Are Poor People More Violent?

Washing DC has more spending per pupil than any other school district in the US. They also have one of the lowest graduation rates in the country. Asians do well in school because their culture values education. How do we change poor black culture from praising thuggery to valuing education? That is the true question. The answer? They must do it themselves. I wont hold my breath.

Education must be valued before it is welcomed and received. You can't give education to anyone. You must work for it. It isn't a gift!

Some kids take to learning more slowly. Clearly his peers were not helping him develop a good moral foundation. The mom is having an uphill battle to bring up a "good" kid.
Oh yes. I remember the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade as if it were yesterday. Now I know that violence, while being wrong, must still be justified due to an event that was outlawed in 1808 (I was a young lad then).

Damn, I've been to Island nations in the Pacific where few people could swim. I've been to African coastal regions where few people could swim. You're going to need to find a better excuse than that.

Do you remember when we denied blacks an education? Can you imagine that teachers are not the best source for education but parents are?

Now can you remember us whites denying hard working blacks jobs just for being black? Maybe only I saw this because I was in an extreme red state.

Education isn't a gift. You must work for it. You can't simply say, "here kid, here's your education, enjoy!" You must value education before you can receive it. Black culture doesn't value education as most other cultures do.

So you fail to recognize that we once denied education from blacks or not? This isn't actually a debate, I"m simply poking fun at you for your lack of "ironically" ecucation

Denied education!!?? In a short amount of time Blacks went from hardly any literacy to mostly literate. We can say that about no other oppressed people on earth! The true question is whats their excuse today? Oppressed and poor people denied an education come from all over the world from continents like Africa and SE Asia. They beat even the white students out at their own public schools and universities. Their parents have little to no education but they are damn sure to work their way up into opening their own businesses and ensuring their children are doing their homework. Whats the excuse for the modern day African American? There is none. Their culture doesn't promote education as most cultures do and as a result they fail miserably in life. End of story. The "it's all the evil white mans fault" excuse is getting old real quick and there are millions of real life examples that make this point clear.

Now you're going to ignore everything I said, address none of the facts, and respond in a way that makes you look like an idiot.

You are generalising and in the context of the discussion it is understandable but it is wrong. Take up rates etc do NOT show that any one target group is more or less intelligent or any other qualifier. I agree that there are those who call any black person who succeeds a "coconut" and that is a powerful disincentive for some...and it is a negative in a certain cohort...but that cohort is those who are suckered in by the argument. So there are those whose ambition it is to control the agenda of a certain demographic, and there are suckers within that demographic who accept/fall for/are convinced by it.

Any institutional barriers/ issues will stop no one who is determined to overcome those real but very surmountable impediments. Our aim must be to reduce those barriers to ZERO, and frankly most have been put in place by failed Democrat and Labour Union historic policies


no argument was made by me with respect to a disparity of intelligence. Just a disparity of cultural values. Culture is the primary reason blacks fail.
There are many forms of violence. Some is hidden in policies and manipulation. These are hard to measure against such things as fist-fights and spouse abuse.
Do you remember when we denied blacks an education? Can you imagine that teachers are not the best source for education but parents are?

Now can you remember us whites denying hard working blacks jobs just for being black? Maybe only I saw this because I was in an extreme red state.

Education isn't a gift. You must work for it. You can't simply say, "here kid, here's your education, enjoy!" You must value education before you can receive it. Black culture doesn't value education as most other cultures do.

So you fail to recognize that we once denied education from blacks or not? This isn't actually a debate, I"m simply poking fun at you for your lack of "ironically" ecucation

Denied education!!?? In a short amount of time Blacks went from hardly any literacy to mostly literate. We can say that about no other oppressed people on earth! The true question is whats their excuse today? Oppressed and poor people denied an education come from all over the world from continents like Africa and SE Asia. They beat even the white students out at their own public schools and universities. Their parents have little to no education but they are damn sure to work their way up into opening their own businesses and ensuring their children are doing their homework. Whats the excuse for the modern day African American? There is none. Their culture doesn't promote education as most cultures do and as a result they fail miserably in life. End of story. The "it's all the evil white mans fault" excuse is getting old real quick and there are millions of real life examples that make this point clear.

Now you're going to ignore everything I said, address none of the facts, and respond in a way that makes you look like an idiot.

You are generalising and in the context of the discussion it is understandable but it is wrong. Take up rates etc do NOT show that any one target group is more or less intelligent or any other qualifier. I agree that there are those who call any black person who succeeds a "coconut" and that is a powerful disincentive for some...and it is a negative in a certain cohort...but that cohort is those who are suckered in by the argument. So there are those whose ambition it is to control the agenda of a certain demographic, and there are suckers within that demographic who accept/fall for/are convinced by it.

Any institutional barriers/ issues will stop no one who is determined to overcome those real but very surmountable impediments. Our aim must be to reduce those barriers to ZERO, and frankly most have been put in place by failed Democrat and Labour Union historic policies


no argument was made by me with respect to a disparity of intelligence. Just a disparity of cultural values. Culture is the primary reason blacks fail.

