Are The FISA Judges Corrupt?

“Since FISA was enacted in 1978, we’ve had three chief justices, and they have all been conservative Republicans,
Its funny how your trying to blame republicans for those who are supposed to be neutral becoming corrupt. It's like telling someone who hires a person they are responsible for the employee's behavior 10 years later.. Corruption happens and after the previous regimes eight years of buying political favors of the Obama Clinton flavor, nothing now surprises me.

You attack a court that is composed of justices. all of them chosen by a republican chief justice.

I attack unethical and illegal conduct which was breed in the OBAMA AND CLINTON ERA....

Grow up!
This isn't a case of the FBI spying on Trump through Page, it's Trump taking somebody into his campaign who was under FBI investigation. And then doing it again, and again and again.

Of course it was a plan to spy on the opposition campaign.. Page was COOPERATING with the FBI since 2013.. They were watching to WARN him of potential attempts to control him. That's why he was never charged with anything. Doing BUSINESS with Russia or TALKING to Russians, or TRAVELING to Russia is not illegal if it's done by the rules..

A lot of ex Intel and security higher-ups have contracts and association with ex - Russian Intel and security guys. This is not unusual at all...

When Trump chose his campaign staff, he picked people linked to russia and other foreign governments. For somebody wanting to MAGA, instead Trump picked people linked to russia, and even under FBI investigation for their ties to russia.
This isn't a case of the FBI spying on Trump through Page, it's Trump taking somebody into his campaign who was under FBI investigation. And then doing it again, and again and again.

Of course it was a plan to spy on the opposition campaign.. Page was COOPERATING with the FBI since 2013.. They were watching to WARN him of potential attempts to control him. That's why he was never charged with anything. Doing BUSINESS with Russia or TALKING to Russians, or TRAVELING to Russia is not illegal if it's done by the rules..

A lot of ex Intel and security higher-ups have contracts and association with ex - Russian Intel and security guys. This is not unusual at all...

When Trump chose his campaign staff, he picked people linked to russia and other foreign governments. For somebody wanting to MAGA, instead Trump picked people linked to russia, and even under FBI investigation for their ties to russia.

You're so deluded. The fucking campaign MGR for Hillary -- and his Podesta Group ACCEPTED SBerBank as a client DURING THE CAMPAIGN. SberBank literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS. Which includes a bunch of equities and properties controlled by the Kremlin and nasty ass Russian mafia and oligarchs.

Podesta Group also competed with MANAFORT for consulting jobs to Russian back Ukrainian interests when they were up to their eyeballs in the confrontation in the Ukraine.

You're woefully factually retarded from relying on Dem talking points and CNN..

Tell me how you function daily not realizing that is "picking people linked to Russia"..
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You're woefully factually retarded from relying on Dem talking points and CNN..

Tell me how you function daily not realizing that is "picking people linked to Russia"..

Trump surrounded himself with people linked to Russia. People under FBI investigation.

When you lay with dogs....
Page warrants ended in 2015 without charges or evidence to continue and two attempts later to regain it in 2016 failed before the dossier was used to regain it. Epic fail!

It was the Papadapoulos information that triggered the FISA warrant.

Not according to the FISA court.. The Senate Judiciary committee has shown that lie for what it is.

That is incorrect. Nunes's memo stated as much.

The memo undercuts another aspect of the narrative that some Republicans have pushed — that the Steele dossier was the sole foundation of the FBI's Trump campaign-Russia probe.

But the memo says that was not the case.

Instead, it says, overtures by Russian operatives to a junior campaign adviser are what sparked the FBI's counterintelligence investigation.

George Papadopoulos — who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those contacts — "triggered" the opening of the investigation, the memo says.

Nunes Memo: What's In It And What's Not
Simple question
Simple discussion

We know The FBI and DOJ knowingly filed False Affidavits and hid Exculpatory Evidence, knowing that The Dossier was Russian and Clinton Campaign Sourced and Financed.

The FBI & DOJ also knowingly tried to deceive The FISA Judge by concealing the circular reporting they used to falsely give the Fake Dossier The Appearance of Corroboration.

There can only be two things here that are true then.

1.) The FISA Judge is incompetent, was deceived and is negligent in his duty to cite those responsible with crimes against The FISA Court.

2.) The FISA Judge is Corrupt and was an active participant in The Russian Hoax and FISA Abuse!

Yes the entire US government is now corrupt because Little Lying Donald needs them to be.

