Are Republicans starting to sound like Democrats with all the “We have Latinos right where we want them” rhetoric? Hispanic Plantation being built?

Question….when all the whites are gone and you have here what you have in ALL brown and black nations will you parasites invade Canada and force the whites there to protect you from yourselves and feed you pet humans?
No. We will be too busy dancing on the embers of your culture. 😁
You Lefty Democrats have put Father Government in charge of America’s social construct…that was you…Conservative Republicans are retaliatory and simply voting to keep you Change America folks at bay….they vote to preserve and protect America and to keep America American….something you folks hate.
Cock Asians aren't the only game in town anymore, magaturd. :itsok:
You Lefty Democrats have put Father Government in charge of America’s social construct…that was you…Conservative Republicans are retaliatory and simply voting to keep you Change America folks at bay….they vote to preserve and protect America and to keep America American….something you folks hate.

And the funniest part of this rant is you actually believe this tripe

The “culture” that holds America and the world together while ALL other cultures burn shit down and degrade further by the day?

You know what's funny? You worried about messaging talking about owning the hispanic vote while at the same time suggesting they couldn't govern themselves. You is stupid. Boy. 😂
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I didn't say I wanted to end the United States you moron, I said we were going to take it from you. And yes, illegals are helping to do that by coming here and procreating and making little brown American babies. You cuck whites are going to be a demographic minority in your own country in about 2 decades and there's little you can do at this point to stop it from happening. 😁

Also it doesn't bother me all that much that a percentage of Hispanics in America lean right because I can do math. A percentage of every demographic in America leans Right. For Black Americans that's around 8%. For Hispanics it's around 40%. Asians around 30%. The only demographic you hold a majority with is white voters and again, you're a declining population. If the only demographic that votes as a majority to the Right continues to fall and the demographics of voters who vote in a majority for Democrats continues to rise, then guess what that adds up to you dumb mother fucker. 😄

And that's before we even get to how horrible you're doing with the next generation of voters.
When you do take it you have to be as good or better. And it is not being seen at the numbers needed. The Chinese will be doing the taking. They are salivating at their inevitable rise to being top dog of the planet.
When you do take it you have to be as good or better. And it is not being seen at the numbers needed. The Chinese will be doing the taking. They are salivating at their inevitable rise to being top dog of the planet.
What are you fucking cowards not afraid of? 😄

Commies, groomers, gays, Muslims, immigrants, globalists, mules, Moscow, and China. How do you pussies even get to sleep at night?
What are you fucking cowards not afraid of? 😄

Commies, groomers, gays, Muslims, immigrants, globalists, mules, Moscow, and China. How do you pussies even get to sleep at night?
Filth is never bothered by other filth so you wouldn’t understand….Good real core Americans are “afraid” of America feeling like all the disgusting shitholes you pet humans come from.
Filth is never bothered by other filth so you wouldn’t understand….Good real core Americans are “afraid” of America feeling like all the disgusting shitholes you pet humans come from.
Gee, I wonder why I shouldn't worry about you mutants and morons winning a majority of any (current) minority vote. 😂
What do you think will happen when people from shit hole countries become the majority here?
Same shit that happens everywhere except cuck whites will be a minority, demographically, politically and socially. And not because you were physically displaced through violence but because you allowed yourselves to be, like Simps. 😄
Same shit that happens everywhere except cuck whites will be a minority, demographically, politically and socially. And not because you were physically displaced through violence but because you allowed yourselves to be, like Simps. 😄
Obviously we need to defeat your type in the next couple of elections so we can get the border wall built.
That’s such a bullshit lie. The Parties have never been further apart…particularly on social issues which most seem to vote on these days.

This is true. They went from being Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Socialist Democrats, whatever the hell that is. They've been taken over by the Communist party while the right keeps leaning more and more to constitutionalism. At this pace the divide can only increase, and the only hope for peace is we decide to divide this country into two countries instead.
Compartmentalizing the electorate based on skin color never really seemed like a good idea and most GOP’ers used to agree with that but here we are….Republicans using basically all the same rhetoric. You can’t watch Fox for more than 2 seconds before someone is telling you that they are starting to own Hispanics.
What’s next….”You ain’t brown if you don’t vote Republican.”

I've never heard anybody making such a claim or come close to it. What the Republicans are doing is pointing out that Hispanic votes cannot be bought like Democrats did with blacks. Hispanics have more American values like family, religion, personal responsibility and self reliance. Many of our members of the Border Patrol are Hispanic descent and some even first generation. They realize the value of authority, law and order, something the Democrats are focused on taking away.
Compartmentalizing the electorate based on skin color never really seemed like a good idea and most GOP’ers used to agree with that but here we are….Republicans using basically all the same rhetoric. You can’t watch Fox for more than 2 seconds before someone is telling you that they are starting to own Hispanics.
What’s next….”You ain’t brown if you don’t vote Republican.”
I hate to break this to you, Loser but the progressive wing of the Democratic Party took the Hispanic vote for granted and now they're "shocked" that hard working, family oriented and deeply religious people don't buy into their woke bullshit! Hispanics are voting Republican because the GOP's agenda fits their own!
Compartmentalizing the electorate based on skin color never really seemed like a good idea and most GOP’ers used to agree with that but here we are….Republicans using basically all the same rhetoric. You can’t watch Fox for more than 2 seconds before someone is telling you that they are starting to own Hispanics.
What’s next….”You ain’t brown if you don’t vote Republican.”

What a crock of shit. Hispanics are naturally conservative. They love God, family and working hard to get ahead. They are getting just as disgusted at the crap the commies are pulling in schools and society in general, as any other conservative. No one is claiming ownership of anyone, that's a commie thing.


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