Are we heading to a civil war

Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

If we are, faggots like you will die @ a ratio of 5:1 for the other side. ;)

Or moar.
We will see cowboy- you are an embarrassment to all cowboys and John Wayne

How many pistols are in your pocket? :rolleyes:
I prefer weaponized drones.
i don't. that is just, right wing fake news, like usual.
Your use of commas has me confused.

By stating, "that is just, right wing..." are you saying that "interpreting" the constitution to mean something that it doesn't mean is just or justified?
the right wing is easily confused. i understand our federal Constitution better than the whole and entire, right wing; that is all.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
The ole' Civil War gambit again, eh?

So Bode are you stocked up with the Pots and Pans for you and your friends? What about Bullhorns? Have you got enough of them do you think?
Yeah, doubt it. There could be some sporadic violence here and there, but nothing organized or large scale.
Yeah, but if it escalates, faggots like OP are done. No insult intended to decent American homosexuals.
I suspect the only way it would escalate into something significant would be if the government literally was confiscating guns.

It could escalate from CEOs like Peter Cook (Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon Web Servers), and others in places of power who hate Trump refusing to do business with the federal government. The wheels of Trump's admin could literally be shut down.
Are we heading to a civil war.
You must be very young and/or not very well educated.

Your propagandists work very hard to make you shit your pants every day. You should be asking yourself why it is so important to them that you always be afraid.

Haven't you noticed all the fucking doom music they play while inducing you to shit your pants?

Wake up, rube. You're being played.
No, but the left is becoming increasingly violent.

dimocrap scum have ALwaYS been violent.

Check out their history. After the Civil War, they started the KKK to keep them darkies in line. Actually, that's not entirely correct. The KKK was started to fight, and murder, Republicans. It wasn't until the 1880's that they started murdering more Blacks than white Republicans. FACT.

That wen ton for DECADES. Moving into the 20th Century, their communist fellow travelers were very violent during Union Strikes.

In the 1960's they discovered they could organize College kids and teach them to be violent.

Then they convinced Black People to become violent.

Then there was the riots after any and everything they didn't like came to pass. Anything. Even if it was phony like the Tawana Brawley scam.

Then there was Occupy, Anitfa......

dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS had a violent arm of their party.

But they're nothing to worry about. A half dozen well-trained Boy Scouts could take them out.

They're only effective against soft targets. The unarmed or when they have you outnumbered 20 to 1

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's just that simple

Yep, the party of slavery and segregation. A history of violence .

My grandma stopped 3 klansmen (Democrats) from lynching her daddy with a butcher knife.

If you think I won't fight, and am skilled, and motivated to preserve America for future generations, you're a dumbass.

When did that happen? If you're past the age of 60 and it was your grandma, then your ancient history doesn't apply to 2018.
However, 600,000 people did die in the last civil war. Are you ready to be one of them, Keyboard Kowboy?
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

If we are, faggots like you will die @ a ratio of 5:1 for the other side. ;)

Or moar.
We will see cowboy- you are an embarrassment to all cowboys and John Wayne

How many pistols are in your pocket? :rolleyes:
I prefer weaponized drones.

One of our Organisations that now since February has been operating in America can provide as many Drones as our Friends want, we even can provide a Napalm Dropping Drone or any type of Modified Drone fitted to exact specification etc.
Are we heading to a civil war.
You must be very young and/or not very well educated.

Your propagandists work very hard to make you shit your pants every day. You should be asking yourself why it is so important to them that you always be afraid.

Haven't you noticed all the fucking doom music they play while inducing you to shit your pants?

Wake up, rube. You're being played.

Happy music plays during a Kavanaugh for Kourt commercial.
No, but the left is becoming increasingly violent.

dimocrap scum have ALwaYS been violent.

Check out their history. After the Civil War, they started the KKK to keep them darkies in line. Actually, that's not entirely correct. The KKK was started to fight, and murder, Republicans. It wasn't until the 1880's that they started murdering more Blacks than white Republicans. FACT.

That wen ton for DECADES. Moving into the 20th Century, their communist fellow travelers were very violent during Union Strikes.

In the 1960's they discovered they could organize College kids and teach them to be violent.

Then they convinced Black People to become violent.

Then there was the riots after any and everything they didn't like came to pass. Anything. Even if it was phony like the Tawana Brawley scam.

Then there was Occupy, Anitfa......

dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS had a violent arm of their party.

But they're nothing to worry about. A half dozen well-trained Boy Scouts could take them out.