Braindead is one thing, this is willful retardation.
Yes the entire US government is now corrupt because Little Lying Donald needs them to be.

Braindead is one thing, this is willful retardation.

Every FISA judge who has ever sat on the FISA court, was appointed by a republican USSC chief justice (currently John Roberts), with every one since 2013 having been appointed by Roberts.

This conspiracy goes back to George W. Bush ;)
Simple question
Simple discussion

We know The FBI and DOJ knowingly filed False Affidavits and hid Exculpatory Evidence, knowing that The Dossier was Russian and Clinton Campaign Sourced and Financed.

The FBI & DOJ also knowingly tried to deceive The FISA Judge by concealing the circular reporting they used to falsely give the Fake Dossier The Appearance of Corroboration.

There can only be two things here that are true then.

1.) The FISA Judge is incompetent, was deceived and is negligent in his duty to cite those responsible with crimes against The FISA Court.

2.) The FISA Judge is Corrupt and was an active participant in The Russian Hoax and FISA Abuse!

Certainly is looking like it. Were I one of those judges, and found out that I had been lied to, I would have those boys standing in front of my bench in cuffs.
I seriously hope they burn that bitch at the Stake on live TV!

This isn't a case of the FBI spying on Trump through Page, it's Trump taking somebody into his campaign who was under FBI investigation. And then doing it again, and again and again.

Of course it was a plan to spy on the opposition campaign.. Page was COOPERATING with the FBI since 2013.. They were watching to WARN him of potential attempts to control him. That's why he was never charged with anything. Doing BUSINESS with Russia or TALKING to Russians, or TRAVELING to Russia is not illegal if it's done by the rules..

A lot of ex Intel and security higher-ups have contracts and association with ex - Russian Intel and security guys. This is not unusual at all...

When Trump chose his campaign staff, he picked people linked to russia and other foreign governments. For somebody wanting to MAGA, instead Trump picked people linked to russia, and even under FBI investigation for their ties to russia.

You're so deluded. The fucking campaign MGR for Hillary -- and his Podesta Group ACCEPTED SBerBank as a client DURING THE CAMPAIGN. SberBank literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS. Which includes a bunch of equities and properties controlled by the Kremlin and nasty ass Russian mafia and oligarchs.

Podesta Group also competed with MANAFORT for consulting jobs to Russian back Ukrainian interests when they were up to their eyeballs in the confrontation in the Ukraine.

You're woefully factually retarded from relying on Dem talking points and CNN..

Tell me how you function daily not realizing that is "picking people linked to Russia"..
Page warrants ended in 2015 without charges or evidence to continue and two attempts later to regain it in 2016 failed before the dossier was used to regain it. Epic fail!

It was the Papadapoulos information that triggered the FISA warrant.

Not according to the FISA court.. The Senate Judiciary committee has shown that lie for what it is.

That is incorrect. Nunes's memo stated as much.

The memo undercuts another aspect of the narrative that some Republicans have pushed — that the Steele dossier was the sole foundation of the FBI's Trump campaign-Russia probe.

But the memo says that was not the case.

Instead, it says, overtures by Russian operatives to a junior campaign adviser are what sparked the FBI's counterintelligence investigation.

George Papadopoulos — who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those contacts — "triggered" the opening of the investigation, the memo says.

Nunes Memo: What's In It And What's Not

So then, you are saying hearsay evidence can be used for a FISA warrant Seawytch? Never knew that, you sure!

So, let me get this straight-----------> Mr Paopo-poopypants triggered this whole thing by insisting that the Russians had dirt on Hillary? So then, there has to be a FISA warrant out on the aperatchiks of the Clintons going across Europe, talking to Russians about dirt on Trump? Is that your story, and your sticking to it?

And, there must be a FISA warrant out against Fusion GPS and Hillary, since they paid Russians for the information that was included in the dossier!

Well blow us down! I can't wait to see how they got warrants on them-)
Page warrants ended in 2015 without charges or evidence to continue and two attempts later to regain it in 2016 failed before the dossier was used to regain it. Epic fail!

It was the Papadapoulos information that triggered the FISA warrant.

Not according to the FISA court.. The Senate Judiciary committee has shown that lie for what it is.

That is incorrect. Nunes's memo stated as much.

The memo undercuts another aspect of the narrative that some Republicans have pushed — that the Steele dossier was the sole foundation of the FBI's Trump campaign-Russia probe.

But the memo says that was not the case.

Instead, it says, overtures by Russian operatives to a junior campaign adviser are what sparked the FBI's counterintelligence investigation.