Some Blacks fail and yet MANY succeed. I also talk about the negative aspects of "Black" culture but to be specific those who fail are simply failures whether they be black or white. I look at wonderful Black success stories and frankly they far outnumber the deadbeats. Yes: there is a narrow band of "culture" for want of a better word that affect a small but significant number of any community. It is under the microscope with Blacks but it exists across ALL groups. Former Democrat and Labour Union policies are responsible for the ghettos; those policies have a lagacy...and that legacy must be overcome. But it is still not Black, white, Yellow or tan; it is choices made by people who make criminal choices or otherwise.

I love this mother's response to her idiot son's involvement in the Baltimore riots:

: and this Senator's comments.

And remember: every Black, tan, yellow or "Injun" is our equal in the Great Scheme of things. It is the CRIMINALS and deadbeats who chose to lower their standards!!!

Let's think this through logically.

People are poor because they are uneducated and/or lack impulse control. These types of people generally make poor decisions. Poor decisions lead to bad outcomes. Bad outcomes lead to anger. Anger leads to violence.

I'd go with ...Yes.
No there are also many disabled Americans who are poor because they are denied the benefits they earned because of the Liberal Gubbermint goons.
Let's think this through logically.

People are poor because they are uneducated and/or lack impulse control. These types of people generally make poor decisions. Poor decisions lead to bad outcomes. Bad outcomes lead to anger. Anger leads to violence.

I'd go with ...Yes.
No there are also many disabled Americans who are poor because they are denied the benefits they earned because of the Liberal Gubbermint goons.

There is no shame in being poor, but there is shame in being a criminal.

Are Poor People More Violent?

That would depend on the day of the week, and the price of cotton...... In addition, the color orange and the number 6 would certainly have to be considered..... Personally, I believe the answer is bicycle.

COTTON, eh? There you go again! All you leftistpinkocommielibs always have to bring up the Civil War and slavery, huh? Is that the only argument you ever have? I suppose next you'll say that cottton is a bush!
Are Poor People More Violent?

That would depend on the day of the week, and the price of cotton...... In addition, the color orange and the number 6 would certainly have to be considered..... Personally, I believe the answer is bicycle.

COTTON, eh? There you go again! All you leftistpinkocommielibs always have to bring up the Civil War and slavery, huh? Is that the only argument you ever have? I suppose next you'll say that cottton is a bush!
Yep............. cotton is a big beautiful bush ......... native to Alaska ........... brought to the south by Iraqi immigrants sometime during the Flea War circa 1498 ............ also, a short time afterwards, the Chinese introduced Latex to the western states, but it soon died out due to the salty air and smog...................................... Ah, but the French brought over crayons, and all turned out well for those native to Oklahoma and north Texas........................... and did you know that cotton actually comes from a fungus discovered by the Hopi Indians of New York............. a strange world we live in .... very strange.........

...and getting stranger....
Yes ......... a lot stranger since Congress is considering a bill that would make air a U.S. possession, taxable, and distributed according to population density. In order to get a tax break, the poor would have to show that air wasn't being used to enjoy big screen TV's, buy illegal drugs, cell phones, or to take cruises................... Meanwhile, the rich are considering a point system that grades the poor according to their consumption of welfare benefits. The higher the points, the higher they're placed on the hit list.............. In other news, the president will ask Congress for $20Billion to be given to special interest groups to replace campaign donations............. a very strange world we live in .... really strange...
Are Poor People More Violent?


Not in my experience. Poor people look fowards to becomming more wealthy. Whereas wealthy people irrationally fear becomming less wealthy and thus are quicker to anger and aggressive acting out to prevent that.

Rich people seclude themselves away in gated communities, hire armed security forces to protect them, bodyguards, learn self-defense and firearms, involve themselves in politics (control and domination,) and basicly are more to blame screwing other people to get ahead and stay ahead than poor people.
Are Poor People More Violent?

That would depend on the day of the week, and the price of cotton...... In addition, the color orange and the number 6 would certainly have to be considered..... Personally, I believe the answer is bicycle.

I love random humor. I like your post because I live upstairs in my basement. Problem is we are talking serious issues that will affect millions. Perhaps you could take it seriously.
Are Poor People More Violent?


Not in my experience. Poor people look fowards to becomming more wealthy. Whereas wealthy people irrationally fear becomming less wealthy and thus are quicker to anger and aggressive acting out to prevent that.

Rich people seclude themselves away in gated communities, hire armed security forces to protect them, bodyguards, learn self-defense and firearms, involve themselves in politics (control and domination,) and basicly are more to blame screwing other people to get ahead and stay ahead than poor people.

I'm going to give you a gem because you responded with brains.

No. Poor people aren't more violent. But more violent people are poor than average wealth. It's the basic "If you have nothing to lose" theory.

Throughout history Rich people have been MUCH more violent. It's why they need those gates, guns and security. They know one day they are going to "pay for that sh*t"

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