Are Whites Ashamed...

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

What about your black leaders in Africa? Seems to me that Africa is STILL a shithole continent. You guys have had an awful long time to make it better. So, why don't you?
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

What about your black leaders in Africa? Seems to me that Africa is STILL a shithole continent. You guys have had an awful long time to make it better. So, why don't you?

“So, why don't you?”
Whitey holds them back from a continent away.
For crying out loud, First Nations had slaves. First slaves in America under the Brits were white. Slavery was the norm world wide.

No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

What about your black leaders in Africa? Seems to me that Africa is STILL a shithole continent. You guys have had an awful long time to make it better. So, why don't you?

“So, why don't you?”
Whitey holds them back from a continent away.

To hear this knucklehead tell it, the reason why Africa is so backward is because some white dude 250 years ago, told all the blacks to stop developing and turn into morons, and they all did. This asshat needs to go to Kenya, or Botswana to meet some real black folk, people who are competent, and capable. They would destroy this idiot for insulting their intelligence.
For crying out loud, First Nations had slaves. First slaves in America under the Brits were white. Slavery was the norm world wide.

No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

You need to read some more history. The fact is the Irish were treated far worse than the majority of the black slaves ever were. The overwhelming majority were not indentured servants (a form of slavery) but were free, thus the industrialists felt free to abuse them. The slaves were property. They had value. No one could just go up to a black slave and kill them without major repercussions. The same can not be said of the Chinese, nor the Irish who were used up in the factories, or shot down like dogs for amusement. Both groups fought back and established themselves as productive members of society and business people.

Why haven't you?
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

What about your black leaders in Africa? Seems to me that Africa is STILL a shithole continent. You guys have had an awful long time to make it better. So, why don't you?

Seems like he's talking about America. Because whatever shitholes exist on the continent were created because of white interference. They have had 50 years. When America was 50 years out of colonization it was still way behind everyone else. And still today there are plenty of shithole regions here. And they are populated by whites. Stay on topic. After all, you have those 2 blue words under your name so follow the rules.
No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

You need to read some more history. The fact is the Irish were treated far worse than the majority of the black slaves ever were. The overwhelming majority were not indentured servants (a form of slavery) but were free, thus the industrialists felt free to abuse them. The slaves were property. They had value. No one could just go up to a black slave and kill them without major repercussions. The same can not be said of the Chinese, nor the Irish who were used up in the factories, or shot down like dogs for amusement. Both groups fought back and established themselves as productive members of society and business people.

Why haven't you?
IM2 and Asc are both trolls. They do this on purpose....just to get people to respond.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

What about your black leaders in Africa? Seems to me that Africa is STILL a shithole continent. You guys have had an awful long time to make it better. So, why don't you?

Seems like he's talking about America. Because whatever shitholes exist on the continent were created because of white interference. They have had 50 years. When America was 50 years out of colonization it was still way behind everyone else. And still today there are plenty of shithole regions here. And they are populated by whites. Stay on topic. After all, you have those 2 blue words under your name so follow the rules.

White dudes built this....


And black dudes built this. Do you see the difference?


Is it because you lack imagination?
For crying out loud, First Nations had slaves. First slaves in America under the Brits were white. Slavery was the norm world wide.

No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

I believe in history and historical documentation. Cromwell's dispatch clearly states that his Irish prisoners were shipped to the colonies against their will.

Yes there were indentured servants as well, but that was a whole different ballgame. And I would never justify slavery no matter the person doing the selling or the buying. Thankfully most of the planet came to their senses a couple of centuries back and abolished slavery.

To this day I have one hell of a time trying to wrap my brain around anyone believing they had the right to actually own another human being and still consider themselves a Christian.

And when you look at the individuals involved in the marketing and the trading that took place at the time it's mind boggling. You had all these top notch New England shipping families making their fortunes by transporting the slaves to Americas from Africa in huge ships with unbearable conditions.

No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

You need to read some more history. The fact is the Irish were treated far worse than the majority of the black slaves ever were. The overwhelming majority were not indentured servants (a form of slavery) but were free, thus the industrialists felt free to abuse them. The slaves were property. They had value. No one could just go up to a black slave and kill them without major repercussions. The same can not be said of the Chinese, nor the Irish who were used up in the factories, or shot down like dogs for amusement. Both groups fought back and established themselves as productive members of society and business people.

Why haven't you?

I've read history. I suggest you do . The fact is the Irish were not tread as you claim. Everything you say is a lie and your last question shows a tremendous ignorance of both history and reality. Because we can create 1,000 threads at least showing answrs to that question and all you will do is deny its true. You have to lie to yourself and that's a pathetic way to live.