George Papadopoulos — who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those contacts — "triggered" the opening of the investigation, the memo says.

Nunes Memo: What's In It And What's Not

So then, you are saying hearsay evidence can be used for a FISA warrant Seawytch? Never knew that, you sure!

So, let me get this straight-----------> Mr Paopo-poopypants triggered this whole thing by insisting that the Russians had dirt on Hillary? So then, there has to be a FISA warrant out on the aperatchiks of the Clintons going across Europe, talking to Russians about dirt on Trump? Is that your story, and your sticking to it?

And, there must be a FISA warrant out against Fusion GPS and Hillary, since they paid Russians for the information that was included in the dossier!

Well blow us down! I can't wait to see how they got warrants on them-)

You see, while TOT has raised an interesting question about corruption/non corruption in the FISA court, that is NOT the real question!

The REAL question is------->was the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA corrupt-) From the firings, resignations, and demotions, you would have to logically think the answer is more than likely, YES!
Yes the entire US government is now corrupt because Little Lying Donald needs them to be.

Braindead is one thing, this is willful retardation.

Every FISA judge who has ever sat on the FISA court, was appointed by a republican USSC chief justice (currently John Roberts), with every one since 2013 having been appointed by Roberts.

This conspiracy goes back to George W. Bush ;)

Maybe, but GW is hardly what one would consider a conservative and that goes double for Roberts.
Page warrants ended in 2015 without charges or evidence to continue and two attempts later to regain it in 2016 failed before the dossier was used to regain it. Epic fail!

It was the Papadapoulos information that triggered the FISA warrant.

Not according to the FISA court.. The Senate Judiciary committee has shown that lie for what it is.

The Schiff memo, which Trump won't release, proves you wrong.

It was written so it could't be released. It's called Stalling for time.
Should the FISA judge be expected to know when the DOJ fails to produce all relevant information to the court? Anybody know what the law says about a situation where a FISA request deliberately left out relevant data or failed to specify the sources and the vetting for that information? Which may or may not be the case here, I would rather see the documents provided to the court before deciding who lied, omitted, or misrepresented anything.

It is mostly on the lawyer, but if Obama appointed the Judge, one could reasonably expect a co-conspiracy. They will be taking the same orders from the same Marxist.
Obama didn't appoint any judges to the FISC. They were all appointed by Chief Justice Roberts.
The Safe assumption is that if they were appointed by Obama, they are as corrupt as Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Loretta Lunch, Susan Rice, James Clapper, John Brennan, Valerie Jarrett, and Hillary Clinton.
Page warrants ended in 2015 without charges or evidence to continue and two attempts later to regain it in 2016 failed before the dossier was used to regain it. Epic fail!

It was the Papadapoulos information that triggered the FISA warrant.

Not according to the FISA court.. The Senate Judiciary committee has shown that lie for what it is.

The Schiff memo, which Trump won't release, proves you wrong.

that is false. carter page was under surveillance because he was being groomed by Russian spies as an asset.
the GOP congress just renewed the laws pertaining to FISA. if there was a problem, which there isn't, why would they do that.

hint: no problem... lying loony trumptards.
Poor SiIly Jilly

You really should stop watchin CNN fake news..
Obama didn't appoint any judges to the FISC. They were all appointed by Chief Justice Roberts.

United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review - Wikipedia

The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISCR) is aU.S. federal court whose sole purpose is to review denials of applications for electronic surveillance warrants (called FISA warrants) by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (or FISC).

The judges of the Court of Review are district or appellate federal judges, appointed by the Chief Justice of the United States for seven-year terms.

John Glover Roberts Jr. (born January 27, 1955) is the 17th and current Chief Justice of the United States on the Supreme Court of the United States. He took his seat on September 29, 2005

By 2013 every judge on the FISCR was appointed by Roberts.
And he can fire them as well..

did congress just renew the laws pertaining to FISA warrants or not, loony toon?

the answer mis yes, hack.

but please keep listening to Breitbart it's what keeps you stupid.
Page warrants ended in 2015 without charges or evidence to continue and two attempts later to regain it in 2016 failed before the dossier was used to regain it. Epic fail!

It was the Papadapoulos information that triggered the FISA warrant.

Not according to the FISA court.. The Senate Judiciary committee has shown that lie for what it is.

The Schiff memo, which Trump won't release, proves you wrong.

It was written so it could't be released. It's called Stalling for time.

is that what the idiot voices in your head are telling you?

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