They're only effective against soft targets. The unarmed or when they have you outnumbered 20 to 1

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's just that simple

Yep, the party of slavery and segregation. A history of violence .

My grandma stopped 3 klansmen (Democrats) from lynching her daddy with a butcher knife.

If you think I won't fight, and am skilled, and motivated to preserve America for future generations, you're a dumbass.
Your grandma stopped some right wing Christian terrorists from lynching her father?

Good for her!
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

If we are, faggots like you will die @ a ratio of 5:1 for the other side. ;)

Or moar.
We will see cowboy- you are an embarrassment to all cowboys and John Wayne

How many pistols are in your pocket? :rolleyes:
I prefer weaponized drones.

One of our Organisations that now since February has been operating in America can provide as many Drones as our Friends want, we even can provide a Napalm Dropping Drone or any type of Modified Drone fitted to exact specification etc.

LOL! Another Keyboard Kowgirl.
So what would civil war look like.....random left-wing Weather Underground attacks on police and government institutions ?

Additional political assassination attempts in broad day light like the baseball practice by the left ?
[cue doom music]

"Fox News...BOO!"

Commence pants shitting!


We'll be right back after this message.

"You're old! Join AARP!"

"Cha-cha-cha-CHIA! Get your Trump CHIA now!"

And we're back.

(cue rat-a-tat martial music)







No, but the left is becoming increasingly violent.

dimocrap scum have ALwaYS been violent.

Check out their history. After the Civil War, they started the KKK to keep them darkies in line. Actually, that's not entirely correct. The KKK was started to fight, and murder, Republicans. It wasn't until the 1880's that they started murdering more Blacks than white Republicans. FACT.

That wen ton for DECADES. Moving into the 20th Century, their communist fellow travelers were very violent during Union Strikes.

In the 1960's they discovered they could organize College kids and teach them to be violent.

Then they convinced Black People to become violent.

Then there was the riots after any and everything they didn't like came to pass. Anything. Even if it was phony like the Tawana Brawley scam.

Then there was Occupy, Anitfa......

dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS had a violent arm of their party.

But they're nothing to worry about. A half dozen well-trained Boy Scouts could take them out.

They're only effective against soft targets. The unarmed or when they have you outnumbered 20 to 1

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's just that simple

Yep, the party of slavery and segregation. A history of violence .
As Donald Trump says, there are good people on both sides.
Far more who support slavery and segregation voted for Trump than any other candidate, regardless of political party.
Trump is the candidate of white supremacists. They endorsed him.
If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

This is it in a nutshell. The Left refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

Maybe I am a lot older, or just have a better memory, but this type of partisan political fighting is always going on. Sure, it may seem different, but in reality it isn’t. Besides, civil wars are typically started by the people not in power, so are you suggesting the Libs want a civil war? I don’t think so.
If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

This is it in a nutshell. The Left refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election.

LOL! TRUMP refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election.
Why do you think he constantly says "no collusion!"
Because his fragile, thin-skinned, my-inauguration-was-bigger-than-Obama's ego can't handle the thought that an outside foreign entity actually helped him win!
He wants to believe it was just him and him alone.
And has to lie and say 3,000,000 illegal aliens voted for Hillary and that's how she won the popular vote.
He's OBSESSED with it, in case you haven't noticed.
Or maybe you MISSED the Helsinki performance?
No, but the left is becoming increasingly violent.

dimocrap scum have ALwaYS been violent.

Check out their history. After the Civil War, they started the KKK to keep them darkies in line. Actually, that's not entirely correct. The KKK was started to fight, and murder, Republicans. It wasn't until the 1880's that they started murdering more Blacks than white Republicans. FACT.

That wen ton for DECADES. Moving into the 20th Century, their communist fellow travelers were very violent during Union Strikes.

In the 1960's they discovered they could organize College kids and teach them to be violent.

Then they convinced Black People to become violent.

Then there was the riots after any and everything they didn't like came to pass. Anything. Even if it was phony like the Tawana Brawley scam.

Then there was Occupy, Anitfa......

dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS had a violent arm of their party.

But they're nothing to worry about. A half dozen well-trained Boy Scouts could take them out.

They're only effective against soft targets. The unarmed or when they have you outnumbered 20 to 1

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's just that simple

Yep, the party of slavery and segregation. A history of violence .
As Donald Trump says, there are good people on both sides.
Far more who support slavery and segregation voted for Trump than any other candidate, regardless of political party.
Trump is the candidate of white supremacists. They endorsed him.

I'm not doubting the ignorance on both sides but recently the left has become radicalized.

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