Another dumb white lyng to themselves about history.
No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

I believe in history and historical documentation. Cromwell's dispatch clearly states that his Irish prisoners were shipped to the colonies against their will.

Yes there were indentured servants as well, but that was a whole different ballgame. And I would never justify slavery no matter the person doing the selling or the buying. Thankfully most of the planet came to their senses a couple of centuries back and abolished slavery.

To this day I have one hell of a time trying to wrap my brain around anyone believing they had the right to actually own another human being and still consider themselves a Christian.

And when you look at the individuals involved in the marketing and the trading that took place at the time it's mind boggling. You had all these top notch New England shipping families making their fortunes by transporting the slaves to Americas from Africa in huge ships with unbearable conditions.


Some did it for money, the majority though felt that the blacks were just a little bit above an animal so gave what they were doing to those poor people little, to no thought at all. They wrapped themselves in their religious mantle that said because they were doing it, it was justified because otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. It was a twisted way of looking at the world. The Dutch were even worse about it.
Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

You need to read some more history. The fact is the Irish were treated far worse than the majority of the black slaves ever were. The overwhelming majority were not indentured servants (a form of slavery) but were free, thus the industrialists felt free to abuse them. The slaves were property. They had value. No one could just go up to a black slave and kill them without major repercussions. The same can not be said of the Chinese, nor the Irish who were used up in the factories, or shot down like dogs for amusement. Both groups fought back and established themselves as productive members of society and business people.

Why haven't you?

I've read history. I suggest you do . The fact is the Irish were not tread as you claim. Everything you say is a lie and your last question shows a tremendous ignorance of both history and reality. Because we can create 1,000 threads at least showing answrs to that question and all you will do is deny its true. You have to lie to yourself and that's a pathetic way to live.

Another dumb white lyng to themselves about history.

Actually, they were. But if you acknowledge that very well documented fact, it blows your entire BS narrative out of the water.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

What about your black leaders in Africa? Seems to me that Africa is STILL a shithole continent. You guys have had an awful long time to make it better. So, why don't you?

Seems like he's talking about America. Because whatever shitholes exist on the continent were created because of white interference. They have had 50 years. When America was 50 years out of colonization it was still way behind everyone else. And still today there are plenty of shithole regions here. And they are populated by whites. Stay on topic. After all, you have those 2 blue words under your name so follow the rules.

White dudes built this....


And black dudes built this. Do you see the difference?


Is it because you lack imagination?


When you know what happened there, all you can do is laugh at whites posting up pictures trying to talk shit.
No, that isn't true.

Slavery was the norm sadly. And yes First Nations had slaves. And yes until the Atlantic slave trade kicked in, the first slaves in what would actually be the new English colonies were Brits and Irish.

Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

I believe in history and historical documentation. Cromwell's dispatch clearly states that his Irish prisoners were shipped to the colonies against their will.

Yes there were indentured servants as well, but that was a whole different ballgame. And I would never justify slavery no matter the person doing the selling or the buying. Thankfully most of the planet came to their senses a couple of centuries back and abolished slavery.

To this day I have one hell of a time trying to wrap my brain around anyone believing they had the right to actually own another human being and still consider themselves a Christian.

And when you look at the individuals involved in the marketing and the trading that took place at the time it's mind boggling. You had all these top notch New England shipping families making their fortunes by transporting the slaves to Americas from Africa in huge ships with unbearable conditions.


History and documentation show that Irish were not slaves. Period. No one is saying the Irish were treated well. No one denies what Cromwell did, but the fact is they were not ever slaves and definitely not in America. In America the Irish decided they were white and took part in the system of racism that benefited whites. So all this braying about Irish being slaves is a bunch of bullshit that you whites keep trying to use in order to clam that blacks are not making it because somehow we lack, when the truth is blacks have been punished more for fighting back against white racism than any other race. You might include the NA, but they have receive reparations annually for what was done to them. The fight is not going to end until you whites stop doing shit like this gaslighting you try here and start facing the truth and admitting it.
Whites were not slaves. The Irish were never slaves.

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

“The Irish slave myth is not supported by the historical evidence. Thousands of Irish were sent to colonies like Barbados against their will, never to return. Upon their arrival, however, they were socially and legally distinct from the enslaved Africans with whom they often labored. While not denying the vast hardships endured by indentured servants, it is necessary to recognize the differences between forms of labor in order to understand the depths of the inhumane system of chattel slavery that endured in the region for several centuries, as well as the legacies of race-based slavery in our own times.”

