Are we still a British colony?

Basically it's against common sense and every system of justice to rule a country simply because you were born to it. Almost all monarchies were thrown out by the late 1800's but England persisted. The royal family is nothing but a parasitic infection on the British people.
The Royal Family is harmless and an important symbol for the British people. To be fair, even though we fought the British, we have inherited much from them, the language, system of justice, literature, culture, music, etc.
I mean I have nothing against the Queen, in fact I have a lot of respect for her as a person, how she truly stayed away from politics and taking sides, didn't stick her nose into things she was supposed to, or make inflammatory or confrontational statements, all of which helped serve as a uniting force for her nation for so many decades.

But last I checked we fought her ancestors and defeated them. And she wasn't a Ghandi or Mother Teresa either, both of which didn't get half the attention she's gotten so far. So then why are we being exposed to non stop media coverage about her passing and her life etc. as if one of our leaders has passed away? It's mystifying. I would understand if you're a UK citizen or a resident, or the US was officially part of the Commonwealth but it's not.

Translation: you're just pissed because Trump wasn't invited.
Translation: you're just pissed because Trump wasn't invited.
I’m not concerned and don’t really care, plus that story is yet another Leftist fabrication. Only CURRENT world leaders are invited. The unfortunate thing is anything coming from Leftist scum can’t be trusted.
I mean I have nothing against the Queen, in fact I have a lot of respect for her as a person, how she truly stayed away from politics and taking sides, didn't stick her nose into things she was supposed to, or make inflammatory or confrontational statements, all of which helped serve as a uniting force for her nation for so many decades.

But last I checked we fought her ancestors and defeated them. And she wasn't a Ghandi or Mother Teresa either, both of which didn't get half the attention she's gotten so far. So then why are we being exposed to non stop media coverage about her passing and her life etc. as if one of our leaders has passed away? It's mystifying. I would understand if you're a UK citizen or a resident, or the US was officially part of the Commonwealth but it's not.

The treaty of Paris, in which Great Britain recognized the Independence of the American colonies, specified that all property confiscated by the colonials during the Revolutionary war had to be returned to the British. All States except for 2 complied (I believe Delaware was one of those 2).

That means from the get-go the U.S.A. has been pretty much owned by the British.

After WWII there has been a concerted effort by European Conservatives to control the American political system - especially the Republican party.

By convincing Americans to forget the founding principals (like being anti-monarchist), and convincing them that America was a "Capitalist" country above all else, the European banks have succeeded in taking just about full ownership of the U.S.A.

So while the Brits don't directly rule over us, they certainly do own our butts - which means that we're supposed to kiss the Royal Family's butts.
I mean I have nothing against the Queen, in fact I have a lot of respect for her as a person, how she truly stayed away from politics and taking sides, didn't stick her nose into things she was supposed to, or make inflammatory or confrontational statements, all of which helped serve as a uniting force for her nation for so many decades.

But last I checked we fought her ancestors and defeated them. And she wasn't a Ghandi or Mother Teresa either, both of which didn't get half the attention she's gotten so far. So then why are we being exposed to non stop media coverage about her passing and her life etc. as if one of our leaders has passed away? It's mystifying. I would understand if you're a UK citizen or a resident, or the US was officially part of the Commonwealth but it's not.
Unfortunately no; you are NOT, but that can be remedied by coming back into the Commonwealth. Then you might also begin to love Cricket and Rugby like all other Civilised people.

And no; you do NOT need to be a Constitutional Monarchy to do so. You would be welcomed with open arms (if not cheque books) to your rightful place by India, Pakistan, Oz and many others in Africa, The Caribbean and around the world. .

Mr Biden; return to the fold!!!!!

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The treaty of Paris, in which Great Britain recognized the Independence of the American colonies, specified that all property confiscated by the colonials during the Revolutionary war had to be returned to the British. All States except for 2 complied (I believe Delaware was one of those 2).

That means from the get-go the U.S.A. has been pretty much owned by the British.

After WWII there has been a concerted effort by European Conservatives to control the American political system - especially the Republican party.

By convincing Americans to forget the founding principals (like being anti-monarchist), and convincing them that America was a "Capitalist" country above all else, the European banks have succeeded in taking just about full ownership of the U.S.A.

So while the Brits don't directly rule over us, they certainly do own our butts - which means that we're supposed to kiss the Royal Family's butts. nonsense but when you do kiss the Royal Family's butts do it with a smile!!!

My in laws are from England. Every year on 4th of July I still ask them where one can view fireworks in England.

Wrong date.

5th November.

Obviously she is, but the Left is using her death as an opportunity to make Biden look like a leader, which so far he has not been able to, in fact quite the opposite.

Actually, Biden is looking kind of good right now.

The tide of the war in the Ukraine is turning on Putin,
gas prices are coming down
Sweeping legislation has been passed.
My in laws are from England. Every year on 4th of July I still ask them where one can view fireworks in England.

Seriously though. The Queen led an amazing life. She inspired many. I like all the coverage. Understanding how she got there at age 27 with her uncle abdicating thereby making her father King is an interesting story to say the least.
The Queen had a life of guaranteed luxury merely because she was born to it. That's not the natural order of things. She inspired nobody except royal fans.
And I thought you couldn’t get any dumber. She’s a historical figure. She‘s been the monarch longer than anyone else in British history and longer than most of us have been alive. That makes your post tone deaf, at best.
She died a trillionaire who gave measly amounts of money to charity.
The whole family is one big blood sucker.
The Royals are supported by the hard working Brit taxpayers. They earn no money on their own so any donations to selected charities by the Royal family are actually paid by Brit taxpayers.
Meanwhile the current administration sent their emissaries out in the media, and instead of expressing sorrow over 9-11, they compared Al Queda terrorists to anybody who votes for or supports GOP or Trump. They are truly despicable creatures.
If the shoe fits....
Correct, but it takes two to tango. Democrats are out to destroy the US and make it subservient to our enemies, and as we can see, there is nothing they will not do to achieve that.
Are they selling out to da Joos whom Greene thinks are evil and in control of a space laser making the forest fires?

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