea having been conquered and ruled by the Assyrians, Syrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans. The Jews who lived in other parts of the world were commonly known as the Diaspora or Hellenized Jews. While they were a diverse lot, they tended to be more influenced by the Greek and Roman culture around them than by the Jews living in Judea.


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