How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online

Briefly stated, what are the historical claims behind the “Irish slaves” meme?

It broadly claims that indentured servitude and penal servitude can be equated with racialized perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. It proclaims that an “Irish Slave Trade” was initiated in 1612 and not abolished until 1839, and that this concurrent transatlantic slave trade of “white slaves” has been covered up by “liberal," “cultural Marxist” or “politically correct” historians.

The various memes make many claims including (but not limited to) the following; that “Irish slaves” were treated far worse than black slaves; that there were more “Irish slaves” than black slaves; that “Irish slaves” were worth less than black slaves, that enslaved Irish women were forced to breed with enslaved African men, and that the Irish were slaves for much longer than black slaves.

This is then invariably followed up by overtly racist statements, e.g. “yet, when is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?” The “Irish slaves” meme is a subset of the “white slavery” contemporary discourse which emphasizes class over race and is fueled by a potent cocktail of bad history, false equivalence, conspiracy theories, and reductionist fallacies.

No, the Irish Were Not Slaves Too

Call it "fake history." Whenever people on social media start talking slavery, reparations, and race, some Internet troll will jump up and demand, "What about the Irish?" Over the past few years, the myth of Irish slavery has found fertile ground in Internet memes as a way to derail any conversation about historical complicity for white folks in the slave trade or the need for affirmative action today. If the Irish escaped from slavery to general inclusion and prosperity, the false and racist argument goes, then African Americans can do likewise. Fortunately, whenever this claim starts to get traction, a librarian from Limerick steps forward to debunk it.

What you say did not happen.

Article is total bullshit. Most Irish were sent to the West Indies but also to North America's colonies.

I don't give a flying rats ass at the number of articles out there who try to claim this is a myth. It's part of history and it's ugly. Cromwell was a monster. So was King James I.

For the life of me I don't understand anyone trying to justify anyone being sold as a slave. Skin color shouldn't matter.

Don't even try it! These men may have been monsters, the Irish were tread badly, but the Irish were not slaves. They were indentured servants. This information is from Irish historians. So apply your standard to every white person here trying to justify slavery by the claim of Africans selling each other. Because that didn't happen the way you whites want to describe it either. And the only reason you tried this argument was because A mentioned that whites were so ashamed of being white they had to enslave blacks to give themselves a head start.

You need to read some more history. The fact is the Irish were treated far worse than the majority of the black slaves ever were. The overwhelming majority were not indentured servants (a form of slavery) but were free, thus the industrialists felt free to abuse them. The slaves were property. They had value. No one could just go up to a black slave and kill them without major repercussions. The same can not be said of the Chinese, nor the Irish who were used up in the factories, or shot down like dogs for amusement. Both groups fought back and established themselves as productive members of society and business people.

Why haven't you?

I've read history. I suggest you do . The fact is the Irish were not tread as you claim. Everything you say is a lie and your last question shows a tremendous ignorance of both history and reality. Because we can create 1,000 threads at least showing answrs to that question and all you will do is deny its true. You have to lie to yourself and that's a pathetic way to live.

Another dumb white lyng to themselves about history.

Actually, they were. But if you acknowledge that very well documented fact, it blows your entire BS narrative out of the water.

When Irish historians in Ireland say they weren't and have the documentation to prove it, you don't have shit to say.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

The philosophical rather than historical rebuttal for you:

No. I am not ashamed. Two equalizing forces exist in life: birth and death. Birth provides all men and women with an equal starting point at the Human Race irrespective of what follows your first breath. Death removes everything from all men and women, equally, regardless of what they have gathered for themselves while alive. The same primacy holds true on a racial level, albeit through euphemism and metaphor, versus irrefutable biological human life cycle. That your genetically homogenous people existed at all is the level playing field. The beginning of their being guaranteed potential for equal chance to reach the same civilizational achievements as any other people.

Between life and death lies only one thing: the only true currency a living sentient mortal being ever has. That currency is Time. The spending of one's time in life cannot be defined any other way, or its misspending blamed on anything other than: Personal Responsibility. Whether an individual takes responsibility for his own actions or blames them on a God or other people, he cannot separate himself from fault for the consequences of his actions while spending the time allotted him in life.

When applied to equality between racial groups, the test of personal responsibility stands immovably. Racial group self-responsibility means that whatever advances, achievements, failures, or historical calamities a race accomplishes or does not accomplish, blame lies squarely with that race and no other when facing the consequences of their historical, societal, civilizational and geographic actions. That's all there is for your argument; all there will ever be.

What a bitter dose of reality to swallow.

The solution to your perceived historical grudge is very simple. Organize your race, force its engineers to design superior technology, and then colonize the white world by imperialism. Enslave all white men and retard their science, art and religion for the next 500 years, and then slowly withdraw and leave them in continental squalor, while your now superior race makes aeonic leaps and bounds in technology on the other side of the Earth--most of them for comfort and pleasure--while whites labor to manufacture them for scraps.

Otherwise, continue to dissolve in the stew of your racial self pity until death finally makes us all "equal" again in your pontificated understanding of the word. After all, consequence for how you spend your time lies squarely on your shoulders.
"You whites..."
Really, categorical classifications like that are the problem. One should be ashamed to speak thus.
So the counter question that must be asked is this:

What is the endgame you seek in perpetual outcry over historical oppression? Can we agree that if birth--or even the concession of adulthood--is the equal starting point in life, should it be legal or even morally justifiable, to take from a fellow man a part of what he has earned in his life, because what he has earned is greater than what you have earned? Should the wealthier man be held accountable for the lesser wealth of the poor man? Where does self responsibility end, and blaming of others for personal shortcomings begin? And what about being happy with what you have, or trying to improve it, rather than seeking vengeance on those with more by removing their perceived advantage?
The people who try and compare the experiences of African-descended people in the Americas and the experiences of the Irish in America are full of shit. They are entirely different. The experience of being held as a slave with no rights, and then subjected to all sorts of discriminatory, and many times fatal, laws is much different from the experience of Irish people treated like trash because of the religious feud between Protestants and Roman Catholics, which has been ongoing since the Reformation.

The important thing is to look back and acknowledge how various groups of Americans have been treated over the course of our history. One cannot resolve "Never Again!" without first acknowledging honestly what has gone on so far involving just about every demographic group in our country. Some things to contemplate
  • The burning of the black communities in Rosewood, Florida, and Tulsa, Okla., with casualties, include
  • The Perry, Florida, race riot, in which one African-American was burned at the stake
  • The lynching of Leo Frank, basically because he was Jewish
  • The "no Irish and no dogs" treatment of the Irish people, including being herded into the slums of NYC and worked six days a week for shit wages (got some ancestors involved in this)
  • The historical and current treatment of female Americans, who were denied the liberty to vote for many years, while the politicians were yapping about "liberty" and "freedom," and were subjected to laws that stripped them of their rights to liberty and property for so many years, with laws allowing their husbands to control all of their property and treat them anyway that they pleased, including beating them and raping them
  • The historical treatment, spilling over to this day, of Native Americans.
  • The historical and current treatment of LGBTs
  • The current treatment of Muslims in America
There is so much more that a person could go on forever.

People who are evil want us to fight among ourselves for their gain.

But the bottom line is simple: face the reality of history, do not allow anyone to deny it, and resolve NEVER AGAIN to all of it, regardless of whatever demographic group you are in.
The people who try and compare the experiences of African-descended people in the Americas and the experiences of the Irish in America are full of shit. They are entirely different. The experience of being held as a slave with no rights, and then subjected to all sorts of discriminatory, and many times fatal, laws is much different from the experience of Irish people treated like trash because of the religious feud between Protestants and Roman Catholics, which has been ongoing since the Reformation.

The important thing is to look back and acknowledge how various groups of Americans have been treated over the course of our history. One cannot resolve "Never Again!" without first acknowledging honestly what has gone on so far involving just about every demographic group in our country. Some things to contemplate
  • The burning of the black communities in Rosewood, Florida, and Tulsa, Okla., with casualties, include
  • The Perry, Florida, race riot, in which one African-American was burned at the stake
  • The lynching of Leo Frank, basically because he was Jewish
  • The "no Irish and no dogs" treatment of the Irish people, including being herded into the slums of NYC and worked six days a week for shit wages (got some ancestors involved in this)
  • The historical and current treatment of female Americans, who were denied the liberty to vote for many years, while the politicians were yapping about "liberty" and "freedom," and were subjected to laws that stripped them of their rights to liberty and property for so many years, with laws allowing their husbands to control all of their property and treat them anyway that they pleased, including beating them and raping them
  • The historical treatment, spilling over to this day, of Native Americans.
  • The historical and current treatment of LGBTs
  • The current treatment of Muslims in America
There is so much more that a person could go on forever.

People who are evil want us to fight among ourselves for their gain.

But the bottom line is simple: face the reality of history, do not allow anyone to deny it, and resolve NEVER AGAIN to all of it, regardless of whatever demographic group you are in.

Yet the income levels, and educational levels are all over the place on the chart in the groups you're listing.

So, then there must be something more than prejudices causing the Black condition in America.

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